Mestrado em Ciências Florestais
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Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 2008
Conceito atual na CAPES: 4
Ato normativo: Ofício N. 39-12/2007/CTC/CCA/CAPES de 31/07/2007 Homologado pelo CNE (Portaria Nº 656 de 22/05/2017) Publicação DOU em 27/07/2017, Seç. 1, Pag. 36.
Periodicidade de seleção: Semestral
Área(s) de concentração: Ciências Florestais
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Navegando Mestrado em Ciências Florestais por Autor "Alexandre, Rodrigo Sobreira"
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- ItemÁRVORES FRUTÍFERAS FUNCIONAIS DA FLORESTA ATLÂNTICA: DIVERSIDADE FENOTÍPICA E MOLECULAR, COMPOSIÇÃO HORMONAL, NUTRICIONAL E ANTIOXIDANTE EM Lecythis pisonis E Lecythis lanceolata(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2020-02-21) Araujo, Caroline Palacio de; Alexandre, Rodrigo Sobreira;;;;; Ferreira, Adesio;;; Souza, Tercio da Silva de;;; Lopes, Jose Carlos;; species Lecythis pisonis Cambess. and Lecythis lanceolata Poir. (Lecythidaceae), are chestnut trees native to the Atlantic Forest, whose seeds are food sources for fauna and humans. To study the biometric, hormonal and chemical characteristics of seed
- ItemCrescimento de mudas clonais de Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg em diferentes regimes térmicos, concentração de CO2 e níveis de água no solo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-07-31) Costa, Erilva Machado; Cavatte, Paulo Cezar; Tatagiba, Sandro Dan; Pezzopane, José Eduardo Macedo; Alexandre, Rodrigo SobreiraThe intensification of human activities has resulted in significant increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases, including changing the thermal regimes and hence the water balance and can influence the growth of plants. The objective of this study was to evaluate the initial growth and determine physiological patterns of rubber tree clones under adverse weather conditions. For this two experiments were established in order to assess the influence of CO2 concentrations and different water regimes in contrasting microclimates. The studies were carried out in air-conditioned greenhouses, with controlled temperature and relative humidity, belonging to the Meteorological Laboratory Ecophysiology and Forestry of the Federal University of Espirito Santo in the city of Jerônimo Monteiro, ES. In the study presented in Chapter I, two clones of H. brasiliensis (RRIM 600 and FX 3864) were evaluated under microclimate conditions and atmospheric concentrations of CO2 contrasting. Thus, two experiments were set up, one for each clone, following a completely randomized design in a 2x2 factorial design (two microclimate conditions x two concentrations of CO2) with six repetitions, each repetition consisting of a plant. For controlling CO2 concentrations, we used open-top chambers (OTC - Open Top Chambers) with automatic control of CO2 injection, allocated within two greenhouses acclimatized between the months of September to December. In the study presented in chapter II, two clones of H. brasiliensis (RRIM 600 and FX 3864) were evaluated under microclimate conditions and different water regimes between the months of September to November. Thus, two experiments were set up, one for each clone, following a completely randomized design in a 2x2 factorial design (two water regimes x two microclimate conditions), with five replications, each replication consisted of a plant. The available water in the substrate was determined by using data obtained water retention curve in the soil and, from these data it was established volume of water for each water system. The water control was performed by daily weighing vessel, using a precision balance. At the end of each experiment was performed plant growth analysis by obtaining the total dry matter and its partitions, as well as leaf area, leaf specific area. To evaluate the physiological responses of plants, there was gas exchange measurements and quantification of photosynthetic pigments content for both experiments. Furthermore, for the experiment Chapter I, of the gas exchange measurements for curve fitting were performed A/FFFA and A/Ci to obtain photosynthetic parameters. The data from the two experiments were subjected to analysis of variance, and when significant, the averages were compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. Clones showed higher growth, higher net assimilation rates of CO2 and intrinsic efficiency of water use by increasing the concentration of CO2, regardless of microclimates. Using the variables growth and physiological responses is evident in this study that the rubber tree clones, RRIM 600 and FX 3864, have a greater sensitivity to microclimate conditions with low air demand, independent of [CO2]. Since, through the analysis of the curves A/FFFA and A/Ci, clones have higher photosynthetic performance in response to light when kept under high atmospheric demand. The reduction of 50% of available water in the soil for the clones RRIM 600 and FX 3864, was sufficient to reduce growth, demonstrating high susceptibility of clones to drought. However, the clone FX 3864 was more tolerant to reduced water availability compared to the RRIM 600 clone.
- ItemCrescimento inicial de mogno africano (Khaya spp.) sob diferentes condições microclimáticas associadas à deficiência hídrica(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-07-31) Santos Neto, Alcides Pereira; Pezzopane, José Eduardo Macedo; Gonçalves, Elzimar de Almeida; Alexandre, Rodrigo SobreiraThe forest sector is challenged to perform plantations of new species with timber potential in order to meet the growing demand for quality wood and provide an alternative to illegal use of native trees. In this regard it is noteworthy species of the genus Khaya, popularly known as african mahogany. In Brazil, the most cultivated species in this genus are Khaya ivorensis A. Chev., K. senegalensis A. Juss. and K. anthotheca (Welw.) C. DC. However, few studies have been developed with this genre, there is a need to point climate preferences, generating important for the successful implementation of stands with african mahogany information. Thus, the present study aimed to compare the growth of three different species of African mahogany (K. ivorensis, K. senegalensis and K. anthotheca) subjected to different microclimatic conditions and water availability in the substrate. The study was conducted in the experimental area of the Department of Forest and Wood Sciences Center of Agricultural Sciences, Federal University of Espírito Santo. The seedlings were planted in pots of 12 l, which were allocated inside the house air-conditioned greenhouse with controlled temperature, humidity and available water in the substrate. After 88 days of trial evaluated the photosynthetically active radiation transmitted. Plant growth was characterized at the end of 90 days, through morphological measurements: height, stem diameter, leaf area and dry mass of the root partition, shoot and full part, and the ratio of root/shoot. Adopted a completely randomized design (CRD) in factorial 3X4X3 composed of three species (K. anthoteca, K. senegalensis and K. ivorensis), four levels of available soil water (20, 40, 60 and 90%), inserted in three microclimatic conditions (24,7 °C, 0,30 Kpa; 28,6 °C, 0,95 Kpa; 29,8 °C, 1,80 Kpa) with five replications. The sampling unit consisted of one plant per pot. Values were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) to assess possible interactions between the factors species and water levels for each environment separately. The results showed that the growth characteristics of the species of african mahogany were influenced differently in the face of environmental changes and water availability in the substrate. Without water restriction in soil, water near field capacity, K. ivorensis species showed higher initial growth in microclimates studied, however, did not differ from K. senegalensis in the microclimate of higher atmospheric demand (higher temperature and high VPD). Fluid restriction, available water below 40%, affected the early growth of species of Khaya, with no differences between the mahogany studied.
