Ciências Odontológicas
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Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Odontológicas
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- ItemAvaliação do conhecimento dos docentes de um município do Sudeste brasileiro acerca de traumatismos dentários(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-09-15) Silva, Jéssica Giovani da; Miotto, Maria Helena Monteiro de Barros;;;;; Lima, Thiago Farias Rocha;; Barcellos, Ludmilla Awad;; trauma are considered a public health problem and are the second leading cause of dental emergencies with the possibility of irreversible local damage, and the school environment hasthe highest occurrence, which gives teachers the responsibility to adopt the first steps in an attempt to prevent the installation of sequelae. Thus, we intend to evaluate the knowledge of teachers of the municipal school network of Brejetuba-ES, about dental trauma. For this purpose, an observational, quantitative and transversal study was conducted. The sample consisted of 117 teachers, distributed in rural and urban areas. Data collection was done through the application of questionnaires and scripts with images by means of the self-managed technique. The data treatment was done by means of frequency tables with number and percentage, and the analysis was done by means of the IBM SPSS 20 statistical package. The T-test and ANOVA were used to compare the number of correct answers with the independent variables. The results show a deficiency of knowledge in all the scenarios analyzed, with no statistically significant difference between the variables studied. The lack of preparation to deal with it immediately was generally absent, which enables and encourages the installation of sequelae and early dental losses that directly compromise quality of life. Health promotion actions for the dissemination of information are necessary, as well as the insertion of the theme in the curriculum during teacher training, in addition to continued training for those who are already working.
- ItemEPIDERMÓLISE BOLHOSA NA SAÚDE ORAL: MANIFESTAÇÕES CLÍNICAS E ALTERAÇÕES SALIVARES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-09-16) Azevedo, Brenda Lamonica Rodrigues de; Souza, Leticia Nogueira da Gama de;;;;; Barroso, Danielle Resende Camisasca;;; Siqueira, Adriane Sousa de;; bullosa (EB) is an inherited mucocutaneous disease characterized by fragility of the skin and mucous membranes with recurrent blistering. The four main types of EB are simple; junctional; dystrophy and Kindler syndrome. All EB patients can experience oral mucosal lesions such as erythema, ulcer, atrophy and blisters. However, the frequency, extent and severity vary from mild to severe depending on the type of EB. A sociodemographic survey, clinical assessment of the mouth cavity and analysis of aspects related to the saliva of individuals living with EB were carried out and who are followed up at the Blue Butterfly Project of Faculdades Integradas Espírito Santenses (FAESA) and at Hospital Nossa Senhora da Glória. A total of 11 patients (adults and children) diagnosed with EB were part of the sample, of which 27.27% were simple EB, 63.64% recessive dystrophic EB and 9.09% junctional EB. A frequency of 90.90% of patients with recessive dystrophic EB had lesions, while in the junctional EB group it was 9.10%. No patient with simple EB manifested lesions in the oral mucosa. The lesions were similarly distributed between the sexes and the most affected sites were the lips (54%), hard palate (36%) and buccal mucosa (27%). Ankyloglossia, ulcers, blisters and depapilated tongue were more frequently diagnosed. In salivary flow, the intragroup comparison revealed an increase in stimulated collection in relation to passive collection in control subjects (p = 0.0064). In the EB group there was no difference (p = 0.6086). We also did not observe differences in salivary volume between the control and EB groups (p = 0.7117 and p = 0.5557, passive and sti mulated flows respectively). Patients living with EB may have oral lesions, but the recessive dystrophic subtype had a severe clinical picture, with a high rate of mucosal lesions. Regarding salivary flow, it is not clear whether EB individuals are predisposed to manifest hyposalivation. The findings reinforce the need for routine dental follow-up in the multidisciplinary care of individuals living with EB.
- ItemExperiências Curriculares em Educação Interprofissional na Graduação em Odontologia : Uma Revisão Sistemática(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-11-29) Mendonca, Brigida Franco Sampaio de; Pacheco, Karina Tonini dos Santos;;;;; Szpilman, Ana Rosa Murad;;; Rosetti, Elizabeth Pimentel;; professionals who effectively communicate and coordinate their work increase patient safety and the quality of care. Therefore, an Interprofessional Education (IPE) program can be a valuable addition to the curriculum of undergraduae health sciences. Thisstudy aimed to verify how curricular experiences in interprofessional education have been developed worldwide in undergraduate dentistry courses through a qualitative systematic review. A literature search was performed according to PRISMA guidelines including qualitative and quantitative-qualitative studies. The quality of included studies was assessed using the CASP Qualitative Checklist tool (2018). In the end, 22 studies were selected and the data extracted with reference to the acronym PICo (population, phenomenon of interest and context). A considerable amount of IPE experience distributed worldwide was observed. It was observed the use of active methodologies for the development of IPE in Universities. The interprofessional skills that stood out were: clarity of roles, teamwork and communication. Experiences in interprofessional education in Dentistry are found in many curricula of universities around the world, including in different areas, and not only in community-based learning. Thus, it was possible to observe that Dentistry has been growing and developing in the territory of interprofessionality, and students, professionals and teachers understand the importance of involvement with other health professions.
