Mestrado em Ciências Florestais
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Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 2008
Conceito atual na CAPES: 4
Ato normativo: Ofício N. 39-12/2007/CTC/CCA/CAPES de 31/07/2007 Homologado pelo CNE (Portaria Nº 656 de 22/05/2017) Publicação DOU em 27/07/2017, Seç. 1, Pag. 36.
Periodicidade de seleção: Semestral
Área(s) de concentração: Ciências Florestais
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- ItemCaracterização dendrométrica e avaliação do rendimento em laminação de madeira em plantios de paricá (Schizolobium amazonicum Huber ex. Ducke) na região de Paragominas, PA(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2009-09-18) Hoffmann, Raphael Gomes; Silva, Gilson Fernandes da; Ferreira, Rinaldo Luiz Caraciolo; Chichorro, José Franklim
- ItemAnatomia e densidade do lenho de clones de Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus grandis, com variação de altitude e de topografia, no Estado de Minas Gerais(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-03-05) Mauri, Renata; Oliveira, José Tarcísio da Silva; Tomazello Filho, Mário; Rosado, Antônio Marcos; Silva, Aderbal Gomes da; Paes, Juarez BenignoThis work had as objective the characterization of the anatomical structure of the wood of two clones of Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla, with approximately six years old that grown in two regions of the Minas Gerais state, with each region presenting two topographical combinations; plain and inclining. The behavior of clones was evaluated in the radial direction (variation pith to bark) and in the distinct conditions of growth. In the characterization of the wood it was determined specific gravity and dry density, the anatomical properties and fiber morphology. The results allow to observe that all the evaluated parameters had suffered variations between the conditions from plantation between clones and still variations in the radial direction. The results allow detailed characterization of the clones among topographya and regions, in which: (i) can be observed qualitative variations of the density, wood anatomical elements and fiber morphology between topographies, regions and clones; (ii) the radial variation of the density and the anatomical elements followed expected behavior for the specie where some parameters increase and others decrease in the pith to bark sense; (iii) the pattern of radial variation of density and quantitative parameters of the anatomical elements of wood, not presented significant differences among topographies, regions and clones. These results allow to understand the anatomical and physical behavior of the specie to the diverse conditions of growth and thus supplying subsidies to the pulp wood companies about consolidation of genetic material and its behavior in different conditions of growth to attend the wood quality requirement
- ItemMetodologia para espacialização do balanço hídrico : aplicação no zoneamento edafoclimático para a seringueira no Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-03-26) Silva, Kennedy Ribeiro da; Xavier, Alexandre Cândido; Pezzopane, José Ricardo Macedo; Cecílio, Roberto Avelino; Garcia, Giovanni de OliveiraThe objective of this work was to develop a method to result on estimative and climate aptitude reports of the elements within the hydro balance for the preparation of an edaphoclimatic zoning for rubber tree’s forestry in Espírito Santo State. It were analyzed the data from 110 pluviometric (weather) stations, considering the data collected between 1977 and 2006. The monthly temperatures were space contextualized using the equations developed by Castro (2008) and data from digital elevation model GTOPO30. The space contextualization of the monthly precipitation had happened starting from the prior selection of spatial interpolators of greater predictive capacity through cross-validation. Thorough the temperature data and monthly precipitation, it was performed the hydro balance in a timely manner for all 110 weather stations. The hydro balance variables were space contextualized by the selection of spatial interpolators of greater predictive capacity through crossvalidation. It was developed a methodology for spatial contextualization of the hydro balance variables, taking as input the entry parameters maps of monthly temperature, monthly precipitation and soils with CADs ranging from 90, 210 to 300 mm. The performance of spatial interpolators and the methodology of spatial variables of the hydro balance was verified with 14 observed stations, allowing a comparison of spatial contextualization methods. Based on thematic maps of average annual temperature, temperature of the coldest month, hydro deficit (obtained through the best spatial contextualization method) and soils map, it was made a reclassification accordingly to the specie’s climatic requirements and, then, beyond the information overlay, obtained that way an edaphoclimatic map for the rubber tree forestry. The results showed that Krigagem interpolator was the most efficient for the spatial contextualization of the monthly precipitation. The spatial contextualization methodology proposal had shown better statistical indexes for the hydro balance variables when compared with traditional methods of interpolation, being this methodology used to generate the hydro deficiency map on the zoning. The most geographical area of the State presents thermal restrictions for rubber tree forestry, with favorable conditions for spread of the Microcylus Ulei fungus.
