Mestrado em Comunicação e Territorialidades
URI Permanente para esta coleção
Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 2014
Conceito atual na CAPES: 4
Ato normativo:CNE/CES nº 154/2014
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
Área(s) de concentração:Comunicação e Territorialidades
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Navegando Mestrado em Comunicação e Territorialidades por Autor "Alves, Gabriela Santos"
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- ItemA GENTRIFICAÇÃO DO QUEER NA TERRITORIALIDADE DIGITAL: dispositivos tecnopolíticos no aplicativo Grindr(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-08-19) Mozer, Thiago Scarpat; Alves, Gabriela Santos;;;;; Junior, Erly Milton Vieira;;; Fonseca, Joao Barreto da;; dès le siècle passé, la gentrification est un processus de requalification urbaine qui impacte les quartiers, les villes et/ou les régions afin d altérer l arrangement du lieu, surtoutauprès de nouveaux projets immobiliers et des commerces, de sor
- ItemA morte na territorialidade digital : espetáculo, consumo e gestão do medo nas redes sociais(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-05-26) Sangalli, Heryck Luiz Jacob; Martinuzzo, José Antonio;; Alves, Gabriela Santos; Ribeiro, Renata de RezendeThe present research is aimed to investigate approaches concerning death on the digital social network Facebook. The hypotheses to analyze the theme consider that death is related to spectacle, consumption and management of fear. The production of content regarded to this perspective is only made possible by means of the current media-based society in which digital social networks prospered because it provided tools for the development of locus. Thus, our empirical object of analysis is Jogos Mortais +18 and Faca na Caveira, two Brazilian pages in which contents referring to the death are posted. The study is divided into three parts that build the theoretical framework by means of a bibliographical review: death, media-based society and social networks on the Internet as a source of new territorialities; and spectacle, consumption and fear, as mentioned above. Next, ethnographic observation and content analysis as a methodology are applied. In order to understand how death is experienced in the wide day-to-day of Facebook, a survey aimed at users was conducted. In this manner, it is concluded that death is actually connected to spectacle, information consumption, and management of fear, appropriated by specific individuals to manage control. In addition, we have confirmed that death is part of Facebook's daily living and sociability, and also consumed by users who are not included in pages that publish such subject
- ItemA multiterritorialidade da desinformação: um estudo de caso sobre a rede nacional de combate à desinformação(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-12-14) Silva, Elisa Lacerda; Reboucas, Jose Edgard;;;;; Temer, Ana Carolina Rocha Pessoa; Alves, Gabriela Santos;; Henriques, Rafael da Silva Paes;; study closely examines the performance of the National Network to Combat Disinformation (RNCD) in the context of the 2022 Brazilian elections, a time when the increasing use of digital technologies has significantly expanded the reach of political advertisements. This phenomenon, however, also resulted in the spread of intentionally false information, used as a political communication strategy. Faced with this scenario, several entities, including public authorities, communication specialists and various sectors of civil society, responded to threats to information integrity, with the RNCD being one of these initiatives. The present work, through a bibliographical review, deepens the discussion on the intentionality behind disinformation and its use as a tactic to influence political communication and maintain power and oppression. The networked approach adopted by RNCD in the fight against disinformation highlights the unprecedented dimension that this phenomenon takes on with the rise of the internet. The study analyzes digital transformations, focusing on the large-scale production of information, its multi-territorial nature and the consequences resulting from this context. The specific case study about RNCD is presented at the end of the work, based on data obtained from the network's website, observation of the group on Whatsapp and semi-structured interviews with its founder and one of the partners. The results highlight the paradigm shift by forming a network with more than 177 partners from different areas of knowledge, the network analysis of this articulation, the survey of their activities during the 2022 elections and the debate around PL2630. These elements highlight the positive impacts and contributions of RNCD in the battle against disinformation.
