Ensino de Física - Mestrado Profissional
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Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Física
Centro: CCE
Telefone: (27) 4009 2811
URL do programa: http://www.ensinodefisica.ufes.br/
Navegando Ensino de Física - Mestrado Profissional por Autor "Anastácio, Simone Aparecida Fernandes"
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- ItemAbordagem de conteúdos conceituais e procedimentais em física através de simulações computacionais baseadas em atividades investigativas(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-03-05) Martins, Paulo Celso Morais; Gomes, Thiéberson da Silva; Anastácio, Simone Aparecida Fernandes; Coelho, Geide Rosa; Menezes, Paulo Henrique DiasStudents at the first grade of High School are faced with systematic studies of Mechanics, in which it is necessary to describe the Movement and their causes. Because of that, the approach of concepts is closely related to algebraic analysis, in the form of conceptual contents, in an abstract construction but not always meaningful to the students. After technological evolution, especially with access to tools such as computers, tablets, smartphones, among others, it is possible to use interactive computational simulations within an educational methodology in a a controlled way of analyzing and describing physical events. These two processes involve procedures (analysis of variables, study of relations between variables, algebraic manipulations, among others) that, if accompanied by conceptual understanding, may contribute to justify and make it fun for students that events and physical quantities are modified through very specific actions performed by a subject. In this case, this work aimed to propose and verify the learning of conceptual and procedural contents in Physics mediated by computational simulations through an investigative proposal. In this way, it was proposed to use the Modellus software, which enables a virtual environment in which it is possible to simulate and compose physical models accessible to students. The software allows them to test different values in their hypotheses, to visualize graphical construction and data tabulation immediately, in order to make its relevance in the constructed model. To help the development of the activities, a class activities guide based on an investigative approach was elaborated and used in class. The organization and structure of the guide was intended to encourage students to make questions, to test their assumptions, discuss, and report the results. Three activities that addressed concepts of two-dimensional (Kinematic) motion, Universal Gravitation and Energy respectively were developed. As a general result, it can be stated that, based on the research proposal using the activity guide and the Modellus software, it was possible for students to relate the direct link between concept and procedural contents during the execution of the activities knowing that these tools have potential positive impact while teaching Physics by investigation.
- ItemConceitos de eletricidade e suas aplicações tecnológicas : uma unidade de ensino potencialmente significativa(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-07-30) Lopes, Ricardo Rodrigo Silva; Gomes, Thiéberson da Silva; Anastácio, Simone Aparecida Fernandes; Mendonça, Conceição Aparecida SoaresThe main objective of this project was developing a teaching unit on concepts of electricity and validating it as a Potentially Meaningful Teaching Unit (PMTU). To accomplish it, it was created a instruction unit based on the Theory of Meaningful Learning of Ausubel related to topics of Physics, such as, difference of potential, electric current and its applications. That unit was applied in six classes of the third year of a public high school of the state of Espírito Santo. In order to investigate the potential of this method of teaching, it was used descriptive qualitative research methodologies and pre-experimental interpretative quantitative. In the beginning of the study, to collect students’ prior knowledge, students were asked to answer opinion questionnaires, previous dialogues were recorded and conceptual maps were built. They were important instruments to gather information about the instructional material and they enabled to make improvements on it to be suitable to the profile and cognitive structure of students. Besides, audio recordings of the main parts, logbooks, pictures about students working, panels made by students, questionnaires, conceptual maps and the written assessment, were used as source of data. Conceptual maps analyses, constitute one of the main tools for evaluation the didactic sequence according to the cognitive development of students, in order to classify the maps, associate them with the cognitive structures of those who built them and identify valid changes related to buildings new meanings. The investigation revealed that, in general, the teaching unit was responsible for significant improvements in students' disposition to learn and in stimulating meaningful learning, enabling the validation of this PMTU.
- ItemInterações discursivas em aulas de física do ensino médio para o ensino de energia : narrativas de um professor em formação(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-08-31) Almeida, Julio Cesar Souza; Coelho, Geide Rosa; Garcia, Junia Freguglia Machado; Anastácio, Simone Aparecida Fernandes; Silva, Fábio Augusto Rodrigues eIn search of trying to teach a more dialogical class, where students were not mere adjuncts, but to participate more effectively in the construction of their knowledge, I present a proposal for discussion of the energy theme in integrated manner, starting more general context where we identify all forms of energy who students have known, and then address more specific knowledge, identifying and analyzing each of the cited energy by them, and as those energies are transformed. The research proposal has been developed in a public high school in the state of Espírito Santo. The main objective was to narrate and analyze my own practice when trying to approach the energy theme, for the third grade students of high school, in a more dialogical dimension. The reflection is guided in the speech interactions established in the classroom with thirty-six students of the third grade in a high school. To approach the subject, I developed a didactic sequence that lasted eleven teaching hours and it was structured from the three educational moments described by Delizoicov, Angotti in Pernambuco (2002), using videos from youtube channel, for construction of the initial problem. I take on the narrative as this research methodology, since the whole “scientific story” developed as a result that was narrated by me, with a wealth of details, since all of them were recorded in HD format in audio and video. To analyze the discursive interactions used the tool proposed by Mortimer an Scott (2002). I investigated also the appropriation of students in relation to the energy theme and the same opinion about the education intervention. For my lack of experience in lessons based on dialogic interaction, I realized that in a few moments, in relation to the subject should be more feedback(F) or pursuance(P) in the speeches of the students to enhance of the interactivity and dialogue. With the respect to the sense produced by students about energy, how we use it, and the energy matrix of our country, often deployed to an interdisciplinary field. In this context, students could develop a critical opinion about the conscious use of energy.
