PPGEEB – Dissertações de Mestrado

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    Práticas ambientais : um diálogo entre saberes
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-04-22) Forrechi, Cinthia Ronconi; Costa, Eliane Gonçalves da; Rocha, Sandra Mara Santana; Leite, Sidnei Quezada Meireles; Cristofoleti, Rita de Cássia
    This research has as object of study the project 'Mãos que Fazem', developed in the school “EMEF Pedra Torta”, located in the Águia Branca County/city, Espírito Santo, Brazil. The project aims to promote the autonomy and the emancipation of the individuals through the accomplishment of workshops of craftsmanship, cooking and management of the vegetable garden, with the students of the Fundamental Teaching, which involve popular and environmental knowledge. The objective of this research is to dialogue with the development of this project investigating the environmental practices from a transformative perspective and from the totality of the formation of the individual. The research analyzed the relationship of the project with regard to the construction of socio-environmental education of students, considering that the activities developed go beyond the school space. The methodology used was a qualitative research, which consisted in the research of the official documents that regulate Environmental Education; observation of the development of the activities applied in the project 'Mãos que Fazem', analysis of pedagogical, curricular and environmental aspects. The main elements of Project Pedagogy were analyzed and it was verified to what extent the ‘Mãos que Fazem’ project dialogues with the premises of this methodology. The results point to a project developed that is not totally intertwined with the assumptions of the Project Pedagogy, however that presents favorable results in the socio-environmental construction and the autonomy of the learner, comprising a new look on the environmental praxis of education and the integral formation of the learner, under the assumptions of curricular, folk and pedagogical knowledge.
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    Teoria da relatividade restrita : uma sequência didática para o ensino médio abordando os conceitos de aberração da luz, contração espacial de Lorentz, efeitos Doppler, Terrel e Penrose
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-04-25) Souza, Daniel Santos de; Loyola, Gustavo Viali; Alvarenga, Flávio Gimenes; Pereira, Marcia Regina Santana; Fracalossi, Raphael
    This research had as objective to develop and analyze alternatives of approach of the Theory of Restricted Relativity as a content worked in the 1st year of High School, through interventions and constructive practices, focusing on the virtual visualization of some relativistic effects. It was motivated by the lack of didactic tools that enable subjects to acquire mastery and systematization of knowledge about the Theory of Restricted Relativity, especially the effects of Aberration of Light (Searchlight), Lorentz Spatial Contraction, Relativistic Doppler and Penrose-Terrell Rotation. Methodologically, it consisted in the application of a didactic sequence, during eight classes, using multimodal instruments (slides, animations, illustrations, photos, images and texts), that served as guides for the promotion of dialogues and consequent understanding of the theoretical aspects and visuals of the Theory of Restricted Relativity. The work was focused on the qualitative understanding of relativistic effects, emphasizing the display of images and videos through glasses of Virtual Reality, which were configured as a didactic resource to understand the effects. Simulators of virtual experiments, animations and GIFs were also used to illustrate situations related to daily life. It concluded, from the observation and analysis of the records of the classes, that the instruments used, especially the glasses of Virtual Reality, collaborated as motivators for the transmission of the concepts inherent in the Theory of Restricted Relativity, contributing to the reduction of distraction and promoting greater interaction among students, stimulating them to become protagonists. It also pointed out that teacher mediation, through the introduction of initial inquiries at the moments of discussion, was decisive so that the students did not remain mere spectators.
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    A ação da pedagogia da alternância no ensino de educação ambiental
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-04-17) Barbosa, Eliane Soares Santos; Sánchez, Damián Sánchez; Rocha, Sandra Mara Santana; Ferreira, Simone Raquel B.; Cristofoleti, Rita de Cássia
    The Field Education movement, since its inception, has a commitment to the struggle for the emancipation of men and women. We understand that Field Education and Environmental Education, because they aim to emancipate the challenges of contemporary society, tend to contribute to the formation of the critical awareness of these subjects. Thus, in order to cooperate with the proposal of a critical and emancipatory education, this work investigated how the rural school constructs its environmental educational practice using the Alternance Pedagogy as teaching method. Next, we carry out documentary analysis with emphasis on the School's Political Pedagogical Project, Training Plans, Teaching Plans, Didactic Sequences and Pedagogical tools used in the Pedagogy of alternation such as: the notebook of reality, the accompanying notebook and research reality from the generating themes, in order to clarify how the school works on issues related to Environmental Education. The third stage of the research analyses the practice experienced by the students of the 9th year of elementary education in all educational moments. For the data collection observations were made during the development of theoretical and practical tasks in school and Community Time. In addition, interviews with teachers, students and parents/community representatives served as a source of data collection. The results show that the Três de Maio school, Peter Canary (Spirit Saint, Brazil) uses different strategies to work on the environmental dimension, since the environmental themes are present in the documentary records and are experienced by the students. The Alternation Pedagogy is a method that, in addition to establishing constant dialogue and promoting the rapprochement between the students and the field, strengthens the teaching of EE through the proposed topics deepened over the quarters.
