Mestrado em Oceanografia Ambiental

URI Permanente para esta coleção

Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 2007
Conceito atual na CAPES: 4
Ato normativo: Homologado pelo CNE(Portaria MEC Nº 609 de 14/03/2019) Publicação no DOU em 18/03/2019 Seç. 1, Pág. 63. Parecer CNE/CES nº 487/2018, Processo no 23001.000335/2018-51).
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
Área(s) de concentração: Sistemas Costeiros e Marinhos
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    Análise espacial da distribuição da comunidade zooplanctônica, com ênfase nas larvas de braquiúros em dois estuários do norte do Espírito Santo
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-10-02) Morais, Luana Souza de; Tognella, Mônica Maria Pereira;; Silva, Maurício Hostim; Belúcio, Lucinice Ferreira
    Brachyurans represent the most abundant group of meroplankton, exhibiting a variety of behavioral habits and playing a crucial ecological role as decomposers. Monitoring zooplankton communities is a valuable tool for detecting environmental changes and contributing to biodiversity conservation on a global scale, due to the trophic relevance of this group. Given their abundance, diversity, and short life cycle, zooplankton are considered excellent environmental bioindicators, capable of providing significant information about the health of marine ecosystems. The present study involves sampling zooplanktonic organisms through a 10-minute surface tow using a plankton net (250 µm mesh), in addition to collecting in situ abiotic data during each tow. Ecological indices of diversity, evenness, and richness were calculated, as well as the parameters: density, abundance, and frequency of occurrence by taxon. The results were statistically analyzed using the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis tests and Spearman’s correlation to assess the significance among samples. The study of the São Mateus River Estuary revealed considerable variations in salinity and conductivity data, related to tidal patterns. Points closer to the estuary's mouth showed higher salinity levels, as expected for this type of estuary, indicating direct marine influence. In contrast, pH and temperature showed little variation. The zooplankton community, predominantly composed of Brachyura, exhibited coastal characteristics, with brachyuran larvae reaching higher diversity at specific points (M7 and F8). The analysis of ecological indices may be explained as a response to the impact of waste from the Fundão dam collapse that reached the mouth of the Doce River, affecting the zooplankton community in the northern coast, as corroborated by Principal Component Analysis coefficients. The study highlights the complexity and importance of considering multiple factors when assessing the environmental quality of the estuary.
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    Economia azul integrada ao turismo no Espírito Santo: uma abordagem da oceanografia socioambiental
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-08-07) Costa, Ingrid Tavares; Zappes, Camilah Antunes;;;; Barroso, Gilberto Fonseca; Lira, Pablo Silva
    The Blue Economy is a concept to integrate economic development, sustainability and social inclusion in the conservation of marine and coastal resources, with emphasis on tourism as one of the main economic sectors. In this context is inserted the Socioenvironmental Oceanography (SO) to promove sustainability and integrated management of these resources. In this sense, the objective of this dissertation is to evaluate critical points, strengths and weaknesses that interfere in the Blue Economy integrated with tourism in the metropolitan region of the Espírito Santo state, southeastern Brazil, based on the perception of stakeholders. Data were obtained through 37 interviews with stakeholders from public and/or private management in the tourism sector. Semi-structured questionnaire was used, applied the participant observation methods, field diary and participatory mapping. The stakeholders’ perception about sun and beach tourism in the metropolitan region of the coast of ES reveals that is complex and interdisciplinary segment. Positive interference demonstrates the significant economic potential of the segment, as well as the need to minimize impacts and effective public policies are necessary to increase strengths and opportunities, and minimize weaknesses and threats. Furthermore, the identification of use, attractions and priority areas for the Blue Economy in the Metropolitan Region of ES highlighted the need to discuss gaps about the Ocean Decade, Agenda 2030 and its inclusion in official documents. With this, actions based on the Blue Economy perspective were proposed to strengthen sun and beach tourism.
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    Minerais pesados e morfodinâmica das praias da planície deltaica do Rio Doce.
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-05-24) Castro, Lucas Bermudes de; Albino, Jacqueline;;;;; Souza, Maria Cristina de;;; Quaresma, Valeria da Silva;;
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    Oceanografia Socioambiental e o Lixo Marinho no Brasil a partir de uma Análise Bibliométrica
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-05-25) Maia, Natalia Figurelli; Zappes, Camilah Antunes;;;;; Awabdi, Danielle Rodrigues;;; Braga, Adriane Cristina Araujo;;
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    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-12-21) Ruschi, Anita Gomes; Bastos, Alex Cardoso;;;;; Pivel, Maria Alejandra Gomez;;; Eichler, Patricia Pinheiro Beck;;
    The post-last glacial maximum transgression was marked by secular climate fluctuation events that directly influenced paleoenvironmental evolution on global continental shelves. During the transgression, cooling events such as the Younger Dryas (YD) and rapid melting events such as Meltwater Pulse (MWP), among others, played an important role in varying the rates of relative sea level rise, as well as in the formation of coastal environments. The focus of this study is the south shelf of Abrolhos, which is marked by a feature known as the Abrolhos Depression (AD), having previously been described as a paleolagoon. The objective of this study is to investigate the formation of this paleolagoon and the paleoenvironmental variations that it was submitted to during the marine transgression in the last 18 thousand years. The study was conducted using a core located in the center of the DA, collected at a depth of 63 m. The main focus of the paleoenvironmental analysis was based on the identification of benthic foraminifera and carbon 14 data, in addition to the use of previously available geochemical proxies. The results showed that throughout the core, there were 85 classified taxa, of which 69 being at the hierarchical level of species, and 16 at the hierarchical level of genus. It was possible to divide the core into 4 Biofacies based on the assemblages of benthic foraminifera: the Biofacies CH gather samples from the base, 288 to 251cm, and the dominant species of this group were found to be the Cribroelphidium sp. and the Hanzawaia boueana. The Biofacies At brings together samples from 241 to 111cm, WHERE the dominant species is the Ammonia tepida. Another common species in this group is the Cribroelphidium excavatum. The Biofacies AC gathers samples from 101 to 41cm, WHERE the dominant species are the A. tepida and the C. excavatum. The Biofacies HQ brings together the top samples, 31 to 2 cm, WHERE the dominant species are the H. boueana and the Quinqueloculina lamarckiana. From the analysis of foraminifera assemblages, the paleoenvironmental evolution of the AD can be reviewed to be pointing to the following model: The base of the core indicates the presence of carbonate concretions that can compose a karstic ravine surface. The deposition of the Biofacies CH occurs on this surface and suggests marine influence and the beginning of the formation of the paleolagoon around 13,000 years BP. The formation of the DA occurs during the YD and it presents two distinct phases in terms of sedimentation and circulation in the lagoon environment. At first, between 12800 and 12500 cal years B.P., the lagoon is characteristically confined with less circulation, and from around 12,500 years onwards there is an increase in the lagoon circulation, marked by an increase in the density, richness, and diversity of benthic foraminifera. The end of the YD is marked by a significant change in the Biofacies, WHERE the organisms point to a shallow marine environment (Biofacies AC), which is corroborated by all sedimentological and geochemical proxies. This paleoenvironmental change is associated with MWP-1B. With the continuous rise in sea level, the environment becomes open marine, but there is still a change at around 8000 years B.P., which definitively marks the presence of organisms typical of the outer shelf, that is, from depths greater than 50m.