- ItemAMOR DE MÃE: perspectivas contemporâneas sobre a representatividade da mulher negra na telenovela brasileira(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-08-16) Santos, Matheus Effgen; Alves, Gabriela Santos;;;;; Ribeiro, Ana Paula Goulart;;; Junior, Erly Milton Vieira;;
- ItemANÁLISE CRÍTICA DE PORNOGRAFIAS FEMINISTAS: Diálogos com os Feminismos e ressignificações da sexualidade(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-02-24) Fernandes, Liliana Rocha; Junior, Erly Milton Vieira;;;;; Alves, Gabriela Santos;;; Rangel, Livia de Azevedo Silveira;; and Feminism were in opposition for a long time, and, even today, this relationship ignites heated debates. Anti-pornography feminism has its roots in the theoretical discussion held especially in the United States of America in the 1970s and
- ItemARREDA HOMEM QUE AÍ VEM MULHER: Corpo em encruzilhada de gêneros nas performances ancestrais das pombagiras(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-08-17) Gomes, Maurilio Mendonca de Avellar; Junior, Erly Milton Vieira;;;;; Alves, Gabriela Santos;;; Coelho, Tamires Ferreira;;
- ItemAtlantique: amor como política, espiritualidade anticolonial e suas cartografias afetivas(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-08-25) Ghil, Roger Gomes; Alves, Gabriela Santos;;;; Ferreira, Sergio Rodrigo da SilvaA partir da obra cinematográfica de longa-metragem Atlantique (Mati Diop; Bélgica, França e Senegal; 2019), analisada sob a ótica da corrente filosófica Oxunismo (AKOTIRENE, 2019), investigaremos como são criados espaços perecíveis de liberdade (BRASILEIRO, 2022) no contexto colonial necropolítico e epistemicida (MBEMBE, 2018) através de uma política de intimidade interespecífica que desenvolve a presença de um “olhar opositor” (HOOKS, 2019), o acesso à memória (FERREIRA DA SILVA, 2019) e à ancestralidade (lembrança), e agenciam uma performance anticolonial feminina que reivindica, estetiza, gesta e concebe novos territórios (cartográficos e afetivos) diaspóricos e ecológicos (GRIJALVA, 2020). Apontamos que pensar o território a partir do corpo negro é entender que este corpo - devido a sequestros e diásporas – assume o papel de abrigo da ancestralidade que, ao ser acessada pelos processos de intimidade (SOMÉ, 2007) com essas espiritualidades anticoloniais aponta a forja de uma nova história. Propomos, ainda, a primordial função das mulheres negras e das práticas amorosas como gestos de cura (HOOKS, 2020), no movimento de manutenção da memória dentro dos processos migratórios. A partir de uma epistemologia e metodologia livre e despossuída (HARVEY, 2014), torna-se fundamento teórico a vida cotidiana, o que possibilita a aproximação com a diretora da obra (FREITAS, 2021) e a incorporação espelhada de uma cartografia afetiva que nos transborda em cinema.
- ItemCinema, mulheres e direito à cidade: O (não) pertenciamento ao território(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-12-18) Gomes, Karolyne Mendes; Alves, Gabriela Santos;;;; Campos, Ana Claudia Borges; Silva, Maria Lucia daThis dissertation analyzes the technical, aesthetic and resignification strategies of female action in the urban spaces of cities in recent productions of contemporary Brazilian documentary cinema. In this scenario, the film analysis of three documentaries is initially of interest: at the national level, Chega de Fiu Fiu (2018), by Amanda Kamanchek Lemos and Fernanda Frazão and Afeto (2019) by Gabriela Gaia Meirelles and Tainá Medina, and Riscadas (2019) , by Karol Mendes , in the local clipping. The films deal with the right to the city and the experiences of female bodies in public spaces, using different aesthetic resources and promoting debate on the topic. It is based on the theoretical framework composed of reflections on Brazilian documentary cinema, the right to the city and contemporary feminist theory, especially the issue of harassment in the studies of Joice Berth and Djamila Ribeiro. Under a race perspective, it also addresses reflection on the plurality of the feminist movement, based on studies by bell hooks and Audre Lorde, taking into account the narrative construction of each work. Based on a bibliographical review and film analysis, the aim is also to expose the action of cinema as a narrative potential for the debate on gender issues.