- ItemFatores operacionais e de custos na colheita de pinus em área declivosa no sul do Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-05-07) Plaster, Octávio Barbosa; Souza, Amaury Paulo de; Fiedler, Nilton Cesar; Chichorro, José Franklim; Lima, Julião Soares de SouzaThis study aims to examine the general factors and operating costs in the harvesting of pine trees in the area south gradient in the Holy Spirit. Specifically aimed to quantify: the levels of tilt of the areas depending on the activities and transactions, performing technical analysis of the system of forest harvesting and transportation in areas of thinning; evaluate the operating costs of harvesting and transportation system and analyze the forest quality of harvesting operations and transport in forests of pine forest in thinning regime. The characterization of the topography of the study area was conducted with the purpose of defining levels for topographical analysis of the system of harvest with the use of GPS equipment, clinometer and ArcGIS ® 9.1 software. The technical and cost was carried out from time and motion study data and operational costs passed on by the company. The quality of forest harvest operations were scaled from the assembly of parcels in the areas of assessment batteries and vehicle transportation. According to the results obtained, the area has been heavily wavy, where approximately 58% of the total, had inclination between 20 and 45%. The technical analysis showed that interruptions interfere significantly in all forest harvesting operations, came to represent 71.16% of total time in activity related to the tracing of the log. The largest operating cost was found in transport (36.6% of total) and the largest representativity in costs occurred in relation to the costs of fuel and labor. Lower operational quality was found mainly in the activities of the court, mostly represented by caging and hooking trees
- ItemPotencial impacto das mudanças climáticas nas perdas de solo e água na microbacia do córrego Jaqueira, Alegre - ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-07-22) Oliveira, João Paulo Bestete de; Xavier, Alexandre Cândido; Cecílio, Roberto Avelino; Santos, Alexandre Rosa dos; Pires, Fábio Ribeiro; Amorim, Ricardo Santos SilvaThe control of erosion requires an understanding of the complex interactions between chemical, physical, hydrological and meteorological. Several mathematical models have been developed and improved in objective to predict the magnitude of soil loss by erosion, like the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP). The potential of projected global climate changes to increase the risk of soil erosion, with related environmental consequences is clear, but the real damage is not yet known and needs to be evaluated. It was objectified with this work to evaluate the impact of climate change on soil loss and water catchment in the Espírito Santo. To reach the proposed objectives was held to characterize the watershed area of stream Jaqueira located in the Alegre-ES city, and the lifting of the input files of the WEPP model (climate, soil, land use and management and topography). Subsequently, we obtained the future climate scenarios through the deviations from expected values for the climatic elements (rainfall, solar radiation, maximum and minimum temperatures), according to the HadCM3 global climate model. Finally, we applied the model to predict soil loss and water through the integration of softwares GeoWEPP, TOPAZ and ArcView to current climatic conditions and relating to different time-slices (2020, 2050 and 2080) and emissions scenarios (A2 and B2). The obtained results allowed to conclude that: the current simulated average losses in the watershed of the stream Jaqueira are of 52.9 mm year-1 for the runoff and 17.5 t ha-1 yr-1; in the current scenario, the areas with the largest losses were secondary regeneration and natural grassland; the hillslope 3, by has average slope, land cover influences; is forecast in 2020 A2, B2 2020 B2 and 2050, increase the runoff and the rate of soil loss, when is expected increase in precipitation, is predicted by 2050 A2, 2080 A2 and B2 in 2080, reducing runoff and soil loss rate, even when expected increase in precipitation
- ItemImpacto das áreas de preservação permanente sobre a erosão hídrica na bacia hidrográfica do Rio da Prata, Castelo-ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-09-08) Coutinho, Luciano Melo; Garcia, Giovanni de Oliveira; Cecílio, Roberto Avelino; Xavier, Alexandre Cândido; Moreira, Michel Castro; Zanetti, Sidney SáraA watershed is the primary unit of water resource management, because their behavior affects the hydrological occurrence and magnitude of water erosion. Hydrologic simulation models, which allow to estimate the hydrology and water erosion, consisting of important management tool to minimize environmental degradation in these units. The Permanent Preservation Areas (PPA) are defined for protection of natural resources by density of vegetation. The aim of the present work was undertaken, in Silver Basin (Castelo ES) studies relief (guided by different sources of elevation data and interpolation procedures) and quantification of the annual erosion (under different scenarios of land use). This end, we worked in an environment of Geographic Information Systems, data relief (topographic maps and radar images) and land use (aerial photography), which allowed the manipulation of data and generation of factors of interest on the proposed procedures, and: a) evaluate the delimitation of the Silver Bowl from different digital elevation models; b) classify the forms of natural cover and use and land cover; c) delimit the areas considered as PPA; d) apply Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) the scenarios of land use and occupancy with respect to PPA. The delineation manual, generated by the topographical map of Castelo-ES and interpolation by interpolating isolines Topo to Raster , supported consisted hydrography, respectively, the method delimitation and interpolating the best performance the delimitation of basin, therefore, alternatives adopted for subsequent studies. The main physical characteristics of the River Plate basin are drainage area 132.28 Km², average elevation 593m and mean slope 39.77%. Pastures are the main form of land use in the basin, clean pasture (24.01%) and dirty pasture (6.62%), followed by permanent crops (27.26%). The portion corresponding to PPA equivalent to 55.48% of the basin (73.39 km²). The average annual erosion are 85.43 ton/ha/ year actual use of soil and 27.50 ton/ha/ year when adopting PPA, difference of 32.20%
- ItemImagens aerofotogramétricas e orbitais na determinação do uso e ocupação da terra e de áreas de preservação permanente(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-09-17) Peluzio, Telma Machado de Oliveira; Fiedler, Nilton César; Santos, Alexandre Rosa dos; Garcia, Giovanni de Oliveira; Bauer, Maristela de Oliveira; Simão, João Batista PavesiWith this study we evaluated the result of different methodologies in determining the use and occupancy of land and permanent preservation areas using digital aerial photographs with spatial resolution of 1m (scenario 01) and satellite imagery with a spatial resolution of 0.5 m ( scenario 02), photointerpreted screen, on a scale of 1:2000 mapping, watershed stream Horizonte, Alegre-ES. We avalueted the permanent preservation araes along watercourses, around springs, land with slopes greater than 45 degrees and upper third of the top of hills for scenarios 01 and 02. Areas that should be destined to permanent preservation areas in the scene 01 and 02 totaling 5.97 km ² and 5.87 km ², respectively, differing only in APPs around springs (0.13 km ² 0.10 km ²) and over the APPs watercourses (1.87 km ² 1.79 km ²), with no difference for APPs slope less than 45 degrees (0.04 km ²) APP and the upper third of the hilltop (3.94 km ²). We used the global performance indices and Kappa index for determining the average error between scenarios 01 and 02. Of the 27 classes of land use identified, grassland and forest fragmentation occupy 45.54% and 24.26% in stage 01, and 33.50% and 19.54% in stage 02, respectively. Of the total of permanent preservation areas in certain stage 01, only 33.92% of APPs occupy that role, while in scenario 02, that percentage is 35.92%. The difference in photo-interpretation of the scenarios under study is due to the bands red, green and blue (scenario 01) and red, green, blue and near infrared (scenario 02). There is a positive change in the overall performance of the scenario 01 6.67% compared to 2002 scenario, and positive change in the kappa index 2.09%, the scenario in 2002 compared to 2001 scenario, showing no significance by statistical analysis at 5% level by t test.
