Ensino de Física - Mestrado Profissional
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Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Física
Centro: CCE
Telefone: (27) 4009 2811
URL do programa: http://www.ensinodefisica.ufes.br/
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- ItemConceitos de eletricidade e suas aplicações tecnológicas : uma unidade de ensino potencialmente significativa(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-07-30) Lopes, Ricardo Rodrigo Silva; Gomes, Thiéberson da Silva; Anastácio, Simone Aparecida Fernandes; Mendonça, Conceição Aparecida SoaresThe main objective of this project was developing a teaching unit on concepts of electricity and validating it as a Potentially Meaningful Teaching Unit (PMTU). To accomplish it, it was created a instruction unit based on the Theory of Meaningful Learning of Ausubel related to topics of Physics, such as, difference of potential, electric current and its applications. That unit was applied in six classes of the third year of a public high school of the state of Espírito Santo. In order to investigate the potential of this method of teaching, it was used descriptive qualitative research methodologies and pre-experimental interpretative quantitative. In the beginning of the study, to collect students’ prior knowledge, students were asked to answer opinion questionnaires, previous dialogues were recorded and conceptual maps were built. They were important instruments to gather information about the instructional material and they enabled to make improvements on it to be suitable to the profile and cognitive structure of students. Besides, audio recordings of the main parts, logbooks, pictures about students working, panels made by students, questionnaires, conceptual maps and the written assessment, were used as source of data. Conceptual maps analyses, constitute one of the main tools for evaluation the didactic sequence according to the cognitive development of students, in order to classify the maps, associate them with the cognitive structures of those who built them and identify valid changes related to buildings new meanings. The investigation revealed that, in general, the teaching unit was responsible for significant improvements in students' disposition to learn and in stimulating meaningful learning, enabling the validation of this PMTU.
- ItemDesenvolvimento de uma unidade de ensino potencialmente significativa para o ensino do conceito de ondas(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-02-27) Santos, Graziely Ameixa Siqueira dos; Gomes, Thieberson da Silva; Freitas, Rony Claudio de Oliveira; Silva, Mirian do Amaral Jonis daThe researches around the physics ' teaching and , Specifically , around the classrooms ' situations Have Been Demonstrated the teacher 's need of deep in the theoretical and practical knowledge to amplify context and possibilities of Significant learning . In this way, it must assume the mediator role , the protagonist in the process that has in consideration the cultural context of the people Involved. Looking in this perspective, this study tells about the experience of implementation in a didactic sequence, developed in the features of a Teaching Unity Potentially Significant (TUPS), looking for propitiate the significant learning mechanic waves concept. The research work was developed in a public high school, and it has as a theoretical reference the Meaningful Learning of Ausubel and, specially, the Moreira studies. During the analysis referential others Were used to interpret the principles pointed by the empirical data . The analysis of the data was based on three axis that guided the work : the valorization of previous knowledge , the importance of 'the prepositions of the situations -problem and emphasis in the presentation subject in order to promote progressive differentiation and integrative reconciliation in the context of the teaching subject . During the development of TUPS was possible to realize the coexistence of many ideas associated with the wave concept, highlighting the dynamic and complex character of the learning process of scholar"s scientific concepts.
- ItemO ensino de eletrostática em uma perspectiva investigativa : analisando o processo de construção de conhecimento científico de estudantes da 3ª série do Ensino Médio do IFES Campus Linhares(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-10-07) Mota, Rovilson de Oliveira; Coelho, Geide Rosa; Bohland Filho, José; Anastácio, Simone Aparecida FernandesIn this work, we developed and validated a teaching sequence, as well as we analysed the conceptual, attitudinal and procedural dimensions of students of the 3rd grade of high school during some educational activities developed with an investigative approach in electrostatics. Investigative teaching propitiated for the students, in my investigations, proactive attitudes in the teaching and learning process and therefore contributes for the insert of this individual into the scientific culture. This way, I realized a research with a qualitative approaching starting from the development of an investigative teaching material where the subject was electrostatics, which included experimental activities for this topic. These experimental activities were carried out by 3rd grade high school students from the Federal Institue of Espirito Santo (IFES, in Portuguese) – Linhares Campus, Espirito Santo (ES) – in order to aggregate their learning process by acting, questioning, formulating and testing hypothesis, while interacting with the experiments as an attempt of raising their critical and reflexive attitudes. This interaction was carried out in the Linhares campus laboratory and each of the 5 activities lasted 120 min. The data was collected using filming and audio recording equipment, and consisted of written responses from the students of that teaching unit. For analysis of the attitudinal and procedural dimensions I used the categorization procedures developed by Souza (2014) and for analysis of the conceptual dimension I used the student responses of the discursive interactions and of the meanings attributed by the students to the concepts shared in class. The results show that the investigative activities, as realized in this study, have the potential to develop conceptual, attitudinal and procedural dimensions such as collaborative teamwork, respect of the diversities through dialogue between students, idea structuring by the use of drawings, development of written and spoken language, and the creation of hypothesis.
