Amor e sua relação com a generosidade: estudo com adolescentes sob a ótica da moralidade

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Alves, Ariadne Dettmann
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Our objective was to investigate adolescent judgments concerning the concept of love and its relationship with generosity, in a psychogenetic perspective. We have interviewed individually 40 adolescents aged 12 and 15, also split on the age and sex, from a semi-structured script, based on the clinical method. The data were presented in three studies. In Study 1 we have found that the conception of love tends to be less focused on the action itself to be directed at the other. Regarding the possibility of loving another person, there was no significant difference in the sex of the person to be loved; however, we have seen the influence of the bond, for it was more frequent loving a friend than an enemy or an unknown person. In Study 2, most teenagers chose not to help each other and do their school obligation, because of the need to comply with that obligation. Over half of the participants, especially those aged 12, considered the presence of love with or without generosity. Yet, when teenagers were asked whether the aid would take place in the presence or absence of love, the relationship between love and generosity was more pronounced. This relationship between the two virtues and the influence of the link was also found in Study 3, since the frequency of adolescents who chose to help a friend and a stranger was higher than in relation to an enemy; most participants stated the presence of love to a friend, and a few stated it regarding the unknown people and the enemy; when they were asked whether the aid would take place in the presence or absence of love, generosity was more pronounced in the presence of love, with some differences in relation to the bond. We found, however, the relationship between the presence or absence of love in the possibility of generosity beyond the influence of the bond. Given the relationship found in our study between love and generosity and its importance in moral development, we recommend including the relationship among these virtues in Education in Moral Values proposals. Finally, although the virtue of love, and its relationship with generosity being little studied in the Psychology of Morality, we recognize its importance and we hope that our work will contribute to the development of new research on the subject and intervention practices.
Moral judgment , Jugement moral , Virtues , Vertus , Love , L'amour , Generosity , Générosité , Juízo moral , Adolescents
ALVES, Ariadne Dettmann. Amor e sua relação com a generosidade: estudo com adolescentes sob a ótica da moralidade. 2016. 170 f. Tese (Doutorado em Psicologia) - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Centro de Ciências Humanas e Naturais, Vitória, 2016.