- ItemAvaliação do impacto de problemas bucais na qualidade de vida de técnicos e enfermeiros hospitalares(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-12-13) Barbosa, Julia Saraiva de Almeida; Rosetti, Elizabeth Pimentel;;;; Barcellos, Ludmilla Awad;;; Barros, Liliana Aparecida Pimenta de;; to evaluate the impact of oral problems on the quality of life of a hospital nursing team and its association with sociodemographic variables and stress. Methods: Cross-sectional study with a random sample of 111 nurses and nursing technicians from a university hospital. Three questionnaires were applied: Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14), sociodemographic questionnaire and Bianchi Stress Scale. Fischer's exact test (p<0.05) found associations between each independent variable and the dimensions of the OHIP-14. To verify the strength of this association between event and exposure, the odds-ratio (OR) was calculated. To know the association between all the combined dimensions of the OHIP-14 (total score), with the independent variables, the Mantel-Haenzsel method was used, through the combined OR. Results: The prevalence of the impact of oral problems on quality of life was 51.4%. The dimensions with the greatest impact of oral problems were physical pain (37.8%) and psychological discomfort (35.1%), followed by physical disability (27.9%), psychological disability (26.1%), disability (18 .9%), functional limitation (15.3%) and social disability (11.7%). A higher frequency of oral health impact on quality of life was observed in individuals over 50 years of age (OR= 5.769, 95%CI= 1.806;18.431), single, widowed and divorced (OR= 2.396, 95%CI= 1.075;5.340), individuals with up to 12 years of schooling (OR= 2.766, 95%CI= 1.159;6.597), nursing technicians (OR= 4.073, 95%CI= 1.827;9.077) and individuals with up to 5 minimum wages (OR= 2.353, 95%CI = 1.080;5.127). In the relationship between stress and the impact of oral health, there was statistical significance in the dimensions disability (p=0.021), social disability (p=0.022) and psychological disability (p=0.045). Conclusion: Oral health conditions impact the quality of life of the hospital nursing team. Nursing technicians were more likely to have an impact on all dimensions that can be influenced by factors such as age, marital status, years of schooling, salary income and stress.
- ItemRadiografia panorâmica digital como ferramenta de estudo da qualidade da microarquitetura óssea trabecular(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-03-07) Pitol, Gustavo Azevedo; Velloso, Tania Regina Grao;;;; Vaz, Sergio Lins de Azevedo;;; Oliveira, Matheus Lima de;; is a metabolic disease characterized by reduced bone mineral density, often accompanied by loss of trabecular bone microarchitecture quality. Objective: To assess the quality or degradation of trabecular bone microarchitecture in digital panoramic radiography (DPR) to better predict the risk of fragility fractures. Methods: The sample included 68 female patients, age-matched, and divided into three groups according to densitometric results. Trabecular Bone Score (TBS) values were measured and digital panoramic radiographs (DPRs) were taken. Fractal analysis (FA) with box counting was conducted in the region of premolars and angle of the mandible, with regions of interest (ROIs) measuring 64×64 and 80×120 pixels. In the statistical analysis, Pearson’s correlation was applied between the TBS and FA results obtained in each group, using age as a control variable and assigning individualized age ranges within groups. Results: A moderate correlation was identified in the ROIs of 64×64 and 80×120 pixels at the angle of the mandible in the osteoporosis group and in the normal group. A moderate correlation was also obtained using age as a control variable in the 64x64 pixel ROIs in the premolar region. Considering age range, the within-group analysis presented a strong correlation in the osteoporosis group and moderate correlation in the osteopenia and normal groups. Conclusion: FA in DPRs was shown to be a promising predictive instrument of bone microarchitecture quality.
- ItemDetecção de desajustes na interface abutment-prótese: implicações da técnica radiográfica e da magnitude do desajuste na região estética(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-03-09) Oliveira, Vanessa Pacheco de; Vaz, Sergio Lins de Azevedo;;;; Rebello, Iêda Margarida Crusoé Rocha;;; Pacheco, Maria Christina Thomé;; in the abutment-prosthesis interface represent a setback in the rehabilitation treatment with dental implants. Periapical radiographs are used as an auxiliary method for assessing misfits at the abutment-prosthesis interface; however, the evidence supporting the use of this diagnostic method is restricted to studies of low to moderate quality. The aim of this in vitro study was to compare the accuracy of 3 periapical radiographic techniques in detecting misfits at the abutment-prosthesis interface in the esthetic region and to assess whether the magnitude of the misfit influences the diagnosis. For this, 15 implants with an internal conical connection were installed in the central incisor region in polyamide maxillae and copings for customized cemented crowns were made in ceramic using a CAD/CAM system. Misfits of 50, 100 and 150 μm were simulated by interposing 1, 2 or 3 polyester strips of 50 μm thickness, respectively, positioned at the abutment-prosthesis interface; the absence of the strip represented the control group. Digital radiographs were obtained using positioners for the following periapical techniques: bisecting (PTB), parallelism (PTP) and modified parallelism (PTM). A total of 180 digital radiographs were evaluated by 2 radiologists and 1 prosthodontist. The values of the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (Az) were submitted to the Friedman test with post-hoc Durbin-Conover (α = 5%). Statistically significant differences were found (χ² = 22.0; p < 0.05). There was a statistical difference (p < 0.05) between the PTP (Az = 0.873) and PTB (Az = 0.753) techniques for magnitude 50 μm, with the PTP being more accurate. Larger magnitudes showed greater accuracy compared to smaller magnitudes (p < 0.05). In the technical and magnitude interactions, all comparisons had statistical differences (p < 0.05), except for PTP magnitude 100 μm (Az = 0.976) and PTM magnitude 150 μm (Az = 0.998). It was concluded that PTP was more accurate than PTB to detect misfits of 50 µm at the abutmentprosthesis interface and that larger misfits resulted in more accurate diagnoses regardless of the technique used.