- ItemSupercondutividade : uma proposta de inserção no ensino médio(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-07-30) Vieira, David Menegassi; Gomes, Thiéberson da Silva; Mendonça, Conceição Aparecida Soares; Coelho, Geide RosaHigh-tech equipment are part of the daily life of ordinary people today, such as: smartphones, LED TV's, GPS, nuclear magnetic resonance and other equipment. However, he knows little about the concept of Modern and Contemporary Physics (FMC), which give rise to these technologies that both facilitate and improve your life. In the literature, authors and reference documents address the theme. One of the documents, the Law of Guidelines and Bases 1996 reports that high school must provide the student mastery of the principles that are associated with scientific and technological production today. Not far from this very authors involved with the work in Physics Teaching point relevant justifications for immediate insertion of FMC Topics in High School. In this context, this work was developed under the theoretical aspects of the Theory of Didactic Transposition and Meaningful Learning with the use of concept mapping. The first theoretical aspect, comes the "work" to transform a knowledge of the academic community, one that will be part of the books and teaching manuals and then will be treated in the classroom. Didactic Transposition in the process there are five rules that will transpose the content, greater possibilities of success and permanence in the curriculum where it is deployed. The second theoretical aspect, will assess the cognitive and conceptual advance made by the students during their work with the use of concept maps and developed the instructional sequence is potentially significant. The work was conducted with students in the morning shift, the third year of high school in a public school in the state of Espírito Santo. Implementation of some questionnaires allowed to raise various data being processed through them, teacher performance, what students could learn about topics of Modern and Contemporary Physics and their interest in studying them, the age of the samples, their interest in scientific programs, its connectivity to the internet and experience in the use of some software, the evaluation of instructional resources and finally a questionnaire self evaluation of the student. In addition to the data obtained through the concept maps, videos, exercises, research activities and all others who helped confirm the impact of the instructional sequence at the high school level. Finally, the instructional sequence developed in this work can be an alternative for the insertion and maintenance of Topics of Modern and Contemporary Physics in high school, but it is noteworthy that it is not a permanent solution to the difficulties of making available to the student knowledge of the technologies that surround it, but be an alternative for this purpose.
- ItemUma investigação sobre a elaboração e a utilização de um material instrucional baseado na teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa para o estudo de um tópico de mecânica no contexto rural(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-07-29) Silva, Claytor Vieira da; Camiletti, Giuseppi Gava; Alvarenga, Flávio Gimenes; Lemos, Evelyse dos SantosThe main objectives of this paper were to elaborate, implement and evaluate the impact of an instructional material, addressing the principle of conservation of mechanical energy, using elements from a rural zone context. The study was conducted in a class of 21 students from the 2nd grade of High School, in a public school located in the countryside of the state of Espírito Santo. The instructional material was based on assumptions of Meaningful Learning of Ausubel and on guidelines for preparation of Potentially Meaningful Teaching Units of Moreira. The basic premise of Ausubel's theory is that meaningful learning only occurs when new information is the basis of the cognitive structure of the learner. It is necessary to find out what students already know and focus teaching on it, starting from the most general and inclusive concepts to more specific ones. The Progressive Concept Maps show positive results. Reviews Content Issues presented along the Instructional Material Questionnaire students’ opinions as well as the Diary teacher / graduate student. The approach of data analysis was qualitative. The results of concept maps showed great improvements in their conceptual hierarchy, quality and quantitative criteria considered. The results of the evaluations suggest that students demonstrate mastery of the concepts of work and energy, but had difficulty in principles of conservation of energy. Activities to respond and discuss the issues contained in the instructional material were able to provide moments of social interaction and negotiation of meaning. The opinion of the students and the logbook teacher / graduate student show that the insertion of elements of daily life in the countryside was well accepted and considered relevant to the teaching / learning of the concepts covered. These results are from an Instructional Material which is potentially significant to promote Meaningful Learning of the Principle of Conservation of Mechanical Energy for High School students.
- ItemUma proposta de abordagem para o ensino de cinemática relativística no ensino médio baseada em aprendizagem significativa de Ausubel(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-12-21) Poltronieri, Vinício Merçon; Alvarenga, Flávio Gimenes; Segatto, Breno Rodrigues; Buffon, Luiz OtávioWe teachers have experienced constant changes in the contents we teach. However, it is important to point out that not only the content but also the way we work must evolve. This dissertation presents a research which aims to highlight its importance and exemplify a way to apply the theories of renowned authors directly in the classroom. As a reference, we adopted the Meaningful Learning Theory of David Ausubel, from the point of view and Marco Antonio Moreira guidelines, and the chosen subject was the Relativistic Kinematics for high school students, from 1st to 3rd grade, which was applied as an extracurricular course at Charles Darwin Educational Center in Vitória-ES, between June and August 2016. We tried incorporating all the key elements of Meaningful Learning in class, such as prior knowledge, interactional products, subsumers and time of assimilation, in order to make the most complete and dynamic classes, checking the level of understanding of students throughout the course. Therefore, the main purpose of this dissertation is to encourage other teachers to deepen the study of educational theories, which show it is possible to improve their technique and certainly which show that even Kinematics Relativistic, famous for being anti-intuitive understanding, is not so difficult to learn if the progression of learning takes place in a logical and well-structured way.
- ItemUma proposta de sequência didática potencialmente significativa sobre o princípio da conservação da energia a partir da abordagem dos processos de produção e transmissão da energia solar(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-08-12) Formentini, Yure Zanette; Bisch, Sergio Mascarello; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7452-5772; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7149134147983654; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5312483296506970; Segatto, Breno Rodrigues; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0571-8364; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2380353135803549; Brozeguini, Jardel da Costa; https://orcid.org/; http://lattes.cnpq.br/The objective of this work was to apply and evaluate a potentially significant didactic sequence that involved the use of variations of the "Just-in-time Teaching" and "Peer Instruction" methods with the "Energy Conservation Principle" theme.