Mestrado em Psicologia Institucional
URI Permanente para esta coleção
Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 2007
Conceito atual na CAPES: 4
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Parecer CNE/CES 487/2018
Homologado pelo CNE (Port. MEC 0609, de 14/03/2019, DOU 18/03/2019, seç. 1, p. 63).
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
Área(s) de concentração: Psicologia Institucional
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Navegando Mestrado em Psicologia Institucional por Autor "Almeida, Ueberson Ribeiro"
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- Item“Café corajoso”: uma análise da atividade de uma família produtora de cafés especiais da Forquilha do Rio, região do Caparaó(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-02-23) Dias, Gabriel Pirovani; Almeida, Ueberson Ribeiro;;; Gomes, Rafael da Silveira;; Brito, Janaina Madeira; Silva, Claudia Osorio daThis study analyzed the activity of specialty Arabica coffee producers in the ―Forquilha do Rio‖ region, located in the Caparaó region, situated on the border between the states of Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais. Its theoretical basis is the ergological perspective proposed by Yves Schwartz and Louis Durrive. It uses Ergology to think work as an activity and from there, analyze the implications of this activity of producing specialty coffees. From a methodological point of view, it develops conceptual postures and movements in the field based on the ergological demarche. It uses semi-structured interviews to deepen the themes and questions that emerged during the monitoring of the activity. . Two nucleations were elaborated for the formulation of the analyses: The ways in which the work is organized in the Macro-Micro tensioning of the activity; The transversalization of the territory in the life of the family and the community; analyzes coffee as a product and the way in which it can be traded, and the consequences of this in the life of the Producer and his family. From the dimensioned and dimensionless values, it demonstrates the way in which the Producer relates in the dialog between the product of his activity, the coffee, and the possible customers and buyers. It evaluates the quality contests of specialty coffees and the way in which they intend to create infidelities and paradoxes in the lives of specialty coffee producers. It understands the territory as an entity-stage where the encounters of the forces of nature and the workers of the production of special coffee take place. It presents the production of specialty coffees as a family craft, especially in the community of Forquilha do Rio. It examines the formation of Relatively Relevant Collective Entities as ―service exchange‖ and ―mutirão‖. And how the temporality of the activity impacts the construction of a collective heritage of knowledge in the production of specialty coffees.
- ItemComissão de saúde do trabalhador de Serra/ES: sejamos realistas, tentemos o impossível(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-12-10) Zahn, Jomar da Rocha Farias ; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros de;;;;; Almeida, Ueberson Ribeiro;;; Rochi Filho, Jair ;; dissertation aims to present the movements of the constitution of the “Comissões de Saúde do Trabalhador em Educação” – Cosates - of Serra, in Espírito Santo, and some of its movements, as well as discuss the work processes of education professionals in some schools of the municipal network. To think the Commission as a vector for changes is to bet like the research presented here can be a thread of a weft that can pull other wires. We bring the female teacher's work - because it is a profession mostly exercised by women - in their tasks and activities, intertwined with her life in other dimensions from a network that heats up when there is no center and it is characterized by being done as multiplicity. In this work, “Cosate” stands out as a coping device that female education workers yearn to form a support network, strengthen the dialectic between the educators and produce health.
- ItemESCULPINDO ESCUTÁTÓRIAS NO GRUPO DE OUVIDORES “ENTRE NÓS”(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-05-13) Santos, Amanda Lovo dos; Almeida, Ueberson Ribeiro;;;;; Freitas, Maria Carolina de Andrade;;; Caliman, Luciana Vieira;;; Cruz, Cristiane Bremenkamp;; objective of this research was to study, through the sharing of extended listening, the processes of health production in the "Entre Nós" group of voice-listeners. The team meetings were constituted in a remote format due to the requirements of social distancing, recommended by the public health agencies, aiming at containing the pandemic generated by COVID-19. Intending to follow these processes, the Cartography approach was used as a methodological proposal (PASSOS, KASTRUP e ESCÓSSIA, 2009). Its general purpose was to investigate what the voice-listeners produce in this group, based on the conception of their experiences, affections and encounters as a field in the production of knowledge, as well as the transformation of the observations made in narratives recorded in a logbook. Then, it was emphasized that experiencing the hearing of voices from the perspective of the ombudspersons themselves helps overcome a strictly biomedical model, stressing the power of creation and modification of reality through this experience, which reveals a production of health that is constantly ignored by the medical sciences.
