Invenções biotecnológicas no Brasil : proteção de sequências biológicas por reivindicações de gênero em patentes

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Zorzal, Poliana Belisário
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
To protect the novel genes, proteins and their uses developed by molecular biology researches, the stakeholders have sought patent protection, however, this expedient is useless if a competitor can bypass the patent easily. Currently patent requirements, as sufficient disclosure, decrease the degree of its protection and extend the litigation risk, as it is not uncommon that only the literal genetic sequence is protected in claims approved by many patent offices around the world. Genus claims have been used seeking broader protection to biological sequences, but with a high degree of heterogeneity and protection uncertainty for the set of sequences associated with these claims categories. Clearly, achieving an effective patent protection for proteins and genetic sequences is a real challenge, considering the unpredictability of biology sciences and the current patent law in each country. In this scenario, the United States and India patent office approach to biotechnology is more flexible than the Brazilian about the description and enablement requirements, focused on knowledge and not structure, allowing some additional functional language. Although many law cases have been judged around the world in this issue, the resolutions are controversial and the guidelines lack practical and applicable rules. Accordingly, it is important to optimize the legal protection and, if possible, a uniformity in the rules between the countries for gene-based inventions supporting the development of a patent system that can provide satisfactory protection for the results of investments in biotechnology researches and development.
Biological sequences , Nucleotide sequences , Amino acid sequences , Patent requirements , Sufficiency of disclosure , Support , Written description , Enablement , Clarity , Definiteness , Genus claims , Similarity score , Sequências biológicas , Sequências de nucleotídeos , Sequências de aminoácidos , Condições do pedido de patente , Suficiência descritiva , Fundamentação , Reivindicações de gênero , Score de similaridade