- ItemDrag: corpo, mídia e afeto(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-03-01) Fonseca, Lucas Braganca da; Vieira Junior, Erly Milton ;;;;; Sousa, Ramayana Lira de;;; Alves, Gabriela Santos;; drag culture is configured today as a mediatized phenomenon. This new cultural moment differs drastically from the less valued view of these performances that had been in place since the mid-1990s. With this in mind, this work was developed aiming to understand this new national scene, starting from the understanding of the drag body as a communicational platform. To this end, a historical survey on the development of drag culture focusing on the specificities of Brazilian culture and media was conducted. The study found that the presence of drag visuality in the most varied media platforms affected part of the viewers who began to experience the sensorialities and corporealities of drag performance in their own bodies. The post-RuPaul’s Drag Race insurgent scene, one of the main catalysts for this restructuring, however, has redesigned drag culture, creating specificities that distinguish contemporary drag from its historical peers.
- ItemFotografias e territorialidades : memórias e resistências sobre a comunidade de Monteiro/São Martinho(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-08-20) Simões, Elizabeth Nader; Alves, Gabriela Santos; Rossoni, Rodrigo; Martinuzzo, José AntonioThis work analyzes photography as a source of documentations that perpetuate moments, witness individual and collective routine, feed and produce memories and serve as a resistance to forgetfulness and silence. Based on the photo documentary - developed by this researcher - held in two distinct moments of the 34 families of the Monteiro - São Martinho community (municipality of Anchieta, south coast of the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil) during their process of territorial changing, caused by the Vale S/A's intention of building Companhia Siderurgica Ubu (CSU) in the area. The first moment, made in the period between 2012 and 2014, records the daily life of the residents before the process of deterritorialization of the neighborhood Monteiro; the second moment, from 2016, monitors the reterritorialization process of the families in a new residential complex (built by the mining company Vale S/A specially for them, in the São Martinho district), regarding what has changed, what has remained and what no longer exists in the quotidian activities of the residents. It is intended to create an analysis on the practical actions during a process of deterritorialization / reterritorialization of the community, in these different moments, by the perspective of photography / visual documentation. The images are understood here as tools for understanding the complexity of this whole process of territorial entanglements between institutional formalities and everyday creations.
- ItemImagens da solidão melancólica nos Filmes de Sofia Coppola(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-06-30) Rosemberg, Iza Marcialina Meireles; Vieira Junior, Erly Milton;;;;; Alves, Gabriela Santos;;; Fonseca, João Barreto da;; pesquisa consiste no estudo sistemático dos seis longas-metragens dirigidos por Sofia Coppola: As virgens suicidas (The virgin suicides, 1999), Encontros e desencontros (Lost in translation, 2003), Maria Antonieta (Maria Antoniette, 2006), Um lugar qualquer (Somewhere – 2010), Bling Ring - A Gangue de Hollywood (The Bling Ring – 2013) e O estranho que nós amamos (The Beguiled – 2017). A pesquisa apresenta o conceito de solidão, nos termos de sua complexidade, como um fenômeno humano; solidão melancólica como traço comum às personagens das obras analisadas, assim como o cotidiano tão marcante nos filmes; contempla as nuances da solidão na obra da diretora; contextualiza o papel desempenhado pela mulher no âmbito do cinema; e a analisa as estruturas de imagem e som como um todo, a partir da seleção de cenas específicas que se traduzem como emblemáticas para a análise da correlação entre cinema e solidão melancólica na obra da cineasta.
- ItemMarcas de uma escrita de si no cinema de Lucia Murat(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-04-16) Nascimento, Ursula Dart Bottrel do; Alves, Gabriela Santos; Vieira Junior, Erly Milton; Veiga, Roberta Oliveira
- ItemMarcas narrativas da cultura do estupro no ciberespaço - análise da misoginia contra Dilma Rousseff(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-03-13) Vieira, Pâmela Rocha; Alves, Gabriela Santos; Ribeiro, Renata Rezende; Martinuzzo, José AntonioThis dissertation investigates the narrative marks of the rape culture against the first woman to occupy the position of the presidency of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff. The cyberterritory space, with an emphasis on Social Networking on the Internet, is ou focus in the search for understanding symbolic manifestations of violence against women, especially when these women occupy spaces of power and challenge the gender stereotype, suffering retaliation related to the concept of rape culture.
