Entre a ilegalidade e a luta institucional: a atuação do PCB no Espírito Santo no contexto da abertura política (1978-1985)

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Baptista, Leonardo
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The research analyzes the activity of the Brazilian Communist Party (PCB) in Espírito Santo state in the political opening of the military dictatorship context, specifically between the years 1978 and 1985. During this period, there was the maintenance of a controlled liberalization of the regime. Though the legal changes, that indicated the country's democratization, the political and institutional context was still formed by restrictions and constraints authoritarian that guarantee the control of the political process by Federal Executive guided by the military, and imposed limits on the opposition sectors. At the same time, preserved spaces for political party activities where different actors and organizations have developed political careers. The PCB followed that way. Although maintained their illegal status by the authoritarian state, the party defending democratic principles and tactics of a democratic struggle, assuming a posture of peaceful, moderate, legal and institutional opposition. In this way focused on the formation of a democratic front against the dictatorial regime mainly through elections. Considering the above, the study assumes that this organization maintained similar characteristics that guide their actions, mainly from the 1940s and 1950s. Based on these assumptions and considering aspects of local political reality, the study researched how the PCB, in the illegality condition used the institutional spaces to achieve their objectives in Espírito Santo. More precisely, tried to identify the factors that allowed their members insert in the regional political disputes from its approach with some social movements special and purpose entities especially with the Brazilian Democratic Movement (MDB) and the Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement (PMDB). Therefore, we analyzed the party official documents and was used the methodological procedures of Oral History in which we analyzed interviews and the memory of PCB militants. Thus, we see the influence of multiple vectors derived from the relationship that the party established from 1978, that allowed its members approached the power of spaces of Espírito Santo political life
Military dictatorship , Opening policy , Political parties , Ditadura militar , PCB
BAPTISTA, Leonardo. Entre a ilegalidade e a luta institucional: a atuação do PCB no Espírito Santo no contexto da abertura política (1978-1985). 2016. 347 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em História) - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Centro de Ciências Humanas e Naturais, Vitória, 2016.