- ItemCaracterização dendrométrica e avaliação econômica de povoamentos de eucalipto para multiprodutos(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-09-28) Santos, Felipe Rodrigues; Silva, Gilson Fernandes da; Chichorro, José Franklim; Silva, Márcio Lopes da; Fiedler, Nilton César; Souza, Carlos Alberto Martinelli deThis case study aimed to obtain information for the production of four clones Eucalyptus stands; to evaluate taper functions and quantify the wood to use single and multiproduct; economically evaluate the potential use of wood, and support for decision-making entrepreneurs interested in investing in the forestry of Eucalyptus. Four stands of Eucalyptus hybrid clones, aged 77 (stand 1), 72 (stand 2), 53 (stand 3) and 40 months (stand 4), located in the town of Jerônimo Monteiro, ES, were surveyed with random of 10 plots in each stand, measuring variables CAP and H. Trees were scaled and obtained the volume by Smalian s formula. Hypsometric and volume models were adjusted and calculated the mean diameter, quadratic mean diameter, basal area per hectare and average height for each stand. Then the taper models were adjusted in its original form: Kozak et al. (1969), Demaerschalk (1972), Ormerod (1973) and Schöepfer (1966). The selection of models to estimate the commercial height in the diameters 14, 12, 10, 8, 7 and 6 cm and trade volume in the diameter 14, 7 and 6 cm was due to the application of statistical criteria in conjunction with the graphic analysis of residues. In stands 1, 2 and 3 were determined use single products for pulp and energy, and the stand 4 for energy, as well as the combined production of these uses with the possibility that some of the stem for fencepost. Thus, were determined the production combined of pulp and fencepost for stands 1, 2 and 3, and energy and fencepost to the stand 4. For the economic evaluation were applied the methods NPV, EPB and APC. It was observed that the mean diameter, quadratic mean diameter and basal area were directly related with age. The results of the adjustment of the models showed a difference in the profile of the stem between the stands. The use of wood of single use for pulp was higher in stand 1 (97%), followed by stand 3 (90%) and 2 (80%). For energy, the proportion was higher in stands 1 and 4 (99 and 94%, respectively) compared to 2 and 3 (86 and 91%, respectively). For multiproduct, it was observed that stands 3 and 4 had a higher proportion of use of wood for fencepost in relation to pulp and energy. The use of wood for energy has proven to be uneconomical in all situations evaluated. Already, for cellulose, in a low interest rate, proved to be economically viable. However, the stands 2 and 3 were more sensitive to variation in the interest rate in relation to stand 1. The use of wood for multiproduct was more viable alternative to the four stands. The APC was sensitive for changes in age, interest rate and use of wood
- ItemAnálise estrutural e da vulnerabilidade ambiental de um fragmento florestal de restinga ao Sul do Estado do Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-10-01) Leite, Vinícius Rocha; Silva, Gilson Fernandes da; Santos, Alexandre Rosa dos; Pezzopane, José Eduardo Macedo; Ferreira, Rinaldo Luiz CaracioloThe aim of this study was to analyze the environmental vulnerability of a forest remnant of restinga, the structure of woody vegetation and floristic similarity of a whole compared to other remnants of Atlantic Forest. We performed a cover mapping and land use in the surrounding forest fragment, identifying the manmade agents that exert pressure on the fragment. Through the use of computational procedures using a Geographic Information System could the spatial model of vulnerability. Seven were identified as causative agents of anthropogenic potential impacts. The model was effective for the environmental impact study, indicating areas of greatest need for mitigation of impacts, and the general physiognomy of the vegetation the main aspect evaluated for model building. The analysis of vegetation structure was performed from the allocation of twenty permanent plots of 20x50 feet each. From the demarcation of all individuals with DBH = 5 cm height of 1.30 m of soil within plots, was performed for action in diameter and total height of individuals. Samples were collected in sterile and fertile material in and out of permanent plots. Found 2331 trees, 161 species in 42 families and 91 genera. Through research in the specific literature was found non-timber forest resources as timber and the presence of 36 species in 23 families, considering the uses for medicine, technology, food, construction, decoration and wood. Studying the horizontal