Mestrado em Ciências Florestais
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Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 2008
Conceito atual na CAPES: 4
Ato normativo: Ofício N. 39-12/2007/CTC/CCA/CAPES de 31/07/2007 Homologado pelo CNE (Portaria Nº 656 de 22/05/2017) Publicação DOU em 27/07/2017, Seç. 1, Pag. 36.
Periodicidade de seleção: Semestral
Área(s) de concentração: Ciências Florestais
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- ItemAclimatação da maquinaria fotossintética do clone de seringueira FX 3864 a ciclos de deficiência hídrica(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-07-14) Quaresma, Jessily Medeiros; Cavatte, Paulo Cezar; Xavier, Talita Miranda Teixeira; Pezzopane, José Eduardo Macedo; Pezzopane, José Ricardo MacedoThe rubber tree is a native Amazon species commercially exploited for its latex, which is used for the production of natural rubber. However, studies in Brazil have shown that the productivity of the rubber trees can be affected by climatic variation in the environments in which the culture is inserted, mainly as to water limitation, and report that plants subjected to successive water stress are able to develop faster acclimation responses, enhancing their performance when subjected again to the same stress. So the purpose of the study was to test the hypothesis that clonal seedlings of the rubber tree FX 3864 submitted to three water stress cycles are able to present much more evident acclimation responses than plants subjected to just one cycle. Ecophysical and microclimate variables were monitored throughout the whole experiment, which was conducted in a greenhouse in the town of Jerônimo Monteiro, ES. The experiment lasted 167 days (October 2015 to April 2016) and the seedlings were grafted 47 days before the treatments initiated. The experimental design was completely randomized (CRD). The treatments consisted of cycles of water deficiency (WD): control (regularly irrigated plants); 1C (plants subjected to one cycle); 2C (plants subjected to two cycles); and 3C (plants subjected to three cycles). Each cycle of WD was characterized by two phases, the first phase with plant dehydration by withholding irrigation until the net assimilation rate (A) of the plants reached zero (A = 0), and the second phase with the replacement of water substrate to near field capacity (FC). After the rehydration of the plants, when the rate of A reached 90% of the rate of the control plants, a new cycle of water deficiency was initiated. The results showed that the plants of treatment 3C obtained higher rates of A, stomatic conductance (gs), and transpiration (E) and instantaneous efficiency in the use of water (by the relationship of A/E) during the third cycle of WD, ending the cycle with 25% of available water (AW) in the substrate, in relation to the plants of 2C and 1C. The water status of the 3C plants, observed by the relative water content (RWC) to the end of the third cycle of WD, remained similar to the control plants, indicating a higher maintenance of turgor in the plant cells. The 1C plants were affected by WD, because even with 44% AW in the substrate, the fluid status within the cells was significantly reduced, and consequently the physiological processes. As to the photosynthetic pigments, the plants of treatment 3C accumulated higher levels of chloroplastid pigments, especially chlorophyll and carotenoids in relation to plants 2C and 1C. Therefore, we concluded that the plants subjected to three cycles of WD acclimated their photosynthetic machinery throughout the water stresses to which they were subjected, unlike the plants subjected to one WD cycle, because one single cycle promoted severe damage to their metabolism causing severe reduction in their physiological rates and consequent leaf abscission.
- ItemALELOPATIA DA SAMAMBAIA Pteridium esculentum (G. FORST.) COCKAYNE EM UMA FLORESTA ESTACIONAL SEMIDECIDUAL(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-02-25) Santos, Kezia Catein dos; Kunz, Sustanis Horn;;;;; Abreu, Karla Maria Pedra de;;; Dias, Henrique Machado;;; Zorzanelli, Joao Paulo Fernandes;; impact of clearings dominated by Pteridium esculentum (G. forest.) Cockayne in delaying ecological restoration is a worldwide concern because areas invaded by this fern occur in thousands of square kilometers that were previously forested. In conserva
- ItemAlocação de pátios de estocagem em planos de manejo na Amazônia por meio de programação matemática(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-07-23) Silva, Evandro Ferreira da; Mendonça, Adriano Ribeiro de; Figueiredo, Evandro Orfanó; Silva, Gilson Fernandes da; Torres, Carlos Moreira Miquelino Eleto; Binoti, Daniel Henrique BredaThe introduction of the concept of forest management accuracy has enabled the management of native forests a significant gain in accuracy and detail of exploration activities. The methodology enables the creation of a database with quantitative, qualitative and global positioning of each individual inventoried. Although this technique has reduced costs and environmental impacts, there are still some gaps that need to be improved, including the allocation of cargo handling areas, which so far is carried out arbitrary way in planning, guided by the coverage radius and modeling relief in computing environment. Given the above, the study aimed at the deterministic planning ideal places to hold the wood storage, so as to minimize the distances of drag. The study was developed in an area of 638.1783 ha, which were allocated 7896 possible storage yards to meet the demand of 1,478 exploitable individuals, taking into account the terrain elevation model, remaining individuals, permanent preservation areas and restricted areas. Finally, it performed the division of the area into sub-areas, guided by the river network. The