- ItemAvaliação por meio de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico dos resultados pós-cirúrgicos de dentes autotransplantados(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-03-15) Intra, Tereza Jacy da Silva Almeida; Lima, Thiago Farias Rocha;;;; Xavier, Karla Corrêa Barcelos;; Mello, Paula Sampaio de; may favor the treatment of children who have experienced trauma. Most of the success of self-transplanted teeth happens in the age group between 7 and 13 years old. Considering that at this age, the rehabilitation of these children is difficult, since most treatments would interfere with craniofacial growth and development, autotransplantation is highlighted and the scientific literature already proves this. In this study, after approval by the ethics and research committee, 23 patients who had already undergone autotransplantation treatment performed at the Dental Trauma Project of the Brazilian Association of Dentistry of Espírito Santo (ABO-ES) participated. All guardians signed the Free and Informed Consent Term (TCLE) to enable the evaluation through tomographic analysis. In all, 30 teeth were analyzed using Cone Beam Computed Tomography. All images, in DICOM format, were properly analyzed by three previously calibrated evaluators (one radiologist and two endodontists) using the Prexion Viewer program (Terarecon, San Mateo, CA, USA). The main post-surgical results considered were pulpal and periodontal repair. All teeth were premolars and 04 teeth were submitted to endodontic treatment. In 16 teeth the pulp chamber was completely obliterated, 06 teeth partially obliterated and 04 teeth with normal pulp chamber. 21 teeth with partially calcified canal and 02 with completely obliterated canal. 03 teeth with normal aspect and 01 tooth presented internal resorption. The periodontal space and lamina dura were preserved in 29 teeth and absent in only 01 tooth. Images of inflammatory resorption were observed in 09 teeth and 01 specimen showed substitutive resorption. 10 teeth had unchanged apical periodontium, 10 teeth had periapical lesions, 08 teeth had increased periodontal space and 15 teeth had apical resorption. Root development was complete in 24 teeth and incomplete in 06 teeth. When considering the follow-up of these individuals, these were divided into: 3-5 years, 5-10 years and for more than 10 years. However, when the data of the variables contained in the study and the follow-up time were crossed, no statistical significance was observed. Considering the results and analyses, it can be concluded that the self-transplanted teeth present favorable results regarding pulpal and periodontal repair, remaining viable and integrated to the new site, in all specimens.
- ItemManejo e prognóstico de pacientes com cancer de cabeça e pescoço durante a pandemia de COVID-19(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-05-17) Bruneli, Giuliano Lozer; Zeidler, Sandra Lucia Ventorin Von;;;;; Spano, Liliana Cruz;;; Velloso, Tânia Regina Grão;; COVID-19 pandemic has brought the need for the implementation of several precautions to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, as well as measures for its control. Among the changes adopted are those in healthcare services, particularly in oncology services. To provide support for the necessary changes in the oncology service, we analyzed the clinical and pathological data of patients diagnosed with HNSCC treated at the Head and Neck Surgery Service of the Hospital Santa Rita de Cássia (HSRC) between October 2020 and October 2021, comparing the clinical outcome of patients infected and not infected by SARSCoV-2. The diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection was performed using the realtime PCR (RT-PCR) technique before the surgical procedure. To compare the clinical outcomes of patients regarding the presence of the new coronavirus infection, prognostic factors for HNSCC patients such as investigation of preexisting comorbidities and tumor staging (TNM System, 8th Ed) were also considered in addition to analyzing the viral load of patients referred for chemotherapy. The Chi-Square test was used to analyze associated variables, while the Kaplan-Meier model was used to calculate survival curves. Of the 194 recruited patients, 99 cases confirmed diagnoses of head and neck cancer and underwent surgical treatment. The most frequent comorbidities were hypertension and diabetes mellitus. The oral cavity and larynx were the most affected anatomical sites, with 51% and 33%, respectively. A total of 61.6% of cases were classified as T3/T4 and 53.4% did not show lymph node involvement. The presence of comorbidities and lymph node metastasis was associated with reduced survival. Of the 99 patients, 8.1% (8/99) were infected with SARS-CoV2, but no difference was observed in overall survival according to SARS-CoV-2 infection (p=0.086), and viral load was not associated with vital status (p=0.456). We concluded that the presence of SARS-CoV-2 infection did not influence overall survival in patients with HNSCC.
