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- ItemPráticas pedagógicas de professores(as) de Educação Física com a Educação Infantil no interior do estado do Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-08-16) Scottá, Bianca Andreatta; Mello, Andre da Silva;;;;; Camargo, Maria Cecília da Silva;;; Zandomínegue, Bethânia Alves Costa;;; Chicon, José Francisco;;; Neto, Amarilio Ferreira; Physical Education (PE) pedagogical practices along with the Children’s Education (CE) ones in the countryside of Espírito Santo (ES) State are this thesis’ objects of study. Such practices are focused onto two dimensions: a macro one, related to the representations of the Physical Education teachers who work with Children’s Education in nine micro regions in the state, and a micro one, targeted to the analysis of a pedagogical experience inside a district that does not use this area of knowledge together with the children’s institutions daily life. The research’s general purpose is to analyze the PE teacher’s pedagogical practices with CE in the Espírito Santo countryside through the speeches of teachers and a training experience developed in the field of supervised practice. From this general purpose, the following specific goals were spread: 1) to analyze the way make-believe games have been approached in the Brazilian Physical Education academic-scientific productions; 2) to analyze the Physical Education teachers’ speeches regarding their pedagogical practices in Children’s Education in the districts located in the state’s countryside; 3) to analyze a training experience developed in the field of the Physical Education supervised practice in the Children’s Education context, in a district in the Espírito Santo countryside that does not daily use such area of knowledge. The thesis has a multi-methodological character and articulates three research methods: the bibliographic research, the descriptive research and the collaborative research-action. Each method adopted is associated with a specific goal. The bibliographic research was used to analyze the way make-believe games have been approached in the Brazilian Physical Education academic-scientific productions. In this regard, a State of Knowledge concerning those games was produced through the analysis of theses and dissertations available in the Database of Theses and Dissertations of the Coordination of Improvement of Personal Higher Education (Capes) and articles published in the Periodicals Portal belonging to this development agency. The study stands out the plurality of authors and concepts deployed by the PE academic-scientific productions regarding the approach of make-believe playful activities in CE. Amid all this diversity, a common point was found and it is considered salutary to the area: the productions analyzed share the idea of make-believe games as playful activities, in which children can exercise their authorial practices, produce culture and have their subjectivities acknowledged and valued. Data produced in the descriptive research are used to analyze the Physical Education Teachers pedagogical practices working at Children’s Education institutions in Espírito Santo countryside. A mapping was produced in the state regarding the presence of PE in the CE context and it was analyzed the conception of childhood inherent to the pedagogical practices of those Teachers working in the institutions located in the countryside of the above-mentioned State, with focus on the make-believe games and how they deal with the children’s curricular dynamic. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 17 teachers belonging to the nine micro regions composing the countryside of the State; they are Central Mountain, Southeast Hills, South Coast, Central South, Caparaó, Rio Doce, Central West, Northeast and Northwest. It was established that the contexts in which Teachers are inserted impact directly in the different meanings attributed to their pedagogical practices, in the conception of childhood adopted and in the way they deal with the Children’s education curricular dynamic. At last, the collaborative research-action was used to analyze a pedagogical experience developed in the subject of Physical Education supervised practice with Children’s Education, centered on the children’s engagement, on the articulation with the make-believe games, in a district in the countryside that does not use daily this area of knowledge. This experience lasted for five months and took place at children’s education institution in the district of São Gabriel da Palha, located in the central west of Espírito Santo. In this chapter, it is highlighted the importance to promote the active participation of children in the pedagogical practices, in a way to acknowledge their agencies and engagement, making the cultural productions visible throughout the process of teaching learning. Besides all that, it presents the challenges found regarding the materialization of a curriculum that collaborates with the other areas and subjects belonging to the investigated institution everyday life. In conclusion, the presence of Physical Education in the children institutions located in the countryside has been expanding in the last decades. With regard to the pedagogical practices, it is observed a plurality of theoretical and didactic-methodological perspectives that guide teachers’ actions. This plurality is the result of particularities of each context and of professional and life trajectories of the teachers interviewed. One can see, through the data analyzed, that there is no linearity in the partcipants’ speech, since their talk shows indications of a pedagogical practice that recognizes and values the authorial practices and the children’s cultural productions, as well they are tied to a maturational perspective that meets universal standards of development. In the first case, the make-believe games are highlighted as a type of resource so children can exercise their agencies and engagement. In the second one, the games and playful activities are suitable for means (methodologic strategy used to develop certain learning abilities) or as object, in which learning this playful manifestation has a self-purpose, aiming at expanding the playlist of games. In the context of collaborative research-action, it is verified the power of a supervised practice for the training of initial Physical Education teachers who seek to rescuing children from the invisibility condition and social subordination, recognizing them as individuals capable of thinking and acting for themselves in their worlds of life. This process required the trainees to shift from an adult-centric look, historically constituted in our society, to a comprehension of childhood logics from the children. As per the collaborative relations, despite the indications of an approximation between subjects and the areas of knowledge, the insertion time in the field was not enough to make the actions that break with disciplinary knowledge to be instituted.