model identifies great places allocation yards, governed by restrictions on distance and maximum volume stored. Thus, we tested four possible scenarios, evaluated the results using the Euclidean trees-yard distance and the planning of forestry. The assessment by the Euclidean distance, resulted in reductions in distances drag in all scenarios, with scenario 1 (restriction of maximum capacity and maximum distance), the scenario with improved performance, resulting in 16.81% of earnings, 21, 13%, 16.36% and 7.29% respectively, the total sum of the distances of drag, average maximum distances of drag, average distances and volume drag coefficient of variation of the courtyards. Evaluating the positioning in relation to the yard, the scenario 1 gave 20% gain, 32% and 67%, respectively for the shorter distance of 258 m intervals, between 258 and 300 m and greater than 300 m. In the analysis of post scenarios planning exploration, as the planning of forest roads, only scenario 1 showed an increase of 2.83% over the planning run, with scenario 2 which obtained better IX results in decreasing 18.48% to road construction, followed by scenario 4 (-9.35%) and scenario 3 (-0.36%). The relevance of the environmental impact was crucial to determine the best scenario, although the scenario 1 has 2,94km less than skid trails that scenario 2, holds 3,22km over construction of forest roads, so the scenario 2 obtained better performance. When analyzed the estimation of environmental impacts all scenarios have gains over run, and the stage 2 had lower estimate the generation of environmental impact, with a gain of 13.90% in relation to the planning run. Thus, it can be concluded that the scenario 2 (model with restriction maximum volume capacity and patio without restricting maximum distance carrier) had the best performance and the models proposed have been successful in relation to the planning run.
- ItemAlterações do cerne e da densidade da madeira de eucalipto em função da idade e do espaçamento de plantio(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-02-28) Santos, Lourdes Maria Hilgert; Dambroz, Graziela Baptista Vidaurre;;;;; Zanuncio, Antonio Jose Vinha;;; Silva, Gilson Fernandes da;;; Oliveira, Michel Picanco;;
- ItemAlterações no solo, nutrição e crescimento de Eucalyptus sp. decorrentes do uso de diferentes qualidades de água(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-03-11) Rocha, Silvania Arreco; Cecílio, Roberto Avelino; Caldeira, Marcos Vinicius Winckler; Garcia, Giovanni de Oliveira; Rangel, Otacílio José Passos; Fiedler, Nilton CesarThe discard of effluent can represent an environmental problem when its final destination is the hydric resources. However, due to the presence of nutrients in its composition, the agroforestry use may represent an increase in productivity and fertilizer economy. Accordingly, this research aims to study the initial growth and nutrition of three species of Eucalyptus sp. when subjected to irrigation with different water qualities, and analyzes changes in soil fertility. The experimental design used in the experiment was randomized in a factorial 2 × 3 × 3 (two periods of three levels of water quality and three species of eucalyptus), with three replications. Seedlings of Eucalyptus grandis, E. urophylla and urograndis with 90 days were planted in 5 L pots filled with Oxisol. Twenty days after planting, the seedlings started to be irrigated with different water qualities. Two growth analysis were performed to determinate the shoot height, stem diameter, leaf area, shoot dry weight, root dry mass, total dry weight, index between shoot and root, absolute growth rate, relative growth rate, leaf area ratio, liquid assimilation rate, index between shoot height and diameter and percentage of roots. In the end of the experiment, the plant leaves collected on the two tests were sent to the laboratory to determine the levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, iron, manganese, copper and boron. In addition, soil samples were sent to the laboratory to determine the levels of pH, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, potential acidity, total bases, effective cation exchange capacity, cation exchange capacity at pH 7, base saturation, and saturation in aluminum. The results indicated that the sewage effluent gave a higher growth than the water supply and fish farming water. For the species, urograndis showed greater root mass, total dry matter, absolute growth rate, liquid assimilation rate, and as well as E. urophylla, higher relative growth rate. Furthermore, E. grandis and E. urophylla had higher leaf area ratio. With regard to leaf analysis, higher levels of leaf nitrogen and iron in seedling fertigated with sewage effluent were found, while the levels of calcium, manganese, copper and boron were higher in the seedlings irrigated with tap water and fertigated with fish farming water. In soil, only the potassium was affected by the quality of water used, being higher with the use of sewage effluent and fish farming water
