Avaliação experimental, teórica e numérica em vigas de madeira lamelada colada de eucalipto

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Mastela, Leonor da Cunha
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The objective of this study was to carry out an analytical, experimental and numerical evaluation of the structural behavior of glulam beams produced from the wood of a clone of Eucalyptus urophylla × Eucalyptus grandis when subjected to static loads. or the manufacture of the beams, the physical, chemical and mechanical characterization of the wood was carried out.. Twelve beams were produced with six lamellae glued with melamine-urea-formaldehyde (MUF), resorcinol-formaldehyde (RF) and polyurethane (PUR) adhesives, four beams per adhesive. After the production of the beams, the characterization of the mechanical properties was carried out through nondestructive and destructive tests in order to evaluate the experimental behavior of the beams. Finally, the glulam beams were tested in four-point bending. A numerical model was developed in the SAP 2000 software, using the finite element method to simulate the mechanical performance of the beams, for later comparison with the experimental data. The transformed section method was employed for the theoretical evaluation of strength and stiffness of glulam beams. The results showed that the studied species associated with MUF, RF and PUR adhesives has potential for application as a structural element in glulam. The analysis of the compressive and tensile stresses obtained by bending tests allowed us to state that the determined theoretical and numerical stresses presented results close to the experimental, validating the adopted hypotheses and the numerical modeling. It was concluded that numerical modeling based on the finite element method provided satisfactory results that allow simulating the experimental test and are in line with the theoretical model.
Simulações numéricas , Método dos elementos finitos , Flexão estática , Ensaios não destrutivos , Tensões normais