- ItemEfeito da Suplementação de Cafeína sobre o Dano Muscular Induzido pelo Exercício(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-12-20) Caldas, Leonardo Carvalho; Ferreira, Lucas Guimaraes;;;;; Filho, Mario Alves de Siqueira;;; Haraguchi, Fabiano Kenji;;; Pedroso, Joao Alfredo Bolivar;;; Maia, Adriano Fortes;
- ItemEntre subjetividades e discurso cultural: detalhes das inclusões sociais a partir de projeto esportivo de caráter social de educação olímpica(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-11-25) Camargo, Leonardo Perovano; Silva, Otávio Guimaraes Tavares da;;;;; Antunes, Scheila Espindola;;; Mello, Andre da Silva;;; Santos, Leonardo Jose Mataruna dos;;; Martins, Mariana Zuaneti;
- ItemA Pertença Docente: Busca de Sentidos nas Experiências dos Professores de Educação Física Escolar(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-12-16) Silva, Bruno Vasconcellos; Figueiredo, Zenolia Christina Campos;;;;; Neto, Vicente Molina;;; Almeida, Felipe Quintao de;;; Vago, Tarcisio Mauro;;; Araujo, Vania Carvalho de;; research aims at investigating the allegiance (pertença) with the profession of School Physical Education Teachers, expressed in the relation between teaching and the world, assuming, mainly, the Arendtian’s concepts and categories. The sense of belonging to the teaching profession, in this study, is linked to the idea of Teachers acknowledging themselves as the ones responsible for such public horizon, in this reception regarding the new generations coming to the pre-existing world, a world that we have built, in a way, in conjunction with our ancestors, so that the younger ones can judge about a certain reality. The Teachers must decide whether they love the world - the amor mundi, the body practices, in the case of Physical Education Teachers –, as well as their new habitants are enough to accept responsibility for both. Therefore, the research is about a dual responsibility. Insofar as the justification is concerned, the study does not sustain that teaching must be thought as priesthood or donation,although it is important to search for motivation and personal interest that is created with the magisterium. To do something that is considered valuable means attributing a personal sense/meaning and a social recognition to your know-how. In other words, it seems that this allegiance (pertença) can be stimulated, provoking the School Physical Education Teachers from inside out, which can be the motivation that vests humanity with their existence. The study stands out that the need to a further investigation about desire and will. To think about what affects us, as well as to be questioned as member of a community, mobilizes the individual in order to reflect on the training process of those in charge of the world. The research uses the narrative and the (self) biographic method as theoretical-methodological principle. Such perspective enables Teachers to be aware of themselves regarding their trajectory, causing reflection and understanding themselves and their practices, also allowing the analysis of interconnections of their itinerary with the academic, social, historic and cultural contexts, with their way to appropriate experiences and, thus, to do the “thinking exercise” about their senses/meanings. In relation to methodological resources, it prioritizes the primary biographic materials, more specifically the narrative interviews. It analyzes the (self) biographic narratives of the experiences belonging to the research collaborators, in which they remembered the experiences lived throughout their training trajectory (in the family ambit, elementary education, initial training and in other training space/time) that promoted significant marks on their personal/professional training, as well as had been manifested as possible guides/inspirations to build their allegiance (pertença) with the profession regarding their teaching experience. Besides, the study analyzes their experiences lived throughout their teaching experience in elementary education, interpreting the way they reveal their allegiance (pertença) and, even, identify the aspects emerging from their expertise as potential guides/inspirations for the students and (future) Teachers to act according to their contexts and realities. In the concluding remarks, it infers the need to better think about the School Physical Education Teachers training experiences as a starting point for the constitution of allegiance (pertença) with Teachers. Those narratives may contribute to strengthen the act of (future) School Physical Education Teachers, constituting an allegiance (pertença) to the Teachers’ profession.
- ItemTrabalho do/a profissional de Educação Física do NASF na atenção básica à saúde no município de Vitória - ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-10-07) Silva, Andre Luis Facanha da; Gomes, Ivan Marcelo;;;;; Albuquerque, Sabrina Barbosa Garcia de;;; Romera, Liana Abrao;;; Damico, Jose Geraldo Soares;;; Abib, Leonardo TrapagaThe main objective of this thesis is to analyze how the Physical Education Professional (PEF - Profissional de Educação Física) of the Family Health Care Center (NASF - Núcleo de Atenção à Saúde da Família) develops his work as well as to understand which learnings and knowledges are required of these professionals to act in health care in the territory. To develop such study participant observations were carried out using the field diary in the work processes of eight PEF of the NASF in their respective health territories in a period of two months. Besides the observations three Expanded Research Groups (GAP - Grupos Ampliados de Pesquisa) were organized which discussed the work processes of Physical Education at NASF. After the first GAP it was carried out simultaneously a participant observation at the Basic Health Units (UBS - Unidades Básicas de Saúde) of the Jardim da Penha, Andorinhas, Santa Marta and Joana D’Arc neighborhoods using the field diary. The data were analyzed in the light of the debate about the health in the area of Physical Education in its interfaces with the field of Collective Health. As a development of the investigation three chapters of analysis were prepared namely: i) physical education and health production: between health technologies and the (mis)matches in primary health care; ii) between understandings and repercussions of the NASF proposal on physical education in ABS/ESF; iii) the common work: the NASF PEF in face of the demand and organization of mental health at ABS. In relation to the NASF PEF the following were identified: the technological production of the PEF`s health work in meetings with users, the teamwork in grouping arrangements and integration with the participation of the PEF and factors that facilitated and restricted the intersectoral performance in the networking. Regarding the NASF as a policy there is a continuity and “more” presence of the Physical Education at ABS even between different forms of organization and the role of the PEF in “being of the NASF”. The proposal of the NASF also made possible the common work of the PEF in the field of mental health at the ABS even being questioned what is the demand of Physical Education, also pointing out assistance, approach and collective work in the organization of mental health at ABS. We conclude that the way of acting of the NASF PEF presents a continuity of health practices already built by the learnings structured by the Physical Education and public health nucleus as well as being among the health practices under construction in which the structuring learnings are found. These in turn are produced in action by the relationships with the health teams facing the health problems and needs of the user of Primary Health Care (Atenção Básica à Saúde) in the city of Vitória-ES.