Doutorado em Política Social

URI Permanente para esta coleção

Nível: Doutorado
Ano de início: 2012
Conceito atual na CAPES: 5
Ato normativo: Homologado pelo CNE, Parecer CES/CNE nº 487/2018 (Portaria MEC 609, de 14/03/2019), DOU 18/03/2019, seção 1, p. 63.
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
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  • Item
    A relação entre movimento feminista e partidos políticos de esquerda no Brasil, no contexto de acirramento da crise capitalista, 2008-2017
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-05-03) Pereira, Célia Barbosa da Silva; Ferraz, Ana Targina Rodrigues; Soto, Olga Perez; Alvaro, Mirla Cisne; Tatagiba, Luciana Ferreira; Moraes, Lívia de Cássia Godoi
    This study analyzes how the relationship between feminist movements and left political parties in Brazil has been expressed during the period of 2008 to 2017, a context of intensification of the world capitalist crisis. From a study case regarding the way this relationship has been developed by three feminist movements with national reach, which are: World March of Women (WMW), Brazilian Women’s Articulation (BWA) and the Movement of Peasant Women (MPW), we pointed out contemporary tendencies presented by feminist movements about their political relations with left parties. The hypothesis was that, in a context of intensification of the world capitalist crisis, the relationship between feminist movements and political parties would be strengthening, in the sense of a greater approximation indicating organicity. Therefore, having in mind the particularities of the national scene, the proposed thesis was that, in Brazil, the current relationship between feminist movements and left political parties indicates a new type of relation based in the understanding from social movements that they are political agents and that they have the same role as the parties in directing the political fight of the working class. The qualitative research was based in: bibliographical survey for the construction of the theoretical reference and historical understanding of the object of study; research documented in WMW, BWA and MPW websites and in-depth interviews with fourteen militants that are a reference to this movements to data collect; analysis of the speech to data comprehension. The results point to a confirmation of the thesis. The studied movements had an approximation with left political parties in the context of the capitalism crisis, establishing a relation of organicity, mainly with Popular Consultation and Workers Party. This relationship is based in the comprehension that social changing can only happen through an anti-systemic fight that articulates the dimensions of sex, race/ethnicity and class. The motto “without feminism there is no socialism” indicates the understanding of these movements that an egalitarian society must be based in the fight for the emancipation of the working class, mas also be aware of the specificities of the women’s emancipation.
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    Desvelamento de contradições da categoria superexploração da força de trabalho em Ruy Mauro Marini : elementos a partir da economia brasileira
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-02-28) Nogueira, Camilla dos Santos; Mendonça, Luiz Jorge Vasconcellos Pessôa de; Franklin, Rodrigo Straessli Pinto; Carcanholo, Marcelo Dias; Moreira, Renata Couto; Nakatani, Paulo
    Starting on the controversy over be - or not to be - the super-exploitation a specific category of dependent countries, or general for the central economies in face of the intensification of the precariousness of labor conditions, a condition that capital currently imposes on the worker as a way to recover the profit in the moment of crisis, the present study shows that the super-exploitation of the labor is connected with the transfer of more value as a form of compensation, and that the trend movement between these dialectical units, demonstrates the form of accumulation that happens in countries. In this way, the generalization of super-exploitation and its extension to the central countries only occurs as mechanisms of remuneration below the value necessary for the reproduction of the labor force, not representing the total reproduction of the relations that make the dialectic of dependence. The elements of the Brazilian economy, analyzed in the present study, indicate that the country intensified the transfer of more value abroad after the 1990‟s commercial and financial opening. Among the elements that emerge from the Brazilian economy who demonstrate an increase in the transfer of more value, the study showed that the growth of foreign investments in the country had accentuated the sending of profits, dividends and interest. Therefore, the transfer of more value produced in Brazil is appropriate externally, which intensifies the relations of dependence of the country's economy. The conditions for the use of the labor force in the Brazilian labor market worsened after the commercial and financial opening, when the problem of dependence determined by the transfer of more value was sharpened. This relationship occurs because, in the process of de-accumulation of the Brazilian economy and vulnerabilities resulting from economic crises, capital recovers the loss of more value through the super-exploitation of the labor force. Concluding, by this Brazilian economy element can be concluded that, there is a relation between the dialectical units, transfer of value and super-exploitation of the labor force. This relationship, however, occurs in a trend movement, which indicates the specificity of the function of super-exploitation in dependent economies.
