Mestrado em Psicologia
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Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 1992
Conceito atual na CAPES: 5
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Homologado pelo CNE (Portaria MEC Nº 609, de 14/03/2019).Publicação no DOU 18 de março de 2019, seç. 1, p.268 - Parecer CNE/CES nº 487/2018
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
Área(s) de concentração: Psicologia
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- ItemA sensibilização ao cuidado parental modifica a percepção de imprevisibilidade e o início da vida reprodutiva de adolescentes?(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-10-05) Carvalho Neto, Adauto Barcellos de; Co-orientador1;;; Co-orientador2;;; Co-orientador3;;; Co-orientador4; ID do co-orientador4; Lattes do co-orientador4; Orientador1;;; Orientador2;;;;; 1º membro da banca;;; 2º membro da banca;;; 3º membro da banca;;; 4º membro da banca;; 5º membro da banca;;; 6º membro da banca;;; 7º membro da banca;; Life History Theory is based on the assumption that the resources required fordevelopment are scarce and therefore, organisms face tradeoffs in deciding how they will usethese resources. One of the tradeoffs involves deciding whether to invest in quantitative orqualitative reproductive strategy. There are indications that this decision is related to thepredictability of resources during childhood. While the perception of predictability would leadto a qualitative strategy, the perception of unpredictability would lead to a quantitativestrategy. In short, quantitative reproductive strategies would be related to initiating sexualactivity earlier and maintaining short-term love relationships, more children, and less parentalinvestment. Qualitative reproductive strategies relate to initiating later sex life, having fewerchildren, and greater parental investment (Davis & Werre, 2008). The objective of thisresearch was to evaluate the unpredictability beliefs and intention to achieve future milestonesof adolescents enrolled in public schools in the city of Vitória, ES. The sample comprised 96participants (67 girls and 29 boys) students from municipal schools of Vitória, ES, enrolled inthe 6th and 7th grades, whose mean age was 12 years (Min = 11, Max = 14, SD = 0.9). Datawere tabulated and processed using IBM SPSS Statistics, version 20. Descriptive analyzes(mean, standard deviation, percentage, and frequency) were made for each of the measuredvariables. The differences between the schools in which the collections were made forsociodemographic and scalar variables were analyzed through Mann-Whitney analyzes. Thecorrelation between family unpredictability in childhood and continuous sociodemographicvariables and the expectations of the future of adolescents were evaluated using Spearman'scorrelation analysis. The differences between the pre and post intervention measures wereevaluated using Wilcoxon analysis. The perception of family unpredictability in adolescents' childhood was significantly related to some variables evaluated. Adolescents who reportedhaving separate parents had significantly (Mann-Whitney U = 785.0 p = .01) higherperception of financial unpredictability during childhood (M = 2,5) than those who reportedhaving no separate parents (M = 2,1)…
- ItemAborto legal de gravidez decorrente de violência sexual : representações sociais de médicos/as(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-03-27) Puls, Ivana Sessak; Co-orientador1;;; Co-orientador2;;; Co-orientador3;;; Co-orientador4; ID do co-orientador4; Lattes do co-orientador4; Orientador1;;; Orientador2;;;;; 1º membro da banca;;; 2º membro da banca;;; 3º membro da banca;;; 4º membro da banca;; 5º membro da banca;;; 6º membro da banca;;; 7º membro da banca;; resulting from sexual violence is a serious public health issue in Brazil, and legal abortion is one of its possibilities. Access to this right comes up against barriers such as blaming the victim for the violence and doctors refusing to perform abortions, claiming conscientious objection due to the stigmas associated with sexual violence and their RS on abortion. As it deals with the circulation of social thought in certain groups, it is understood that SRT is pertinent to studying the abortion stigma that permeates the work of doctors who deal with legal abortion. The aim here is to find out the SR about legal abortion of pregnancies resulting from sexual violence for gynecologists and obstetricians, based on their practices in relation to conscientious objection. Two complementary studies were carried out. The first, with a documentary design, observational nature and descriptive quantitative approach, outlined the sociodemographic profile of pregnant patients seen at a referral service for cases of sexual violence. The second, with an analytical qualitative approach, aimed to find out the SR on abortion for gynecologists and obstetricians, based on conscientious objection, and their understanding of the risk factors for sexual violence. Study I showed a prevalence of black, young, single women with low levels of schooling, who had been raped by men they knew in a domestic environment, and who sought the service spontaneously after discovering their pregnancy and deciding to have an abortion. The results of Study II showed a tendency to blame the victim for the violence suffered, through moral and religious judgments, and that conscientious objection occurred as a form of punishment for the patients, based on the shared SR of abortion as a crime and a sin. We also conclude that there is a relationship between the SR formed about abortion and social thinking about the black population, reflecting the mistrust and lack of recognition of black women as the group most affected by sexual violence