- ItemDegradação de reservas bioquímicas e hormonais durante a germinação in vitro de sementes imaturas e poliaminas associadas ou não ao picloram na embriogênese somática de Euterpe edulis martius(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-02-28) Costa, Joana Silva; Alexandre, Rodrigo Sobreira;;;;; Santos, Heloisa Oliveira dos;;; Werner, Elias Terra;;; Schmildt, Edilson Romais;; edulis Martius, popularly known as juçara, belongs to the Arecaceae family, is native to the Atlantic Forest, and is included in the Brazilian List of Endangered Species. This species is single-stemmed, has propagation exclusively by seeds, recalcitrant seeds and slow germination, factors that lead to the risk of extinction due to the characteristics of the source of propagule and palm heart harvest, and justify the search for alternative methods of propagation. Therefore, knowledge about the morphological, physiological and biochemical changes that this species undergoes throughout its germination process is very important, as well as somatic embryogenesis that appears in this scenario as a viable option, enabling the generation of numerous plants from just an explant. Chapter 1 portrays the degradation of juçara seed reserves during germination (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 120, 180 days after germination), in which morphophysiological and biochemical analyzes were submitted. It was observed in this experiment that, while the dry mass of the seeds was reduced, there was an increase in the morphological variables of the seedlings. All reserves were degraded over the period under analysis, however, proteins were metabolized and consumed before carbohydrates, starches and lipids, indicating the importance of the first reserve cited in germination and subsequent ones in seedling growth. Other reserves such as fibers and lignin are closely related to the acquisition of mechanical strength by seedling structures. Even during the post-germination period, the hormones zeatin, indoleacetic acid, and abscisic acid were detected, which are related to the start of germination, and with inhibitory effects, such as zeatin on abscisic acid in the regulation of dormancy. It was also observed the hormonal precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid, which is also related to germination, the polyamines (spermine, spermidine x and putrescine), which are linked to the development of the embryo, and the amino acid proline, which works as an inhibitor of germination. In summary, the increase in the average values of the efficiency of use of reserves that occurs together with the decrease in the dry mass of the seeds, affirm that the endospermic reserves are translocated to the vegetative axis, and promote the germination and the growth of the seedlings of E. edulis. In addition, haustorial atrophy signals the end of the degradation period of these reserves, which is marked by a significant increase in moisture and a reduction in seed dry mass. Chapter 2 depicts the induction and maturation of somatic embryogenesis of stem segments of E. edulis, whose treatments were different concentrations of spermine or spermidine (0, 50, 100 and 150 μM) combined or not with picloram (150 μM), and the polyamines were subdivided into two experiments. Spermidine (150 μM) showed the highest number of somatic embryos, a larger zone of embryo formation, in addition to intense procambial and meristematic formation, evidencing the requirement of this polyamine during the histodifferentiation of somatic embryos of E. edulis. Finally, the somatic globular embryos (emblings) formed presented asynchronous development, and the presence or absence of basal cells of the globose body, resembling the zygotic embryo suspensor, which refers to its variable origin (uni or multicellular).
- ItemDiversidade genética, comportamento morfofisiológico e status nutricional de Lecythis pisonis Cambess(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-02-27) Rosa, Thuanny Lins Monteiro; Schmildt, Edilson Romais; Lopes, José Carlos; Alexandre, Rodrigo Sobreira; Maciel, Khétrin Silva; Oliveira, João Paulo Beteste deThe sapucaia (Lecythis pisonis Cambess.) is a tree of the family Lecythidaceae, which produces edible, tasty and nutritious nuts, besides having ornamental and logging potential. However, its resources are still underutilized, as it is appreciated and known only in local communities. The objective of this work was to analyze the genetic diversity by means of juvenile characteristics and molecular markers, the morphological and nutritional status of sapucaia nuts. The seeds of the 21 sapucaia matrices were submitted to biometric, chemical and physiological evaluations. The seeds were also submitted to X-rays for the internal study of the seed and determination of the density. For the nutritional status of nuts, selenium, macro (N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S) and micronutrients (Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn) were extracted. We analyzed the phenotypic divergence by means of the heat map of 27 characteristics and molecular, by the ISSR (Inter Simple Sequence Repeats) marker, by means of 96 primers, of which 13 were selected for the characterization of the bulk samples of the matrices of sapucaia. The dies 5; 8 and 21 are the most phenotypically divergent, mainly by the amount of potassium and phosphorus in matrix 5, manganese in 8 and selenium in 21, however, the others also did not present similarity. The characteristics that contributed the most to the genetic divergence, in descending order, were: Se> TME> Germination> Fe> Emergence. Of the 74 loci produced by the 13 selected primers, 71 were polymorphic, ie 96.7% polymorphism, evidencing high genetic divergence. In the genetic diversity of the sapucaia matrices the percentage of polymorphism found in the 20 samples is high (96.7%). The nuts of the 21 sapucaia matrices did not present toxic levels of selenium, macro and micronutrients. The matrices 8 (175.4 µg g-1 ) and 20 (71.2 µg g-1 ) were selected by the amount of manganese and iron in the nuts, respectively. The content of selenium in the nuts of sapucaia ranged from 0.10 (matrix 11) to 32.40 µg g-1 (matrix 21), and the matrix 21 was selected because it supplied 225 µg of Se, on average, with a recommendation for consumption ¼ of its nuts. The values of density obtained by X- ray image analysis were on average 4% different from those obtained in the laboratory. This new methodology makes it possible to determine the density precisely and faster than conventional. The inferior or hilo region and the upper region, where the protrusion of the primary root and the hypocotyl, respectively, present the interrupted tegument, with density around 0.2 g cm-3 . Sapucaia germination is uneven, slow and reaches a maximum of 63%, with emphasis on matrix 11, with greater vigor.
