Mestrado em Ciências Florestais
URI Permanente para esta coleção
Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 2008
Conceito atual na CAPES: 4
Ato normativo: Ofício N. 39-12/2007/CTC/CCA/CAPES de 31/07/2007 Homologado pelo CNE (Portaria Nº 656 de 22/05/2017) Publicação DOU em 27/07/2017, Seç. 1, Pag. 36.
Periodicidade de seleção: Semestral
Área(s) de concentração: Ciências Florestais
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Navegando Mestrado em Ciências Florestais por Assunto "Accumulated litter"
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- ItemAvaliação de métodos de restauração florestal de Mata Atlântica de tabuleiros(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-07-25) Klippel, Valéria Hollunder; Caldeira, Marcos Vinicius Winckler; Silva, Gilson Fernandes da; Pezzopane, José Eduardo Macedo; Rangel, Otacílio José PassosThis study aimed to evaluate different forest restoration methods of a Tableland Forest, by manipulating the floristic composition and silvicultural practices. With this foundation, it was installed in August of 2007, at the Reserva Natural Vale (RNV) in Linhares - ES, an experiment in randomized blocks with 4 treatments and 3 replications (a total of 12 plots): T1 (Control): Only leafcutter ants control; T2: Selective manual mowing, selective chemical weeding, control of ants and species tolerant to the herbicide; T3: Same as treatment 2, but with the planting of Atlantic Forest pioneer species in the spacing of 5 x 5 m, interspersed, in the same spacing, the seeding of Sesbania grandiflora in pits (10 seeds per pit); T4: Same as treatment 2, but with the planting of 54 Atlantic Forest species in the spacing close to 3 x 3 m. From the moment of installation (2007) until the third year of the study (2010) annual inventories were performed in all plots, to study the arboreal vegetation flora and growth. Moreover, at the third year after the experiment implementation, soil samples were also collected at four depths (0- 5, 5-10, 10-20 and 20-40 cm) for later chemical analysis; accumulated litter, for studying biomass and nutrient content and level, and leaf area index (LAI). Regarding the soil chemical attributes, only statistic differences were found for the studied treatments in depths of 0-5 cm, where the highest values of Ca, sum of bases and CEC were observed for the treatment 4 and greater Na Saturation Index value to the treatment 1, and 10-20 cm, where the treatment 4 showed higher Ca value. There were no statistical differences in the accumulated litter biomass. The lower C/N was obtained by the treatment 3. This treatment also had the highest leaf area index. The elimination of weed competition acted positively on trees growth. The entrance of individuals and basal area was higher for treatments 3 and 4.
- ItemBiomassa e nutrientes na serrapilheira em complexo rupestre de granito, Mimoso do Sul, ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2013-07-29) Freitas, Carlos Antônio Araújo de; Kunz, Sustanis Horn; Caldeira, Marcos Vinicius Winckler; Silva, Aderbal Gomes da; Rangel, Otacílio José Passos; Viera, MárcioForest ecosystems found in areas with rocky outcrop require more detailed studies on the processes of nutrient cycling. Within these processes, vegetation ecosystems returns nutrients to the soil through the circulation of matter, which is represented by the litter (waste vegetable leaves, branches, stems, barks, fruits and flowers). This study aimed to quantify the accumulation and deposition of biomass levels and content of nutrients in the litter, as well as correlating with climatic variables (rainfall and temperature) analyzing the temporal variation of nutrients on Complex Rupestre Granite, located in the municipality Mimoso do Sul, Epírito Santo state. Sampling of litter accumulated was conducted in five transects of 50m x 2m. In each transect, 10 samples were collected with the aid of a template 0,25 m x 0,25 m (0.0625 m2), totaling 50 samples per month. After collection, the samples were brought to the laboratory and separated in the fraction called 'Other species', with the presence of leaves, twigs, flowers, fruits and material not identifiable from several species; fraction 'Pseudobombax' material identifiable species Pseudobombax aff. campestre, which were subsequently dried and weighed. The accumulated biomass for fractions was converted to kg ha-1, that by this extrapolation was calculated also the contents of macro and micronutrients. The study period was accumulated litter from May 2011 to April 2012. The deposited litter was sampled in the same transects, which were distributed in each of three collectors positioned below the canopy of P. aff. campestre, with 0.5 mx 0.5 m and 0.70 m above ground level, with nylon mesh screens of 2 mm, a total of 15 collectors. Was collected monthly, and adopted the same procedures litter accumulated. The sample period of the litter was placed from November 2011 to October 2012. For the evaluation of the monthly variation of the biomass of each fraction, it was considered a completely randomized design (CRD), where treatments for the months of the year (12 treatments) and repetitions transects (5 repetitions). To determine the monthly variation of the concentration of each fraction was used the same CRD with the same treatment (12 months of the year) and repetitions were represented by three replicates (3 replicates) taken from a homogenized sample milled type Wiley. For the analysis of correlation with climatic variables in both fractions, we used the PEARSON correlation. The results were tested with a 5% level of probability. Litter accumulated average was 8900 kg ha-1 and deposited 5400 kg ha-1. There were peaks of accumulation and deposition at the end of the dry season, thus demonstrating a seasonal. Litter accumulated in both the levels and the content, the highest concentrations of macronutrients were N and Ca, Fe and micronutrient was The only nutrient that had a significant correlation with climatic variables were: N, P and S for both fractions and variables, Fe and Cu in fraction Pseudobombax for both variables. The total accumulation of macronutrients was 292.42 kg ha-1 and micronutrients was 10.34 kg ha-1. Litter deposited, both the contents and the content, the highest deposition of macronutrients N and Ca, and boron was Mn. The only nutrient that had a significant correlation with climatic variables were: N for both fractions in variable rainfall, P, Mg, Mn and B, for the fraction of other species in the variable temperature, and Cu in fraction Pseudobombax in variable temperature. The total deposition of macronutrients was 203.23 kg ha-1 and micronutrients were 3.62 kg ha-1. The efficient use of nutrients, S and Cu were the macro and micronutrient respectively greater efficiency by species of the site, as well as the P. aff. campestre was efficient for all nutrients.
