Ser criança com câncer na brinquedoteca hospitalar : um estudo em Merleau-Ponty

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Furley, Ana Karyne Loureiro Gonçalves Willcox
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This qualitative study through a phenomenological-existential perspective entails the theme Special Education in its wide and strict sense, as well as the hospital playroom. Those who collaborate with this research were children and/or teenagers with cancer housed by the ACACCI facility, which treats patients within this pathologic board. The objectives lead towards comprehending what it means to be a child with cancer, thus far being a person with special education needs inside the walls of a hospital playroom, as well as depict how “corporeality, experience and perception unveil in these individuals when they are put before the toy and the playing role. To this end, we set the theoretical grounds by taking as milestone, Merleau Ponty (1984, 1999, and 2006), and how this discourse production caused stances to unfold in the researcher. As research tool, we deploy the field journal through which we put down comprehensive descriptions, posted drawings, photographs, dialogs etc. The registered records concerning adult people remained under the condition of strict relation to the research objective. The whole process longed eighteen (18) meetings inside the hospital playroom of the institution portrayed. By analyzing the concepts of “corporeality, experience and perception” (MERLEAU-PONTY, 1999), experienced as intertwined movements, the child was “inserted” in the world, and the toy and the playing role, all within the walls of a hospital playroom and ended up meaning the existential being of communication. The silence that also arose might have been the absence of speaking, but unveiled through the gestures – those are among the several forms of language to the child being and or teenager. Therefore, we felt the child as a whole: the body, through noticing the objects (toys) given to them and their positioning before it, marking off the “playing phenomenology”. The experience, the perception of themselves and the others – in the world. Regarding the study implications, we sought to demonstrate possible ways for the educationalists in general, volunteers, etc. Those are the professionals in charge of these space-times where the child is unleashed to his own existence, before life finitude, whether in a hospital environment, home, school or community.
Special Education , Hospital playroom , Child cancer , Merleau-Ponty , Merleau Ponty , Educação Especial , Brinquedoteca Hospitalar , Câncer infantil