Modelagem termodinâmica da secagem de lodo com aproveitamento da energia térmica de baixa temperatura dos sopradores de ar de estação de tratamento de esgoto sanitário do tipo lodo ativado

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Peterli, Zudivan
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The sludge mechanical dryers are devices that allowdry and sanitize high biological sludge rates and produce biosolid sludge with considerable added value, but they are linked to high consumption of energy. Given this condition, and the fact that energy is the second higher spending for basic sanitation companies and the same has been becoming one of the major challenges for humanity to achieve sustainability. This study has in its objectives the development of a Thermodynamic Model of a sludge drying (TMSD) to evaluate energy viability of drying the sludge produced in station Sewage Treatment (SST) of Activated Sludge type from the use the thermal energy present in the air in the blower aeration system of its own studied station, and contribute to the conceptual development of the theory of thermal drying and cleaning sludge at low temperatures. The conditionswere modeled to produce 9,657 kg.d-1 of sludge with an average grade of Total Solids (TS) of 17.7% and 3 blowers in operation in 2014, while the project status predicted production of 28,904 kg.d -1 wet sludge with 25% TS and 4 blowers in operation. The results showed that it is possible: to dry to 90% of TS at 80°C throughout Sludge production of 2014 or 59% of the project output; dry up 90% of TS at 60°C the 78% of the project sludge production and; Dry up to 90% of TS and 40°C throughout the project sludge production. The TMSD showed consistently developed to assess the biological sludge drying from the thermal energy use of low temperature, highlighting the use of a heat regenerator to perform the preheating sludgethat enters the system from the thermal energy present in air output, reaching average earnings of 27.89°C, while the heat exchanger conducting the final heating of the air showed average gains of 56.95°C, reaching final average values of 97.76°C. For the humidity, the increase mass transfer capacity based on the reference air varied from 13,010% to 13,325% at the entrance and 302% to 1,049% in the reactor output.
Sludge drying , Drying at low temperatures , Thermodynamic model , Activated Sludge , Air blowers , Lodo residual - Secagem , Secagem por congelação , Termodinâmica - Modelos , Secagem de Lodo , Secagem em baixas temperaturas , Modelo termodinâmico , Lodo Ativado , Sopradores de Ar
PETERLI, Zudivan. Modelagem termodinâmica da secagem de lodo com aproveitamento da energia térmica de baixa temperatura dos sopradores de ar de estação de tratamento de esgoto sanitário do tipo lodo ativado. 2015. 210 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Engenharia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Vitória, 2015.