- ItemAmostragem do Fuste e Efeito da Casca na Qualidade da Madeira de Eucalipto Visando a Produção de Mdf (Medium Density Fiberboard)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-02-29) Araujo, Stéffany De Lima; Silva, João Gabriel Missia da;;; Almeida, Maria Naruna Felix de ;;; Vidaurre, Graziela Baptista;;;;; Sousa, Thaís Brito;;; Castor Neto, Thayanne Caroline;;; Medeiros Neto, Pedro Nicó de;; of the characteristics of young eucalyptus used in industries is essential to infer the quality of the products and waste generated. Due to the natural variability of wood, good accuracy of results takes into account the sampling used and, with the large use of eucalyptus in the wood industries, there is also a large generation of waste, especially the bark. Some companies, such as reconstituted wood panel products, use this type of disposal in the manufacturing process. Therefore, the shell should not be treated only as a destruction, but should be evaluated in more detail. That said, the objectives of this dissertation were to evaluate sampling strategies along the tree trunk to determine the basic density of eucalyptus clone wood and evaluate the influence of the presence of bark on the properties of eucalyptus wood through the production of Medium Density Fiberboard. The wood of four eucalyptus clones were studied, two hybrids of Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus grandis, one Eucalyptus grandis and one Eucalyptus urophylla, aged 6 years, from a commercial plantation in the municipalities of Lençóis Paulista and Agudos, state of São Paulo, Brazil. Five trees were collected per clone, according to the average planning diameter predicted by the forest inventory. Discs were removed along the commercial shaft, in addition to a sample at the position of the diameter at breast height, which were divided into sampling strategies. The properties evaluated were: proportion of heartwood and bark in the discs, basic density, chemical composition, pH and ash for bark, wood with and without bark. The average density between samples ranged from 476.69 to 449.61 kg m-3 . The DBH corresponded to 91.85 to 99.74% of the general bole average, depending on the clone and sampling strategy used. The base-top sampling strategies analyzed did not show significant differences between them, only the one that considers only the DBH was different from the others. Alternative 1 sampling satisfactorily estimated the average density considering all clones as a single material, which is the best strategy for measuring basic density under the conditions given in the present study. The sampling positions from 50% of the commercial height of the bole were better related to the basic density. The proportion of bark varied from 8.22 to 10.25%, while the proportion of heartwood ranged from 26.98 to 36.16%. The basic density of wood was 455 to 502 kg m-3 , for wood with bark it ranged from 447 to 483 kg m-3 , for bark the range was 342 to 368 kg m-3 . The mixture of wood and bark for the evaluated eucalyptus clones was not enough to significantly modify the basic density, chemical composition, pH and ash of the wood. The ash and extractive content were the wood properties most impacted by the presence of bark. Most of the technological properties analyzed in eucalyptus bark were different from wood with and without bark.
- ItemAn Approach Regarding the Use of Firewood as Fuel For Baking Pizzas in Masonry Ovens(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-02-27) Cezario, Luis Filipe Cabral; Dias Júnior, Ananias Francisco;;;;; Souza, Elias Costa de;;; Lucia, Suzana Maria Della;; use of firewood in masonry ovens for pizza preparation is a practice carried out in various regions of the world, in both domestic and commercial settings. It stands out as a source of renewable energy, low cost, and easy access. Most of the time, the firewood used for baking pizzas is not subjected to any quality selection process. The lack of quality discrimination of the firewood significantly contributes to the instability of the baking temperature of pizzas, the decrease in the energy efficiency of the combustion process, and mainly to the increase in emissions of atmospheric gaseous effluents. In this scenario, this study aimed to investigate the effects of firewood properties on the thermal profile of the oven and its implications on combustion and atmospheric emissions. Additionally, it aimed to analyze the influence of firewood as a fuel on the physical and chemical properties of pizza dough subjected to the baking process. For this purpose, Eucalyptus spp. firewood was divided into two batches by size: whole firewood and sectioned firewood. After size separation, each batch consisted of three moisture levels: oven-dried firewood (0% moisture), air-dried firewood (24% moisture, wet basis), and firewood composed of blends (initial oven ignition with 24% moisture firewood and subsequent feeding with anhydrous condition firewood). Thus, the study had six firewood variables, namely: i) W0 (oven-dried whole firewood); ii) W24 (air-dried whole firewood); iii) WB (whole firewood with blend); iv) S0 (oven-dried sectioned firewood); v) S24 (air-dried sectioned firewood); vi) SB (sectioned firewood with blend). The firewood was characterized physically (moisture and basic density), chemically (structural and elemental chemical composition), and energetically (higher, lower, and useful calorific value, TG/DTG, and energy density). For the pizza dough baking tests, the oven was subjected to a minimum temperature of 450 ºC, and the dough remained in baking for 150 seconds. Throughout all baking tests, the thermal performance of the oven and emissions of atmospheric pollutants (CO, CO2, NOx, and SO2) were investigated using thermocouples, a thermal imager, and a gas analyzer, respectively. Additionally, the physicochemical properties, proximate composition, and PAHs of the baked pizza doughs were analyzed. In general, the size and moisture content of the firewood influenced the ignition speed, temperature increase, and temperature residence time of the oven. Treatments W0 and S0 were responsible for the highest levels of atmospheric pollutant emissions, while treatments WB and SB were responsible for the lowest levels of emissions. The pizza doughs underwent changes in moisture, pH, and carbohydrate content. The amount of PAHs in the pizza doughs was not altered due to the use of firewood for baking. In summary, the baking process of pizzas in masonry ovens, when conducted properly and using firewood in blends, becomes more efficient and less polluting, without compromising the quality of the prepared pizzas.