structure is observed that nearly half of the species present condition of tillering. Regarding the diameter structure note a typical pattern and the presence of large individuals. The occupation of different strata of forest demonstrates a good regulation of the same in this regard. The diversity indices calculated proved to be superior compared to those found for other remnants of restinga forest. The evaluation of the floristic similarity was carried out considering other forests and restinga forest remnants of Seasonal Semideciduous Forest (SSF), with reference to the River Basin Itapemirim, also considering a database climate based on temperature, rainfall and climatic water balance. The coefficient of similarity was not high comparing the remnant area shows a marked floristic variation along the coast in a short amount of territory. The similarity index and some structural vegetation data, comparing the restinga studied in the areas of Seasonal Semideciduous Forest line with present climate variability
- ItemCrescimento de mudas de eucalipto irrigadas com água de diferentes qualidades(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-10-27) Lougon, Marcela Silva; Cecilio, Roberto Avelino; Caldeira, Marcos Vinicius Winckler; Garcia, Giovanni de Oliveira; Gonçalves, Elzimar de Oliveira; Lo Monaco, Paola Alfonsa VieiraAgricultural use of water of inferior quality is an option for meeting the water needs together with supply of nutrients to plants, and also provide an appropriate means of disposal of effluents. With this work aimed to evaluate the production of Eucalyptus irrigated with water of different quality standards. We conducted experiment in completely randomized design in factorial 5X3X2 (five evaluation periods, three patterns of water quality and two species of Eucalyptus sp.) With three replications. The waters were used public water supply of the city of Jeronimo Monteiro-ES, aquaculture effluent from the Federal University of Saint Spirit Campus and Alegre effluent treatment system for domestic sewage from the city of Jeronimo Monteiro-ES. The species used were Eucalyptus urophylla and Eucalyptus urograndis. Seedlings were grown in plastic pots with a capacity of 50 cubic centimeters of substrate which were kept in the nursery until the ninety days after sowing submitted to sprinkler irrigation. After that period the tubes containing the seedlings of both species were transferred to polyethylene trays containing three water standards, where we used a system of subirrigation. The tubes were submerged to a depth of 2 cm from its base, absorbing water by capillary action. To evaluate the growth of seedlings of Eucalyptus was made a set of measurements every 20 days, a total of five evaluations started from the transfer of tubes to the trays. In each set of measurements were quantified the height of the shoots, the stem diameter, leaf area, total dry matter of shoots and roots, the leaf area ratio, specific leaf area, the ratio weight of the sheet, the ratio shoot height / neck diameter, the ratio shoot / root, the absolute growth rate, the relative growth rate, the net assimilation rate; Index Dickson quality and efficiency of use water. Was the analysis of different patterns of quality of water used for irrigation, where it was determined pH, potassium, sodium, chloride, iron, phosphorus, ammonia nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, electrical conductivity and x sodium adsorption ratio. None of the three standard qualities of water use restrictions as presented to salinity. However, when related to possible problems of water infiltration into the soil, water supply and fish showed a severe degree of restriction and treated wastewater reuse showed a moderate constraint. Regarding the toxicity of irrigation water, the three different types of water, do not set any restrictions and the pH value showed normal, between 6.5 and 8.4. There was also no excess of iron and sulfur in waters with different quality standards considered. The concentration of phosphorus and ammonia nitrogen values were normal for the public water supply and fish, less than 5 mg L-1 for nitrogen and less than 30 mg L-1 for phosphorus. However, for treated wastewater reuse, the levels were above normal values for irrigation. Overall, there was a significant effect on water quality in the growth of Eucalyptus seedlings over the period of measurements, depicted in the superiority of leaf area, total dry matter of shoots and roots, leaf area ratio, area Specific leaf, leaf weight ratio, height ratio of shoot / root collar diameter; shoot ratio and root system of Quality Index Dickson was used when the effluent coming from the sewage treated.
