As políticas de proteção social no contexto escolar

Nenhuma Miniatura disponível
Oliveira, Márcia Cristina Almeida de
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This thesis aimed to investigate how the formalization of social protection policies and programs via social and educational projects are articulated with the school education. It makes a conceptual discussion about social protection policies and "vulnerability and social risk" from historical aspects placing them in the corporate logic of inequalities and refractions intricacies of the social issue of the capitalist model of production and social reproduction, especially in the context of the Brazilian State of neoliberal reforms while demanding adjustments. The locus of the research was a municipal public school in Serra / ES. The investigations were performed in two stages. The first consisted of an exploratory qualitative study. Abstracted through analyzes of this phase, a case study was performed as a second stage of the research. The instruments utilized, analysis of documents, participant observation and interviews, evidenced that social and educational projects and programs developed within the school aimed at an alleged social protection, do not keep specific relationship with the improvement of the learning processes of students, so its effects on the school life of students were not evidenced. It was yet found deep disagreements between different educational proposals of the school and teachers with programs and investigated projects. From the survey data, we also observed that such programs and projects are entering the school environment through external demands involving the City Department of Education and the private sector. We conclude that social protection within the school via social and educational projects and programs need to return to the articulation with public policies that go beyond the school walls and in fact guarantee access to material and symbolic resources to improve the conditions of material life and sociocultural students to whom they are destined, and consequently improving the quality of school education.
School and social protection , Social and educational programs , Vulnerability and social risk , Escola e proteção social , Programas socioeducativos , Vulnerabilidade e risco social