- ItemMÍDIAS FEMINISTAS E O #ELENÃO: Movimento social de mulheres e as Eleições de 2018(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-08-27) Menegusso, Alena Moreira; Alves, Gabriela Santos;;;;; Rangel, Lívia de Azevedo Silveira;;; Reis, Ruth de Cássia dos;; this dissertation, we analyze the narratives of feminist media fanpages inserted in the #Ele Não movement, which emerged on the networks during the 2018 presidential race, in rejection of the PSL candidate, Jair Messias Boslonaro. In the last decade, feminist women's collectives have established a strong presence on the Internet, bringing people together and, consequently, rekindling the debate around issues of gender, sexuality and human rights in Brazil. This group of women has used Communication as a political weapon, producing and disseminating diverse content, intersecting gender, race and class oppression. In this way, they act as engaged activists and great sharers of knowledge, who, in a context of political crisis, occupied public space both online, flooding social networks with heated discussions, photos and events; and offline, on the various streets and avenues of the country and in cities abroad. During this period, feminist media collectives were very engaged in trying to bar the candidate, producing scathing criticisms in their profiles and participating in the coverage of the demonstrations. In this research, we outline the performance and narratives of the collectives "Catarinas", "Feminism without Deamgogia", "Feminist Archives" and "Feminist Bloggers" about #Ele Não, during the period from September to November 2018, using Content Analysis to understand similarities and disparities between the approaches between them. We conclude that, in this context, feminist media had an action aimed at inciting debate and less in terms of content production, however, they made important criticisms and sought dialogue with other women, placing them at the heart of this electoral process. In short, Portal Catarinas acted in a more journalistic way during the #EleNão movement, following the protests in several cities. “Feminism Without Demagoguery”, as well as other Latin American feminisms, brought to the fore the debate on Violence against women, which is embedded in what is conventionally called the culture of rape. “Arquivos Feministas” wove criticism with an approach focused on humor and irony. Lastly, the “Feminist Bloggers” took an incisive position, unraveling Jair Bolsonaro's performance and his preparation in longer and more in-depth texts.
- ItemMULHERES QUE RIMAM: NARRATIVAS DO MELANINA MC’S COMO INSTRUMENTO DE RETERRITORIALIZAÇÃO(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2020-05-25) Sampaio, Carolina Ofranti; Vermes, Viviana Monica;;;;; Nascimento, Jorge Luiz do;;; Alves, Gabriela Santos;; thesis analyzes the female reterritorializations in the Espírito Santo s rap, having as object of study the first and only album of the group Melanina MC s: Female System. Representing one of the elements of the Hip Hop Movement, which has emerged as
- ItemNo território do passinho : transculturalidade e ressignificação dos corpos que dançam nos espaços periféricos(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-07-19) Nascimento, Luna Maria Pacheco do; Vieira Junior, Erly Milton; Alves, Gabriela Santos; Gonçalves, Rôssi AlvesHas as its research object Passinho, a way of dancing funk from favelas in Rio de Janeiro, which, in recent years, has become a movement of great prominence in the Brazilian cultural scene. It uses multidisciplinary studies that helps to understand the phenomenon and its social, cultural and media implications, in order to construct a bibliographic path that supports the territorialisation of the movement from the bodies of the dancers, also crossing the urban shanty towns of Rio de Janeiro and the media environment. The methodology used was bibliographic research (GIL, 2002) and the binding level (SODRÉ, 2014). The general themes addressed throughout the text are some questions about the dance body applicable to the research object, the cultural environment that gave rise to the phenomenon, the description of the research object, as well as its historical place in the context of the funk movement Carioca, as considerations about the media dimension around the Passinho
- ItemO CINEMA COMO TERRITÓRIO DO ARMÁRIO: Cidade, corpo e representações contemporâneas(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-07-29) Bousada, Tadeu Barbuto; Junior, Erly Milton Vieira;;;;; Alves, Gabriela Santos;;; Freire, Mariana Baltar;; research discusses the relationships between cinema and the closet, having as object of analysis, three contemporaryBrazilian films: Tattoo (Tatuagem, 2013, Hilton Lacerda), Futuro Beach (Praia do Futuro, 2014, Karim Aïnouz) and The Way He Looks (Hoj
