Uma unidade de ensino potencialmente significativa para a física de neutrinos
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Gomes, Francisco Elias
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The investigation in question is part of the qualitative and quantitative research in Physics teaching. The research problem can be summarized in the following question: Is it possible to model an educational product and test it as an operational research method in teaching Contemporary Physics (CP) for high school so that students learn in accordance with the Meaningful Learning Theory (MLT) by David Ausubel? For data collection, a Didactic Sequence (DS) inspired by the Potentially Meaningful Teaching Unit (PMTU) was used, which are didactic sequences in accordance with the assumptions of the aforementioned theory. These data were collected using the following instruments: representation of the atom and the neutrino; students' speech; diagnostic questionnaire; conceptual questionnaire 1; conceptual questionnaire 2; and traditional assessment. In the course of the investigation in question, the Didactic Sequence (DS) in question was applied to students of a third year high school class at Dionysio Costa-Mutum/MG State Elementary School. After data analysis, we found that students acquired new knowledge from previous knowledge collected at the beginning of the pedagogical intervention. In this way, we can infer that there was a progressive differentiation accompanied by an integrative reconciliation, that is, from the atom and elementary particle subsumors, the students learned that the Universe is all particulate and that the neutrino is one of these particles. Instructional Instructed SD's diligence in teaching this neutrinos instruction was approved by the majority of student students as per opinion (Annex E as per opinion).
Física de neutrinos , UEPS , Ensino sob medida , Aprendizagem significativa