- ItemESTRESSE TÉRMICO E MORFOGÊNESE IN VITRO DE SEMENTES DE Dalbergia nigra(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-02-25) Simões, Ingridh Medeiros; Alexandre, Rodrigo Sobreira;;;;; Schmildt, Edilson Romais;;; Lopes, José Carlos;; species Dalbergia nigra (Vell.) Allemão ex Benth is popularly known as jacaranda from Bahia, it has wood used for the manufacture of luxury furniture and civil constructions, a factor that included it in the Official List of the Endangered Brazilian Flora due to its sharp exploitation. Little is known about the propagation of this species, and tissue culture may be an important allied technique for the production of largescale seedlings of this species. The objective of this study was to study the physiological and biochemical characteristics of Dalbergia nigra seeds under heat stress in vitro, as well as their morphogenesis using different explants under cytokinetic combinations. Chapter I: Physiological and biochemical quality of Dalbergia nigra seeds under heat stress in vitro at 45 ° C for different hours (0; 24; 48; 72; 96). Physiological analyzes of moisture, electrical conductivity, germination speed index, normal and abnormal seedlings, root and hypocotyl shoot length, collar diameter, shoot and root dry mass and Dickson quality index were performed and biochemical analysis of total carbohydrates, total lipids, total phenols, total proteins, starch and fibers. The statistical analyzes consisted of Pearson's regression and correlation. There was a decrease in germination and vigor with the hours of thermal stress, with a decrease from 95 to 0%, with 0 and 96 hours respectively and a reduction in the content of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Chapter II: In vitro morphogenesis of hypo and epicotyledon explants of Dalbergia nigra, induced by cytokinetic combinations. The number of shoots, number of leaves, shoot length, stem diameter, root number, root length, dry mass of the shoot and dry mass of the root were analyzed. The statistical analyzes consisted of Tukey's means test and Pearson's correlation (p <0.05). The use of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP - 2.22 µM) in the multiplication of shoots provided a high multiplication factor, length and dry mass of shoots, number, length and dry mass of root, when associated with the explant cotyledon node.
- ItemGerminação e morfogênese in vitro de Dalbergia nigra (Vell.) Alemão ex Benth(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-02-28) Santos, Maricélia Moreira dos; Alexandre, Rodrigo Sobreira; Carvalho, Virginia Silva; Schmildt, Edimilson RomaisThe Atlantic Forest is a biome of great importance that suffers from human actions, which can lead to the extinction of endemic species of great economic and ecological value, such as the Brazilian rosewood (Dalbergia nigra (Vell.) Allemão ex Benth.). In order to aid in the multiplication of this remarkable species, this work aimed to study the in vitro germination and organogenesis of Dalbergia nigra using juvenile explants and phytoregulators, in order to contribute to the conservation of the species. For disinfestation and in vitro germination of Dalbergia nigra seeds, two experiments were carried out: 1. Different immersion times (0; 5; 10; 15; 20 and 25 minutes) in commercial sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) (2.0-2.5% active chlorine), in a completely randomized design, where the NaOCl immersion times are the treatments, with four replicates of 25 seeds each, and 2. Different disinfectant agents, which were commercial NaOCl, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), fungicide Captan SC and bactericidal Kasumin, performed in a completely randomized design, with seven treatments and four replicates of 10 seeds each. Woody Plant Medium - WPM was used in the germination and disinfestation experiments. For the analysis of NaOCl toxicity in Lactuca sativa L., it was used five concentrations of NaOCl (0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0%), glyphosate solution (positive control) and distilled water (negative control), carried out in a completely randomized design, with five replicates of 25 seeds each. For in vitro cauligenesis of juvenile Dalbergia nigra explants, the seedlings grown in vitro were segmented into three explants of 1 cm each: caulinar apex, cotyledonary node and root. The explants were inserted in WPM medium supplemented with four concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) (0, 4.44, 8.88 and 13.32 µM), and were performed in a completely randomized design with a factorial 3x4 (explants x BAP), with four replicates of five explants per treatment. For in vitro rhizogenesis of Dalbergia nigra juvenile explants, cotyledonary node segments of normal in vitro grown seedlings were inserted into WPM culture medium with four concentrations of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) (0, 4.92, 9.84 and 14.76 µM), being conducted in a completely randomized design, with four replicates of five explants per treatment. For greater disinfestation and less damaging effects to the seedlings, it is recommended that Brazilian rosewood seeds be treated with 70% alcohol for one minute and NaOCl for 15 minutes. The concentrations of BAP tested in juvenile explants were not satisfactory for cauligenesis. The concentration of 4.92 µM of IBA is recommended because it contributes to growth and root development without severely harming the development of shoots.