- ItemO ensino de eletrostática em uma perspectiva investigativa : analisando o processo de construção de conhecimento científico de estudantes da 3ª série do Ensino Médio do IFES Campus Linhares(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-10-07) Mota, Rovilson de Oliveira; Coelho, Geide Rosa; Bohland Filho, José; Anastácio, Simone Aparecida FernandesIn this work, we developed and validated a teaching sequence, as well as we analysed the conceptual, attitudinal and procedural dimensions of students of the 3rd grade of high school during some educational activities developed with an investigative approach in electrostatics. Investigative teaching propitiated for the students, in my investigations, proactive attitudes in the teaching and learning process and therefore contributes for the insert of this individual into the scientific culture. This way, I realized a research with a qualitative approaching starting from the development of an investigative teaching material where the subject was electrostatics, which included experimental activities for this topic. These experimental activities were carried out by 3rd grade high school students from the Federal Institue of Espirito Santo (IFES, in Portuguese) – Linhares Campus, Espirito Santo (ES) – in order to aggregate their learning process by acting, questioning, formulating and testing hypothesis, while interacting with the experiments as an attempt of raising their critical and reflexive attitudes. This interaction was carried out in the Linhares campus laboratory and each of the 5 activities lasted 120 min. The data was collected using filming and audio recording equipment, and consisted of written responses from the students of that teaching unit. For analysis of the attitudinal and procedural dimensions I used the categorization procedures developed by Souza (2014) and for analysis of the conceptual dimension I used the student responses of the discursive interactions and of the meanings attributed by the students to the concepts shared in class. The results show that the investigative activities, as realized in this study, have the potential to develop conceptual, attitudinal and procedural dimensions such as collaborative teamwork, respect of the diversities through dialogue between students, idea structuring by the use of drawings, development of written and spoken language, and the creation of hypothesis.
- ItemProposta de um jogo didático para a abordagem do tema física de partículas com alunos do Ensino Médio(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-02-17) Ludovico, Merielem Menezes; Anastácio, Simone Aparecida Fernandes; Nogueira, José Alexandre; Barbieri, Pedro LeiteThis project presents a study about applying a game to teach Particle Physics in the Nea Salles Nunes Pereira High School, located in Cariacica, Espirito Santo. This card game, called Quarks, was designed and made by teacher/researcher with the help of the students from the respective classes. The first stage was to define which tables would be used to create the first prototype of the game, which tables came from the book Modern Physics by Titler and Llewellyn . From this, three quarks were defined to be represented on the cards, along with their antiparticles and respective quantic electric charge numbers, baryonic numbers, and spin (which were included on the tables.).The tests on how to play the game were done with the students in extra lessons. After the tests, the number of cards, additional cards, and the design of the cards were defined. After being printed, the cards were used to introduce physic concepts in a sequence of lessons with three modules about the theme. From the data obtained from the activities, it was possible to do an evaluation of the card game as a potential teaching tool. This analysis was obtained using Zabala`s learning typology, which analyzes the knowledge gained by students concerning cognitive aspects, procedures, and attitudes. It was possible to verify that the Quarks Card game brought better comprehension about particle physics concepts. It was also observed that the game brought other learning opportunities, such as how to play the game, keeping the rules, and interacting and cooperating with the other students. Emotional aspects, such as satisfaction, were also observed during the games. Therefore, it is possible to verify that the game has potential as a teaching tool, especially to teach difficult topics.
- ItemPropostas de utilização de sequências didáticas investigativas para o estudo do conceito de velocidade no ensino médio(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-09-25) Pereira, Whortton Vieira; Anastácio, Simone Aparecida Fernandes; Moreira, José Guilherme Martins Alves; Pereira, Márcia Regina SantanaThe misconception’s evolution to the scientific knowledge is a long process. In this way, several authors pointed that investigative experimental activities would promote conceptual evolution. In this work, a study was performed in order to investigate the utilization of investigative experimental activities as a tool to achieve conceptual evolution. The addressed concept was velocity. The sequence of activities was accomplished with a group of first year high school students who had already studied the concept of speed. In this group many students presented misconceptions reported in the literature. In this case, misconceptions were perceived even after the formal instruction. As discussed in the literature a single activity was not sufficient to promote the conceptual evolution. Because of this, it was necessary tree different activities. After these activities, all students answered questions, and the students responses were analyzed by contend analyses. The data analyses corroborated that experimental investigative activities would be a good alternative compared to traditional laboratory classes.
- ItemUtilização do diagrama v em atividades experimentais de física em sala de aula de ensino médio(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-12-18) Prado, Ramon Teodoro do; Ferracioli, Laércio; Lemos, Evelyse dos Santos; Anastácio, Simone Aparecida FernandesThis work describes the use of the V of epistemological Gowin, called this work diagram V in experimental activities in Physics in the classroom at a school public schools of the state of Espirito Santo. The school where there was the work is the state school of primary and secondary Clovis Borges Miguel located in the city of Serra, metropolitan area of Greater Victoria. Three experimental activities in Physics have worked with a group of 3rd year of high school, with students of average age of 17 years. Two activities of Electrodynamics and Magnetism activity were carried out with the V diagram been used as a guiding tool, data collection and evaluation throughout the process. The diagramsVs produced by students were analyzed from two approaches: the first based on criteria proposed by Gowin and Alvarez (2005) and the second based on conceptual aspects worked. The results showed that the students were able to gain independence in carrying out experimental activities proposed to establish relationship between the concepts discussed and the actual activity, think about the experimental proposal activities before, during and after meeting them and organize a structured way the collected data. It was also observed that students had difficulty in defining the purpose of the experimental activity and organize and interpret the data collected. In the overall evaluation methodology with the V diagram, students have shown favorable to their use.