Atividades matemáticas investigativas e os desdobramentos de algumas etapas : um estudo de caso exploratório-descritivo realizado com uma professora atuante nos anos finais do ensino fundamental

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Almeida Junior, Carlos Alberto Afonso de
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
It presents a study of a exploratory-descriptive case. It describes the attitudes and postures of a mathematics teacher while applying four mathematical investigative activities in two of her classes, in a municipal school located in São Mateus-ES. It identifies the potentialities, both positives and negatives, of mathematical communication and/or group work promoted from the given tasks, divided into four steps: planning, exploring, socialization and evaluation. It aims to answer the research problem: Which didactic-pedagogical practices can be identified in a mathematics teacher when working with investigative activities in the classroom?. It adopts as theoretical references the works of Ponte, Brocardo and Oliveira (2013); Ponte et al (1998a); Sancristán (2000). It emphasizes the problem of time administration, as consequence of external factors from the classroom. It concludes that, in spite of considering the mathematical investigation important to new content's treatment, the teacher indicated that it is not possible to always implement it, because it requires too many time to select and prepare the activities, and also it needs the help of others professionals for now, since she does not feel prepared to elaborate and/or plan the tasks.
Mathematical investigation , Investigative activities , Mathematics teaching , Investigação matemática , Atividades investigativas , Ensino de matemática , Educação , Prática pedagógica , Matemática - Estudo e ensino
ALMEIDA JUNIOR, Carlos Alberto Afonso de. Atividades matemáticas investigativas e os desdobramentos de algumas etapas: um estudo de caso exploratório-descritivo realizado com uma professora atuante nos anos finais do ensino fundamental. 2016. 104 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino na Educação Básica, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, São Mateus, 2016.