Desempenho de um reator anaeróbio com leito móvel de biofilme e membrana de microfiltração no tratamento de água cinza clara

dc.contributor.advisor-co1Gonçalves, Ricardo Franci
dc.contributor.advisor1Campos, Rosane Hein de
dc.contributor.authorBelotti Junior, Gabriel Dalberto
dc.contributor.referee1Cassini, Sérvio Túlio Alves
dc.contributor.referee2Borges, Raquel Machado
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents the study of light gray water component of a portion of the wastewater through anaerobic reactor with moving bed biofilm membranes (MBBMR) followed by microfiltration membrane pilot scale. Therefore, this research aimed to study the influence of hydraulic retention time (HRT) of the reactor in the performance of the treatment light gray water. The MBBMR was composed of a reactor 20 m² filled with support media type random rings high density polypropylene, followed by a microfiltration membrane of the external type with hollow fiber, tangential flow filtration, operating with different HDT (8h and 4h). The biggest MBBMR removal efficiencies were during reactor operation with the TDH 8 am, with the average global removal of 78.2%. With TDH 4h was no reduction in overall efficiency, the average global removal of 69%. The final effluent met the necessary quality for reuse, following the recommendations in the standards of Germany and Canada at 100% of the samples for the BOD and TSS parameters, in TDH 8h. However, the effluent did not meet the ceiling established by these standards for turbidity and total coliform parameters. In relation to service the Brazilian standard with this TDH, the turbidity parameter showed 48% of the samples with the value below the set for reuse in toilets, but all samples did not meet the threshold for total coliforms. For MBBR operating at 4pm TDH for the DBO parameter all samples met the standard limit of Canada and 60% of the samples met the standards of Florida, Australia and Germany. For the SST parameter, 80% of the samples were below the value set in the standard of Canada and Germany. However, turbidity and total coliform parameters did not meet the limits of international and Brazilian standards for reuse in sanitary bowl with TDH 4h. Thus, the best results achieved with the system studied was the highest HDT for the reactoreng
dc.description.resumoEste trabalho apresenta o estudo da água cinza clara, componente de uma parcela do esgoto sanitário, através de reator anaeróbio com membranas de leito móvel de biofilme (MBBMR), seguido de membrana de microfiltração, em escala piloto. Para tanto, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo geral estudar a influência do tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH) do reator no desempenho do tratamento de água cinza clara
dc.identifier.citationBELOTTI JUNIOR, Gabriel Dalberto. Desempenho de um reator anaeróbio com leito móvel de biofilme e membrana de microfiltração no tratamento de água cinza clara. 2016. 124 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Engenharia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Espírito Santo
dc.publisher.courseMestrado Profissional em Engenharia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável
dc.publisher.departmentCentro Tecnológico
dc.publisher.programPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável
dc.rightsopen access
dc.subjectWater reuseeng
dc.subjectReactors anaerobiceng
dc.subjectMembrane microfiltrationeng
dc.subjectWater grayeng
dc.subjectReatores anaeróbiospor
dc.subjectÁgua reusopor
dc.subjectReatores anaeróbiospor
dc.subjectÁguas cinzasporÁgua - Reusoção por membranasÁguas cinzentas (Resíduos de águas domésticas)
dc.subject.cnpqEngenharia Sanitária
dc.titleDesempenho de um reator anaeróbio com leito móvel de biofilme e membrana de microfiltração no tratamento de água cinza clara
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