A formação de educadores e a travessia de cercas invisíveis de acesso/produção de conhecimentos : experiências do MST nas inter-relações com universidades brasileiras

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Pizetta, Adelar João
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This study systematizes and addresses the theme of political training of educators developed in the inter-relations between Brazilian universities and Landless Rural Workers” Movement, specifically in the graduating course in History at the Federal University of Paraiba and Agriculture Engineering at the Federal University of Sergipe, from 2004 to 2008. This process is developed in a difficult and complex context of the struggle for Agrarian Reform in Brazil, mainly by the changes that took place in the last years derived from the logic of agribusiness production. This condition takes the MST to debate and propose a new conception of Agrarian Reform. That is designated as People”s Agrarian Reform, replacing the Classic Agrarian Reform Proposal. On the other side, it presents a vision of the Brazilian universities and of the projects built and implemented in the last years, also observing the coincidences with the general economic policy for the society. It presents a conception of political training that has been built within the MST practices, that also looks for the universities to sign conventions and to develop schooling and political training processes for their educator activists. Among the dimensions of this educational and political process, stand out: permanent bond of the organic processes, political training as a ethical, aesthetic, mystical process that deals with attitudes and behaviours; as a dialogic, critical and articulated process that contemplates knowledges, experiences, in an interaction that seeks to overcome the monocultures. Capture through field research: estrangements, barriers, senses of the pedagogical and collective occupation, alternatives, legacies that remain not only in the MST but also at the universities, and that presents the result of the involvement and acting of the graduates from both courses nowadays. It also points to the challenges, other possibilities to confront the difficult but necessary task of training politically the educators, activists capable of carrying forward collectively the struggle for a fairer, more solidary and democratic world, in which the land and the knowledge together with the other economic and cultural goods be deeply democratized. It intends to be a contribution to the debate about the relevance of these inter-relations between the universities and social movements, in which these experiences demarcates new possibilities of access and democratic and less elitist progresses of the university and new baselines of schooling and political training for the members of the Landless Movement.
Political training for educators , University , Agrarian reform , Agribusiness , Formação de educadores , Universidade , MST , Agronegócio