Docência coletiva : saberes e fazeres na Educação a Distância

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Nobre, Isaura Alcina Martins
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This work is organized from a qualitative research with a socio-historical approach that is based mainly on the theory of social construction of knowledge of Vygotsky, in Freire's dialogical and autonomy, and the formation of teachers as reflective practice of Nóvoa and Alarcão. This is a case study for the distance Latu-Sensu graduation course in Computer Education (PIE) offered by the Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo (IFES). Seeks to analyze the collective teaching in distance, based on perceptions of the content teachers and/or formation from its practice in DE. Data were collected through a questionnaire, observation of the performance of teachers, interviews, course documents and reflections from the records in virtual rooms. The data were analyzed into three categories: Teaching Collective in DE, DL and Use of Technologies in Education; Planning Process and Characteristics of Teachinglearning in distance education. The results point to the fact that the teaching Collective consists of various teachers with different perceptions about the teaching-learning can be considered positive, since the process can be shared and enriched from the various looks, though, cause challenges interactive nature. Regarding the planning done in PIE results show that it has been possible to experience moments interdisciplinary between disciplines, especially concurrent, enabling students to the perception of the interconnection of knowledge and reducing redundancies between contents. The study points to the need to consider the training of teachers for the DL as reflective practice that perpasse the pursuit of technological knowledge and pedagogical.
Distance education , Teaching collective , Teacher education in distance , Education , Technologies in education , Interdisciplinarity , Educação à distância , Ensino à distância - formação de professores , Docência coletiva , Formação de professores em EaD , Tecnologias na educação , Interdisciplinaridade
NOBRE, Isaura Alcina Martins, Docência coletiva: saberes e fazeres na Educação a Distância. 2013. 275 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Centro de Educação, Vitória, 2013.