- ItemIDENTIDADE DOCENTE NA EDUCAÇÃO FÍSICA ESCOLAR: ANÁLISES E DIÁLOGOS COM O CONCEITO DE SUBJETIVIDADE DE FÉLIX GUATTARI(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-07-19) Criste, Felipe Santana; Almeida, Ueberson Ribeiro;;;;; Zoboli, Fabio;;; Yonezawa, Fernando Hiromi;;; Ronchi Filho, Jair;; como es formulada y estudiada la identidad docente por autores del área de la Educación Física Escolar (EFE). De ese modo, la investigación tiene como objetivo general comprender como es concebida la identidad docente en el campo de la Educación Física, más específicamente, la relativa a la Educación Física Escolar, y la analiza en diálogo con el concepto de subjetividad propuesto por el autor Félix Guattari. Los objetivos específicos son los siguientes: a) captar los modelos teóricos/analíticos y los elementos/fundamentos que sustentan esa identidad en la EFE en los principales periódicos del campo de la EF; b) entender cuáles son los despliegues que la formulación de una identidad pude producir en el sujeto docente, a partir del concepto de subjetividad; c) comprender los límites que el concepto de “Identidad Docente” puede colocar al hacer de los profesores en sus prácticas pedagógicas en las escuelas y; d) analizar y proponer la formación de la docencia (de los sujetos) bajo el prisma de la subjetividad y por una perspectiva ético- estéticopolítica. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, se realiza una revisión bibliográfica sobre los artículos publicados en revistas electrónicas del área y plataformas de acervos de estudios académicos relacionados a la temática de la identidad docente en la EF. Seguidamente, una lectura integral de los artículos seleccionados, permitió organizar y elaborar las categorías y subcategorías de análisis. A partir del concepto de subjetividad de Félix Guattari, podemos constatar que los estudios sobre la identidad docente, a veces se realizan bajo una óptica representacional enfocada en un “Ideal”, por estructuras dualistas y en la separación entre los espacios dichos internos (personas, particular, individual) y externos (social, ambiente). De esa forma, convocamos el concepto de subjetividad sustentado por el autor Félix Guattari para dar entrada al debate sobre formación de subjetividades en el campo de la EFE. Consideramos que tales reflexiones nos permiten pensar en otras posibilidades de formación del sujeto docente.
- ItemO enfrentamento da covid-19 e a saúde mental dos auxiliares e técnicos de enfermagem de um hospital público da grande Vitória, ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-02-24) Silva, Juliana Oliveira; Gomes, Rafael da Silveira;;; Almeida, Ueberson Ribeiro;;; Moraes, Thiago Drumond; precariousness of the SUS has intensified in recent years with neoliberal politics and produced effects on care practices and in the mental health of health workers. These issues became even more evident with the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020, which overwhelmed health services. From the work experience in a public hospital in Grande Vitória/ES, the proposal of this research emerged, which aims to analyze the relationship between work and mental health of nursing assistants and technicians in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. A lot of information supported the study and the data was produced through different strategies, among them, conducting conversation circles with hospital workers and semi-structured interviews with eight nursing assistants and technicians who worked directly with Covid-19 patients hospitalized in a medical clinic unit. Some concepts of Psychodynamics of Work guided the discussion of data that were evaluated based on the technique of Nucleus of Senses Analysis (Análise de Núcleos de Sentido). In addition to the rigid division of work, the invisibility of know-how, the overload of work, the weakening of the collective and the recognition of work and the absence of spaces for collective discussion, nursing assistants and technicians began to deal with other factors of suffering during the pandemic, namely: insecurity and fear of being infected by the new coronavirus or being responsible for the infection of a family member, insecurity in performing unknown activities and the intensification of work. Despite the harmful context for mental health, these workers find a space for creation and report pleasure and satisfaction at work when they perceive their contribution to the improvement and discharge of the patient, besides presenting some strategies that seem to have contributed to handle the suffering. The study also showed that the changes in the conditions and organization of work made possible by the flexibility of budget limits because of the declaration of the State of Public Calamity and the State of Public Emergency in the period of the Covid-19 pandemic associated with the strategies of hospital managers have improved the work context of nursing assistants and technicians in the medical clinic even if of the demands and challenges imposed by the pandemic are many, which allows us to infer the harmfulness of neoliberal policies for health work.