- ItemAnálise comparativa da colheita florestal em regime de alto fuste e talhadia(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-09-15) Alves, Estevão Giacomin; Gonçalves, Elzimar de Oliveira; Fiedler, Nilton César; Silva, Gilson Fernandes da; Amaral, José Francisco Teixeira doIn the forestry companies is common the discussion that in the harvest in coppice regime occurs losses in machines productivity, although the works in the literature are very scarce to prove such a claim. The objective of this work was to perform a comparative analysis of mechanized forest harvesting in the area of tall trees and coppice management regime, analyzing the technical parameters of forest lanyard ("harvester"), along with the influence of lateral budding for forest harvesting and machine productivity gains in different average volumes harvested tree. The survey was conducted in a forestry company in the county of Aracruz, Espirito Santo. Four treatments were performed, namely: coppice with lower productivity with lateral budding, coppice higher productivity without lateral budding, coppice lower productivity without lateral budding, and tall trees, with lower productivity. Four machines of the same model were used, with the same operators for four working days in each treatment, always in the first round, a total of 16 repetitions for each treatment. The comparison of means was performed using the t test, at the 5% level of probability and box plot was used for analysis of dispersion and asymmetry of the data. According to the results, there was no influence of lateral sprouting in machine productivity, but the difference in number of chain falls during harvest with side shoots is significant (2.86 times higher). No difference was observed between the productivity of the machine in coppice management regime and tall trees, however, the number of chain falls to harvest coppice is statistically different (1.59 times higher). Increased productivity plot caused an increase in machine productivity, with no statistical difference between the number of a power failure by volume processed in areas with different productivity of the field.
- ItemAnálise de fatores ergonômicos em uma fábrica de móveis planejados no Sul do Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-02-16) Jucá, Fábio Larcerda; Souza, Amaury Paulo de; Minette, Luciano José; Schettino, Stanley; Fiedler, Nilton CésarThe furniture sector is responsible for a large number of leave caused by diseases and accidents at work. The objective of this research was to carry out an ergonomic evaluation of the furniture fabrication planned in the southern state of Espírito Santo, aiming to improve workers' health, well-being, safety, comfort and productivity. Data collection was carried out in a planned furniture factory located in the municipality of Iúna, in the south of Espírito Santo, between May and August 2017. The population consisted of ten male workers with a mean age of 32 years, all directly involved in the furniture production process. Human factors and working conditions, environmental factors (temperature, luminance and noise), biomechanical analysis and the risks of Repetitive Strain Injuries/Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (RSI/MSDs) were evaluated. The workers received no guidance regarding ergonomics and work safety, and all stated that they did not use personal protective equipment. As for the thermal environment, the average IBUTG value was 19.7, being perfectly tolerated by a worker during the 8 hours of work for this moderate activity, according to Regulatory Norm 15 of the Ministry of Labor. The noise levels found were higher than the recommended limits for an 8-hour working day. The average lighting in the furniture factory was 151.4 lux, considered to be totally deficient for the environment. In biomechanics, in phases 2 (positioning of the MDF plate in the machine) and 3 (removal of the MDF plate from the machine), the values found regarding risks for compression of the vertebral disc L5-S1, were above the limits recommended for the activities of furniture manufacturing. For the furniture manufacturing activity, this was classified as high risk for RSI/MSDs. The value found indicates that if the mode and pace of work is not modified, there is a strong possibility that these workers will acquire RSI/MSDs.
