A comunicação da pastoral operária da arquidiocese de Vitória de 1977 a 1985 e nos anos 2010 : estratégias, cotejos e apontamentos

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Dal Gobbo, Elaine Rodrigues
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This dissertation seeks to understand the participation of the communication of Worker Pastoral of the Archdiocese of Vitória in the mobilization of workers in two different moments. The first period is between 1977 and 1985. The second is the 2010s decade. With regard to the late 1970s and mid-1980s, the study object is informative Ferramenta, the main media of Worker Pastoral, as well as the economic, political, social and ecclesial contexts of this period. In 2010, in addition to these contexts in the present moment, the communication from the Archdiocese of Vitória was studied and later, specifically, for the communication of the Worker Pastoral. For the theoretical approach, Church documents were used in the first chapter, such as the Encyclical Rerum Novarum, Quadragesimo Anno, Gaudium Et Spes, Vatican II; and the documents of the Episcopal Conferences of Medellín and Puebla. It was also used a book from the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB) to discuss the concept of social ministry and its origin, as well as authors such as Vito Giannotti, Idelfonso Camacho, Gustavo Gutierrez, Frei Betto, Paulo Freire e Ana Maria Doimo. In the second chapter the authors used were Bordenave, Milton Santos, Manuel Castells, José Antônio Martinuzzo, Cicília Peruzzo, Maria da Glória Gohn, Luiz Beltrão, Gustavo Cardoso, Cláudia Lamy, Manuel Carlos Chaparro, Paulo Freire e Joana Puntel. From the documents of the Church, in the second chapter were studied the Inter Mirífica Decree, which is one of the documents of the Second Vatican Council; the documents of Medellín, Puebla and Santo Domingo with respect to communication; the Directory of Communication of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil and the speeches of Pope Francisco on the World Day of Social Communication. In the third chapter, the authors studied were Ricardo Lara, Mauri Antônio da Silva, Henrique Cristiano José Matos, Maria da Penha Smarzaro Siqueira. In addition to the bibliographic research, the methodological procedures used include interviews, content analysis of informative tool and participant observation. The study concludes that the success of the informative tool was due to factors such as institutional support of the Church to the work of social pastoral and, consequently, popular communication as an instrument of social mobilization; historical context of mobilization of the working class, among others. The research also points out that the communication of the Pastoral Worker today reflects the weakening of the pastoral ministry itself because of a scenario of demobilization of popular movements and a new project of the Church, which leaves social issues aside, for example. Moreover, within this new church project, popular communication is not contemplated.