- ItemO FAZER-SE JOVEM: JUVENTUDES, MST E SEUS MODOS DE EXISTIR(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2020-03-31) Silva, Socrates Pereira; Louzada, Ana Paula Figueiredo;;;;; Almeida, Ueberson Ribeiro;;; Cesar, Janaina Mariano;; research seeks to analyze what are the discourses about the young circular in the research carried out in the MST and also in the publications carried out by the same movement? These speeches point in which direction? Do they strengthen the force cap
- ItemO risco psicossocial : uma questão que desafia a atividade do psicólogo na ampliação/produção da saúde dos trabalhadores(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-03-17) Martinez, Luisa Fernanda Delgado; Gomes, Rafael da Silveira; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros de; Garcia, Jairo Ernesto Luna; Moraes, Thiago Drumond; Almeida, Ueberson RibeiroEsta investigación coloca en análisis –bajo las perspectivas de las clínica del trabajo- la actividad de los psicólogos con formación en salud ocupacional, que actúan en la gestión de los riesgos psicosociales en Colombia; con el fin de visibilizar los desafíos de estos profesionales en la ampliación-producción de la salud de los trabajadores, llevando en consideración las normas-valores que permean y constituyen sus prácticas.
- ItemO TRABALHO DOS POLICIAIS MILITARES DO ESPÍRITO SANTO SOB O PONTO DE VISTA DA ATIVIDADE: ANÁLISES ERGOLÓGICAS(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-09-19) Serrano, Edneia Vieira; Almeida, Ueberson Ribeiro;;;;; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros de;;; Amador, Fernanda Spanier;; study aimed to perform the collective analysis of the military police work activity in Espírito Santo, aiming to understand how the knowledge produced in the police daily life guide the life management of these workers. To this end, the methodologica
- ItemO trabalho dos psicólogos do Tribunal de Justiça do Espírito Santo do ponto de vista da atividade(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-12-05) Buscaroli, Magno Wesley; Gomes, Rafael da Silveira; Almeida, Ueberson Ribeiro; Zamboni, Jésio; Muniz, Hélder PordeusThis research aimed to analyze the work of psychologists that act in the Centrals of Multidisciplinary Support of The Supreme State Court of Espirito Santo. It also fallowed the strategies and actions that these workers are implementing and sharing among them, and consequently altering the work in the Centrals and in The Supreme Court. That is the reason why it started form the point of view of work. The main theoretical intercessors summoned to foster the analysis were: Yves Clot and Christophe Dejours, as well as contributions from Michael Foucault. As far as methodology is concerned, we opted for an approach based on cartography, in which we try to follow the subjects' processes, movements and intensities. In order to achieve the goals, 4 psychologists from the Centrals of Cariacica, Serra, Vila Velha and Vitoria were interviewed. They were recorded and transcribed afterwards. The interviews were based on a script which target to vary the conversations with the professionals focusing on topics that were more structural to build the service and the practice developed on a daily basis. The script combined issues related to the final objectives of the Centrals of Multidisciplinary Support, to the workers autonomy to organize their actions, to the places where the workers build and share knowledge and work strategies, among other issues. It was perceived from the analysis that the psychlogists that work in the Centrals add something from themselves to their prescriptions, they build rooms for discussion and sharing of the work strategies. Their focus is life care and the attempt to develop a good job.