- ItemO jornalismo como palco de disputas discursivas : o movimento feminista no Jornal A Gazeta do Espírito Santo (1986-2016)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-04-06) Machado, Viviane Ramos; Reis, Ruth de Cássia dos; Geraldes, Elen Cristina; Alves, Gabriela SantosThis work intends to understand how feminist discourses are constructed in the journalism discursive territory, specially in Jornal A Gazeta, from 1986 to 2016. We started with the assumption that journalism provides visibility to discourses made invisible by cultural standards in it's normality and repetition, and, by doing that, creates the news that guides our everyday life. We dealt, most of all, with the communication, current object in our everyday life, with sensible existence, with domain of what is real and established in practices and objects that we see, hear and feel. For the theoretical and methodological framework, we adopted the Depth Hermeneutics (DH), developed by Thompson (2011), a social investigation practice that allows the understanding of how symbolical actions are made. In addition to, we outlined the most important feminist movement milestones in Espírito Santo, starting with the vestiges left by news reports in the analyzed newspaper, worked out a quantitative analysis of the data obtained with the research and analyzed six texts selected under the Critical Discourse Analysis, proposed by Norman Fairclough (2001). We perceived, well-founded by the empirical research, that there is a diversity in the content published about the feminist movement. Even though, most of it are published in spaces dedicated to fictional and cultural products, we were also able to identify texts with a more deep political content, that oppose to distinct society organization methods, refute laddish and conservative standards, illustrate the constant struggle for equal rights between men and women, as well as especulate the future of feminism. The reproduction of feminist discourses in the newspaper, however, was not limited by positive constructions; we also identified the emergence of texts that reproduce the stereotype of a housewife, hypersexualized, and excluded from positions of power in the society
- ItemREALIZADORAS CAPIXABAS: O cinema de mulheres no Espírito Santo em três gerações(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-08-25) Aguiar, Raysa Calegari; Alves, Gabriela Santos;;;;; Junior, Erly Milton Vieira;;; Araujo, Karla Holanda de;; trabalho propõe uma apresentação e análise da produção audiovisual feita por mulheres no estado do Espírito Santo Brasil. O primeiro capítulo segmenta essa produção em três gerações configuradas da seguinte forma: a primeira geração vai das mulhere
- ItemReencantamento digital? : a internet como ferramenta de poder da igreja(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-03-22) Lambert, Karina Inácio de Araujo; Alves, Gabriela Santos;; Fonseca, João Barreto da; Martinuzzo, José AntônioThe history of humanity is marked by religion. Assuming the status of bridge between gods and men, religious institutions succeeded in maintaining, for centuries, relations of power as holders of religious knowledge, considered as unquestionable. In this way, their influence has unfolded on different fronts, becoming a social phenomenon that leads to behaviors, opinions and directs actions, often of entire societies. Until the rationality characteristic of modernity, driven by capitalism and Enlightenment thought, fragmented the religious world, provoking what Max Weber (2004) calls disenchantment. At that moment religion lost its hegemony as a producer of meaning, becoming a subjective choice. However, the pace and accelerated changes promoted by information technology have breathed new life into religion, but not without causing profound changes. From then on, there is the "unfolding of an individual, mobile and moldable religiosity that gives way to new forms of religious sociability" (HERVIEULÉGER, 2015, p.30). The media become a two-way street, for they both allow for a reenchantment by religion, and they bring about a shake-up in the authority of institutions, since they are no longer the sole holders of religious knowledge. Thus, this research seeks to approach the religious panorama of our time from the constant movement of religious institutions to maintain their authority and power relations, often manipulating the sacred in pursuit of social, political, and economic interests in a control society in which Power and institutions are crossed by the message of communication.