- ItemAnálise de fatores ergonômicos na colheita florestal no sul do estado do Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-02-16) Jesus, André Tavares de; Fiedler, Nilton César; Carmo, Flávio Cipriano Assis do; Juvanhol, Ronie Silva; Minette, Luciano JoséThe growing demand for raw materials from forests has meant that forestry companies have significantly improved their harvesting systems, aiming to increase productivity and improve the well-being of their operators. In this sense, the present work aimed at the ergonomic analysis of semimechanized harvesting activities in the southern state of Espírito Santo. This research was developed in three properties with eucalyptus plantations in sloping areas. The profile and working conditions were analyzed through the application of a questionnaire through individual interviews. The work environment was evaluated by analyzing noise levels, illuminance, vibration and thermal comfort. The postures adopted were analyzed using the OWAS method. And the risks of joint damage were analyzed with the application of 3DSSPP software from the University of Michigan. The results of the workers' profile showed that 100% of the evaluated workers are of the masculine gender, of low education, with good levels of training, with availability of personal protection equipment, more in some cases without custom of continuous use. The form of remuneration between the properties are distinguished between monthly wages and productivity gains. The noise data show that in all analyzes noise is above the limit established by law, thus there is a need to reduce the exposure or protection of these operators. The illuminance levels were above acceptable minima. However, there is a need for protection in the eyes of operators, especially during the summer. The illuminance levels were above acceptable minima. However, there is a need for protection in the eyes of operators, especially during the summer. The vibration levels are above the recommended limits for performing the activities. The thermal comfort analysis showed that all properties require changes in their working regime in summer and spring, especially in the hottest periods of the day, since the calculated IBUTG has exceeded the acceptable minimum of 26, requiring breaks every hour worked . The postures analyzed by the OWAS methods showed that there is a need for changes in the operations of the chainsaw operator especially during the opening of cutting and felling of the trees. For dockers / forklifts, the need for posture suitability may occur gradually over time. Through the analysis performed with the software 3DSSPP, it is possible to verify that for both operators, as well as for dockers / forklifts all postures compromised some articulation of the worker. It is therefore concluded that there should be adjustments in the working environment and in the positions adopted by the operators in order to improve their health, safety and well-being conditions.
- ItemAnálise de técnicas de combate a incêndios em plantios de eucalipto(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-02-29) Canzian, Weslen Pintor; Binoti, Mayra Luiza Marques da Silva; Fiedler, Nilton César; Amaral, José Francisco Teixeira; Mendonça, Adriano Ribeiro deThis study aimed to evaluate combat mechanics and fire management techniques in planted forests, specifically evaluated the efficiency of water use in different fighting forest fires systems, the efficiency of two of fighting forest fires systems, with different methods of elimination of fire and different managements of the understory vegetation in eucalyptus plantations with 6 years of age and the effects of vegetation height of the carbonization time planted forests. The evaluation of the efficiency of water use in different fighting forest fires systems the company uses has been measuring from the volume of water carrying capacity of the tanks, foam flow during combat, use of time, the power of transformation volume of water in foam volume and total volume available. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and means were compared by Tukey test. The evaluation methods and combat techniques on the effect of management of vegetation understory of eucalyptus plantations was conducted at a eucalyptus plot of 6 years old. 40 plots of 9 x 21 m, which evaluated the effectiveness of treatments to eliminate fire and analysis on the time of completion of the wet line and the time of the direct combat were assembled. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and means were compared by Tukey test. The analysis between the heights of the forest understory with the height of charring the bark of trees in stands of Eucalyptus was carried out to study the correlation of Pearson. records of occurrences of forest fires of the company were used between the months of October 2014 to March 2015, totaling 1 094 records. Among the combat systems analyzed, Caf's with the foam application technology showed the best results, and the determining factor for its highlight was the ability to change the volume of water in foam volume. In the evaluation of the effects of the methods and control techniques on the effect of sub-wood time, it may be noted that both combat methods presented satisfactory results, since, in all cases able to combat and prevent the spread of fire. They resembled 75% of the tests, with only significant difference in superiority and Caf's test in performing wet line areas without mowing. Moreover, it can be observed that the time to carry out the direct combat is better than the cooking time of firebreaks and the mowed treatments provided lower average times xii both in the manufacture of wet line as in direct combat. The analysis of the height of the vegetation on carbonization time showed a strong positive correlation with Pearson's coefficient above 0.95. This means that the higher the height of the vegetation in the largest forest understory are the carbonization heights in the trees. This carbonization time implies the wood loss for the company's pulp production, so the realization of the management of vegetation in critical areas of fire occurrence is one of the mitigation measures to be adopted to minimize timber losses carbonization
