Mestrado em Ciências Florestais
URI Permanente para esta coleção
Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 2008
Conceito atual na CAPES: 4
Ato normativo: Ofício N. 39-12/2007/CTC/CCA/CAPES de 31/07/2007 Homologado pelo CNE (Portaria Nº 656 de 22/05/2017) Publicação DOU em 27/07/2017, Seç. 1, Pag. 36.
Periodicidade de seleção: Semestral
Área(s) de concentração: Ciências Florestais
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Submissões Recentes
- ItemPiso engenheirado misto fabricado a partir de diferentes combinações de taliscas de madeira e painel aglomerado(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-03-21) Mendonça, José Paulo Costa; Chaves, Izabella Luzia Silva ; ; ; Gonçalves, Fabricio Gomes ;;;;; Brito, Alice Soares ;;; Oliveira, Rafael Gonçalves Espósito de ;; to the decreasing availability of natural resources, there is a growing demand for new technologies to reduce the use of solid wood. In this context, the present work aims to develop a new product for flooring production. The study was conducted using particleboards made from pine wood and bonded with phenolformaldehyde adhesive, along with slats made from eucalyptus wood that were fixed to the panels with resorcinol-formaldehyde adhesive, forming an engineered flooring structure. For this purpose, panels were made containing different quantities of wood battens layers on the top and bottom of the panels, with slat layers positioned perpendicular to each other. The study showed that the addition of particleboards complementarily in flooring production improved physical and mechanical properties, enhancing product quality and reducing environmental impact, considering the sustainable origin of the raw material. By developing a sustainable alternative that combines particleboards and slats, the study significantly contributes to natural resource preservation. This innovative approach allowed the production engineered wood flooring with enhanced physical and mechanical properties without the need for large quantities of solid wood. Thus, environmental impact is reduced, promoting a more conscious and responsible solution for the flooring industry
- ItemAtributos físicos e infiltração de água no solo sob eucalipto e pastagem(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-03-25) Pola, Lunalda Aparecida Vaz; Rangel, Otacílio José Passos;;; Zanetti, Sidney Sara;;; Cecílio, Roberto Avelino;;;;; Pires, Fábio Ribeiro;;; Cunha, Fernando França da;;; Passos, Renato Ribeiro;; water infiltration into the soil is of great importance for adopting the best soil and water management practices. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the physical attributes and infiltration behavior in a soil under eucalyptus compared to its previous use as pastureland. Infiltration was determined through ring infiltrometer tests at three different positions in the terrain, with three infiltration tests conducted at each position. To characterize the soil, soil density, total porosity, macroporosity, microporosity, particle size distribution, total organic carbon, and penetration resistance were determined. Instantaneous infiltration equations were adjusted using the Kostiakov, Kostiakov-Lewis, Horton, and Philip models. The β values found for Horton were used to calculate the average β and applied to the equations along with field data; the same approach was used with the average β along with the average Tie. Exploratory analysis included clustering of points by Euclidean Distance, Principal Component Analysis, and Pearson correlation. To evaluate the difference between terrain positions, the data underwent ANOVA and Tukey's test at a 5% significance level. The difference between land uses was assessed using the ANOVA F-test at a 5% significance level. Model performance was assessed using the coefficient of determination (R²), Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient (NSE), square root of the mean squared error (RMSE) and mean absolute error (MAE). There was no statistical difference between the lower, middle, and upper positions of the areas, indicating homogeneity. Stable infiltration rates were moderate for both areas, with no statistical difference (63.13 and 95.16 mm h-1 , for eucalyptus and pasture, respectively). Area differences were more related to their physical properties, especially macroporosity, microporosity, clay, and sand content. The adjustments made showed good performance in most study points for the Kostiakov, Kostiakov-Lewis, and Horton models, with Horton being the most faithful to infiltration. The Philip model did not fit the field data well and performed the worst, with a mean MAE of 25.48 mm h-1 for the eucalyptus area and 47.98 mm h-1 for the pasture area. Adjustments of the Horton equation using the average β resulted in an MAE of 15.64 mm h-1 for the eucalyptus area and 33.95 mm h-1 for the pasture area. Using the average β along with the average Tie increased the MAE to 25.54 mm h-1 for eucalyptus and 68.05 mm h-1 for the pasture area, therefore, its application is recommended only for the area under eucalyptus.
