Ambiência e saúde mental : um estudo no CAPSi de Vitória-ES

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Ronchi, Juliana Peterle
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The Children and Youth Psychosocial Care Center (CAPSi) is configured as a daily outpatient clinic for children and adolescents with severe mental disorders. It is a healthcare model based on territorial and community bases. Because it is a new service intended for treating children and adolescents with severe mental disorders and taking into account that health care involves aspects of environment, this study aimed at understanding and describing the ambience of health care services for children and adolescents with mental disorders at the Children and Youth Psychosocial Care Center in the City of Vitoria, ES, Brazil. Also, in order to increase the possibility of reflections on ambience, this study used the theoretical framework by Donald Woods Winnicott, who emphasizes the importance of environment to a person's psychic structuring. The study presents three articles. In the first one, the aim was to understand and describe the ambience in the treatment of children and adolescents with severe mental disorders at CAPSi in the City of Vitória, ES, Brazil, prioritizing the physical aspects. By using the Clinical Qualitative Method with the participant observation data collection technique, the results showed that the spatial make-up of a health care service can influence this practice. The ambience at CAPSi, in its physical elements, occasionally enabled significant communication among children and adolescents. The second article aimed at understanding and describing the ambience of the health care service for children and adolescents with severe mental disorders at CAPSi in the City of Vitória, ES, Brazil, focusing on care provided to users and the interaction between health professionals and users. The Clinical Qualitative Method and the participant observation data collection were used. The study verified that the presence of and attention to available materials in these spaces, as well as sustainability and handling of activities are important aspects in the constitution of ambience in psychosocial care, because they can provide children and adolescents who suffer from severe mental disorders with a safe and adequate environment to meet their needs. Finally, the third article presented the methodology used for constructing this master's dissertation because the scientific investigation in the children and adolescent psychosocial care field has its particularities. The interaction between social, clinical, health care and research policies are a complex reality. The study verified that Clinical Qualitative Method with the participant observation technique and the content analysis approach adapted to the Clinical Qualitative Method have shown to be appropriate for understanding the ambience construction in a children-adolescent mental health service. Understanding and describing the ambience of a CAPSi demanded theoretical and technical bases that could capture the particularities of mental health service and allowed us to verify that the ambience in childrenadolescent psychosocial care is not only a question of adequate physical environment to serve users, but also a means for the health professional to carry out activities in a time and space that meet patients' needs.
Mental Health Services , Children , Adolescents , Environment , Serviços de saúde mental , Crianças , Adolescentes , Ambiente , Winnicott
RONCHI, Juliana Peterle. Ambiência e saúde mental : um estudo no CAPSi de Vitória-ES. 2012. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Centro de Ciências Humanas e Naturais, Vitória, 2012.