- ItemProposta de corredores ecológicos para interligação dos Parques Estaduais de Forno Grande e Pedra Azul, ES, utilizando geotecnologias(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-11-05) Louzada, Franciane Lousada Rubini de Oliveira; Silva, Aderbal Gomes da; Santos, Alexandre Rosa dos; Soares, Vicente Paulo; Garcia, Giovanni de Oliveira; Peluzio, Joao Batista EstevesThis work had as main objective to propose routes for Ecological Corridors implantation using Geotechnologies. The specific objectives were to define the permanent preservation areas on marginal band of water courses, around springs, on slopes with declivity higher than 45 degrees and on the upper third of the hills and mountains tops; analyze the areas of use confrontation and land cover in the APPs of the surroundings of the State Parks Forno Grande and Pedra Azul - ES, from the viewpoint of Environmental Law; and to evaluate landowners predisposition regarding the acceptance of the Ecological Corridors implantation. First, 14 use classes and land cover were mapped by visual interpretation, in which the forest cover was predominant (21,349.03 ha - 41.8%), followed by pasture (14,551.35 ha - 28.4%), agriculture ( 5,032.47 ha - 9.8%) and regenerating area (3,064.38 ha - 6.0%). The predominance of forest cover shows the conservation status of the region and the importance of buffer zones of the State Parks. Following the definitions of Resolution No. 303 of CONAMA, the Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) were delimited which occupied approxi ately 23,453.93 ha, representing 45.9% of total area, and 35.6% of these presented misuse, especially the pasture, agriculture and reforestation with eucalyptus. Then, using the methodology of distance of less expense, six routes were proposed for implementation of the Ecological Corridor, named as Corridor "A", "B", "C", "D", "E" and "F". The best proposal was the Corridor "A", with 15,144.76 long, 1,514.48 and 2,099.57 ha in width, based on APPs images, Land Use, Slope and Confrontation of Land Use in APPs. A significant factor for choosing this corridor was the existence of large areas of vegetation and area in regeneration, the largest area of PPAs preserved and possessing great potential for tourism and agriculture. To evaluate the predisposition of landowners in accepting the implementation of the Ecological Corridors in their properties a questionnaire was applied. Only 21.8% knew what was an ecological corridor and 70.9% were interested in its implementation on their properties. According to the results, we conclude that the methodology was efficient, producing in an automated form, accurate informations about their size and spatial distribution in the landscape and development of analog and digital maps
- ItemMetodologia diagnóstica para as unidades de conservação estaduais do Espírito Santo: condições para sua gestão e para prevenção e combate aos incêndios florestais(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-12-17) Tebaldi, André Luiz Campos; Fiedler, Nilton César; Pelúzio, Joao Batista Esteves; Sossai, Marcos Franklin; Hegedus, Clovis Eduardo Nunes; Dias, Henrique MachadoThe research had the aim to develop diagnostic methods for the state Conservation Units of the Holy Spirit: Conditions for its management, prevention and fighting forest fires. For this analysis, we attempted to work with six specific objectives which are: to characterize the conditions and infrastructure management, to diagnose the quantitative availability of personnel and equipment to prevent and fight forest fires, identify the major causes of the occurrences of forest fires related to them with the major threats to ecosystems, identifying the size class distribution of the burned areas, identify the main types of fires, the main diagnostic prevention activities developed. The analysis included the participation of all managers of the sixteen state conservation units created by the year 2009. The results indicated that the Reserva Biológica Duas Bocas with the best conditions for management and infrastructure (82%) and the Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustável Concha D ostra has the worst conditions (5%). Parque Estadual de Itaúnas showed greater staff shortages. Availability of operational equipment, we found that 75% of the units are fully protected at a deficit. In respect of tools identified that the Parque Estadual Cachoeira da Fumaça had the largest deficit and no protective equipment in the units. The inadequate infrastructure (14%) and hunting (12%) are the main threats to the state units. Over 50% of fires in the state units are predominantly surface area burned ranged from 0.1 to 40 hectares. Approximately 40% of causes are burns cleaner and 20% for arson. The main preventive activities carried out are inter-institutional integration and monitoring unit (22%). The results will serve as an efficient tool for planning and management for the State Government to implement actions and prevention activities in protected areas
- ItemInfluência da forma de ajuste e do comprimento das seções no desempenho de funções de afilamento(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-02-03) Môra, Rômulo; Souza, Carlos Alberto Martinelli de; Silva, Gilson Fernandes da; Chichorro, José Franklim; Soares, Carlos Pedro BoechatThis work had as objective to verify the accuracy and precision of estimates of diameter, height and volume variables, considering the estimates of the parameter obtained in the adjustment of data set by the original model and the expressions in diameter and height for different taper models and sections length. To conduct the study, 70 stems of Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus grandis hybrid were cubed in a spacing of 3 x 2 m, in a stand of 3,48 hectares with 8 years-old, in sections of 0,5 m until they reach a minimum diameter of 4 cm for the study of taper functions. To check the influence of the sections length, all stems were measured in ten different sections lengths corresponding to 0,5 m, 1,0 m, 1,5 m, 2,0 m, 2,5 m, 3,0 m, 3,5 m, 4,0 m, 4,5 m and 5 m, starting from the section of 0,0 m to a minimum diameter of 4 cm and separated into two groups, one considering the influence of the base and the other not. The models used in the comparison of the estimates are the ones proposed by Baldwin, Demaerschalk, Kozak and Ormerod. In the study of the sections length influence, it was used the model proposed by Demaerschalk in the different analyzed sections lengths. The precision and accuracy of the estimates were verified