Análise da efetividade dos instrumentos econômicos da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS)

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Batista, Bruna Campanharo
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The production and consumption patterns in the XXI century have provided global development and advantage to its population; however, they produce high levels of solid residues. This great production has brought to the world’s attention the need to manage these residues on a sustainable way; which means the goal is to narrow the environmental impact throughout reducing the production and promoting the recycling, regeneration and reuse of solid residues. In order to do so, Brazil has published, in 2010, its National Politics to Solid Residues, PNRS. Due to Brazil’s large territorial extension, the best solution to this rule was to adapt and branch it according to each region reality – at all levels: federal, state and municipalities. PNRS has established reverse logistics – a sequence of operations that begin on the customers and ends on the producers – which uses activities such as recycling, reusing and reprocessing goods. The rule also presents economic tools(IE), a reverse logistics tool that can be applied at all government levels: national, states and cities. According to MMA, Environmental Ministry, the states have to promote the use of the IE as an initiative to protect the integrity of the global environmental system. A question guides this job: what is the most effective and coherent to use the IE in order to apply and extend reverse logistics? Within this question, the intention is to analyze and describe the IE current situation inside the activities developed by the different reverse logistics chains when it comes to the PNRS. To achieve the intended, in the beginning a bibliographic research was done, in which it was concluded that the most used IE internationally and in Brazil. In addition, a documental research was done and, as its results, it was found legislations published at city level aiming to take care of solid residues. From the results of the documental research, a field research was made in which the city halls that implemented the laws that were part of the samples, through a semi-structured interview, described the current state of their implanted laws. As result, it was noticed that the main IE used internationally were the ones applied on goods and inputs, deposit-refund system and collect taxes based on quantity. This points out to the consideration and care from the production to the disposal. While in Brazil the rules focus is on the first step of reverse logistics: collecting. Brazilians need to also handle flexible and embracing orientations, which allows the implementation of the IE but doesn’t regulate nor determine governors to offer it to the society. An specific legislation is needed that starts acting on the main residues on the cities, taking into consideration the enterprises all around it, in a way the government and entrepreneurs align to the purpose of a more effective management of solid residues. However, before improving the law guidelines it is necessary to assure they will practice it, since after the interviews with the city halls it was detected that only 29% of the laws found were applied and that 50%, though already valid, are not being used properly. After the analysis of the current state of IEs, it was observed that there aren’t many barriers that need to be gone through for the bigger efficiency and expansion of reverse logistics. The real scenario is that the governmental actions in Brazil are beginners and need to evolve, but to do so government, entrepreneurs and society must be aligned among themselves.