Cosmologia e atividades investigativas no ensino médio : um estudo sobre efeitos dessa abordagem sobre a aprendizagem dos estudantes

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Seferin, Ádila Motta Leite
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This dissertation adopts the idea of teaching and learning by conducting investigations as a basis for the structuring a Teaching Sequence on Cosmology and Modern and Contemporary Physics for high school, focusing on three investigative activities. The goal is to understand how to use this approach contributes to the learning of different content types - conceptual, procedural and attitudinal - students through knowledge sharing in the classroom. The research is qualitative, guided by the perspective of critical-collaborative action. It was developed by an educational intervention carried out in Public High School, located in Vitória-ES in 2014. The research involved 134 students of the second year enrolled in the afternoon shift and the Physics teacher responsible for the class. In addition to the proposal for Teaching Sequence we has developed a text on cosmology for conceptual support, media material for use in the exhibition-dialogued classes and three proposals for investigative activities. The data that subsidize analyzes were produced by means of investigative activities and representation of the Universe, a researcher's field diary and opinion questionnaire answered by the students. The results point to an evolution in the level of generalization of the students in the formation of scientific concepts related to Cosmology. In addition to having a satisfactory procedures development index related to the organization, strategies, inferences and systematization, in preparing the research plan in an attempt to solution to the proposed problem. Changes were observed with regard to learning of attitudes of the students such as respect with colleagues and improved teamwork, autonomy and critical in the search for solutions of the presented activities. Thus, it is possible to discern potential in adopting the perspective of Inquiry-Based Teaching and its potentialities for addressing Cosmology topics for insertion of Modern and Contemporary Physics in High School dynamic and contextualized way, allowing time students further discussion, learning and engagement in the learning process.
Investigative activities in teaching , Cosmology , Modern and contemporary physics , Conceptual, procedural and attitudinal learning , Ensino por investigação , Física moderna e contemporânea , Aprendizagem conceitual, atitudinal e procedimental , Ensino e aprendizagem
SEFERIN, Ádila Motta Leite. Cosmologia e atividades investigativas no ensino médio: um estudo sobre efeitos dessa abordagem sobre a aprendizagem dos estudantes. 2016. 243 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino na Educação Básica, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, São Mateus, 2016.