Mestrado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo
URI Permanente para esta coleção
Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 2007
Conceito atual na CAPES: 5
Ato normativo:Homologado pelo CNE (Port. MEC 656, de 22/05/2017, DOU 27/07/2017, seç. 1, p. 23)
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
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- ItemA (re)invenção dos espaços públicos : o lazer em Vitória (ES)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-07-04) Fornaciari, Doriéli Zuccoloto; Mendonça, Eneida Maria Souza; Freitas, José Francisco Bernardino; Leite, Maria Angela Faggin PereiraIn general, cities are structured from a dual relationship between private property and public spaces. These spaces materialize in urban terms, respectively, the private and public spheres, around which divide the activities of human life. Public spaces,
- ItemA arborização de ruas e qualidade de vida nas cidades(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-05-07) Telles, Denise Silva; Alvarez, Cristina Engel de; Freitas, José Francisco Bernardino; Azevedo, Marlice Nazareth Soares deGiven the awareness of environmental degradation and the inexhaustible of natural resources, as if thought for a long time; cultural, political, social and academic questions emerge. What can be done to restore the appropriate environmental conditions in
- ItemA cidade e a cultura ciclística : uma abordagem em Vitória (ES)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-06-29) Mattos, Rodrigo Mendes de; Campos, Martha Machado; Faé, Maria Inês; Esteves Junior, MiltonThis dissertation analyzes cycling culture in its contemporaneity, taking as example two cities with a very distinct cycle culture: Copenhagen, in Denmark (the model city) and Vitória, in Brazil (the experience city). The approach proposed is based on thr
- ItemA construção coletiva dos espaços livres públicos : o arquiteto e os procedimentos participativos : recentes experiências em Vitória (ES)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-03-30) Aliprandi, Danielly Cozer; Freitas, José Francisco Bernardino; Miranda, Clara Luiza; Silva, Maria Lais Pereira daDuring the city development, there are three main agents. The State, the technicians from different fields and societies. A diversity of groups makes part of that society, from which we can highlight, based on the participation in the political decisions,
- ItemA construção de um sistema de espaços livres para Colatina-ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-03-29) Simões, Renata Mattos; Mendonça, Eneida Maria Souza; Zanotelli, Cláudio Luiz; Queiroga, Eugenio FernandesThe dissertation proposes a descriptive and analytical research of the open spaces system in the city of Colatina-ES, focusing on the relationship between the distribution, type and amount of open space in the territory, territorial planning and ecologica
- ItemA dimensão urbana da arquitetura : ambientes de transição(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2012-09-25) Rosetti, Tamara Sofia Guanaes Silva; Campos, Martha Machado; Miranda, Clara Luiza; Jorge, Luís AntônioThe present work aims to discuss the urban dimension of architecture and to investigate the role of the architectural spaces in the quality of life in between buildings and their environments. It investigates the transitional spaces between building and t
- ItemA dualidade formal e informal na busca pelo direito à cidade : os processos de construção do espaço urbano a partir da moradia na cidade de Vitória(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-06-18) Landim, Indira Maria Reis Paes; Alvarez, Cristina Engel de; Abe, Andre Tomoyuki; Schicchi, Maria Cristina da SilvaIt focuses on relations between the construction or reconstruction of urban space and in organization of society, demonstrating the process of spatial segregation from the house as one side of the development of cities. It characterize the production proc
- ItemA força mobilizadora do binômio sujeito-lugar na patrimonialização proativa(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-04-24) Koffer, Amanda Lovatti Coelho; Almeida, Renata Hermanny de;;;; Bogéa, Marta Vieira ;;; Casado, Tatiana Caniçali ;; territorial heritage as a complex process, the result of a series of relationships established between physical elements and structuring rules of the territory, it is understood the need to review current strategies for its recognition and operation, as these tend to be understood as it as an inert artifact, disconnected from territorial processes. Therefore, it is considered necessary that the inhabitant, an agent immersed in territorial dynamics, assume the leading role in the operation of territorial heritage. Thus, the aim of this work is to contribute to the discussion and methodological development for the valorization of territorial heritage, based on concepts referring to proactive patrimonialization, disconnected from institutions, through the actions of a projecting community. To this end, the methodological approach of the Italian Territorialist School – ETI is adopted, articulating and expanding conceptual and practical understandings in a transdisciplinary way, between architecture, philosophy and geography. Under a qualitative and descriptive approach, the research methodology is characterized by experimental and participatory actions. The activities linked to the methodological approach intend to analyze proactive patrimonialization as a theoretical and practical procedural conception, develop and