Mestrado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo
URI Permanente para esta coleção
Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 2007
Conceito atual na CAPES: 5
Ato normativo:Homologado pelo CNE (Port. MEC 656, de 22/05/2017, DOU 27/07/2017, seç. 1, p. 23)
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
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- ItemA reestruturação urbana no entorno da Rodovia Leste-Oeste (471-ES): uma nova Cariacica, a quem ela está destinada?(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-03-01) Pinheiro, Isabela Teodoro; Miranda, Clara Luiza;; Campos Júnior, Carlos Teixeira; Silva, Letícia TabachiThe ongoing urban restructuring is addressed, around the East-West Highway that connects the municipalities of Cariacica and Vila Velha in the Metropolitan Region of Greater Vitória, in the state of Espírito Santo. The highway was proposed to establish a new axis of socioeconomic and metropolitan development, being initiated in 2007 and completed in 2018. The reality researched comprises the socio-environmental impacts between the highway, the private subdivision Parque Leste Oeste, the Hospital Geral de Cariacica and a neighborhood peripheral, Jardim Campo Grande. The planning process for the East West highway simultaneously brought together state interests; of the two municipalities involved; from Companhia Docas do Espírito Santo – Codesa –, at the time a public port, located in Vila Velha on the banks of Vitória Bay; the dry ports of Cariacica (northern region), located on Rodovia do Contorno (BR-101); unions linked to port workers and real estate agents. In this context, a “New Cariacica” is announced, as it is expected to boost the development of the municipality, reinforcing its position as a logistics hub, as the municipality is home to dry ports, and its proximity to the real estate frontier of the Vila Velha waterfront, at the moment, the most dynamic at RMGV. To understand it, a study was carried out on the urban evolution of the southern region of the municipality, where the spatial area is located, from the colonial period (16th century) to the present, observing the ruptures, changes and continuities. The approach includes concepts from critical theory such as: urban restructuring, scaling, rescheduling and urban extractivism. According to the ongoing analysis, it appears that the ongoing urban restructuring, with a different pattern in relation to the pre-existing precarious and peri-urban socio-environmental configuration, carries out the private appropriation of public and common goods, related to the use of urban extractivism techniques.
- ItemA questão das zeis em Aracruz/ES e seus obstáculos como instrumento para o direito à moradia(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-03-27) Mattiello, Júlia; Miranda, Clara Luiza;; Campos, Martha Machado; Silva, Letícia TabachiThe housing crisis is a reflection of a history that has been accompanying the Brazilian population for years, and it is increasingly intensifying. Urban growth has predominantly occurred through informal and illegal processes of access to urban land and housing, resulting in negative socio-economic, urbanistic, and environmental consequences for the city and society as a whole, especially for socioeconomically disadvantaged groups. This has led to irregular and inadequate occupation of the urban environment, consequently resulting in insecurity of land tenure, political vulnerability, and low quality of life for occupants of informal settlements. Considering the severity of this issue, this research aims to analyze the Special Zones of Social Interest (ZEIS) in the municipality of Aracruz/ES, seeking to understand and evaluate whether they have effectively fulfilled the objective of guaranteeing the right to housing. To enrich this analysis, a comparative study was conducted with the cities of Santos, Fortaleza, and Salvador, aiming to identify similarities and similar practical applications. Additionally, the area of Portelinha was selected for a more in-depth study regarding the ZEIS in Aracruz, aiming for a more detailed understanding of the challenges and potential solutions to this complex issue.
- ItemAnálise espacial e configuracional das desigualdades no acesso à mobilidade por bicicletas na Grande Vitória(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-06-25) Menegusse, Gerlan da Silva; Bonatto, Daniella do Amaral Mello;; Miranda, Clara Luiza; Sousa, Pablo Brilhante dePopulation growth and urban development present complex challenges for mobility and transport, due to increased travel and inequalities in the distribution of services and employment opportunities. The lack of equitable mobility systems worsens socio-spatial inequalities, negatively affecting the poorest. In this context, the bicycle as an economically accessible means of transport can increase the population's access to employment opportunities, leisure and essential services, in addition to reducing spending on public transport.
