As universidades brasileiras e a indução estratégica da pesquisa : o comprometimento da autonomia científica

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Ribeiro, Daniella Borges
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This study aims at analyzing the way the directions given to scientific research in Brazil through CNPq (Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) incentives has affected the production of knowledge in universities, as well as verifying whether or not scientific autonomy is compromised. This is a documental study carried out based on data about investigations funded by CNPq between 2011 and 2014. In this period, 135 calls for investigations were spread by this body, for which 93,367 proposals were submitted and 24,450 were approved for funding (26.2%). Of the 135 calls for research investigated, 105 (77.8%) required PhD degree for research submission; 128 (94.8%) were open to private institutions (for or nonprofit), and only 05 calls (3.7%) were specific for public institutions. Of the 24,450 research projects accepted for funding, 10,724 (43.9%) were submitted by institutions located in the Brazilian Southeast and 5,670 (23.2%) in the South Region, among which USP, UFRJ, UFMG, UFRGS and UNESP were the universities with most proposals approved. The wide area of knowledge that had the largest number of projects accepted was the agrarian sciences, with de 3,895 (15.9%) projects approved. Of the 135 calls for research investigated, in 126 (93.3%) the theme to be studied was provided. We understand thatinstitutional differentiation; diversification of funding sources for production of knowledge (promoting the idea that universities have autonomy to gather resources in the market); regional asymmetry and influence by the State concerning areas and themes to be studied compromise scientific autonomy in our country. The production of knowledge that could optimally meet the needs of Brazilian workers is subject to the needs of production and of the market attuned to the expectations of international bourgeoisie, which corroborates our position as peripheral country, dependent on global economy.
Production of knowledge , Higher education policy , Science, technology and innovation policy , Scientific autonomy , Produção científica , Autonomia científica , Produção de conhecimentos , Política de educação superior , Política de ciência, tecnologia e inovação