experiment a proposal for interaction with a community context in order to identify local processes, considering the values of identity, resource and territorial capital. The interaction is anchored in participant observation, in which the researcher positions himself as an observer of a local reality, in order to investigate it through a direct relationship with the interlocutors, understanding the context of the research and collecting the necessary data to identify attributes that refer to actions linked to the proactive patrimonialization process. In this sense, the work aims to achieve a new interpretation regarding the way of acting on the territory as heritage, contributing to the understanding that the force that moves patrimonialization comes from the subject-place link and the local community project in which it is inserted, through the mobilization of inhabitants around a common objective
- ItemA formação de Santos Reis (Vitória - ES): Uma análise da formação socioespacial e da (auto)construção do território(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-02-24) Cuzzuol, Lucas Damm; Miranda, Clara Luiza;;;;; Guerreiro, Isadora de Andrade;;; Mendonca, Eneida Maria Souza;; barrio de Santos Reis, inserto en la región del Grande São Pedro en Vitória - ES, tuvo su origen en una ocupación informal por parte de trabajadores pobres y desocupados en el contexto de grandes proyectos industriales en el Estado de Espírito Santo
- ItemA identidade socioespacial e a constituição territorial : o papel das dinâmicas econômicas na conservação do patrimônio(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-09-01) Nicolau, Alexandre Ricardo; Almeida, Renata Hermanny de; Monte-Mór, Roberto Luís de Melo; Miranda, Clara LuizaThis research is an approach to the urban trajectories of two Municipalities, Muqui Alegre. Analyzing the socio-spatial identities present in these municipalities, the study proposed here identifies the forms of adaptation and transformation of distinct n
- ItemA influência da arborização no microclima urbano : um estudo aplicado à cidade de Vitória, ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-10-16) Xavier, Tatiana Camello; Alvarez, Cristina Engel de; Duarte, Denise Helena Silva; Rodrigues, Edna Aparecida NicoUrbanization process causes many changes to the natural environment, among which the removal of a large part of vegetation and the alteration of surface materials, besides the inclusion of buildings and production of pollutants. These environment alterati
- ItemA influência da legislação urbana na iluminação natural de edifícios : um estudo de caso em Domingos Martins-ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-08-31) Hoppe, Stella Brunoro; Laranja, Andréa Coelho; Alvarez, Cristina Engel de; Santos, Cynthia Marconsini Loureiro; Rodrigues, Edna Aparecida NicoThe social, economic, and environmental crisis has signaled the need to seek more sustainable practices in urban design and planning processes. Regarding the environmental aspects, the search for energy efficiency buildings associated with the adoption of
- ItemA influência da varanda envidraçada de edificações verticais na propagação do incêndio(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-03-21) Thomaz, Joao Paulo Borges; Alvarez, Cristina Engel de;;;;; Rodrigues, Edna Aparecida Nico;;; Braga, George Cajaty Barbosa;; environments of Brazilian buildings undergo constant modifications regarding their use, whether due to chronological, marketing or social issues. In this context, the veranda has characteristics that have changed over the course of Brazilian architectural periods. From a supporting element to a main element, the balcony contributes to the social interaction of the residents, improves the conditions of thermal comfort and lighting, also playing a fundamental role in buildings when it comes to fire safety, and can be a protection element in the development of the environment. fire, when it creates a barrier that postpones the transition of flames, whether vertically or even horizontally. The trend towards glazing balconies has become an obstacle to maintaining the safety of buildings against flames, as closing this environment increases the use of previously unforeseen elements such as furniture, electrical equipment and others that increase the fire load of the environment and reduce security measures such as compartmentalization. Given the above, the main objective of the research was to analyze the influence of the glazed balcony on the vertical propagation of flames in residential buildings. The methodology was based on simulations of generic models using fire compartmentalization indices applied in the norm of the Military Fire Brigade of ES. In order to optimize the computer simulation process, the tool used was the FIRE DYNAMICS SIMULATOR FDS program, with scenarios defined by the current standard. After configuration, the computer simulation was carried out on two models, one with an open balcony and the other with glazing on the balcony, both models complying with the premises of the horizontal partitioning standard. The analysis of the results showed that when subtracting compartmentalization indices, the evolution of the flames develops between 3 and 4 times faster than in the standard model. Furthermore, there was a need for contrasting revisions of compartmentalization rules and inspection of the maintenance of these measures, as well as constant requalification of tests on a real and computational scale in order to maintain the safety of people and property.