- ItemAnálise de tronco aplicada à avaliação de crescimento de árvores de paricá(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2013-08-02) Corteletti, Rafael Bridi; Vidaurre, Graziela Baptista; Mendonça, Adriano Ribeiro de; Silva, Gilson Fernandes da; Soares, Carlos Pedro Boechat; Oliveira, José Tarcísio da SilvaFront of gradual increase in areas planted paricá (Schizolobium amazonicum) and the growing interest of this species for plywood industry, biometric information about this species are scarce in the literature. This study was conducted with the objective of provide information dendrometric and growth for paricá in Paragominas region, Pará, through stem analysis complete. To attain the purpose, trees have been cut down thirties seven years old and these discs were obtained along the trunk, the positions of 0.1 m, 0.3 m, 0.7 m, 1.3 m and from this point of meter in meter, untill the first bifurcation. After collecting the discs, these were air dried and polished with a sequence of sandpaper for easy viewing of growth rings. With the polished surface of the discs were traced four rays perpendicular discs and with the assist of a magnifier rings were marked growth. After the delimitation of the rings, discs were scanned and the Image-Pro Express 6.0 was performed to measure the width of the rings from pith to bark. Discs in the height of 1.3 m above the ground, was made synchronization and microscopic characterization of annual growth rings. Logistic models were fitted volumetric, models taper, models form factor models average and diameter growth in structure prediction and projection. The models has been evaluated using measures the residual standard error precision absolute and percentage coefficient of determination, graphic residue analysis and statistics bias, mean absolute differences and standard deviation of the absolute differences. For the analysis of growth rings, can observe that this zone is demarcated fibrous. It was noted for the master series own paricá ring width favorable growth in the first two years. In commercial volumetric models showed that the model is Schumacher & Hall more accurate. In evaluating the taper functions in diameter model Demaerschalk was indicated that more precise results and height models Demaerschalk Ormerod showed similar results. The Logistic model stood out in terms of accuracy to estimate the average form factor. Finally, the model to describe the growth in diameter structure prediction was selected Exponential model to estimate the diameter in the form of Linear projection model was the most accurate
- ItemAnálise do modelo de capacidade de infiltração variável (VIC) para as bacias dos rios Santa Maria da Vitória e Jucu(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2013-08-30) Campanharo, Wesley Augusto; Zanetti, Sidney Sára; Richey, Jeffrey Edward; Cecílio, Roberto Avelino; Xavier, Alexandre CandidoHydrological modeling is a technique that enables a better understanding and representation of the hydrological behavior of watersheds. The Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) is a macroscale model, which simulates vertical transfer water and energy processes. The objective of this study was to evaluate the applicability of the VIC for two watersheds that the government of Espírito Santo made priority basins for hydrological study: Jucu and Santa Maria da Vitória. Therefore we obtained information of soil, vegetation and climatic, which were then aggregated to elevations data for obtain flow data simulated. Initially was separated 5 years of weather data (1992 a 1996) for the calibration process involving both obtaining the best resolution, as the best combination of parameters calibrated. This selection process was through the correspondence between the observed and simulated flows. Having the best combination found for each gaging station, began the validation process, which consisted of verifying the adherence of the model using a new series of 5 years (1997 a 2001). With the best resolution/combination was performed simulations of changes landscape, with three different scenarios of use and vegetation cover: CM1- considerer the application of ecological corridor’s project; CM2 – considerer the increase of 20% of forestry; CM3 – considerer the increase of 50% of forestry. For the 1024 combinations tested, only for the Santa Maria station inside the Santa Maria da Vitória basin was observed positive values of Nash. The validation process showed the same behavior, but the simulation of low and medium flows had better results. When analyzing the changes in flux rates from each simulated scenario, observed a decrease in runoff while increase the forest cover. The present work was unsatisfactory for two of three checkpoints and for simulation of low and medium flows, and may be can be a reflection of the type of calibration, together with the set of possible errors inherent in input files and/or deficiency of hydrological model parameterization.
- ItemAnálise econômica da produção de eucalipto do programa produtor florestal no estado do Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-01-21) Basso, Mateus; Fiedler, Nilton César; Paula, Elizabeth Neire da Silva Oliveira de; Chichorro, José Franklim; Machado, Carlos CardosoTo analyze the costs of production activity of eucalyptus wood Forestry Partners Program in the State of the Holy Spirit, we assessed the costs of deployment, maintenance, harvesting and transportation. The information related to the activities and data of deployment costs, maintenance, harvesting and transportation were obtained through interviews with landowners encouraged the company Fibria S. A. providers and forestry services distributed in the State of Espírito Santo. Obtained data acreage, costs of the integral stages of the deployment process, maintenance, harvesting and transportation, distance from the production area to the storage yard timber, average productivity per hectare and average price per cubic meter of eucalyptus wood in year 2013. We conducted an individualized analysis of the costs of implementation, maintenance, harvesting and transportation and their respective contributions to the total cost of the activity and the estimation of economic activity indicators. It was observed in all scenarios analyzed the stages of harvesting and transportation costs showed the most expressive in the production process, representing percentage of the total cost ranging from 68,06 to 71,44%, followed by the deployment phases and phase income factors (opportunity cost of the land), respectively. According to the economic indices of investment in reforestation activity via mode woodlot presented itself as a viable alternative in all situations observed.
