Deficiência visual e acessibilidade: um estudo fotoetnográfico na Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

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Alcantara, Felipe Fernandes
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The theme of accessibility for people with physical disabilities has been addressed in the Brazilian legislation since 2002, at different levels, with the proposal of the Statute of the Person with Disabilities. This proposal arose from the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which took place in Brazil in 2008, thus constituting the Brazilian Law on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities (LBI) 13,146 of July 6, 2015, which became effective in January 02, 2016. NBR 9,050 of 2004, of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) was the legal instrument in which the accessibility standards were established in built environments and in public roads, in order to ensure that all people could to move and move easily in a space, using the elements contained therein with independence and safety, aiming at minimizing or making null the occurrence of accidents and also the need to ask for help to perform tasks. The Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) has triple responsibility for compliance with the legal instruments that regulate accessibility: firstly because it is a human being, secondly because of the obligation to comply with the legislation and, thirdly, because it is a where there should be greater understanding and support for people with physical, mental and social constraints. UFES has made efforts with regard to pedagogical support and inclusion of the visually impaired and others, with restrictions. But the campus presents a different situation, because few are the places, in their open spaces, that present conditions of accessibility to the visually impaired. This, by itself, justifies the research done. Evidence shows, therefore, a delay in compliance with accessibility legislation. In order to verify this fact, and to point out the main conditions of movement and access to the physical facilities of people with visual impairment in UFES, a qualitative and descriptive research was carried out using photoetnography as the guiding method of the field. The data to compose the theoretical and methodological parts were done by survey, in databases and libraries. The development of the field, in turn, was done using observation and photoetnography, traversing two routes on campus: one that began at the bus stop at Av. Fernando Ferrari, near the University Theater, going to the parking lot of the Technological Center and another, which left the Center for Legal and Economic Sciences to the same bus stop. The analysis of the photographs was qualitative interpretive, based on NBR 9.050 / 2004, revised in 2015. In a complementary way, videos were recorded on the internet, with testimonials from people with visual impairment, to support the analysis performed. In the end, it can be seen that, in no part of these routes, was the compliance with the legislation that governed the subject. This research was carried out in the area of action of the masters that focuses on Organizational Innovation and Implementation of Public Policies. The technical product to be delivered to the institution is a report that presents the places in which elements to facilitate the transit of persons with disabilities should be placed in the two routes mentioned, showing the problem, its severity and a proposal of care to NBR 9,050 / 2015.
Accessibility in UFES. , Social inclusion. , Citizenship. , People with visual impairment. , Equality conditions. , Public administration. , Acessibilidade na UFES. , Inclusão social. , Pessoas com deficiência visual. , Condições de igualdade. , Gestão pública.
ALCANTARA, Felipe Fernandes. Deficiência visual e acessibilidade: um estudo fotoetnográfico na Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. 2018. 137 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Gestão Pública) - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Centro de Ciências Jurídicas e Econômicas, Vitória, 2018.