- ItemOfício de guincheiro : análise da atividade dos operadores de guindaste de bordo no complexo portuário do Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-08-26) Silva, Gustavo Roberto da; Almeida, Ueberson Ribeiro; Gomes, Rafael da Silveira; Queiróz, Maria de Fátima Ferreira; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros deThis research-vessel aimed to put in question the crane driver activity, board crane operators at Espirito Santo port complex, with the intention to cast a critical eye on the work processes in the port in order to understand the particularities of this activity from the direct relationship with the craft. The main theoretical intercessors called to foment the analysis were: Yves Clot; Yves Schwartz; Marcelle Duc; Louis Durrive and Christophe Dejours as well as the contributions of Michael Foucault. It was used as a methodological strategy for the production of data the technique of Instruction to the Double, the establishment of an "work analysis group", the latter served as a means of sharing collective experiences on board crane driver work processes, and individual interview with a novice worker. All meetings were recorded and transcribed. The issues raised in this journey involved the following topics: a) training / boar crane driver training; b) the entry of new workers in this role; c) the port labour organization and; d) the productivity and safety of workers. It was noticed, with the analysis, that in the midst of an work organization based on a strong pressure for productivity resulting of the modernization process, there is the production of a sensitive body in the board crane driver work that arises as a key arbiter of choices they make and that is mobilized to deal with the dilemmas in a real work situation. In addition, the board crane driver activity is crossed by an intense collective rapport during the operation that, based on a relationship of trust, harmony and care for life, contributes to the work and to maintain security.
- ItemPara além dos saberes epistêmicos : a dramática do uso do corpo-si nos processos de certificação/formação dos trabalhadores de uma indústria multinacional de extração e processamento de minério de ferro(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-04-30) Silva, Elis Ângela Novaes; Silva, Fábio Hebert da; Almeida, Ueberson Ribeiro; Gomes, Rafael da Silveira; Muniz, Hélder PordeusIt is a study that seeks to analyze the education practices in the work context that make up the basic certification processes of technical / operational workers of an iron ore extraction and processing industry in Brazil. We present the following specific objectives: a) To analyze how the basic certification processes of mining workers are constituted; b) Analyze how the dramatic use of the 'body-self' constitutes the activity and becomes a source of training for the worker; c) To investigate in what ways the singularization of the experience that constitutes the knowledge of the mining activity of this industry can become transforming for the worker; d) To intervene in the institutional strategies in relation to the potentialization of the practices of formation through the singularization of the experience and the reappropriation of the historical knowledge by the worker; e) To analyze collectively the processes of recognition of historical knowledge, by the areas of education of companies, affirming as powerful forces in the formation of the worker and in the generation of health; f) To produce strategies of intervention in the formative practices that compose the certification processes that will favor the intersection of the epistemic knowledge with the historical knowledge of the worker. As a methodological proposal, we performed the analysis of the activity, from the perspectives and principles of Ergology in its compositions with the clues of the method of cartographic research. The production of data was performed with workers in technical-operational functions, crowded in the port area, and their respective managers, in addition to the manager of the certification processes. For this work, we use as technique the performance of data confrontation with the workers. The analysis of the data showed us that there is an inseparability work / life. Epistemic knowledge can not respond in isolation to the "training" of workers in the context of work. We can affirm the importance of the incessant dialogue between the epistemic knowledge and the knowledge invested in the activity as a source of health production and recognition of the knowledge of the workers. In this way, the study leads us to reflect on the actions developed by the Human Resources and Training and Development departments regarding the formative processes within the industries, as well as on the need for ethicopolitical repositioning that considers the complexity of the training of the workers.