- ItemAnálise histomorfométrica e da citotoxicidade de uma biocerâmica de fosfato de cálcio obtido a partir da casca de ovo de galinha para engenharia tecidual(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-06-14) Nascimento Neto, Conrado Dias do Nascimento; Silva, Daniela Nascimento;;;; Barroso, Danielle Resende Camisasca;; Maia, Monica Diuana CalasansGoal: To investigate the cytotoxicity and effect on tissue repair of a hydroxyapatite/dicalcium phosphate anhydrous (HA/DCPA) material obtained from chicken eggshell compared to the commercially available maxresorb® (MXR). Methods: Cytotoxicity was evaluated in fibroblasts (L cell, L-929) by the MTT test. Tissue repair was evaluated after grafting of biomaterials into critical-sized bone defects (CSDs) trephined in the calvarial bones of 24 Wistar rats. The animals were euthanized after 30, 60, and 90 days and the bone specimens containing the graft area were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) (n=3), and histologic and histomorphometric analyses (n=21). The percentages of newly formed bone, connective tissue, remaining biomaterial, and total tissue repair area were compared between groups using Student’s t-test and ANOVA (p≤0.05). Results: HA/DCPA did not exhibit any cytotoxicity. Histologically, the CSDs contained newly formed bone from the defect margins and from ossification centers interspersed throughout the biomaterials. At 30 days, animals in the HA/DCPA group had a larger total tissue repair area than those in the MXR group (p=0.047), due to preservation of newly formed bone, connective tissue, and remaining biomaterial within the CSDs. No differences were observed between the experimental groups regarding percentage of newly formed bone, connective tissue, and remaining biomaterial at the time points of observation (p>0.05). Conclusions: Chicken eggshell-derived HA/DCPA is devoid of cytotoxic potential and can induce new bone formation and complete tissue filling of critical-sized bone defects with a degree of biomaterial degradation to the same extent as MXR.
- ItemFosfato de cálcio bifásico obtido da casca de ovo de galinha reforçada com titânia para bioengenharia tecidual – caracterização fisicoquímica e avaliação do reparo ósseo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-07-07) Oliveira, Laisa Kindely Ramos de; Silva, Daniela Nascimento;;;; Souza, Letícia Nogueira da Gama de;;; Sthel, Gabriela Mayrink Gonçalves;; Hydroxyapatite/Anhydrous Dicalcium Phosphate (HA/DCPA - Anhydrous Dicalcium Phosphate) association results in a more soluble and stable bioceramic than HA, but with limited mechanical properties for clinical applications in areas subject to high loads. In order to improve their physical and mechanical properties, motivation dioxide (TiO2) or titania can be incorporated into bioceramics, constituting a promising approach for use in tissue engineering. Objectives: To carry out the physicalmechanical characterization of the HA/DCPA/TiO2 composite and to evaluate the tissue repair process after its implantation in rat calvaria. Methodology: Two bone defects were created in the calvaria of 36 male Wistar rats, divided into three groups: HA/DCPA; HA/DCPA/TiO2 and sham (blood clot). The animals were euthanized at 30, 60 and 90 days and the calvaria remained for histological processing using the hematoxylin/eosin technique. Through histomorphometric analysis, the percentage of newly formed bone, connective tissue, remaining biomaterial and total tissue repair was calculated in relation to the total area of the defect. HA/DCPA/TiO2 was characterized structurally by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and chemically by energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) and tested for apparent density (AD) and porosity tests apparent (PA), water absorption (AA) and compressive strength (CS). The data were examined through statistical analysis using ANOVA for independent samples followed by Tukey's test for intergroup comparison and Student's t test for paired measures for intragroup comparison (p≤0.05). Results: EDS showed oxygen, calcium, phosphorus, and titanium composing the samples. Using SEM the surface of the biomaterials inside the bone defects, the presence of newly formed bone and its interface with the native bone of the calvaria were observed. At the end of the experiment, the HA/DCPA/TiO2 and HA/DCPA groups showed a similar total tissue repair area, but significantly greater than that of the sham group (p<0.001). Physical and mechanical tests showed that HA/DCPA/TiO2 has AD and CR properties within the limits of trabecular bone and with values higher than HA/DCPA.Conclusion: HA/DCPA/TiO2 showed higher rates of densification and compressive strength than HA/DCPA. Biocompatibility and osteoconductivity denote the potential of this bioceramic as a framework for bone engineering.