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    Café com matemática : representações de professores do 4° e 5° anos do ensino fundamental num processo de formação continuada sobre conteúdos e metodologias
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-05-21) Oliveira, Alice Venturini; Fassarella, Lúcio Souza; Cesana, Andressa; Siqueira Filho, Moysés Gonçalves
    An ethnographic case study of a qualitative nature that aims at a continuing education for 4th and 5th grade teachers, called "Coffee with Mathematics". It seeks to answer the guiding question: What representations of 4th and 5th grade teachers of Elementary Education emerge from a process of continuous formation in Mathematics? Its main objective is to describe and analyze the representations that emerged from teachers working in the municipality of Jaguaré-ES, when immersed in a process of continuous formation in Mathematics. It has specific objectives a) to indicate the adversities of the pedagogical practice evidenced by the teachers of the 4th and 5th year who need to work with Mathematics; b) to verify the didacticmethodological potential of Mathematics teaching in Elementary School; c) discuss and reflect with the participants on the four blocks of Mathematics contents that are part of the 4th and 5th years of Elementary School curriculum: numbers and operations, magnitudes and measures, information processing and Geometry. Its theoretical foundations are the assumptions of Cultural History, the concepts of representation, practice and appropriation of Roger Chartier, as well as the strategies and tactics of Michel de Certeau. Establishes a dialogue on school culture according to Dominique Julia. It uses for data collection a questionnaire, applied at the beginning of the training, and participant observation, with record in logbook during all the meetings of the course. It concludes that teachers teach the way they learned in childhood and school adolescence; about continuing education, use ready-made models of activities to apply in the classroom; on evaluation, assign scores to students' output, but present doubts when performing this task; about the profession, understand the teacher as transmitter of knowledge. Teachers are not fully aware of their autonomy and seek to attend school curricula and external tests, but the training process allows for reflection on the practice and possibility of change.
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    Trilhas do brincar : jogos, brinquedos e brincadeiras no cotidiano da infância no campo
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-03-08) Bueloni, Helemare do Amaral Motta; Locatelli, Andrea Brandão; Morila, Ailton Pereira; Sanchez, Damian Sanchez
    Intending to codify games, toys and children´s play produced by children who live in Countryside Educational Comunities of Barra Nova, in the city of São Mateus, North of Espírito Santo State. Aiming to bethink about the constitution of these ludic cultural manifestations that took place in several enviroments of interaction as well as to make available these practices in an institutional website to collaborate with the visibility and the affirmation of local culture. The metodology was built along the process and as the research manifest itslef with the ethnographic orientation and supported by Michel de Certeau´s every day learnings (2014), in the reflexions about games, chidren´s play and toys and in Gilles Brougère´s ludic culture concept (2002; 2010) and also in Walter Benjamin‟s perpectives about child, toy and Education (2009). It gathers, as the reserach goes, the games and children´s play exercised by groups and it shows how the relations happen among these elements and the influence of the local culture on them. Through the steps taken, we witnessed the children´s “know how to do” who used other elements at will such as imagination, toys and every day objects used for their relatives as they throw themselves in the adventure of playing. Finding in the reserach elements of every day culture inserted in thoses games and plays the agreements, the tensions, joys and discoveries the took place in a constant and dynamic way in order to let the childhood be present in the streets. Realizing influences and references about the ways of creating the local practices that rely on elements of external life practices and on the country people´s work. Through the creation of a website, it perspectives the growth of a belonging feeling in the children and adults who integrate the Countryside Educational Comunities as well as the visibility of local practices.