- ItemA influência das configurações urbanas na formação de microclimas : estudo de casos no município de Vitória-ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2012-03-16) Miyamoto, Mirian Tatiyama; Pezzopane, José Eduardo Macedo; Alvarez, Cristina Engel de; Laranja, Andréa Coelho; Miana, Anna ChristinaThe use and occupation of the soil are factors that directly influence the formation of different urban microclimates, as urban structures, building density, and natural elements interfere with the climactic conditions of the cities. The growing urbanizat
- ItemA influência das superfícies vegetadas no conforto térmico : simulações no centro de Vitória-ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-07-28) Neves, Mariana Daré Araújo; Bonatto, Daniella do Amaral Mello; Laranja, Andréa Coelho; Santos, Cynthia Marconsini LoureiroDamages caused to the natural environment have been intensified throughout the urbanization process. These damages are the result of a scattered population and urban housing growth done without the adequate urban planning needed to guarantee the urban env
- ItemA invenção da praia e a produção do espaço : dinâmicas de uso e ocupação do litoral do Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2009-09-22) Ramos, Daniel da Rocha; Esteves Junior, Milton; Mendonça, Eneida Maria Souza; Dantas, Eustogio Wanderley CorreiaEste estudio se propone a analizar las formas de uso y ocupación impuestas por el hombre a los espacios playales en Anchieta e Vila Velha, Espírito Santo. Las sociedades occidentales han desarrollado sus imaginarios en relación al mar y a las playas de ma
- ItemA ótica capitalista e o caso da lagoa Jacuném : descompassos nas intrincadas relações entre as realidades físicas e as funcionais dos espaços(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-06-27) Silva, Rose Marie Del Fiume; Esteves Junior, Milton; Girardi, Gisele; Cunha, Marcio CotrimThe relationship between man-nature has become tortuous over the years. The relentless pursuit of profit and accumulation of capital has corrupted the harmonious interaction between society and environment, leading to the depletion of its resources. The a
- ItemA participação da sociedade civil na conservação do patrimônio histórico no Centro de Vitória-ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-05-08) Silva, Carolina Santos; Miranda, Clara Luiza;;;;; Pimentel, Viviane Lima;;; Botechia, Flávia Ribeiro;; central area of Vitória, capital of Espírito Santo, has been suffering a process of deterioration like many urban centers around the world. As a consequence of this transformation, we see processes of abandonment and underutilization of properties, including public and several historic buildings threatened, due to lack of conservation. The dissertation sought to understand the implications related to the conservation of cultural heritage and the role of society in the conservation of historic buildings. We investigated the forms of participation of civil society in public policies and their regulations. The governmental plans and studies that seek to promote the conservation of historic buildings in the city of Vitória were elucidated. We also verified the means of participation of civil society in the conservation of heritage assets and which actions of the various actors have contributed to the effective conservation of the material heritage of Vitória. For this verification, documental research was used as a methodology, analyzing minutes, reports, processes of various agents, news published in newspapers, academic works already developed and through pages of civil organizations in social networks. The participation of civil society in Vitória takes the form of mobilizations organized by associations, residents, artists, merchants and social movements. Among these mobilizations are protests, artistic and cultural manifestations, urban interventions and also passes through the judiciary through Public Civil Actions.
- ItemA PELE DOS EDIFÍCIOS COMERCIAIS: ANÁLISE DE DESEMPENHO TÉRMICO DOS SISTEMAS DE FACHADA E MATERIAIS DE REVESTIMENTO(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2020-05-29) Destefani, Liane Becacici Gozze; Rodrigues, Edna Aparecida Nico;;;;; Martino, Jarryer Andrade de;;; Alvarenga, Augusto;;, designers and society are worried about the performance of builfings, also reflected in the creation of many standards on the subject, helped the development of research related to specific Project situations. The thermal performance of commerci
- ItemAcessibilidade viária e desenvolvimento urbano : o município da Serra (1923-1973)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-08-30) Campos, Manoela Patrícia Aleixo Santos; Freitas, José Francisco Bernardino;; Mendonça, Eneida Maria Souza; Azevedo, Marlice Nazareth Soares deThis study relates to accessibility promoted by the way, whether roads, railways or rivers and seas, with urban development. The purpose is thus demonstrate that the forms of circular operate on the territory through policies or actions arising out of the