- ItemQualidade da descrição de intervenções com substâncias injetáveis em disfunção temporomandibular articular dolorosa - Revisão sistemática(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-07-10) Machado, Alinny Jéssica Gobetti; Silva, Daniela Nascimento;;;;; Canales, Giancarlo de La Torre;;; Poluha, Rodrigo Lorenzi;; Many clinical studies are developed annually in order to detect the best minimally invasive treatment for temporomandibular disorder (TMD) with injectable substances such as Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) or fibrin (PRF) and corticosteroids. In order to be replicable in research or clinical practice, these studies need to describe interventions appropriately. Objective: To evaluate the quality of the description of interventions in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on intra-articular injection of substances after arthrocentesis for the treatment of painful joint TMD. Methodology: This is a systematic review built under the guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis protocols - PRISMA 2020 and registered in the Open Science Framework ( protocol), carried out in the bibliographic search databases PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science and Cochrane, and in the gray literature Google Scholar. Inclusion criteria: RCTs with the following characteristics defined from the PICO: P (Population) = patients over 18 years of age, of both genders, with painful joint TMD; I (Intervention) = intraarticular injection of substances after arthrocentesis; C (Control) = placebo or other injectable techniques and O (outcome/outcome) = joint pain. The following were excluded: pilot studies, feasibility studies and in patients with systemic alterations. The risk of bias was assessed using the PEDro scale. The quality of the description of interventions was assessed using the Template for Intervention Description and Replication (TIDier) questionnaire. The direction and magnitude of the association between TIDieR and PEDro was analyzed using the Spearman test. Results: The electronic bibliographic search strategy identified 8878 articles (PubMed = 1653, Embase = 3195, Scopus = 2085, Web of Science = 1437, Cochrane = 308; Google Scholar = 200 latest publications), of which 4800 were duplicates. After screening titles, abstracts and reference lists, 98 potentially relevant full articles were retrieved. Of these, 16 articles were included for analysis in this systematic review. Characterization of the RCTs included: the number of patients in the studies ranged from 20 to 102, with a mean age of patients from 26.87 to 55 years; predominantly women (76.2%). Among the intra-articular substances for the treatment of DMT, the following were used: HA (n=11, 68.75%), PRP (n=6, 37.5%), PRF (n=1, 6.25%), Corticosteroid (n=5, 31.25%). The RCT risk of bias analysis had an average score of 8.5 (±1.11) for 10 items on the PEDro scale. Seven articles (43.75%) informed the previous registration/protocol of the study. The quality of the intervention description obtained an average of 7.31 (±1.04) of 12 items of the TIDiR, with 13 studies having a score ≥7. Only three items (Intervention name, Why it was used, Procedures performed) scored 12 in all RCTs; while 3 items (There was adaptation, There were modifications and Adherence assessment) obtained a score of 0 in all articles. Most publications had a good result in the topics Materials used (87.5%), How it was applied (93.75%), When and how much it was applied (93.75%), while the topics Who carried out the intervention (50 %), Where it was performed (37.5%) and Result of the adherence assessment (68.75%) were not satisfactorily described. There was no correlation between PEDro and TIDieR (r=0.158). Conclusion: The RCTs with a low risk of bias, despite not including all the TIDier items, mostly present satisfactory quality in the description of the interventions. The use of TIDieR as a guide for describing these interventions would contribute to more detailed reports and, therefore, more faithful reproduction of therapies in research and clinical practice.
- ItemAcurácia da autofluorescência para diagnóstico precoce de desordens orais potencialmente malignas: revisão sistemática(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-07-14) Freitas, Lara Weinert de; Barros, Liliana Aparecida Pimenta de;;;; Lima, Thiago Farias Rocha;; Lourenco, Simone de Queiroz ChavesStudies involving new tests and diagnostic methods used to screen for lesions that precede oral cancer are carried out, however, it becomes necessary to investigate the diagnostic accuracy index for its application. The objective of this Systematic Review (RS) was to collect the accuracy of autofluorescence in the early diagnosis of oral disorders with malignant potential (ODMPs). The search was carried out in nine electronic databases, three of which were gray literature, with no language or time restrictions. The studies included patients with ODMPs with microscopic examination – standard reference – obligatorily as a comparison to the autofluorescence method (test index). In selecting the two-phase studies, 17 of 3429 studies were included. The QUADAS-2 tool was used for risk of bias analysis with support from the Review Manager 5.0 tool for risk of bias analysis. The sensitivity and specificity of the studies varied considerably, with a minimum of 30% and a maximum of 100% for sensitivity, and a minimum of 15% and a maximum of 100% for specificity, which demonstrates exceptional accuracy within the studies. The risk of bias was low in most studies in domain 1 (patient selection) and unclear in most studies in domains 2 (index test), 3 (reference standard) and 4 (flow and time). The sensitivity and specificity of the studies varied considerably, with a minimum of 30 and a maximum of 100 for sensitivity and a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 100 for specificity, which demonstrates intellectual accuracy within the studies. The risk of bias was low in most studies in domain 1 (patient selection) and it was not clear in domains 2 (index test), 3 (reference standard) and 4 (flow and time). The autofluorescence of the selected studies showed moderate to uncertain accuracy due to the heterogeneity of the results and raises an alert for the development of more primary studies consistent in design and conduct.The applicability of autofluorescence in aiding the diagnosis of ODMPs should prosper ecause it is a non-invasive method, easy to handle, accessible in the dentist's routine, despite the variable cost, ubject to the standardization of protocols and the physician's experience., more studies are necessary due to the analysis of the risk of bias and the asymmetry of the sensitivity and specificity of the results.