by graphic analysis of the waste, the determination coefficient ( ), estimated standard error (Syx(%)), bias (V), average of the differences (MD) and standard deviation of the differences (DPD). Based on these statistics, a classification was made to determine the model that would provide better variables estimates by different types of adjustment and sections length, estimating more accurate results for the analyzed variables. Diameter, height and volume variables estimates were obtained more accurately for the Demaerschalk model, considering the parameters estimates obtained from the expressions of the diameter and height variables in relation to estimates based on parameters estimates of the original model. In the study of the influence of the sections length, it can be seen that as the number of sections measures in the stem decreases, it becomes possible to verify the presence of tendency of the variables estimates for both groups. Comparing the results of the group, with and without influence of the basis, it is noted that the estimates with influence are better, which was observed mainly to the volume variable
- ItemAvaliação de métodos de estimação de altura e de estratificação vertical em uma floresta estacional semidecidual(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-02-04) Curto, Rafaella de Angeli; Pezzopane, José Eduardo Macedo; Silva, Gilson Fernandes da; Soares, Carlos Pedro Boechat; Chichorro, José FranklimThis study aimed to evaluate methods for estimating the total height of trees and methods for vertical stratification in a native forest. This study was conducted in a fragment of 52 ha of Semideciduous Seasonal Forest, known as Rosal Forest, located in the municipality of Guaçuí-ES. For this, it was used the method of sampling a fixed area, distributing systematically a total of 16 parcels of 600 m2 in the field, totalizing a sampled area of 0.96 ha. It was performed a descriptive analysis of the trees total height and to assess the accuracy in obtaining this variable, five estimation methods were proposed: Hypsometer Vertex; digital Clinometer; estimation with aid of a 15 meters ruler; and visual estimation with and without training; in three height classes: Class 1 (15,00 to 17,99 m), Class 2 (18,00 to 20,99 m) and, Class 3 (> 21,00 m), totaling 15 treatments. To compare treatments, 211 individuals were measured, 124 in flat ground and 87 in sloping ground, and the total height of these was obtained by means of climbing. The height data were compared by t test, at a 5% probability, and also performed graphical analysis of waste and additional statistics. It was also evaluated the methods execution speed, and the factors: number of operators, cost, ruggedness, easiness of observation and compactness. For the evaluation of vertical stratification, four different methods were used, as follows: Method 1 - Souza (1990), Method 2 - Souza et al. (2003), Method 3 - IUFRO, and Method 4 - Calegário et al. (1994). In addition, the species composition, diversity, structure and horizontal diameter of the forest under study were assessed. About the methods for height estimation, the estimation method without training showed the worst performance in terms of accuracy, for both ground conditions and the best performance was observed in the estimation method with training, since the slope affected the height estimation. There was a tendency to underestimate their height as the classes were increasing, since the estimation method without training underestimated in all classes. There were differences over the mean time for estimating the height between the two methods and over the effect of the class, excluding a few exceptions. It was sampled 1596 individuals with DAP greater than or equal to 5 cm, totaling 246 species. The most representative families in numbers of species were: Fabaceae, Lauraceae, Myrtaceae and Rubiaceae. The Shannon-Weaver diversity index (H) found in the sample reaches a significant value. The most important species in the community, taking the IVI% as basis, are Mabea fistulifera, Siparuna guianensis, Pseudopiptadenia contorta, Apuleia leiocarpa and Myrcia fallax. The diameter structure of the studied forest fragment distribution has a reversed-J-shape, common in native forests. Among the vertical stratification methods, the method 1 did not allow a detailed analysis of the behavior of the species in stratum II, because of its strong tendencies to concentrate a greater number of individuals in that stratum, yet the method 2 has allowed a more detailed strata. The method 3, played down the issue found in method 1, but the change of the dominant height of the sample can change the whole discussion, showing weakness in the method. The method 4 did not bring good results for the stratification of the forest in the study, since it divided the forest in only two layers high
- ItemFatores ergonômicos das atividades em uma fábrica de ferramentas(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-02-11) Guimarães, Pompeu Paes; Fiedler, Nilton César; Lima, Julião Soares de Souza; Oliveira, José Tarcísio da Silva; Leite, Ângelo Márcio PintoTo evaluate ergonomic work stations of a production plant for the process of forging tools by hammering covering: the human factors and working conditions, the relationship between anthropometry of workers and the workplace, the conditions of the working environment (thermal comfort, ventilation, illumination and noise) and the layout of the workplace. The production of tools involves the following activities: cutting area and a second region of orvado area, turning, forging area, area of the marker, tempera, insertion of cables, grinding, welding and varnishing. To characterize the human factors and working conditions, we used a structured questionnaire in order to know the opinion of workers about their duties. For the thermal comfort was used WBGT; to measure the wind speed the wind speed light meter to measure the amount of light shed production, and to collect decibel noise that workers were exposed. The activity was varnishing the activity easier, less dangerous and less tiring and Emery, preferably smaller, more dangerous and tiring. Detected a high rate of accidents in production of tools affecting mainly the region of the fingers (72%). Anthropometric analysis of the relationship and characteristics of the machines, the ideal height of the benches is 0.9 m (heavy duty), and workers should use lower pallets of 0.2 m, the optimal range is 0.3 m² and the ideal range maximum of 1.0 m² area. The data on average WBGT ranged from 20.9°C (varnishing to 8 hours) to 27.3°C (16 hours to forge). The area of the forger and tracer activities were higher on average WBGT during the entire production process. All activities showed wind speeds below 0.8 m/s is perfectly acceptable throughout the working day, an average of 0.1 m/s (at 8 o clock welding) to 0.7 m/s (cut area 2 to 13 hours). The illuminance on average ranged from 42.9 Lux (forger to 8 hours) to 393.3 Lux (cutting area 2 to 12 hours). The activities of varnishing, tempera, marker area, area of insertion of cables and forger had means below the required illuminance (150 lux) throughout the workday. All activities presented noise above 85 dB (A) except the varnish and a cutting area, the noise levels ranged on average from 79.7 (varnishing to 8 hours) to 95.7 dB (A) (to Emery 13 hours). For the layout analysis is proposed a new physical layout to reduce unproductive time, facilitate the sequence of production and marketing of materials