- ItemVegetação, morfologia urbana e temperatura de superfície em uma cidade de médio porte: estudo de caso em Colatina (ES, Brasil)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-06-24) Pessim, Lucas Freitas; Bonatto, Daniella do Amaral Mello;; Alvarez, Cristina Engel de; Duarte, Denise Helena SilvaUrbanization has caused significant changes in the urban climate, highlighting the importance of studies in urban climatology to understand the impacts of human activities in cities. The climate emergency further intensifies these effects, making the analysis of the interaction between urbanization and climate crucial. In this context, this research proposes to spatially analyze surface temperature and its manifestation with vegetation and urban morphology in a medium-sized city. The methodology involved a literature review to theoretically support the research, followed by the use of georeferencing and remote sensing techniques for data acquisition, treatment and processing. The LCZ Generator was hired to design the mapping of urban morphology through Local Climate Zones (LCZ). Furthermore, open data was acquired and manipulated in QGIS software for spatial analysis. The main unrevealed results between the research variables – LCZs, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and day and night surface temperature (LST) – as evidenced by scatterplots and Pearson and determination coefficients. It should be noted that the urban classes of the LCZs presented milder daytime surface temperatures than the rural classes, mainly influenced by the presence of the Doce River. On the other hand, rural classes revealed higher daytime surface temperatures, especially in pasture areas, reducing greater warming compared to the urbanized area. Challenges related to the spatial resolution of the MODIS sensor were identified in cities such as Colatina, with dispersed and fragmented urban areas. In addition to the above, it was found that urban and rural areas were located in the same pixel, masking the region's climatic heterogeneity, pointing to the need for more refined approaches or the use of sensors with greater spatial resolution for future studies. Thus, this study demonstrates the importance of analyzing the concentration between urban morphology, clusters and LST for understanding climate dynamics in medium-sized cities.
- ItemOciosidade imobiliária e moradia: uma abordagem sobre a função social dos imóveis ociosos da área central de Vitória (ES)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-03-07) Rosa, Naomy Cristine Penha; Campos, Martha Machado;; Miranda, Clara Luíza; Pimentel, Viviane LimaThis dissertation addresses the discussion on the integration of the housing component in the recent policies of revitalization of Brazilian central areas. Initially, the process of emptying Brazilian central areas will be analyzed, contrasting with the population growth in urban peripheries. The concentration of idle properties in central areas is highlighted as one of the main challenges, contributing to the worsening of the housing deficit and the physical degradation of built structures in these regions. However, there has been a recent reversal of this situation in some Brazilian cities, driven by economic growth and real estate speculation. This results in the valorization of central areas as privileged but inaccessible places for the low-income population, which is displaced to precarious housing in the peripheries. Given this context, social housing policies emerge as crucial elements for the revitalization of central areas, although their production is still limited, exacerbating the housing deficit. The dissertation proposes to contribute to this debate by analyzing the historical, economic, and social processes related to the occupation and emptying of central areas, as well as examining the policies for the valorization of these spaces. The concept of decent housing is emphasized, highlighting the importance of access to housing as a fundamental right and an exercise of citizenship, based on the principles of the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the Statute of Cities, as well as on their urbanistic instruments aimed at the application of the social function of property. Methodologically, the research adopts a bibliographic, documentary, and case study approach, focusing on the Central Area of Vitória - ES. The objective is to update data on idle properties in the central area of Vitória, adapting existing methodologies to the specificities of the local reality. Finally, this research seeks to offer reflections on the challenges faced in the application of existing urbanistic instruments, especially considering the postpandemic context, in which real estate vacancy and housing deficit may take on new contours in Vitória and other Brazilian cities.