- ItemAssociação entre o trauma dentário e a reabsorção cervical invasiva: uma revisão sistemática(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-12-05) Minchio, Evelin Scarabelli; Lima, Thiago Farias Rocha;;;; Kill, Kleber Borgo; Ribeiro, Francisco Carlos; invasive resorption (ICR) is a still largely misunderstood pathology that involves dentin, periodontium and may or may not involve the pulp. The biological mechanism associated with the occurrence of ICR is directly related to the integrity of the cementum, which provides root protection. This starts when this tissue suffers some damage or has a deficiency, which generates exposure of the root to clastic cells, which initiate root resorption. Many can be the causes that cause these cement defects, as well as multiple factors can be associated. Among the main predisposing factors, Dental Trauma stands out. The objective of this systematic review was to evaluate the relationship between invasive cervical resorption and the main predisposing factors, with emphasis on dental trauma as a single or associated agent. Searches were carried out in PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, LILACS, Scielo and Google Scholar databases. Observational clinical studies were included whose sample consisted of patients affected by invasive cervical resorption, with no restriction regarding publication date or language. The methodological quality assessment instrument used to assess the included studies was the Joanna Briggs Institutute Critical Appraisal Checklist for Systematic Reviews and Research. A total of 6.484 articles were found, four of which were included in the qualitative analysis. In all studies, Dental Trauma was considered a relevant etiological factor for the occurrence of invasive cervical resorption, with a prevalence that varied between 27-33%, being evaluated as a single etiological factor or associated with other factors. The risk of bias in these studies was considered to be of low reliability, since 2 articles were evaluated with a high risk of bias (37.5% and 50%) and two others with a moderate risk of bias (both 62.5%). Although the studies presented have supported the relationship between dental trauma and the development of invasive cervical resorption, the literature on the subject is scarce and the studies evaluated present a high risk of bias. The need for further studies on the subject is highlighted so that this relationship can be established with greater reliability.
- ItemPerfil do egresso de Odontologia no Brasil segundo as diretrizes curriculares nacionais : uma revisão sistemática(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-12-12) Bortolini, Nathalia Campos Dell'Orto Cardoso; Esposti, Carolina Dutra Degli;;; Pacheco, Karina Tonini dos Santos;;;;; Pessoa, Talitha Rodrigues Ribeiro Fernandes;;; Barros, Liliana Aparecida Pimenta de;; with the challenge of training dental surgeons suitable for the Brazilian job market,with emphasis on the Unified Health System, in 2002, the National Curricular Guidelines (NCG) were established. These describe the professional profile and skills that professionals must develop in their training, guiding the curricula of undergraduate courses in Dentistry in Brazil. This study aimed to characterize the profile of graduates from Dentistry courses in Brazil according to the 2002 NCG, through a systematic review of the literature. The characterization of the graduate's profile was based on four sub-dimensions: generalist, humanist, autonomous, critical/reflective and capable of understanding social reality. The following guiding question was asked: What is the profile of graduates trained in Dentistry in Brazil according to the 2002 DCN? To identify relevant articles, searches were carried out in the databases PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS), Brazilian Bibliography of Dentistry (BBO), Scielo and the gray literature repositories Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD), CAPES Theses and Dissertations Catalog and Google Scholar, based on the keywords: graduates; trained; competency-based education; dentistry education; dentistry. Qualitative, quantitative and quantitative-qualitative studies were included that addressed the profile of Dentistry graduates in Brazil in Portuguese, English and Spanish and published since 2006. The methodological quality assessment of the included studies was carried out according to the Joanna Briggs Institutute Critical Appraisal Checklist for Systematic Reviews and Research. The risk of bias in these studies was considered moderate. 1,421 articles were identified, of which 13 were included in this review. The studies showed that the majority of graduates were female, aged between 26 and 30 years old, worked in the private sector, had some postgraduate qualifications and predominantly had a generalist profile.Considering the subdimensions evaluated, the results indicated greater representation in the generalist and autonomous subdimensions, to the detriment of the other subdimensions that comprise the graduate's profile. This result was especially evidenced by the positive influence of supervised curricular internships and the work of graduates in the public sector.
- ItemInfluência do estresse ocupacional na condição periodontal de uma equipe de enfermagem hospitalar(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-12-13) Araujo, Arthur Maciel; Rosetti, Elizabeth Pimentel;;;; Leitao, Aguida Cristina Gomes Henriques;; Figueiredo, Luciene Cristina deObjective: To assess the relationship between occupational stress and the periodontal condition of hospital nursing professionals. Methods: 46 nursing professionals previously diagnosed with occupational stress using the Bianchi Stress Scale and the Job Stress Scale (JSS) had their oral condition evaluated by a single, calibrated examiner. The examination included the DMFT index, visible plaque index, gingival index, probing depth, clinical attachment level, probing bleeding, suppuration, dental mobility, and furcation involvement. Subsequently, they were classified according to the criteria established by Papapanou et al., 2018. Pearson's chi-squared test or Fisher's Exact test, Student's t-test, and Mann & Whitney test for multiple logistic regression were used for the statistical analysis. Results: Out of 46 individuals, 29 (63.04%) fell into some stage of periodontitis, and 33 (71.74%) already had some degree of periodontal involvement. The prevalence of gingivitis was 21.74% (10 individuals), with nursing technicians having a 90% lower chance of developing periodontitis or gingivitis when compared to nurses (p ≤ 0.050) (OR = 0.10). Conclusion: An association between periodontal disease and occupational stress was not found. Most individuals had or had a history of periodontal involvement (84.8%). The risk of a nurse being affected by periodontitis or gingivitis was higher when compared to nursing technicians.