- ItemGerminação e morfogênese in vitro de Melanoxylon brauna Schott(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-02-28) Silva, Elisa Regina da; Lopes, José Carlos; Caldeira, Marcos Vinicius Winckler; Alexandre, Rodrigo Sobreira; Carvalho, Virginia Silva; Schmildt, Edilson RomaisMelanoxylon brauna, a Fabaceae native to Brazil threatened with extinction, is commonly propagated sexually, a low seed production is a problem in seedling production. Plant tissue culture is an alternative to the maintenance of braúna germplasm banks. However, there are few studies aimed at an in vitro propagation of braúna. The objective of this study was to evaluate the in vitro germination and morphogenesis of Melanoxylon brauna by means of the organogenesis of juvenile explants. Chapter I. Experiments I and II: Seeds were treated with sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) and Captan® 2% p.a. with and without residue, by different immersion rates, respectively. The following were analyzed: contamination; germination and normal and abnormal seedlings. Experiment III: Biotest of phytotoxicity of captana in lettuce. Lettuce seeds were exposed in Petri dishes with 2.5 mL Captan® at 0.5; 1; 2; 4 and 8% wt. an.; 0.01% glyphosate and distilled water. Germination; length of seedlings; cell cycle; nuclear and chromosomal alterations of the cells of the meristem root. The use of NaClO is not efficient in disinfestation of braúna seeds. Captan® for 10 minutes with residue, being efficient in disinfestation, allowed the seeds to express superior results of germination and vigor, however, showed toxicity and its mechanism of action in the lettuce cell cycle is clastogenic and aneugenic, which suggests the formation of abnormal seedlings in braúna. Chapter II. Three experiments were carried out: I. Proliferation of axillary buds with explants apex caulinar; nodal segment with axillary bud; nodal segment with two axillary buds and cotyledonary node in BAP (0; 4.44; 8.88; 17.76 and 26.64 µM). It was analyzed: number and length of shoots; percentage of budding explants; percentage of calogenesis and percentage of shoots by direct and indirect organogenesis. II. In vitro rhizogenesis of shoots with IBA, ANA and 2,4-D (0; 1; 2 and 3 mg L-1); III. In vitro rhizogenesis of shoots with temporary 10 immersion in AIB (0; 1000; 2000; 3000 and 4000 mg L-1). The percentage of calogenesis and rhizogenesis was analyzed; number, length and dry mass of the roots. The nodal segment with two axillary buds was more responsive in BAP cauligenesis (8.88 µM). The auxin concentrations of IBA, ANA and 2,4-D were not favorable for rhizogenesis. The IBA at concentrations of 2544.81 and 2607.52 mg L-1 promoted superior results in rhizogenesis.
- ItemGerminação ex vitro e potencial organogênico e embriogênico in vitro de Lecythis pisonis cambess(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-02-26) Paulucio, Márcia Cristina; Alexandre, Rodrigo Sobreira; Gonçalves, Elzimar de Oliveira; Mengarda, Liana Hilda Golin; Lopes, José CarlosThe species Lecythis pisonis cambess belonging to Lecythidaceae, has ornamental, fruit, timber potential and can be used in reforestation, as well as producing tasty nuts rich in protein and minerals. Studies of propagation techniques sexual and asexual forest species play an important role in scientific research, aiming at the preservation and use of these species with diversified interests. The objective of this study was to evaluate the ex vitro germination of seeds subjected to different methods of scarification and evaluate the in vitro establishment and organogenic potential and embryogenic the species L. pisonis. Initially for ex vitro germination of the study evaluated the length, width and thickness of seeds. Then the seeds were submitted to the following pre-germination treatments: intact seeds (control); mechanical scarification; chemical scarification with sulfuric acid (98%) for 30, 60 and 90 minutes and complete removal of the seed coat. Were evaluated, the emergence percentage (E%); emergence speed index (EVI) and relative frequency of emergency (Fr). The intact seeds and immersed to H2SO4 for 30, 60 and 90 minutes were radiographed by X-ray equipment (X QDP-01X) and analyzed the chemical wear caused by H2SO4 in the seed coat and this treatment caused some damage to the seed. At the end of the experiment was carried out the morphological characterization of seedlings and calculated the percentage of polyembryony seeds scarified mechanically. It was observed that L. pisonis seeds have integumentary dormancy and the most effective treatment to overcome this dormancy was mechanical scarification, with a higher percentage of emergence and vigor of seedlings formed. The x-ray pattern showed that the chemical scarification caused no damage to the seed endosperm and embryo, furthermore, the chemical desgate the integument was proportional to the time of immersion of seeds in sulfuric acid. The seeds of L. pisonis presented 25% polyembryony. Also evaluated the in vitro establishment and the organogenic and embryogenic potential of the species under 9 study. The explants used to establish in vitro were no seed tegument L. pisonis, which were inoculated in WPM medium without growth regulators and maintained in growth room for 150 days. In this experiment were observed different morphogenic responses: Greening (63%), callus formation (84%), germination (8%), direct rizogenesis (4%) and indirect organogenesis (2%). For the induction of somatic embryogenesis were used segments sapucaia inoculated onto MS medium with the addition of growth regulators at different concentrations (0; 1,5, and 3,0 mg L-1 2,4-D), and cytokinin (0, 0,5 and 1,0 m L-1 KI). It was observed that these concentrations were not efficient for induction of somatic embryos. In vitro rooting induction of stem segments seedlings germinated in vitro were tested different concentrations of IBA (0,0;1,0; 2,0 and 3,0 mg L-1). We observed the formation of roots at all concentrations used except in the absence of auxin.
- ItemO BIOCARVÃO COMO MATÉRIA PRIMA PARA A PRODUÇÃO DE CÁPSULAS DENSIFICADAS VEICULADORAS DE SEMENTES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-02-19) Silva, Álison Moreira da; Junior, Ananias Francisco Dias;;;;; Alexandre, Rodrigo Sobreira;;; Passos, Renato Ribeiro;;; Brito, José Otávio;; is a stable and carbon-rich product, obtained through biomass pyrolysis. Its unique characteristics make this material an excellent soil conditioner, resulting in improvements that vary as the pyrolysis temperature increases. The low density of this component makes its permanence in the soil difficult, being easily leached. Thus, the production of densified biochar capsules aims to overcome transport and leaching problems. The objective of this study was to investigate pyrolysis temperatures and compaction pressures, in the physiological quality of Schizolobium parahyba var. amazonicum seeds, present in densified biochar seeds propagating capsules, and on the morphological characteristics of Schizolobium parahyba var. amazonicum seedlings generated from them. The experiments were performed at the Department of Forestry and Wood Sciences of the Center for Agricultural Sciences and Engineering belonging to the Federal University of Espírito Santo, city of Jerônimo Monteiro, ES. The data were submitted to analysis of variance and, when significant differences were expressed, were performed regression model adjustments and multivariate analyses, which helped in the interpretation of the results. The results indicate that the pyrolysis temperature and the compaction pressure influence parameters associated with the physiological quality of seeds present in densified biochar capsules. However, they do not influence the quality of seedlings generated. The use of densified biochar seeds propagating capsules results in lower physiological seed quality and lower seedling quality than conventional sowing, but even better than seeds added above the substrate, simulating seeds throw or a natural “seed rain”. When developing, the seedlings have morphological characteristics equivalent to seedlings from conventional seeding. In summary, densified biochar capsules had a lower performance in terms of seed development, but even more effective than natural seed rain, generating quality seedlings and, concomitantly, it has the potential to improve physical, chemical and biological characteristics in the short, medium and long term with the incorporation of biochar to the system.
