O lugar do sujeito nas intervenções precoces

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Rosi, Fernanda Stange
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The Freudian concept of drive [Trieb] and its unfolding, re-laced under the Lacanian orientation, allowed a new conception of the body and of the Ego in the light of psychoanalysis. Taking as a starting point the organic to the dimension of the subject to language, which provoked a break with the idea of a development process that disregards the effects of the signifier on the organism and its functioning. In this work we turn to Marie-Christine Laznik's attentive reading of the circuit proposed by Lacan (1964/2008) for the formulation of his clinical hypothesis and model of early intervention in parent-baby interaction. Remaking the path of these psychoanalysts - Freud, Lacan and Laznik - we demonstrate how failure in the relationship between infans and the Other can be read in the body, in the very (dis)organization of bodily functions and in the productions of the baby, allowing for many contemporary authors to question the very first signs of a psychopathological referral, especially the autistic one. At this point, we should discuss the fact that, by receiving a small constrained child in his or her development and their parents, the professional approach and transferential management may expand or limit the possibilities of libidinal investment and, thus, influence the pathways of the subjective constitution. To consider the manifestations of the baby as manifestations of a subjectivity (even incipient, anticipated) is what seems to differentiate the early interventions sustained by the psychoanalytic theory and the so-called stimulations, in which we suppose to neglect the possible defenses of each subject. These are concerns that have gained strength in addressing the great controversy brought by Law 13.438 of April 2017, which suggests the investigation of "psychic risk" in all babies, and not only those ones who already have difficulties. The use of assessement protocols, even if elaborated from a psychoanalytic framework - as IRDI and PREAUT - divided the opinions of psychoanalysts involved with the field of childhood and, therefore, appears, in our discussion. When we inquire the (im) possibility of a prevention of psychic disorders, we finally endorse a look that is directed at subjective conditions that favor the family and social bond and also, consequently, the construction of ways that facilitate the emergence of a subject of desire.
Intervenção precoce