- ItemPropriedades tecnológicas da madeira de Tectona grandis L.f. proveniente do Vale do Rio Doce, Minas Gerais(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-02-21) Motta, Javan Pereira; Paes, Juarez Benigno; Oliveira, José Tarcísio da Silva; Vidaurre, Graziela Baptista; Rosado, Antonio Marcos; Latorraca, João Vicente de FigueiredoThe objective of this study was to determine the technological properties of teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) trees with 15 years old from the Vale do Rio Doce, Minas Gerais, State Brazil. The characterization of teak wood was through the anatomical description, determination of physical properties and mechanical behavior study of wood adhesion, resistance assessment of natural wood from pith to sapwood, the wood decay organisms (fungi and termites) in terms of laboratory testing with rapid decay and subterranean termite feeding preference, and studies of moisture sorption in wood. Concerning the anatomical description, the general characteristics, gross and microscopic evaluated for teak were similar to those determined by other authors for the same species and the direct relation of age with increasing fiber length and wall thickness were found. The average density was classified as moderately heavy, medium dimensional stability, and with little influence of moisture content in wood strength values. A teak wood obtained satisfactory results in the adhesion assays. The heartwood of teak was classified as resistant to wood decay organisms. The determination of sorption curves and the fit of equations for determining the equilibrium moisture content at different relative humidity is a source of information for determining the behavior of wood during the drying process and planning of drying the most appropriate species
- ItemCaracterização do lenho de árvores de clones de Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus grandis em áreas sujeitas a danos por ventos(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-02-21) Braz, Rafael Leite; Oliveira, José Tarcísio da Silva; Dambroz, Graziela Baptista Vidaurre; Paes, Juarez Benigno; Rosado, Antonio Marcos; Tomazello Filho, MárioForest plantations in the Vale do Rio Doce in Minas Gerais have suffered damage caused by the action of wind, especially in areas of lowlands and in young stands. Studies to identify relationships between the susceptibility of trees of the wood properties are of great importance, allowing selection of clones more tolerant to wind action. Thus, the purpose of this study was to characterize the wood of trees of ten clones of the hybrid Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus grandis, 30 and 35 months of age, on the strength of the tree to fall and the anatomical, physical, mechanical and chemical characteristics of trees. The study site was in lowland regions, where trees are more vulnerable and prone to damage from winds with altitude near 250 m and with low intensity of the climatological winds and frequent occurrence of micro-atmospheric explosions. For this, the dendometric characteristics of the trees were measured and evaluated and strength tests of the tree to fall were done, simulating the effect of wind and a non-destructive method for the determination of longitudinal residual strain. In the laboratory sample of wood were prepared and then analyzed the quantitative anatomical parameters of wood, for the vessels and the morphology of the fibers, the density, the bending, the concentrations of extractives, lignin and holocellulose and calculated the growth stress. The conclusion is that the clone CNB017 showed the best results, especially in the testing of breaking strength, the physical and mechanical properties evaluated. For the chemical composition, the clones showed close values for the levels of extractive, lignin and holocellulose, serving only as indicative for the production and yield of cellulose. The endurance test and the mechanical and physical characteristics stood out as the most suitable parameters for the assessment and classification of clones susceptible to wind action, whereas the clones that showed the best results were common. However there is need to broaden the base information regarding the susceptibility of trees to wind
- ItemModelos digitais de elevação na sub-bacia hidrográfica do córrego Horizonte, Alegre, Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-02-23) Saito, Nathália Suemi; Bauer, Maristela de Oliveira; Santos, Alexandre Rosa dos; Peluzio, João Batista Esteves; Fiedler, Nilton CésarThis research aimed to use the Geotechnology to obtain informations from the surface through different interpolators and database to create digital elevation model, in the sub-basin of the stream Horizonte, Alegre - ES. Were used the contour of the IBGE and the image of SRTM as altimetry data. Tested the interpolators Inverse distance weight, Kriging 1 and 2, Spline 1, 2, and B, TIN 1 and 2, Topo to Raster 1 and Topo to Raster 2. Were collected references points in the field. Moreover, points subtracted from the contour lines were used as test points. After the generation of models were applied the techniques of stream burnning and evaluated the models by analysis of discrepancies between the altitude of the models and points of references, were evaluated, too, the coincidences of hydrography and models' performance through indexes statistics. After applying the techniques of post-processing it was found that methods TIN 1 and 2 and Top to Raster 1 and 2 had the lowest numbers of spurious depressions, and all models were similar in coincidence with mapped hydrography. Without technique there were a number of inconsistencies. The interpolator Top to Raster 2 was superior in all indices calculated and in all the analysis. It was noted that it is essential to apply techniques of stream burnning to improve the spatial coincidence the basin (numerical and mapped), since the models generated without the post- processing techniques are inadequate for hydrological analysis, but analysis with the models generated with the SRTM data indicated better results for extracting values altimetry. Evidenced by the many reviews that models with Stream Burnning techniques with IBGE database and Topo to Raster 2 interpolator was the most suitable for the generation of Digital Elevations Models in the sub-basin of the stream Horizonte, Alegre - ES
