Crítica à concepção hegemônica de "erradicação da pobreza" : um estudo sobre a estratégia de naturalização e gestão da barbárie no Espírito Santo

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Mascarenhas, Raquel Mota
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Based on bibliographical and documental research, as well as content analysis approach, this study aims at analyzing the goal of ―eradicating poverty until 2025‖, which is part of the Espírito Santo 2025 Development Plan. We understand this goal as a part of the ―sustainable development‖ model created by the bourgeoisie of Espírito Santo, organized in the Espírito Santo in Action Business Movement, integrated with the state government and Petrobras, without the participation of workers in that creation. The main conclusions are as follows. The goal referred to above was built on the ideo-political and theoretical field of the ―internationalization of the attack on poverty‖ and by transposing to the state territory the hegemonic discourse of eradicating such a social condition, which is seen, ultimately, as caused by the very individuals, not as a direct consequence of the capitalist mode of production. Besides, the poor are considered, in the making of that goal, in two ways: sometimes, they are identified through the ―paradigm of lack‖; sometimes, they are seen as ―agents‖ that are free to build their own future. As a consequence of this duality, two kinds of proposals are presented in order to ―eradicate poverty‖: one, centered on income transfer to those living in extreme poverty; the other, based on granting (micro)credit to the not extremely poor people, so that they can become ―entrepreneurs‖. The goal analyzed aims at contributing to promote the ―social peace‖ by controlling the poor and suppressing their latent uprising in face of their degraded life condition in the state of Espírito Santo, which shows that its role is naturalizing and managing the barbarism marking the capitalist contemporaneity.
poverty , poor people , "poverty eradication" , barbarism , capitalist contemporaneity , "erradicação da pobreza" , barbárie , contemporaneidade capitalista