Afirmação política e política afirmativa : cotas para negros na Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

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Coutinho, Arthur Lemos
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The present work is the result of a process of reflections concerning the role of affirmative action policies for the black population in Brazil, which has been inserted in a historical context of racial inequalities. This research’s central theme is the approval of the federal Act No 12.711/12, which establishes and regulates the use of quotas and the reservation of vacancies for students’ access to undergraduate courses at federal educational institutions. The alluded law made possible a percentage of the reserve for self-declared black, pardo, and indigenous candidates. In this context, throughout successive problematizations regarding the racial aspect of the sanctioned legislation, the present dissertation aims at to evaluate the application of the Quota Act at Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) after its the approval in 2012. The perception of how this process interfered in the admission of self-declared black students in the undergraduate courses at UFES , since the implementation of the mentioned Act, was an issue that permeated the entire research. This question is explained through a statistical survey concerning not only the number of students admitted at UFES before social quotas (2006-2007), but also the statistics afterwards its implementation (2008- 2012), as well as the onset of the racial clipping (2013-2017). Therefore, the present work was carried out through a qualitative-quantitative documentary research - legislations as well as newcomers’ enrollment data -, aiming to evaluate the quota model implemented after the Act approved in 2012. In such a manner, by emphasizing advances and contradictions, it is possible to verify the importance of quotas for black people in order to promote a greater admission of these students at UFES.
Quotas , Affirmative action , Racial relationships , UFES , Cotas (Educação)