Derrubando mitos : relações de parentesco evolutivo dos Craniatas no ensino médio

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Mendes, Tatiana Matos Miranda
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Biology is the science responsible for the study of life. It is common for students to identify with and appreciate the subject. However, the teaching of zoology, taught in high school, is fragmented, where biological groups are worked on separately, focusing on memorizing the characteristics of each one. This work was due to the need to combine the teaching of biology with phylogenetic systematics, thereby recognizing the evolutionary relationships between the species of the subphylum Craniata. The participating students belonged to two 3rd grade classes at a state school in Espírito Santo. As a result, three chapters were produced, where the first dealt with the creation of a Didactic Guide (GD), which guided the application of the Investigative Didactic Sequence. The second chapter was responsible for validating the GD and the third chapter was the application of a game entitled “Which Craniata Am I?”. The activities developed placed the student as the protagonist of their learning process, granting autonomy in solving the problems raised in the Guide. This provided significant learning, where students' prior knowledge served as a trigger for the acquisition of new concepts