- ItemCortisol salivar como biomarcador do estresse e sua correlação com a condição bucal em uma equipe de enfermagem hospitalar(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-12-14) Alves, Alessandra Arthuso; Rosetti, Elizabeth Pimentel;;;; Figueiredo, Luciene Cristina de; Carvalho, Raquel Baroni de;; Occupational stress represents a significant cause of illness among nursing professionals. The primary hormonal system linked to stress is the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, where cortisol synthesis and release occur. Oral cavity tissues contain receptors for glucocorticoids that respond to chronic cortisol exposure. Aim: To investigate salivary cortisol levels in a hospital nursing team and assess their correlation with clinical oral conditions. Methods: This is a cross-sectional analytical epidemiological study conducted on 46 nursing professionals from a university hospital in Espírito Santo. Salivary cortisol collection was performed using a Salivette® kit, and analyses were conducted using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry. Unstimulated salivary flow was collected through sialometry, and xerostomia was assessed using the Xerostomia Inventory (SXI) questionnaire. Clinical examinations included the evaluation of dental caries using the DMFT index and periodontal assessment. Occupational stress was assessed using the Job Stress Scale (JSS). Results: In our sample, 54.35% of participants had normal cortisol levels, and 45.65% had low cortisol levels. Xerostomia was present in almost all participants (93.48%), and 82.61% had normal salivary flow. The DMFT index in the sample was 13.1, and the prevalence of periodontitis was 63.04%. A significant association was found between low cortisol levels, xerostomia, and the JSS. High-demand job tasks were found to have 23.9 times higher odds of presenting low cortisol levels. Additionally, xerostomic individuals showed a higher average in the index of decayed, missing, and filled teeth. No significant association was found between cortisol and salivary flow, dental caries or periodontal condition. Conclusion: Low salivary cortisol levels were associated with chronic stress and high job demands. Low cortisol levels were also associated with the presence of xerostomia, which was consequently related to higher rates of decayed, missing, and filled teeth. No association was found between cortisol levels and periodontal disease.
- ItemLeucoplasia oral e leucoplasia verrucosa proliferativa: análise clínico-patológica e imunohistoquímica(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-12-18) Pereira, Luanna Canal; Barroso, Danielle Resende Camisasca;;;; Lourenço, Simone de Queiroz Chaves; Barros, Liliana Aparecida Pimenta de; Oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMDs) are a group of oral lesions associated with a variable risk of progression to oral carcinomas. Oral leukoplakia (OL) is the most common OPMD. Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia (PVL) is a subtype of OL with a high risk of progression to carcinoma. Cytokeratin 10 (CK10) acts to differentiate normal from dysplastic epithelium. Objectives: Compare sociodemographic, clinical, histopathological and immunohistochemical characteristics of CK10 in OL and PVL and apply two diagnostic criteria for PVL. Materials and methods: Cases diagnosed as OL, PVL, epithelial dysplasia and hyperkeratosis without and with dysplasia were selected from the Oral Pathological Anatomy Service of the Federal University of Espírito Santo, in ten years. Sociodemographic, clinicopathological and immunohistochemical data were collected. A p-value ≤.05 was considered was considered statistically significant. Results: 51 patients (n=32, 62.7% LVP and n=19, 37.3% LO) and 104 lesions (n=76, 73% LVP and n=28, 26.9% LO) were selected, with 53 lesions submitted to immunohistochemical staining for CK10 (n=40, 75.4% LVP and n=13, 24.5% LO), with a mean follow-up of 13 months for LO and 27 months for LVP (p=0.038). There was a predominance of females in both, an association between tobacco use and LO (p= 0.007) and the presence of recurrence in PVL lesions (p=0.028). There was malignant transformation in two cases of PVL and one of LO. Almost all lesions were positive for CK10 (n=51, 96.3%). No lesion showed CK10 expression in the basal layer. When applying the criteria for PVL, all met the criteria of Cerero-Lapiedra et al., 2010 and 19 patients met the criteria of Villa et al., 2018. Conclusions: Tobacco use is associated with LO, but not with LVP. The two criteria applied were useful, CereroLapiedra et al., 2010 selects more patients, a favorable fact for better monitoring of the disease. There was no difference in CK10 expression between the lesions studied.
- ItemAcurácia do dispositivo VELscope® para diagnóstico complementar de desordens orais potencialmente malignas (DOPMs)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-12-19) Jesus, Eduarda Barboza Layber de; Barros, Liliana Aparecida Pimenta de;;;; Barroso, Danielle Resende Camisasca;; Lourenco, Simone de Queiroz ChavesThe early diagnosis of oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMDs) through visual inspection followed by histopathological confirmation is a fundamental step towards reducing the rates of lesions that have undergone malignant transformation. The use of the VELscope device has been suggested as an adjuvant tool through fluorescence visualization in the early detection of OPMDs. The aim of our study was to characterize the diagnostic accuracy of the VELscope in recognizing the autofluorescence of OPMDs, correlating clinical and histopathological aspects. Fifty-six oral mucosa lesions were submitted to conventional oral examination (COE) followed by VELscope and their autofluorescence characteristics were compared with the histopathological diagnosis. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, accuracy and positive and negative likelihood ratios were calculated. The VELscope test showed sensitivity and specificity values of 50% and 69%, respectively, while the positive predictive value was 47.6% and the negative predictive value 71.4%. The overall accuracy was 62.5% and the positive and negative likelihood ratios were 1.63 and 0.72, respectively. The VELscope exam alone cannot provide a definitive diagnosis regarding the presence of dysplastic tissue changes and high-risk lesions. Despite having reasonable sensitivity, the high number of false-positive and false-negative results limits its effectiveness as an adjuvant, reinforced by the unfavorable negative likelihood ratio. A comprehensive and systematic conventional oral examination, biopsy and histopathological evaluation are the reference standards for the evaluation of suspicious lesions of the oral mucosa, considering the low accuracy of the VELscope device as an auxiliary method equipment in clinical examination.