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    Novas regulamentações que acometem a carreira do magistério superior das universidades federais brasileiras e a radicalização do estranhamento no trabalho alienado do/da docente universitário/a
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-12-06) Teixeira, Rafael Vieira; Mendonça, Luiz Jorge Vasconcellos Pessôa de; Minto, Lalo Watanabe; Farage, Eblin Joseph; Nakatani, Paulo; Moraes, Lívia de Cássia Godoi
    This thesis analyses, through changes on regulations that affect careers in Higher Education on Brazilian federal universities, the radicalization of estrangement in alienated teaching labor. The studied context is marked by capital’s structural crisis, when neoliberal strategies strengthen its administration of the State and social politics, demanding from universities for its redirection on attending the needs for capital reproduction in its crisis. This scenario, particularly aggravated by Brazil’s dependent status within unequal and combined global referenced capitalist development, entails new regulations that affect shape and content of alienated university teaching labor, radicalizing estrangement. The confirmation of this hypothesis occurred through documental analysis of Constitutional Amendments, Bill of Laws, Decrees, Ordinances and Provisional Measures active since beginning of the 21st century. Intertwining of new regulations concerning policies for fiscal and budget management of Brazilian State; science, technology and innovation; education – specially higher education –; towards new Higher Education Career regulated since 2012. Allows to extract concrete aspects of deepen estrangement of professors themselves, their colleagues and students, their activities and the product of it, as well as social and general humane conditions related to university teaching labor. These aspects, analyzed around the labor-estrangement dialectic, allowed us to affirm that there is an ongoing radicalization of estrangement on alienated higher education teaching labor.
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    Microcrédito : combate à pobreza ou gestão da classe trabalhadora?
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-08-31) Colodeti, Vicente de Paulo; Sabadini, Mauricio de Souza; Lupatini, Márcio Paschoino; Mauriel, Ana Paula Ornellas; Moraes, Lívia de Cássia Godoi; Mello, Gustavo Moura de Cavalcanti
    This study aims to understand, through bibliographical research, the space occupied by microcredit in the current Brazilian capitalist system. In order to do so, it seeks critically expose the microcredit based on its main premise, namely: the general consideration according to which this type of credit is taken as a social policy of attacking poverty, generation of work and income, social inclusion and the promotion of citizenship rights. This study also intends to investigate the theoretical, ideological and concrete bases of this set of notions, so that one can not only describe microcredit, but also give it meaning according to the capitalism in Brazil. It also presents: theoretical notions about poverty and entrepreneurship; information about the national labor market in recent years, specifically about the entrepreneurs; some liberal conceptions about social reality that allowed structuring and consolidating the idea of attacking poverty and generating work and income through microcredit, and finally, elements related to the Brazilian History that served as basis for the microcredit policies today. This study concluded that the microcredit, despite appearing as a tool of attacking poverty or to generate work and income, allows, in essence, to manage, at least, part of the left over proletarian class from the current national labor market.
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    A economia política da pobreza na atual trama conjuntural brasileira : conservadorismo, (des)caminhos, contradições e interdições no horizonte da transformação social
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-04-06) Silva, Ruteléia Cândida de Souza; Leite, Izildo Corrêa; Silva, Jeane Andréia Ferraz; Gomes, Maria das Graças Cunha; Manfroi, Vania Maria; Nogueira, Vera Maria Ribeiro
    The present study aims to investigate and understand the theoretical and interpretative bases of the ideology of the poverty political economy, and its relationship with the current Brazilian conjuncture, considering the period that begins in the year 2003 and extends to 2017. It consists of an investigative effort of apprehension on the interpretation theoretical bases of the poverty political economy their principles and its connection with the present Brazilian conjuncture, placing these theoretical bases in the marks of different theories and ideologies. In this sense, the term poverty political economy, was used to explain the apparent and ideopolitical form as the phenomenon of poverty and capitalist expropriations have been appropriated by the agents and representatives of bourgeois thought that, in a conservative reformism, strengthen the bourgeois domination project, hiding the dynamics that feeds the immanent logic of interest-bearing capital, centered on expropriation, production, and the accelerated and intensified extraction of more value. The research, in the light of the historical and dialectical materialist method, has its methodological path delimited from basic categories constituted and constituents of and by reality, appropriated under and exploratory bias and that allowed a closer approximation to the essential categories to the attainment of the objectives proposed for this study, such as: work, poverty, social formation, State, class struggle. In addition, in order to make use of a collection, which allowed the understanding of conditioning factors that determine the way of being and living of a whole society, such as the ideas defended by the empowerment thesis of the poor, empowerment and entrepreneurship. In the methodological course, bibliographic research elements were appropriated, in order to gather and organize the formulations contained in diverse analytical sources and that dealt with the subject studied. As for the data analysis technique, the content analysis was used to decode the information and to make inferences in accordance with the appropriate method. As a result, the constructed dialectical synthesis allowed us to verify that the poverty political economy fulfills the role precisely of offering the favorable and necessary conditions to attend to the bourgeois domination and accumulation interests and, therefore, indispensable to maintain order and Social balance. It acts both in the sphere of consensus and in the field of discipline, using private devices of hegemony and national and international bourgeois domination. From these reflections it became clear that the of the ideology of the poverty political economy plays a preponderant role in material and social expropriations, contributing, through manipulation, regression and even repression, to definitively consecrate the capital supremacy and the illusion of an omnipotent market.