Política urbana e reassentamento populacional : o caso do Projeto Terra Mais Igual em Vitória-ES

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Marinho, Cínthia Pinheiro
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Taking as starting point the process of urbanization and social and political consequences of accelerated growth of the industrial capitalist cities, the study aimed to address the State s action on urban problems through public policies for the population living in areas slum, considering the dynamics of implementation of these policies and the various interests that are manifested in the appropriation of urban space. For this discussion we used different theoretical approaches, from the urban sociology literature and incorporating public policy and urban planning. The research was situated within the Projeto Terra Mais Igual, the city of Vitória, highlighting the proposed resettlement of the population Polygon 02 of that project. The data obtained through desk research and qualitative interviews allowed a better understanding of the dynamic performance of the government in this region, considering the reaction of the population involved in the implementation of resettlement location indicated by the PTMI, especially with regard to the issue of segregation socio-economically distinct spatial populations.
Urbanization , Slums , Public policy , Segregation , Urbanização , Favelização , Políticas públicas , Segregação