- ItemOcorrências de seca e tendências da vegetação na reserva biológica de Sooretama e zona de amortecimento, no estado do Espírito Santo, Brasil(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-07-08) Branco, Elvis Ricardo Figueira; Pezzopane, José Eduardo Macedo; Santos, Alexandre Rosa dos; Alexandre, Rodrigo Sobreira; Santos, Aureo Banhos dosThe application of remote sensing techniques in time series have become a strong tool that have been highlighted in the scientific community by allow rapid and low cost evaluation, within an accuracy margin. Thus, the frequent recording of images by satellite sensors covering large areas of the Earth surface allows the construction and analysis of time series of vegetation data of different physiognomy, assisting in the dynamic study of vegetation and the spatial arrangement of different intensities drought event. The current study aimed to analyze drought occurrences and time spatial trends in vegetation and to link them to climate change from 2007 to 2015 in the Sooretama biological reserve and surroundings. For this, were used NDVI, EVI and LST images of MODIS sensor to time-spatial analysis of droughts, was used the Vegetation Condition Index (VCI). Was calculated the Pearson's correlation between the mean values of vegetation index and climate variables in order to determine the most appropriate index for the study area and subsequent employment in the drought index VCI, used for monitoring drought. The drought occurrence images and graphics in severe and extreme classes were compared with the rainfall accumulated and its anomaly and water deficit accumulated and the anomaly for each season. In addition, was obtained the average, maximum and minimum values of VCI and related to the average, maximum and minimum values of LST through graphical analysis and regression. Then, was calculated the LST anomaly and crossed with the seasons that had higher drought extensions of greater severity. The analysis of the inter-annual trends of the time series of vegetation indexes were made through Mann-Kendal monotonic trend and seasonal trends analysis methodologies. The images were imported in .img format of TerrSet software, in wich was used the Earth Trends modeler module (ETM) for the trends analysis and processing of the behavior of vegetation indexes. It was created a time series file for each group of images, NDVI, EVI, in which each series consists of a pair of files: A scan file containing the time series images, in .rgf format and a documentation file that describes the temporal characteristics of the series in .tsf format. The results indicates that the EVI index of MODIS sensor showed higher significant correlations with the meteorological variables and great potential for drought occurrences analysis to regions with high density of biomass as native forests. In the years 2007, 2013 and 2015 occurred extreme and severe order drought in larger extensions compared to the other years. The VCI Index its presented suitable for drought occurrences monitoring in the study area, with temporal and spatial concordance with environmental variables and occurrences of El Niño. Over the period analyzed, it was found that there where a decrease of biomass observed in both vegetation indexes through of the negative trends observed in images time series, being more evident in the EVI. The natural forest areas showed the greatest decrease in vegetative vigor observed in the significance images. The annual average values of EVI and NDVI and its decrease over the years showed agreement with the rainfall decreasing and water stress increasing. The data obtained from the MODIS sensor, NDVI, EVI and LST, proved suitable to temporal-spatio analysis of drought occurrences and vegetation trends of the study area.
- ItemParâmetros genéticos e caracterização do crescimento inicial de Euterpe edulis(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-02-25) Peres, Marcello Zatta; Alexandre, Rodrigo Sobreira;;;;; Ferreira, Marcia Flores da Silva;;; Oliveira, Wagner Bastos dos Santos;; edulis Mart., popularly called juçara palm, is a species with an important ecological role in fruit production in the Atlantic Forest. The management of its fruits appears as a way to reduce the anthropic pressure caused by the search for its palm
- ItemPropagação vegetativa de Inga edulis Mart. por estaquia e miniestaquia(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-02-26) Berude, Marciana Christo; Alexandre, Rodrigo Sobreira; Gonçalves, Elzimar de Oliveira; Callegaro, Rafael Marian; Xavier, Talita Miranda TeixeiraVegetative propagation techniques, such as cuttings and minicutting, constitute an alternative to overcome difficulties in the sexual propagation. In particular, of species that present peculiar characteristics, like the Inga edulis, of production of recalcitrant seeds. In this way, the objective of this research was to analyze the potential of cuttings and leaf and minicutting as a method of vegetative propagation for Inga edulis and the influence of different concentrations of IBA(indol-3-butyric acid). The vegetative material used in the research was collected from adult plants, present in the arboretum of the experimental area of the Department of Forest and Wood Sciences (DCFM), in the municipality of Jerônimo Monteiro, and juvenile plants of the clonal mini garden formed in the same area. The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design, with different concentrations of IBA being tested. In the experiment we tested leaf and stem cuttings of adult matrices using seven concentrations of IBA (0, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000 and 32000 mg Kg-1 ), five replications for leaf cuttings and four replications for stem cuttings, and in both, each experimental unit was formed by ten stakes. In the experiment of juvenile matrices, it tested leaf and stem minicuttings using five concentrations of IBA (0, 1000, 2000, 4000 and 8000 mg Kg -1 ), with five replicates and each experimental unit containing eight minicuttings. The staking was carried out in 55 cm3 filled with expanded vermiculite. After 45 days in greenhouse the percentage of cuttings and minicuts were analyzed, with callus and rooted. The number of roots, root length, dry shoot mass, root dry mass and total dry mass were also analyzed in leaf and stem minicuttings of juvenile matrices. The roots of the minicuttings were stored and later scanned in a scanner. The images were submitted to the SAFIRA program for surface area quantification and root diameter. The roots of the minicuttings were stored and later scanned in a scanner. The images were submitted to the SAFIRA program for surface area quantification and root diameter. The results indicate that the leaf and stem cuttings of adult matrices presented a low percentage of rooted cuttings, with callus and survival. It was verified that these experiments did not present statistically significant differences for the analyzed variables as a function of the IBA doses. The leaf and shoot minicuttings of juvenile matrices presented 100% survival, and rooting percentages above 70 and 85%, respectively. There was no significant effect for the variables analyzed in the leaf minicuttings treatments. It was observed that the different concentrations of IBA had no significant effect on rooting, callosity, survival, MSPA, MSR, MST and root length. The surface area, diameter and number of roots were significantly influenced by the addition of auxin. It was observed that the addition of 8000 mg Kg-1 AIB in minicuttings favors more vigorous roots and the rooting of minicuttings of Inga edulis can occur without the use of IBA.
