Relações étnico-raciais na formação inicial de professores de química do IFES
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Loureiro, Chislei Bruschi
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This research analyzes ethnic-racial relations along Chemistry teacher’s initial training in a Federal Institute of Espírito Santo (Ifes). The survey took as subjects individuals implicated in this formation, such as undergraduates, technicaladministrative staff, teachers and managers from the institution. It was discussed how students deal with the ethnic-racial issues in an exact science course that aims to train teachers. The specific objects include: a) describe the knowledge produced by undergraduate Chemistry students about ethnic-racial questions; b) analyze how undergraduate students reflect upon formation regarding the ethnic-racial relations and how it interferes in their lives as future teachers; c) comprehend which strategies have been applied in the training of Chemistry teachers, from the students point of view, to cope with ethnic-racial relations. This qualitative study methodologically grounds on the intervention research whose instruments deployed consisted on: field visit, experience living among the individuals researched, field journal, group and individual interview, institutional and legal documents survey. The theoretical frameworks is composed by authors like: Foucault (1999), Lobo (2008), Forde (2016), Schwarcz (1993), Miskolci (2013), Davis (2016), among others that deal with a scientific, historic a politic construction of black people as well as authors that investigate teacher’s initial training and new issues pertaining the historical moment. Among the main questions that pervade this study is the historical construction of blackness crossed by the gender and social class relations, the official recognition of data regarding black people genocide in the country and the Chemistry initial training as a singular spot on the anti-racism fight and fluid debate about the postponement of law enforcement. This formation, if committed to the ethnic-racial relations, can intervene on the structural prejudice and produce subjectivities whose changes triggered are of unknown dimension.
Ethnic-racial relations , Chemistry teachers initial training , Historic production of racism , Produção histórica do racismo