A luta por reparação é de mulheres: raça e gênero no quilombo do Degredo frente ao desastre-crime no Rio Doce

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Loiola, Rosimery Soares
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This work describes how women from the quilombola community of Degredo (Linhares, Espírito Santo) built their relationship with the crime disaster that occurred on the Rio Doce and its tributaries in 2015. The object of study was delimited based on the observation of poor visibility and recognition of women in the social organization of conflicts resulting from the disaster, since the “affected” category served to generalize the experiences of those affected by the dam collapse, the mobilizations and the solutions found. Considering the perspectives of registration in terms of gender and race, I take as a methodology the ethnography of the daily lives of those quilombola women involved in the construction of spaces of political leadership, as well as their perception and the interactions they have not only with the political space, but with the rivers, the waters, the sea, the land and the fish. I conclude the dissertation by describing how the quilombola women involved in the process of repairing the damage caused by the disaster consider it an expression of environmental racism.
Desastre-crime da Samarco , Degredo (Linhares, Espírito Santo) , Mulheres quilombolas