Resistência à antracnose em frutos de goiabeira e relação com atributos físico-químicos da fruta.

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Pena, Abigail Taisi Coelho
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The objective of this work was to evaluate guava genotypes for resistance to anthracnose in postharvest fruits; to determine the firmness (N) and coloration of the fruits in order to make inference about the stage of maturation and the relation with anthracnose; and to perform analyzes of pectin, protein, flavonoids, total sugars, reducing sugars, lipids and crude fiber to determine the relationship between these attributes and anthracnose. It was used the genotypes Cortibel I, II, III, IV, VI, VII, IX, X, XI, XIII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, Paluma, Pedro Sato, Século XXI, Roxa and Sassaoka to evaluate resistance to anthracnose. The fruits were harvest in the experimental orchard, formed by plants from vegetative propagation, with four years of age, located in the Community of Palmeiras, in the Municipality of Mimoso do Sul - ES. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with four replicates. The growth of lesions (centimeters) was evaluated every two days for ten days. The classification of genotypes for anthracnose resistance was performed by incidence (%) and severity (%). The data were submitted to analysis of variance and the values compared by Dunnett's means clustering test. The incidence of anthracnose was 100%, the disease was severe for four genotypes and very severe for eighteen genotypes. For the evaluation of the firmness and the color of the fruit peel, thirty-three fruits of the genotypes Cortibel I, II, VI, VII, IX, XI, XIII, XIV, XVII, Roxa and Pedro Sato were used, being three measurements per fruit. Evaluations occurred on the day of fruit harvested and after ten days of storage at 25 ° C. The firmness measurement and the evaluation of the color of the fruit peel were carried out. The data collected were submitted to analysis of variance and mean test. There was an intense reduction of the firmness of the fruits and the genotypes influenced the different results. The fruits were collected in maturation stages II, with the coloration of the lightgreen bark and III, with the color of the yellow-green bark; there was loss of the green coloration of the bark and it was concluded that the color index can be used to determine the maturation stage of the genotypes under study. In the analysis of chemical attributes, the genotypes Cortibel II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, IX, X, XI, XIII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, Pedro Sato and Roxa were used. The data of chemical attribute and firmness contents were used in dispersion diagrams with AUDPC. The dispersion diagrams between the physical-chemical attributes and the AUDPC resulted in no relationship between the variables. The values obtained were very low, positive for the relationship between severity and total sugars, reducing sugars, crude fiber and fruit firmness, and negatives between pectin, protein, flavonoid and lipid contents and severity
Psidium guajava , Colletotrichum sp , Genetic improvement , Post-harvest , Melhoramento genético