- ItemAnálise espacial e temporal dos fatores de erosão hídrica em latossolo vermelho-amarelo sob cultivo de pastagem e eucalipto(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2013-02-27) Quinto, Vagner Mauri; Fiedler, Nilton César; Lima, Julião Soares de Souza; Lopes, José Carlos; Souza, Gustavo Soares deThe study aimed to estimate soil loss by middle of USLE in a farming area with pasture and eucalyptus of three years of age, implanted under the pasture in area declivosa in the Southern State of ES. To estimate soil loss in the study area was made a regular mesh of 33 x 33m in a area of 10,02 ha getting 94 points of sample collection. Thematic maps were elaborated of rainfall erosivity (R) for the entire State of ES in a ten year period (1999 to 2008) relative for the cultivation of pasture and three years (2009 to 2011) relative for the cultivation of eucalyptus. Were also elaborated thematic maps of soil erodibility (K) for the study area. The thematic map of the LS factor for the study area was obtained by through of combination of steepness factor and length ramp between each sample point. The factors of USLE C and P were obtained by querying literary. The occurrence likelihood of erosivity above the third quartile for the State of ES was calculated by middle of the kriging technique indicative. A descriptive analysis was performed to determine the measurements of position and dispersion data and the normality of the data were analyzed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test at level in 5% probability and the results related to two period of cultivation, when necessary were compared by the test Students t test at level in 5%. All granulometric fractions and content organic study matter of soil presented spatial dependence, indicating the variability of the same within the study area. In 42,7% of the study area, increased the content of organic matter content during the cultivation period of eucalyptus when compared with the pasture, however, the content showed no significant difference (p <0.05) for the two cultures. The Center-South region of the state of ES showed the values highest annual erosivity during cultivation of the two species. However, the values of erosivity in the study area were of 8.227,2 and 8.043,2 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 for the period of pasture and of eucalyptus, respectively. The K factor showed the same pattern of spatial distribution for the study area during the cultivation of two species, being the highest values obtained in the Northwest and Southwest regions. The values of soil loss ranged from 0.0 to 14.5 t ha-1 year-1 during the period cultivated of pasture and 0.0 to 3.5 t ha-1 year-1 during the period cultivated of Eucalyptus. Soil loss in the cultivation of pasture was of 74 the 77% higher than that obtained in the cultivation of eucalyptus, being average loss of 75.4%. Some municipalities presented of 91-100% of probability of occurrence of rainfall erosivity above the third quartile, being the values most critical in the months between October and April, therefore, these municipalities need to adopt conservation practices to preserve soil. The clay and organic matter presented correlated negative with PAP, DAP and AB. Thus, eucalyptus can be used for the recovery and/or regeneration of grazing areas degraded or degradation process
- ItemAnálise estrutural e da vulnerabilidade ambiental de um fragmento florestal de restinga ao Sul do Estado do Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-10-01) Leite, Vinícius Rocha; Silva, Gilson Fernandes da; Santos, Alexandre Rosa dos; Pezzopane, José Eduardo Macedo; Ferreira, Rinaldo Luiz CaracioloThe aim of this study was to analyze the environmental vulnerability of a forest remnant of restinga, the structure of woody vegetation and floristic similarity of a whole compared to other remnants of Atlantic Forest. We performed a cover mapping and land use in the surrounding forest fragment, identifying the manmade agents that exert pressure on the fragment. Through the use of computational procedures using a Geographic Information System could the spatial model of vulnerability. Seven were identified as causative agents of anthropogenic potential impacts. The model was effective for the environmental impact study, indicating areas of greatest need for mitigation of impacts, and the general physiognomy of the vegetation the main aspect evaluated for model building. The analysis of vegetation structure was performed from the allocation of twenty permanent plots of 20x50 feet each. From the demarcation of all individuals with DBH = 5 cm height of 1.30 m of soil within plots, was performed for action in diameter and total height of individuals. Samples were collected in sterile and fertile material in and out of permanent plots. Found 2331 trees, 161 species in 42 families and 91 genera. Through research in the specific literature was found non-timber forest resources as timber and the presence of 36 species in 23 families, considering the uses for medicine, technology, food, construction, decoration and wood. Studying the horizontal structure is observed that nearly half of the species present condition of tillering. Regarding the diameter structure note a typical pattern and the presence of large individuals. The occupation of different strata of forest demonstrates a good regulation of the same in this regard. The diversity indices calculated proved to be superior compared to those found for other remnants of restinga forest. The evaluation of the floristic similarity was carried out considering other forests and restinga forest remnants of Seasonal Semideciduous Forest (SSF), with reference to the River Basin Itapemirim, also considering a database climate based on temperature, rainfall and climatic water balance. The coefficient of similarity was not high comparing the remnant area shows a marked floristic variation along the coast in a short amount of territory. The similarity index and some structural vegetation data, comparing the restinga studied in the areas of Seasonal Semideciduous Forest line with present climate variability
- ItemAnálise operacional da colheita florestal no Sul da Bahia(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2013-02-22) Carmo, Flavio Cipriano de Assis do; Paula, Elizabeth Neire da Silva Oliveira de; Fiedler, Nilton César; Lopes, Eduardo da Silva; Oliveira, Jose Tarcísio da Silva; Leite, Angelo Márcio Pinto; Minette, Luciano José
- ItemAnálise operacional de métodos de desbaste mecanizado em plantios de Pinus taeda(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-02-22) Berude, Leandro Christo; Carmo, Flávio Cipriano de Assis; Lopes, Eduardo da Silva; Fiedler, Nilton César; Silva, Gilson Fernandes da; Robert, Renato Cesar GonçalvesDue to the high costs of harvesting wood, especially when carried out in stands subjected to thinning, it became necessary to develop new models of operation. Thus, the objective of this study was to perform a comparative operational analysis between two models of slabs in Pinus taeda L. stands in the central-southern region of the state of Paraná, generating information for planning, cost reduction and better utilization of forest resources. The first model tested was the 5th line, conventionally used in companies, which consists of the systematic removal of the central line allowing the entry of the machines inside the field and of two adjacent lines, in a selective way. The second model tested was the 7th line, with systematic removal of the central and selective line of trees in the three adjacent lines. A study of the times and movements of the harvester and forwarder machines was carried out in both thinning treatments, comparing the times of the operational cycles, determining the operational efficiency, productivity, operating and production costs and energy yield of machines. An analysis was also made of the quality of the operations in relation to the length of the logs, height of the strains and damage caused by the machines in the remaining trees. The results show that the roughing model performed in the 5th line had shorter operating cycles for both machines, with a mean harvester productivity of 17.82 m3 .he-1 and 14.36 m3 .he-1 and the forwarder of 24.21 m3 .he-1 and 20.42 m3 .he-1 for the 5th and 7th row treatments, respectively. The cost of production was 10.47 R$.m-3 in the thinning carried out in the 5th line and 12.64 R$ .m-3 in the 7th line. The treatments presented a similar distribution of damages in the remaining trees. The largest amount of damage was caused by the harvester, in contrast the larger damages were caused by the forwarder.