- ItemAn Approach Regarding the Use of Firewood as Fuel For Baking Pizzas in Masonry Ovens(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-02-27) Cezario, Luis Filipe Cabral; Dias Júnior, Ananias Francisco;;;;; Souza, Elias Costa de;;; Lucia, Suzana Maria Della;; use of firewood in masonry ovens for pizza preparation is a practice carried out in various regions of the world, in both domestic and commercial settings. It stands out as a source of renewable energy, low cost, and easy access. Most of the time, the firewood used for baking pizzas is not subjected to any quality selection process. The lack of quality discrimination of the firewood significantly contributes to the instability of the baking temperature of pizzas, the decrease in the energy efficiency of the combustion process, and mainly to the increase in emissions of atmospheric gaseous effluents. In this scenario, this study aimed to investigate the effects of firewood properties on the thermal profile of the oven and its implications on combustion and atmospheric emissions. Additionally, it aimed to analyze the influence of firewood as a fuel on the physical and chemical properties of pizza dough subjected to the baking process. For this purpose, Eucalyptus spp. firewood was divided into two batches by size: whole firewood and sectioned firewood. After size separation, each batch consisted of three moisture levels: oven-dried firewood (0% moisture), air-dried firewood (24% moisture, wet basis), and firewood composed of blends (initial oven ignition with 24% moisture firewood and subsequent feeding with anhydrous condition firewood). Thus, the study had six firewood variables, namely: i) W0 (oven-dried whole firewood); ii) W24 (air-dried whole firewood); iii) WB (whole firewood with blend); iv) S0 (oven-dried sectioned firewood); v) S24 (air-dried sectioned firewood); vi) SB (sectioned firewood with blend). The firewood was characterized physically (moisture and basic density), chemically (structural and elemental chemical composition), and energetically (higher, lower, and useful calorific value, TG/DTG, and energy density). For the pizza dough baking tests, the oven was subjected to a minimum temperature of 450 ºC, and the dough remained in baking for 150 seconds. Throughout all baking tests, the thermal performance of the oven and emissions of atmospheric pollutants (CO, CO2, NOx, and SO2) were investigated using thermocouples, a thermal imager, and a gas analyzer, respectively. Additionally, the physicochemical properties, proximate composition, and PAHs of the baked pizza doughs were analyzed. In general, the size and moisture content of the firewood influenced the ignition speed, temperature increase, and temperature residence time of the oven. Treatments W0 and S0 were responsible for the highest levels of atmospheric pollutant emissions, while treatments WB and SB were responsible for the lowest levels of emissions. The pizza doughs underwent changes in moisture, pH, and carbohydrate content. The amount of PAHs in the pizza doughs was not altered due to the use of firewood for baking. In summary, the baking process of pizzas in masonry ovens, when conducted properly and using firewood in blends, becomes more efficient and less polluting, without compromising the quality of the prepared pizzas.
- ItemLógica Fuzzy Aplicada Na Avaliação Da Vulnerabilidade Ambiental Da Vegetação No Bioma Mata Atlântica, Estado Do Espírito Santo, Brasil(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-02-22) Santos, Elaine Cordeiro dos; Moreira, Taís Rizzo;;; Santos, Alexandre Rosa dos;;;;; Andrade, Rosane Gomes da Silva;;; Ferrari, Jéferson Luiz ;;; Silva, Jeferson Pereira Martins ;;; Santos, Alexandre Rosa dos;; Atlantic Forest, a biome of remarkable biodiversity, faces conservation challenges due to intense anthropogenic pressure resulting in continuous loss of forest areas. In order to analyze the areas most susceptible to environmental vulnerability of vegetation in the Atlantic Forest biome of Espírito Santo, ten variables were selected, divided into two categories: environmental and anthropogenic, for the years 2012 and 2022. Data from MapBiomas for Land Use and Cover (LUC), Pasture Quality and Fire Scars, and from the Sistema Integrado de Bases Geoespaciais do estado do Espiríto Santo (GEOBASES) for Road Proximity were used. Fuzzy inference was applied in the elaboration of the environmental vulnerability map, with five classes: Very High, High, Moderate, Low, and Very Low. Subsequently, the environmental vulnerability map was compared with the phytophysiognomies of the Atlantic Forest biome, obtained from the Instituto Estadual de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Hídricos (IEMA). In the years analyzed, the Pasture class was the most representative in LUC area, with a reduction in area from 2012 (21,740.78 km²) to 2022 (19,752.54 km²) which is reflected in the reduction of area in the categories of Severely Degraded Pasture (970.492 km²), Moderately Degraded (96.092 km²), and Pasture without signs of Degradation (921.65 km²). In 2022, the area with Very High environmental vulnerability decreased compared to the year 2012. This reduction was less pronounced in the area occupied by the phytophysiognomy of Seasonal Semideciduous Forest (reduction of 0.39 km²). The results demonstrated the application of geotechnologies and fuzzy logic as strategic tools in spatial analysis and environmental data generation. The integration of these techniques enabled the analysis of environmental vulnerability classes based on established variables, which can support the management and monitoring of the most vulnerable vegetation areas in the state of Espírito Santo.
- ItemBicomponentes Naturais Para Preservação de Madeiras de Pinus Elliottii e Khaya Ivorensis(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-03-26) Maffioletti, Fernanda Dalfiôr; Lopez, Yonny Martinez;;; Paes, Juarez Benigno;;;;; Gonçalves, Fabricio Gomes;;; Medeiros Neto, Pedro Nicó de;; the versatility of wood, some species are susceptible to attacks by biodeteriorating agents. Therefore, impregnating the material with chemical products is essential. However, the use of these chemicals makes the production process costly and potentially harmful to the environment and human health. Thus, the development of efficient formulas for wood preservation that reduce environmental damage is necessary. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of combining teak wood extract (Tectona grandis) with vegetable oils at concentrations of 5, 10, and 20%, for the impregnation of Pinus elliottii and Khaya ivorensis wood. To achieve this, screening tests were conducted to define the best solutions and oil concentrations, followed by the impregnation of the woods with those that showed the highest inhibition power. These woods were tested against brown rot and white rot fungi, as well as drywood and subterranean termites. Field tests were also carried out in two distinct regions (Jerônimo Monteiro - ES and São Félix do Xingu - PA), aiming to assess the performance of the solutions under different climatic conditions. The solutions performed better when enhanced with higher concentrations of oils. The solution prepared with teak extracts obtained in alcohol with the addition of copaíba oil provided the best results in most of the tests. However, tests involving contact with soil and moisture showed a decline in attack inhibition. The corrosivity test demonstrated that the solutions do not exhibit corrosive properties. With the wood treatment, a variation in color was observed, but it was uniform. Thus, these solutions should be applied to woods that will have less contact with degradation accelerators such as rain, moisture, and radiation.