- ItemCiclagem de nutrientes em área de restauração de floresta ombrófila densa das terras baixas(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-10-23) Moreira, Fagner Luciano; Mendonça, Adriano Ribeiro de; Gonçalves, Elzimar de Oliveira; Caldeira, Marcos Vinicius Winckler; Mendonça, Eduardo de Sá; Passos, Renato RibeiroDespite being one of the most biodiverse biomes, the Atlantic Forest for centuries faces the degradation caused by the disordered occupation of the land. The liabilities generated are huge, which demands studies to enable their recovery. The study of nutrient cycling is fundamental, because it provides a better understanding of the nutrients dynamic in the ecosystem, moreover it is an important indicator of recover degraded areas. This way, this work aimed to study the cycling of nutrients in different methods of restoring the Lowlands Tropical Rain Forest, in Vale Natural Reserve, Linhares, ES, between March 2013 and January 2014. The studies of accumulated litter and soil chemical properties were conducted in six treatments (restoration methodologies), compounds by a combination of factors spacing (2x2 3x3 m) and species richness (species numbers per treatment: 29, 58 and 114). The collecting of accumulated litter occurred in March and August 2013, the highest and lowest precipitancy seasons, respectively. The litter was compartmentalized into two fractions (leaves + miscellaneous and branches), quantifying biomass, nutrients content and tenor. Soil collecting to study its chemical attributes occurred in March 2013, with samples taken at depths of 0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, 10-20 cm and 20-40. Otherwise, the study of the redistribution of nutrients is restricted to two species (Bixa arborea Huber. and Joannesia princeps Vell) of relevant interest for forest restoration, performed in three treatments, which differed only in terms of species richness, and spacing was the same for all. In each treatment were collected leaves from the canopy of five exemplars of each of the two species and from the collectors established beneath their canopies, in October 2013 (lowest precipitancy season) and in January 2014 (highest precipitancy season). From the material collected, were determined the nutrients levels and values of redistribution were calculated. Regarding Chapter I, the methodologies of restoration did not affect the soil chemical properties and litter; The largest accumulation of biomass and nutrients level from the litter fractions occurred in the lowest precipitancy season; the low biomass accumulation and nutrient content of litter associated with low soil fertility indicated that the restoration project is close to the patterns of ecosystems in the process of recovery. In relation to Chapter II, the treatments did not influence in the levels of most of the leaves nutrients from the two species in both times; nutrients redistribution of J. princeps tended to be higher in the lower precipitancy period, and B. arborea tended to be higher in the highest precipitation season; the species showed an efficient redistribution of nutrients, showing great potential in forest restoration.
- ItemCrescimento de plathymenia reticulata BENTH. : sob diferentes doses de nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio em condições de campo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-02-14) Carreço, Ray Luiz Babilon; Gonçalves, Elzimar de Oliveira; Godinho, Tiago de Oliveira; Caldeira, Marcos Vinicius Winckler; Paula, Ranieri Ribeiro; Klippel, Valéria HollunderThe effect of fertilization on field growth of native forest species is of fundamental importance, since little information is available on the nutritional demand for better performance of these species. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of fertilization with the application of different nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) rates on mortality, growth (height and DAP), soil fertility, accumulated litter and Nutrients, and nutritional status of P. reticulata trees, three years after planting, in Sooretama-ES. The experimental design consisted of three blocks and 11 treatments (T1 = no fertilization; T2 = 20 g cova-1 of N, 27 g cova-1 of P2O5, 20 g cova-1 of K2O; T3 = T2 + 20 g cova-1 of N; T4 = T2 + 40 g cova-1 of N; T5 = T2 + 60 g cova-1 of N; T6 = T2 + 20 g cova-1 of P2O5; T7 = T2 + 40 g cova-1 of P2O5; T8 = T2 + 60 g cova-1 of P2O5; T9 = T2 + 20 g cova-1 of K2O; T10 = T2 + 40 g cova-1 of K2O; T11 = T2 + 60 g cova-1 of K2O). The forest inventory was carried out three years after planting in all the useful experimental plots with the measurement of the diameter at the breast height and the total height of all the trees, besides counting dead individuals. For the evaluation of the nutritional status of the trees, leaves were collected, submitted to chemical analysis. In each of the plots were collected 10 samples of accumulated litter to estimate the total biomass and determination of the levels and, subsequently, the content of nutrients. At the same sites, simple soil samples were collected for chemical analysis. There was no influence on the different nutrient doses used for the growth data of the species. It was observed that the higher the dose of P used, the higher the mortality. The different doses did not interfere in the macro and micronutrients levels of the leaves nor in the biomass and nutrient levels of the accumulated litter. In the soil only, the reduction in the concentrations of the chemical attributes analyzed with the advance of the collection depth was observed, and only K + and Na + had differences between treatments, observed only in the first layer analyzed. In general, the different doses used in the experiment did not interfere in the planting of P. reticulata, which indicates that the species is not demanding in nutritional terms.