- ItemAnálise química da madeira tratada com CCA-C, do carvão vegetal e do licor pirolenhoso(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-07-31) Euflosino, Allan Ewerton Rezende; Arantes, Marina Donária Chaves; Paes, Juarez Benigno; Costa, Alexandre Florian da; Gonçalves, Fabricio GomesWood treated, after the end of their service life is ruled out, most often, incorrectly, as waste is toxic. Measures to reuse or recycle this material are research being targeted in several countries. The research objectives were to evaluate the amount of chromated copper arsenate - CCA - C on waste wood treated and the effectiveness of the methodology used in order to reuse the decontaminated wood. The treated wood waste were processed into chips with dimensions of 0.50 x 3.0 x 3.0 cm (tangential x radial x longitudinal), and a part there of was ground in a Wiley mill and other carbonized. Charcoal, by-products of the carbonization and wood in the form of sawdust were assessed to determine the amount of CCA present in them. The sawdust and crushed coal solutions were extracted with 0.1 mol L-1 and the sulfuric acid and the sodium and potassium hydroxides acids, for two, four and six hours. The material of the extractions was washed and the amount of CCA - C present was assessed. The results showed that the most efficient extraction solution to remove the CCA wood and coal was sulfuric acid. The six-hour extraction time was what better results. It was also observed that the process of extraction of the product condom is more efficient when using wood, coal and which, during carbonization of wood treated portion of the oxides is released into the atmosphere, since the pyroligneous liquid obtained CCA in its composition. The results, both for wood as for coal were not enough for that waste is considered non-hazardous. The wood and coals after extracted and waste from the process of extraction of wood and coal, for the most part were considered dangerous, demanding greater attention to your disposal.
- ItemAnálise técnica e de custos do transporte florestal rodoviário(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-08-31) Alves, Rafael Tonetto; Lopes, Eduardo da Silva; Fiedler, Nilton César; Silva, Elizabeth Neire da; Rosado, Antônio M.Timber transportation in Brazil is mostly done through highways and the freights alone sometimes consume up to 60% of all logistic expenditures. The organization, rationalization of highway forest transportations operations, identification of operational factors and cost interference, might represent great economy of resources for the companies of this sector, and also increase operational efficiency. This study"s objective was to analyze timber highway transportation technical and cost factors, with different vehicles compositions, in different locations of Vale do Rio Doce, MG. Initially were studied times and movements of trips at daytime and nighttime, as well as timber loading on field and unloading at the factory, gathering operational information. The analyses were divided in three timber production regionals with different transportation distances. Rio Doce"s regional, with a mean transportation distance of 73 km; Guanhães" regional, with mean transportation distance of 135 km; and Nova Era"s regional, Cocais" region, with mean transportation distance of 74 km. The mean operational speed in Rio Doce"s regional was 35 km/h for three semitrailers and 41 km/h for two semi-trailers; operational efficiency of 83,4% for three semi and 89,6% for two semi. The mean operational speed at Guanhães„ regional was 37 km/h for three semi and road train; operational efficiency of 89%. The mean operational speed at Cocais" region was 29 km/h for two semi, and operational efficiency of 88,5%. The operational costs comparative showed that timber transportation at Cocais" region is the most expensive, costing 0,341R$/m³/km; followed by Rio Doce"s 0,208 R$/m³/km; and Guanhães" 0,201 R$/m³/km. Cocais" high cost of transportation is connected to the mean volume transported per trip, however, because of legal and operational criteria it"s not possible to use vehicles with larger cargo capacities at this region.