- ItemAvaliação da qualidade de vida associada a reabilitação com implantes dentários(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-12-19) Bastos, Lívia Martins Cardoso; Miotto, Maria Helena Monteiro de Barros;;;; Sanglard, Luciana Faria;; Barcellos, Ludmilla AwadThe general objective of this study was to analyze the quality of life related to treatments with implant-supported prostheses in patients treated at postgraduate schools in Vitória and Vila Velha in the state of Espírito Santo, from November 2021 to March 2023. Initially, the impact on the quality of life of 319 patients in need of implant prostheses was evaluated and the possible associations between sociodemographic variables, use of removable prostheses, reason for seeking dental care and number of lost teeth. A questionnaire was used to define the sociodemographic and socioeconomic profile and with data on the number and location of missing teeth, use of prostheses and reason for seeking dental care. Data on patient treatment were collected from patient records and the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) instrument was used to measure quality of life. To verify the associations between the independent variables and the dimensions assessed by the OHIP-14 instrument, the Fischer Exact Test was used and the significance level adopted was 5%. To assess the strength of the association between the independent variables and the OHIP-14 dimensions, the odds ratio (OR) was calculated and the confidence interval (CI) used was 95%. To analyze the effect of the combined dimensions, the Mantel-Haenszel test was used. The second stage of the study evaluated the quality of life of 160 patients before and after rehabilitation with prostheses. This is a prospective, uncontrolled, “before and after” longitudinal intervention study. Data collection was carried out by reapplication of the OHIP-14 via telephone 30 to 60 days after rehabilitation. Comparison of quality of life parameters before and after rehabilitation with implant-supported prostheses was carried out using the non-parametric Wilcoxon test. The predilection for impact was associated with female individuals, with low education, belonging to classes C and D/E, using removable dentures, who sought urgent care and who lost all their teeth. The number of individuals with an impact on quality of life before the proposed treatment was 216 (67.7%), and this number significantly reduced after implant treatment to 6 (3.8%).
- ItemRevisão dos casos de Odontoma, Fibro-Odontoma Ameloblástico e Fibro-Dentinoma Ameloblástico: estudo interinstitucional brasileiro(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-12-22) Ávila, Natália Goncalves Amaral; Leitão, Aguida Cristina Gomes Henriques;;;; Vaz, Sergio Lins de Azevedo;;; Carvalho, Elaine Judite de AmorimAmeloblastic Fibroma (AF), Ameloblastic Fibro-Odontoma (FOA), Ameloblastic FibroDentinema (FDA) and Odontoma (OD) were classified as distinct entities until the 3rd edition of the WHO (2005). In 2017, the 4th edition excluded the FOA/FDA, and considered these entities as stages of maturation of an OD. However, some authors believe that part of FOA and FDA are distinct entities and should be classified as neoplasms and not part of the maturation of an OD, due to some clinical and morphological characteristics that may be different, and the biological behavior that is often aggressive. This work reviewed the cases diagnosed as FOA/FDA, Composite OD, Complex OD and Developmental OD in 3 reference anatomopathology services in Brazil (UFES, UFPE, UEPB) from 2001 to 2023. Based on clinical and morphological criteria currently reviewed and described in the literature, these cases were reclassified and characterized, according to their sociodemographic and clinicopathological aspects. There was 1 case of FOA/FDA in the initial sample, which after review was reclassified as Developing OD. 98 odontomas were identified, 76.5% Compound OD (n=75), 21.4% Complex OD (n=21) and 2.1% Developing OD (n=2). Regarding sociodemographic aspects, the majority of injuries affected young patients with black skin color, without predilection for sex, with signs/symptoms that were mostly infrequent. The most affected location was the anterior maxilla in Compound OD and posterior mandible in Complex OD and Developmental OD. Most lesions were up to 3 cm in size and eruption disorders were associated with odontomas. Radiographic aspects were essential for the correct diagnosis of odontomas and therefore the clinical hypotheses were in accordance with the final diagnosis. Cords and small islands of odontogenic epithelium, fibrous/loose connective tissue, enamel, dentin, cementum and tissue compatible with dental pulp were morphological features commonly found, while ghost and granular cells were infrequent. Few cases of odontomas were associated with developmental odontogenic cysts. FOA/FDA is a rare lesion and multicenter studies are necessary to better characterize and understand this pathology. This work presents a characterization of a representative sample of OD, being the first study that describes its detailed morphological aspects.