Propostas e práticas de alfabetização em uma turma de segundo ano do ensino fundamental no município de Vila Velha/ES

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Stieg, Vanildo
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This research is configured of a study-case, which main hypothesis was the idea that the use of the term or perspective of literacy, by the official discourse (MEC), represented the possibility of conciliation between the constructivists ideas and the ones defended by the followers of the “old” literacy methods, both for what is about literacy practices and to what refers to the field of political decisions as well. Having such hypothesis as background, two actions were developed: a) a field research that aimed at analyzing the alphabetization practices (in time of literacy) that have been concretized throughout the school year of 2010, in a second grade group of the public municipal elementary school in the city of Vila Velha, State of Espírito Santo; and b) a discussion about the literacy proposals that were admitted and proclaimed by the official discourse (MEC), in the period between 1990-2009, intending to verify how and for what political purpose(s) such discourse treated and/or has been treating the teaching of reading and writing and nowadays it is characterized as literacy? Regarding the investigation developed concerning the teacher’s practices, it is inferred that our research hypothesis was partially proved, because only in the period of recovering learning, in the end of the school year, that it is possible to observe the teacher working with the children the activities that are referred to the work with words. Those activities goals were to work the gaps identified (by the Teacher) in the literacy process, that is, in the domain of the alphabetic writing. This moment, the work developed indicated that there is activities/proposals maintenance arising from the way the constructivists think about teaching and learning. However, it was not observed, as proposed by the phonic method defenders, the systematic work with syllables and phonemes. Regarding the analysis of the MEC official speech our hypothesis is proved in its totality, because it is seen during the decades of 2000- 2010, from north to south of Brazil, acceptances of constructivist literacy proposals and the ones based on the phonic method, by the Federal, State and municipal realms. The presence of literacy perspective conciliations in our country helps us think that MEC treated (has been treating) the teaching of reading and writing, in literacy times, as a product, as goods. Why? Just by the fact of being consistent with the intentionality of the world economy about our school/country. Until 2022 Brazil needs to prove that has complied (more) one of the main items of the neoliberal agenda, that is: to present to all instances of the world economy a Ideb 6, 0. A quantitative objective/data that seems not to have any improvements for the Brazilian school, since it was not proclaimed, by the official speech, in the beginning of the previous decade. Literacy fit perfectly in this direction, because it intends to form minimally readers and writers, enough so that they do the evaluations that may put the Brazilian businessman in evidence before the world economy discussions. In this context it is idealized, through literacy, the constitution of literate functional.
Educational policy , Alphabetization , Literacy , Política educacional