- ItemPropagação vegetativa de Lecythis spp. por estaquia e miniestaquia(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-02-15) Sant'Ana, Bruna Tomaz; Alexandre, Rodrigo Sobreira; Gonçalves, Elzimar de Oliveira; Barroso, Deborah Guerra; Callegaro, Rafael MarianThe sapucaia and sapucaia-mirim are native Brazilian species, which have low occurrence in the forests, due to deforestation to use their timber, and for serving as a source of animal feed, in addition to the rapid loss of viability of their seeds, which hampers sexual propagation. Therefore, vegetative propagation is an option to produce seedlings of these species, by the possibility of using parts of the plant, as material for the production of seedlings. Thus, the aim of this work was to analyze the technique of cutting, minicutting and reinvigoration, to promote rooting, with application of different concentrations of IBA. Experiment I: Lecythis pisonis seedlings at two years old were used and three types of cuttings (apical, intermediate and branches) were made, with an approximate size of 8 cm and with a pair of leaves reduced by half, arranged in a factorial scheme 3 X 4 (three types of cuttings and four concentrations of IBA), with four replicates and 10 cuttings per plot. Experiment II: Propagative material was removed from mature trees at the age of six years. Experiment III: Two-year seedlings underwent a process of reinvigoration by pruning the apex, and after 32 days, the shoots were collected and staked. The experimental design adopted for experiments II and III was completely randomized with four treatments, consisting of four replicates with 10 stakes each. For Experiments I, II and III, the bases of the cuttings were immersed in the concentrations of 0, 1500, 3000 and 6000 mg L-1 of IBA and staked in 55 cm3 filled with expanded vermiculite. Experiment IV: Formation of clonal minijardim, from seedlings propagated by Lecythis lanceolata seeds. The minicuttings had their bases immersed in IBA solutions (0, 2000, 4000 and 8000 mg L-1 ) for ten seconds, and were staked in 55 cm3 tubes with expanded vermiculite. It was used factorial scheme 2 x 4 (two collection periods and four IBA concentrations) was used, with four replicates and 10 minicuttings per plot. At 75 days, cuttings and minicuts were evaluated for survival, presence of calluses and rooting. The results showed that the IBA concentrations did not involve rooting in the cutting process of the two - year - old seedlings and the trees of Lecythis pisonis. In a state of transition through the technique of reinvigoration and the application of 1500 mg L-1 of AIB to the species Lechthis pisonis occurred adventitious rooting of cuttings. Lecythis lanceolata minicut rooting is favored without the use of indolebutyric acid and the minicutting technique indicates the viability of the system for the continuous production of propagules, aiming the production of seedlings.
- ItemQualidade física e fisiológica de sementes e crescimento inicial de mudas Enterolobium maximum Ducke(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-07-22) Farias, Carla Caroline Magalhães; Lopes, José Carlos; Ferreira, Marcia Flores da Silva; Alexandre, Rodrigo SobreiraEnterolobium maximum Ducke is a Fabaceae (Mimosoideae) large size, typical of the Amazon Forest. The objective of this study was to investigate the physical and physiological seed quality and seedling growth of Enterolobium maximum. The work was conducted at the Laboratory of Seeds and in the greenhouse at CCA/UFES in Alegre-ES. Seeds were collected from matrices in the municipality of Alta Floresta, MT. Were measured and / or assessed the length, width, thickness, initial moisture content, weight of 1000 seeds and number of seeds per kilogram. The imbibition curve of intact seeds and scarified by soaking in distilled water, on paper and roll paper, and volume of seeds in common, distilled and type I water was taken. To evaluate the overcoming of dormancy, the treatments were used: 1) intact seeds (control); 2) mechanical scarification; 3) mechanical scarification + GA3; 4) mechanical scarification + KNO3; 5) GA3; 6) H2SO4/10"; 7) H2SO410"+GA3; 8) H2SO4/10"+KNO3; 9) H2SO4/15"; 10) H2SO4/15"+GA3; 11) H2SO4/15"+KNO3. Emergence, index of germination speed, stem diameter, shoot length and roots, leaf area, dry masses and were evaluated roots. To study the initial growth of seedlings in different substrates Enterolobium maximum brightness and the seeds were mechanically scarified and sown in bags containing substrates: soil+biosolid, manure+soil+sand and soil+sand+substrate business (HS Forest®). The light intensities used were: 1165; 417.4; 140.32 and 57.82 micromol photons m-2 s -1 obtained with the aid of black shading screen 50% (polyolefin). Were evaluated: emergence, mean emergence time, survival, height, root length, stem diameter, leaf area, dry weight of shoot and root, Dickson quality index, chlorophyll content and ratio of chlorophyll a/b. In the study of the physiological quality of seeds subjected to water and salt stress osmotic agents CaCl2, KCl, NaCl and mannitol were used for potential 0.0 (control), -0.2; -0.4; -0.6; -0.8 and -1.0 MPa. The percentage of germination were evaluated, the rate of germination rate, the germination time, the relative frequency of germination, the percentage of normal and abnormal seedlings, the length of the shoot and root. According to the results of the seeds had an average length of 19.03 mm, 11.53 mm wide, 6.43 mm thick and 1.05 g of dough.The initial moisture content was 8.68% mass of 1000 seeds is 964.59 g, and containing on average 1037 seeds kg-1. The seeds show dormancy imposed by the impermeability of the integument. Mechanical scarification with sandpaper is an efficient method to overcome the tegumentary seed dormancy. The seedling growth is favored in an environment with luminosity of 417.4 micromol photons m-2 s -1. The substrate soil+commercial substrate (HS Forest®)+sand is the most recommended for the development of seedlings under scheme luminosity of 417.4 micromol photons m-2 s -1. The variation in brightness changes the index of total chlorophyll and the ratio of the rate of chlorophyll a / b of the plants leaves. Seed vigor decreased with reduced water potential of solutions from -0.2 MPa. The mannitol induced water stress is less severe than the salt stress with CaCl2, KCl and NaCl. The solutions of NaCl and CaCl2 determine toxicity in Enterolobium maximum seeds from -0.6 MPa.
