Agenda 21 como ferramenta para ensino e discussão da sustentabilidade na educação do campo

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Salvador, Paula
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Man's relationship with nature throughout history has followed paths that have led to a destructive crisis of natural resources, including man himself. This crisis, which began in the last century and continues to the present day, whether by natural factors and catastrophes or by the appropriation and exploitation imposed by the capitalist system. As a counter to this crisis, since the last century, meetings have been held for discussion, alert and proposition of actions capable of minimizing this problem. One of the most relevant is the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, held in 1992, in the city of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil. In this conference a document was prepared as a means of intervention for environmental degradation, called the Global Agenda 21, this name for the actions being proposed for the 21st century. Each signatory country would develop its National Agenda 21 that would unfold at local and school level. In this sense, the main objective of this work is to implement Agenda 21 at the Municipal School of Integral Education and the Francisco José Mattedi Field, located in the municipality of São Gabriel da Palha, Espírito Santo State. This is an applied research, using qualitative research methodology, following the steps of sensitization, reflection, diagnosis, action plan and evaluation. As a result we had the formation of the Committee on Environment and Quality of Life in school - COM-VIDA, composed of students, educators, school staff, management and external community. The Children and Youth Conference for the Environment was organized by this Commission, with a stimulus for youth protagonism, which resulted in the project Water: source of life and not of profit. The research revealed the importance of struggle and resistance to integrate environmental education into the education system in a critical and emancipatory way. It was concluded that in the context in which the school is inserted there was a contribution of environmental education to the involvement of the school community and the environment in activities that increased their perception of environmental issues in search of social transformations.
Critical environmental education , Juvenile protagonism , Education of the field , Educação ambiental crítica , Protagonismo juvenil , Educação do campo