- ItemAbrindo espaços : grupo de apoio online para mulheres com câncer de mama(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-08-26) Libreros, Carolina Martínez; Co-orientador1;;; Co-orientador2;;; Co-orientador3;;; Co-orientador4; ID do co-orientador4; Lattes do co-orientador4; Orientador1;;; Orientador2;;;;; 1º membro da banca;;; 2º membro da banca;;; 3º membro da banca;;; 4º membro da banca;; 5º membro da banca;;; 6º membro da banca;;; 7º membro da banca;; cancer has high prevalence among women and major effects on the body and on the psychological and psychosocial domains. The participation in support groups and in self-help groups is a traditional coping strategy to deal with problems associated to diseases and its treatments. With technological innovations, especially the internet and the virtual communities, new forms of seeking help through group participation appear. The objective of the present research was to understand the meanings attributed by women with breast cancer diagnosis to the experience of participating in a breast cancer-related online support group. In order to achieve that goal, we investigated an online support group based on Facebook. The method included two procedures to gather data: a) a compilation of a number of publications on the website (Facebook timeline) made by women who participated in the online support group and of the answers to those publications. We collected 200 publications and 660 answers; b) semi structured interviews based on an open set of questions conducted with four women participants in the online group, including the founder of the group and one of its administrators. We analyzed the publications and the answers collected on the website with the software IRAMUTEQ, and the answers to the semi-structured interviews with Thematic Content Analysis. The results obtained with the publications show two major axes: on one hand, the participants formulated “requests of information and of experiences descriptions” about surgeries, effects of the treatment on the body, diagnostic, and about the cancer as an “unknown element”. On the other hand, they requested encouragement with messages related to religious beliefs. Regarding the answers to the publications, the main axes were “the knowledge and the actors of the treatment”, highlighting the physician and the chemotherapy, and “beliefs and motivation”, highlighting religiousness and the motivation to deal with the cancer. The analysis of the interviews revealed that the following meanings (Themes) were relevant to the motivation to join the group and to keep participating in it: the “emotional condition” that the women experience when they find out about the cancer, described as a “shock”; the need to receive information and to exchange experiences which allow to cope better with side effects of treatment and with anxiety; the inexistence or the inadequacy of the face-to-face support groups; the insufficiency of the information transmitted by physicians and by other health professionals, and the need of emotional support from people who were living the same experience. We discuss that those factors allow the participant to elaborate the beliefs and the feelings that they are not alone, that they are not the only ones to face cancer and that the cancer is not necessarily a “death sentence”, but rather a disease that can be treated. The participants perceived the medical knowledge to be important and “true” but also “insufficient” to cope with the experience of cancer and its treatment. They perceived the knowledge of the other participants about cancer to be very important and to be a knowledge validated by experience. We conclude that the online support group was able to provide constant help and constitutes a valuable complementary tool for the treatment of breast cancer
- ItemCirurgia bariátrica e divórcio : uma relação pouco explorada(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-10-04) Módolo, Raíssa Rodrigues; Co-orientador1;;; Co-orientador2;;; Co-orientador3;;; Co-orientador4; ID do co-orientador4; Lattes do co-orientador4; Orientador1;;; Orientador2;;;;; 1º membro da banca;;; 2º membro da banca;;; 3º membro da banca;;; 4º membro da banca;; 5º membro da banca;;; 6º membro da banca;;; 7º membro da banca;; aim of the present study was to investigate the perception of women undergoing Bariatric Surgery (CB) who divorce after the procedure, about the influence of surgery and its specificities on marital relationship, decision and triggering divorce. To that end, 10 participants over 18 years old who were in marriage when they underwent CB and later divorced were selected from a virtual invitation in the group Gastroplastia Capixaba - Bariátrica no ES for individual episodic interviews subsequently analyzed thematically. The results were divided into three major themes: "Obesity and Marriage"; "Bariatric Surgery and its Implications" and "The Burden of Bariatric Surgery in Divorce" each containing specific subtopics. The study shows that the life of the obese woman is marked by internal and external rejection to the own body, which in combination with the social roles attributed to the women / wife have severe psychological consequences. The CB appears to them as a possibility to re-signify life and relationships from weight loss, however, this opportunity is not really shared with the spouse and is characterized by a hard and solitary process. The divorce after CB becomes the outcome and confrontation of a much earlier process of annulment of the women, who uses it as a way to rediscover and reaffirm herselves. The readaptation to life after CB would be more effective with the insertion of the spouse, making the marriage a relation of support to the development of the women, and not impediment
- ItemDiversidade de Interesses em situações de adoção(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2005-08-15) Amim, Isabella Dias; Menandro, Paulo Rogério Meira; 1º membro da banca