- ItemQualidade fisiológica de sementes de paineira em função do estádio de maturação, temperaturas cardinais e estresse salino(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-07-11) Lemes, Eliane de Queiroz; Lopes, José Carlos; Garcia, Giovanni de Oliveira; Alexandre, Rodrigo SobreiraThe objective of this work to study the physiological maturity of seed cotton tree (Ceiba speciosa St. Hil.) In the highlands of the study Caparaó These germination of seeds under different temperatures and assess the germination behavior of seed cotton tree and the development of normal and abnormal seedlings under different conditions of salinity stress simulated with NaCl. The Studies Were Conducted in the mountainous region Caparaó municipality Guaçui - ES, where the trees Were Followed tagged on anthesis and the filling of fruit and seed development until it is fully ripe, fruit collection occurred weekly Conducted and Technology and the Laboratory of Seed Analysis Centre of Agricultural Sciences where UFES They Were Evaluated biometric characteristics of fruits and seeds, the color of fruit and seeds, humidity, fresh weight, dry weight and seed germination. To study the cardinal temperatures for germination tests Were Conducted with four sub-samples of 25 seeds in Petri dishes Placed lined with paper germitest, Kept in BOD chambers, where we tested the Following constant temperatures: 05, 07, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 ° C. To Assess the germination and seedling development in different Concentrations of NaCl Treatments consisted of the osmotic potential: 0.0 (control), -0.2, -0.4, -0.6 and -0.8 MPa. The germination and seed vigor Were Evaluated for germination, first count, germination speed index average time of germination, relative frequency of germination, shoot length and root length, fresh and dry weight of seedlings and morphological characterization of normal and abnormal seedlings. The experimental design was Completely randomized design with four replications of 25 seeds. Regression equations were adjusted for the main characteristics evaluated, the data expressed in percentages were transformed into arc-sin v x/100 and averages compared by Scott - Knott and Tukey 5% level of probability. The harvest of seeds of Ceiba speciosa can be started at 163 days (22 weeks) after anthesis, at this stage the seeds were presented with dark brown and with a moisture content of approximately 37% and germination 87%. Seeds collected in the mountainous region of Caparaó presented wide range of germination between the temperatures and the optimum temperature for this species to 25 and 30 ° C. Salinity Caused a Decrease in the values of variables in the germination test. The Paineira is Considered glycophyte with maximum tolerance to NaCl up to -0.6 MPa
- ItemQualidade fisiológica de sementes e crescimento inicial de mudas de Tabernaemontana fuchsiaefolia A. DC.(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-07-22) Moraes, Carlos Eduardo; Lopes, José Carlos; Gonçalves, Elzimar de Oliveira; Alexandre, Rodrigo SobreiraTabernaemontana fuchsiaefolia A. DC. (Apocynaceae), native from Brazil, with use in restoration of degraded areas due to high spontaneous regeneration. The objective of this work was to study the physiological quality of T. fuchsiaefolia seeds, in function of temperature, substrate and accelerated aging, evaluate the emergence and growth of seedlings in different substrates and shading levels. For germination, seed were sowing on substrates: paper roll, with seed upon paper, upon sand, upon coconut fiber, upon HS-Florestal® and upon vermiculite, and six temperatures, 20, 25, 30, 35, 20-30 e 20-35 °C in a experimental design completely randomized, with four replicates of 25 seeds. The seeds were kept in a germination chamber BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) for 35 days. Were analyzed: germination speed index, percentage of germination, mean germination time, percentage of normal seedlings, length of aerial parts and roots, and dry mass of seedlings. The accelerated aging was conducted in a traditional method, and in NaCl solution, in three temperatures: 41, 43 and 45 ºC, and five periods of exposure: 0, 24, 48, 78 and 96 hours. The seeds, after aging, were germinated in rolls of germitest paper, in four replicates of 25 seeds, in BOD chambers at 30 °C. After 35 days, we assessed the percentage, germination speed index, mean time and frequency of germination; root length and aerial part length, dry matter of seedlings and percentage of normal seedlings. For the emergency test, seeds were sowing in tubes of 53 cm³, six substrates were used: sand, subsoil enriched with sewage sludge, coconut fiber, vermiculite, commercial substrate HS-Florestal® and mixture of HS-Florestal® , vermiculite and coconut fiber; and four levels of shading: full sun, one, two or three screens. After 120 days, were evaluated: emergency, emergency speed index, height of seedling, root length, root collar diameter, dry mass of aerial part and root, leaf area, leaf number and contents of chlorophyll and carotenoids. It is recommended to test the germination of T. fuchsiaefolia seeds the substrates upon sand, upon coconut fiber, upon HS-Florestal® and upon vermiculite; and fixed temperatures of 25 and 30 ºC. The substrates paper roll and upon paper, and temperature of 35 ºC are not suitable for the germination test. The aging method with NaCl is not suitable for testing vigor for the species, since the traditional method, at the temperature of 45 ºC and aging period of 96 hours can be used to test the vigor of T. fuchsiaefolia seeds. The seedlings kept under greater shading showed greater height and leaf area, as well higher levels of chlorophyll. The production of T. fuchsiaefolia seedlings can be performed in sand, HSFlorestal® and mixture of HS-Florestal® , vermiculite and coconut fiber in the intermediate shading, using one of two black screens
