Impacto do reuso de água no balanço hídrico de uma edificação corporativa de grande porte em Vitória - ES

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Sobreira, Romena Galvani
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The water scarcity in Brazil has intensified with population growth concentrated in urban centers that require an increasing amount of water that is not often used efficiently because of the lack of planning. Within the context of sustainable development, the use of water resources represents a challenge for Brazilian society and involves various aspects related to social and economic conditions. One way to prevent water scarcity is through the application of an integrated management, encouraging the rational use of water resources and promoting the development of sustainable systems. The use of alternative sources is an ecologically correct and within the principles of sustainable development option to meet water demands less noble. The buildings has a variety of activities in which less noble water can be used, accounting for much of the demand for residential and commercial buildings, such as irrigation of green areas, cleaning garage floors and cars, discharge toilets makeup water in cooling towers and washing clothes. This study aims to study the effects of water conservation stemming from a wastewater reuse system deployed on a large corporate building, from the evaluation of the consumption of drinking water, wastewater production and non-potable water. In addition, we also evaluated the operation and maintenance costs of one building reuse system that treats sewage in order to conduct a study of the economic viability of the system. The results indicate that the reuse of water consumption represents a small portion of water consumption in the building studied, about 6% of total consumption. It was also found that the use of reclaimed water for non-potable purposes resulted in a return coefficient of 0.50 and a per capita consumption rate of drinking water of 112.9 l / These results are not satisfactory because of the low volume of recycled water produced by ETE + R, which generated a negative cash flow indicating financial infeasibility of the system, since this during the study period ran low on their ability to operation. Thus it was considered three scenarios to assess the viability of the system operating at 50%, 75% and 100% capacity. The analysis of the three scenarios indicated a NPV> 0, the IRR higher than minimum rate of attractiveness and Payback less than four years in the three scenarios. Thus it was concluded that the building reuse system represents a viable alternative to promote sustainable water use, contributing to improving the quality of the environment and generating further economic benefits to users.
Water Conservation , Reuse , Water Consumption , Financial viability , Conservação de água , Reúso , Consumo de água , Viabilidade financeira