- ItemRelações étnico-raciais na formação inicial de professores de química do IFES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-08-24) Loureiro, Chislei Bruschi; Almeida, Ueberson Ribeiro; Rodrigues, Alexsandro; Forde, Gustavo Henrique AraujoThis research analyzes ethnic-racial relations along Chemistry teacher’s initial training in a Federal Institute of Espírito Santo (Ifes). The survey took as subjects individuals implicated in this formation, such as undergraduates, technicaladministrative staff, teachers and managers from the institution. It was discussed how students deal with the ethnic-racial issues in an exact science course that aims to train teachers. The specific objects include: a) describe the knowledge produced by undergraduate Chemistry students about ethnic-racial questions; b) analyze how undergraduate students reflect upon formation regarding the ethnic-racial relations and how it interferes in their lives as future teachers; c) comprehend which strategies have been applied in the training of Chemistry teachers, from the students point of view, to cope with ethnic-racial relations. This qualitative study methodologically grounds on the intervention research whose instruments deployed consisted on: field visit, experience living among the individuals researched, field journal, group and individual interview, institutional and legal documents survey. The theoretical frameworks is composed by authors like: Foucault (1999), Lobo (2008), Forde (2016), Schwarcz (1993), Miskolci (2013), Davis (2016), among others that deal with a scientific, historic a politic construction of black people as well as authors that investigate teacher’s initial training and new issues pertaining the historical moment. Among the main questions that pervade this study is the historical construction of blackness crossed by the gender and social class relations, the official recognition of data regarding black people genocide in the country and the Chemistry initial training as a singular spot on the anti-racism fight and fluid debate about the postponement of law enforcement. This formation, if committed to the ethnic-racial relations, can intervene on the structural prejudice and produce subjectivities whose changes triggered are of unknown dimension.
- ItemUMA MICROPOLÍTICA DO CUIDADO E A PSICOSSOMA-ATIVIDADE: AS PRÁTICAS DO PSICÓLOGO COM O CORPO E A ACUPUNTURA(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-11-05) Pereira, Eduardo Luiz Hubner; Yonezawa, Fernando Hiromi;;;;; Almeida, Ueberson Ribeiro;;; Romagnoli, Roberta Carvalho;;; Vieira, Kelly Dias;; do psychology and acupuncture become related in the Brazilian context? Which theoretical, epistemological, technical, and ethical-political issues can show up in this scenery? Where is psychology positioned and how does it claim its care promotion role and body-subjectiveness? Which other questions can emerge on this subject? This cartographic research focuses on tracing the possible activities that can be performed on the body by the psychologist, using the health and care promotion tools that are available when meeting acupuncture. In the boundaries of this subject, which has psychology representing the scientific knowledge on one side, and on the other one, the millenary acupuncture techniques representing the traditional and popular knowledge, I managed to map where and how they merge and stand out from each other, the effects they develop, and the new connections that arise when acupuncture meets psychology care and clinical fields. To that end, I used the concepts of Institutional Analysis and Schizoanalysis of the Analysis of Implication, the Analyst, Instituting and Instituted, the War Machine, Body without Organs, transversality and transdisciplinarity. For that matter, theoretical debates were built around the relationship between medicine, psychology and acupuncture, medical psychology, psychosomatics, and the proposal of the psychosoma-activity concept, as a way of connecting these ideas together, as they are related to the subjects studied on the meetings and interviews with acupuncture psychologists during the research. Among the findings of this cartographic research, there are a history of political issues faced by pioneer adopters of this practice, the ethical-political clash between psychology and acupuncture, its abyssal fissures and bindings with biopolitics and biopower, as well as the beauty of this merge that encourages today’s psychology to be in tune with humane health and care principles, clearing the path for a more present cross care micropolicy.