- ItemRelação da dinâmica da vegetação com a ocorrência de incêndios florestais em terras indígenas no bioma cerrado(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-07-21) Silva, Felipe Gimenes Rodrigues; Fielder, Nilton César; Santos, Alexandre Rosa dos; Alexandre, Rodrigo Sobreira; Silva, Samuel Ferreira daThe Cerrado Biome is threatened by the advance of deforestation and the indiscriminate use of fire. In this scenario, the study of indigenous lands through information obtained from remote sensing helps to evaluate the vegetation and its relation to the occurrence of fires. In this context, the objective was to evaluate the temporal dynamics of the vegetation, related to the precipitation and the occurrence of forest fires in indigenous lands, located in the Cerrado Biome in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Thus, data from the vegetation indices obtained by the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and generated from the product of the MOD13Q1 provided by the MODIS sensor, instrument of the satellite TERRA. For the analysis of Burn Area throughout the series, the images came from the MCD45A1 product of the same sensor. The images were acquired from 2007 to 2016, and lastly, rainfall images from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) sensor. With the images of NDVI, TRMM and Burn Area, they were standardized in the ArcGis program so that they were worked in the TerrSet software program, the Earth Trends Modeler module was used, making correlation analysis between elements of precipitation, vegetation index and (3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3), in order to obtain the response time of the dependent variables in relation to the independent variables. With the images of NDVI, TRMM and Burn Area, they were standardized in the ArcGis program so that they were worked on the TerrSet software, using the Earth Trends Modeler module, doing the correlation analysis between elements of precipitation, vegetation index and area (-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3), in order to obtain the response time of the dependent variables in relation to the independent ones. In relation to the analyzes of the interannual trends of the time series of vegetation indices, these were carried out using Mann-Kendall monotonic trend methodologies and analyzes of seasonal trends. The images were imported for the TerrSet software, in which the Earth Trends Modeler (ETM) module was also used to process and analyze the vegetation index behavior trends. For the analysis of anomalies of vegetation index, precipitation and burning area, no anomalous periods were found. The correlations obtained were more significant in open field regions with R of 0.84 for NDVI and Precipitation and for NDVI and R burning area of - 0.74. The Monotonic Trend of Mann-Kendall, denote a certain stability of the vegetation index with positive variations in open field regions and in only one place (Areões village) with reduced vegetative vigor. The analysis of seasonal trends identified different vegetation responses, since this biome presents a diversified phytophysiognomy showing the seasonality of vegetation with different phases in amplitudes. In all years, large areas of burning were quantified, totaling approximately one million hectares per year; The variation of the trends, evidences the various phytophysiognomies and their answers regarding the gain and loss of biomass. The best correlation and regression response of NDVI x precipitation was observed according to the type of open field vegetation. The Area of burning tends to increase with the reduction of NDVI, mainly in regions with more open vegetations. Finally, in relation to seasonality, a defined pattern of cycles and vegetation phases was not found.
- ItemRelação dos fenômenos El Ninõ e La Ninã com a precipitação e vazão na bacia amazônica ocidental(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-07-21) Moura, Melo Mark; Pezzopane, José Eduardo Macedo; SANTOS, Alexandre Rosa dos; SANTOS, Alexandre Rosa dos; Pezzopane, José Eduardo Macedo; Alexandre, Rodrigo Sobreira; Silva, Samuel Ferreira da
- ItemResgate e propagação vegetativa de Lecythis pisonis Cambes por estaquia(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-08-11) Bernardes, Vanessa Pimentel; Alexandre, Rodrigo Sobreira; Caldeira, Marcos Vinicius Winckler; Gonçalves, Elzimar de Oliveira; Xavier, Talita Miranda Teixeira; Wendling, IvarSapucaia (Lecythis Pisonis Camb.) is a native specie that has a long juvenility period, short seed viability and difficulty to collect fruit, characteristics that justify the vegetative propagation techniques studie such as cuttings. Therefore, the main objective of the present study was to evaluate the root formation capacity in steems cuttings treated with indole-3-butyric acid (IBA), obtained of eight trees of sapucaia specie located in the Espírito Santo state, as well as to evaluate the technique efficiency of vegetative rescue using outstanding branches ofadult trees. The research was divided into two experiments, being that in the first it was aimed to assess the rooting potential of herbaceous and semi-woody cuttings (with leaves) of 7cm to 12 cm of length taken from mother trees in transition phase located in the Jerônimo Monteiro municipality, and adult mother trees located in Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Alegre and Linhares municipalities, being that the mother trees of the latter municipality, beyond of the previous cuttings were made woody cuttings (without leaf). The cuttings were treated using IBA (0; 2000; 4000; 6000 and 8000 mg Kg-1 ) and followed a randomized block design with four replicates and 10 cuttings per plot. After 120 days in a greenhouse, under irrigation system of intermittent type was analyzed the callus percentage and cuttings survival. The data were submitted to variance analysis to verify if there is significant difference between the means, and if the factors have influence on some dependent variable. In the second experiment evaluated the emission of epicormic sprouts in outstanding branches of adult trees selected to the previous experiment. Thereunto, branches of 60 cm of length, removed of the tree top, were sectioned and carried to the greenhouse, where remained for 60 days. After this period, was observed the number of epicormic sprouts formed on the branches. The results showed mortality of the herbaceous andsemi-woody cuttings, however, one herbaceous cuttings obtained of juvenile mother tree remains alive and with leaf, being the only with the presence of root, and of this same mother tree 80.5% of herbaceous cuttings had the presence of callus. Was observed 52.75% of woody cuttings survivors of adult mother trees. It is concluded that premature leaf fall in herbaceous and semi-woody cuttings favors the mortality of the same, while the woody cuttings present high percentage of survival. The IBA concentrations had no significant effect on the callus formation of juvenile herbaceous cuttings and in the survival of woody cuttings of adult mother trees. The vegetative material used in the juvenility rescue proved be feasible for the sprouts formation, however, rooting potential of sprouts must be assessed.