O planejamento da educação de jovens e adultos no Brasil : entre a complexidade das novas formas de regulação no limiar século XXI

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Cypriano, Alessandra Martins Constantino
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
We are witnessing in Brazil, since the 1990s, the unfolding of new regulatory frameworks with profound implications for the design of educational policies. Under this scenario, this research analyzes the practice of educational planning and regulation modes operated under and by this instrument, which include forms of participation of different social actors in the action plan for education in the late twentieth and early twenty-first century. Evidence, more specifically, educational planning focused on young people and adults. Adopts guidance Kosik (1976) from which to investigate the "thing in itself" and understand it, it is necessary to consider the logic of totality. It takes into account, for purposes of analysis, the years 1990 and 2000 and, at the same time incorporates the context of the 1930s and 1980s. Understanding this, made use of the analytical categories into contributions Triviños (1987). Uses, as a methodological procedure, the research literature and documentary type. When recovering the trajectory of the National Education Plan (PNE) in Brazil, the analysis notes the secondarization, discontinuity actions and policies directed at fragile education of youth and adults despite the intense struggles of social movements. However, in the mid-2000s s, there is a positive movement in relation to sport. While the country to experience a moment of mobilization on the National Education Conference (CONAE) with a view to preparing the NAP (2011-2020), there is the fragmented and complex character relations and in the face of the regime of flexible accumulation capital and the emergence of new public and private actors and hence the heterogeneity of interests. Concludes that in decision making, the action has not been performed exclusively by the state as a monolithic entity, because within it lies a complexity of organizations with fundamentally disparate interests, beyond the relationships established at supranational level. Note also that the trading strategies which tend to mitigate tensions and relativize assume characteristics of horizontality and a less linear and hierarchical design in policy formulation. Despite the fact that this occurs in the context of dynamic correlation capitalist hegemonic forces, the country experiences a still embryonic democratic experiment in action planning education is not observed to the same extent, at other times in the educational history of the country
Educational planning , Youth and adults , Democracy , Public action , Educação de jovens e adultos , Ação pública