- ItemSubstratos renováveis na produção de mudas de Tectona grandis Linn F.(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-02-25) Trazzi, Paulo André; Silva, Aderbal Gomes da; Caldeira, Marcos Vinicius Winckler; Gonçalves, Elzimar de Oliveira; Reis, Edvaldo Fialho dos; Wendling, IvarIndustrial, urban or agro-industrial waste can be used as a source of nutrients to contribute to the reduction of production costs of forest seedlings. This study aimed to evaluate the use of biosolids and animal manure as a substrate component in the production of seedlings of Tectona grandis. Seedlings were produced in tubes with a volume capacity of 280 cm³, filled with two groups of waste, representing two studies. The first was to formulate substrates with biosolids (BIO) associated with rice hulls (CAC) or shredded coconut fiber (CF) in proportions 80:20, 60:40, 40:60, 20:80 (v: v), and also with 100% BIO forming nine treatments based on BIO submitted to the comparison of treatment with the commercial forest substrate. The second study was characterized for using proportions (v: v: v) of 15, 25 or 35% of cattle manure (EB), poultry litter (CF) or quail manure (EC) associated with the subsoil earth (60, 50 or 40%, respectively) and to 25% of commercial forest substrate (fixed volume), forming a set of nine treatments that were compared to treatment with commercial growing forest. Substrates formed of these treatments were subjected to chemical and physical analysis. Seedlings were evaluated for morphological characteristics ninety days after transplanting. To evaluate nutritionally the seedlings, the shoot was subjected to chemical analysis. The results of physical analysis showed that the CAC or the FC associated with BIO provided an increase in total volume of pores (VTP) and reduction in apparent density (DENS). The CAC promoted an increase in macroporosity (MAC), while the FC increased the microporosity (MIC). The use of animal waste increased the VTP, the MAC and the MIC and decreased the DENS. For chemical analysis, substrates formulated with BIO showed high levels of total and available nutrients. The manure of animals promoted an increase in the content of total and available substrates, especially P and K. Considering the content and accumulation of nutrients, the higher were obtained in treatment with 80% of BIO + 20% of CAC for the treatments with biosolids. For the study with the animal manures, the largest accumulation of nutrients was observed in the treatment with 35% of CF. The BIO with 60 and 80% associated with CAC and FC promoted greater gains in height, diameter, dry mass of shoot and root, in the experiment with biosolids. The seedlings produced with animal manures had the highest growth in substrates formulated with CF. The utilization of renewable substrates contributed to the improvement of physical and chemical characteristics of formed substrates and consequently in the nutrition of seedlings and therefore may be suitable for production of forest seedlings
- ItemAlterações no solo, nutrição e crescimento de Eucalyptus sp. decorrentes do uso de diferentes qualidades de água(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-03-11) Rocha, Silvania Arreco; Cecílio, Roberto Avelino; Caldeira, Marcos Vinicius Winckler; Garcia, Giovanni de Oliveira; Rangel, Otacílio José Passos; Fiedler, Nilton CesarThe discard of effluent can represent an environmental problem when its final destination is the hydric resources. However, due to the presence of nutrients in its composition, the agroforestry use may represent an increase in productivity and fertilizer economy. Accordingly, this research aims to study the initial growth and nutrition of three species of Eucalyptus sp. when subjected to irrigation with different water qualities, and analyzes changes in soil fertility. The experimental design used in the experiment was randomized in a factorial 2 × 3 × 3 (two periods of three levels of water quality and three species of eucalyptus), with three replications. Seedlings of Eucalyptus grandis, E. urophylla and urograndis with 90 days were planted in 5 L pots filled with Oxisol. Twenty days after planting, the seedlings started to be irrigated with different water qualities. Two growth analysis were performed to determinate the shoot height, stem diameter, leaf area, shoot dry weight, root dry mass, total dry weight, index between shoot and root, absolute growth rate, relative growth rate, leaf area ratio, liquid assimilation rate, index between shoot height and diameter and percentage of roots. In the end of the experiment, the plant leaves collected on the two tests were sent to the laboratory to determine the levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, iron, manganese, copper and boron. In addition, soil samples were sent to the laboratory to determine the levels of pH, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, potential acidity, total bases, effective cation exchange capacity, cation exchange capacity at pH 7, base saturation, and saturation in aluminum. The results indicated that the sewage effluent gave a higher growth than the water supply and fish farming water. For the species, urograndis showed greater root mass, total dry matter, absolute growth rate, liquid assimilation rate, and as well as E. urophylla, higher relative growth rate. Furthermore, E. grandis and E. urophylla had higher leaf area ratio. With regard to leaf analysis, higher levels of leaf nitrogen and iron in seedling fertigated with sewage effluent were found, while the levels of calcium, manganese, copper and boron were higher in the seedlings irrigated with tap water and fertigated with fish farming water. In soil, only the potassium was affected by the quality of water used, being higher with the use of sewage effluent and fish farming water