- ItemHomoconjugalidades femininas : um estudo sobre relacionamentos entre mulheres(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-10-05) Silva, Gabriela Boldrini da; Co-orientador1;;; Co-orientador2;;; Co-orientador3;;; Co-orientador4; ID do co-orientador4; Lattes do co-orientador4; Orientador1;;; Orientador2;;;;; 1º membro da banca;;; 2º membro da banca;;; 3º membro da banca;;; 4º membro da banca;; 5º membro da banca;;; 6º membro da banca;;; 7º membro da banca;; objective of the present work is to grasp the marital dynamics of sexual-affective relationships between women. Particularly, the aim is to identify the consequences of the condition of invisibility attributed to relationships between women, as well as describing the diversity of experiences related to familiar, social and personal life in the participants’ journey and to point out lesbophobia-related elements. It is a descriptive study of qualitative approach, in the form of a phenomenological study. The participants were 5 (five) women, ages 25 to 37 years old, that are involved in a sexual-affective relationship with other women, in the form of cohabitation for at least 1 (one) year. The methodology used for the picking of participants was the snowball method. The instrument used for data collection was based on a semi-structured interview script consisting of 36 (thirty-six) questions. For data analysis it was used the phenomenological method for psychological investigation, which revealed 8 (eight) meaning units: relationship characteristics; feelings for the partner; the process of establishment of one’s sexual identity; experiencing of situations of prejudice; support nets and social support; marital conflicts; maternity and perspectives for the future. Data analysis aimed at identifying particularities and converging points in the reported experiences, and were organized in the form of five narratives. Data points towards theses women’s life trajectories being scarred by stigma and violence, the family of origin acting either as a main agent of this violence, either as the main source of support. By contrast, the constituting of a new family is filled by intense affection, companionship and partnership. There are struggles, both internal and external, related to the relationship’s visibility and the constituting of sexual identity, as well as sexuality-management strategies could be observed. Effects of a violence-marked subjectivity could be observed, which become current in the form of internalized lesbophobia and perceptions on gender and sexuality. Understanding the marital dynamics of relationships between women is necessary for the demystification of stigmas that are still perpetuated in the form of violence against lesbians. It is pointed out that for future research it will be desirable to broaden the age range of participants, as well as highlighting pointers of social class and race
- ItemLibertando o sonho da criação: um olhar psicológico sobre os jogos de interpretação de papéis (RPG)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2005-03-23) Miranda, Eduardo Silva; Rossetti, Claudia Broetto; 1º membro da bancaRole Playing Games (RPG) had been constantly criticized or defended in many forms, several times without a scientific approach. These kind of games appear in the playful behaviors of many adolescents. With the increasing use of RPG on education and more researches been developed in the area, it makes necessary a psychological approach of the matter. To make this possible, this work relates the speech of some players with intrinsic aspects of the RPG dynamics. A view of the RPG characteristics could be done with these data, as well as a look on the relations that the subjects make with the game and its possible consequences. The data were grouped in categories after some questionnaires and interviews had been done. The final results show the way of being of a small group of players of Espirito Santo's state and allows a psychological analysis of the characteristics collected. It was possible to evaluate what is the place of RPG in the subjects routine, as well as specific characteristics of the game that are of special interests of Psychology.
- Item"Menina não entra": um estudo da segregação sexual na interação ludica de crianças de 8 e 9 anos(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2000-11-24) Souza, Fabrício de; Rodrigues, Maria Margarida Pereira; 1º membro da banca
- ItemMulheres trabalhadoras de fazenda de uva de mesa no município de Petrolina: percepções sobre as transformações nas relações familiares, conjugais e sociais a partir de sua nova condição de trabalho assalariado(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-10-29) Lenk, Tarina Unzer Macedo; Menandro, Paulo Rogério Meira; 1º membro da banca
- ItemNos caminhos da roça: representações sociais e processos identitários entre jovens rurais do estado do Espírito Santo.(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-06-29) Epifanio, Paola Zanotti; Bonomo, Mariana; 1º membro da bancaBrazil is a country admittedly agrarian. However, farmers today are related to representations based on prejudice-generating stereotypes and consequent social exclusion of this group. Urban sociability, which is positively valued, has eventually become a referential way of life for social groups, and group divergence actuates so as to increase psychosocial split between the city and the countryside. Based on articulation between the Social Representation Theory and the Theory of Social Identity, this study aims to investigate the phenomenon of social identity in the rural sociocultural setting by analyzing identity and representational processes linked to social-territorial (rurality/urbanity) and gender (masculinity/femininity) categories among juvenile men and women in rural areas of the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil. The investigation was carried out through four complementary studies: Study 1 (S1) aimed to identify the ratio of masculinity in the countryside of the State of Espírito Santo from Datasus data referring to censuses of 1980, 1991, 2000 and 2010 for populations aged between 15 and 24; (S2) aimed to analyze identity processes linked to rural social youth among young people in the State of Espírito Santo aged between 15 and 24 by comparing country and city and by assessing life project and future; (S3) aimed to investigate the social representations of rural young women and rural young men aged between 15 and 24, who attend rural school in the State of Espírito Santo; and (S4) analyzed the gender relationships and the dynamics of the labor world among young farmers who established family nuclei in rural areas in the State of Espírito Santo, with higher rates of masculinization (Boa Esperança and São José do Calçado) and feminization (Mantenópolis and Piúma) in the countryside. Considering the nature of the data and the objectives of each study, the following treatment was employed for the information gathered: (S1), calculation of masculinity ratio and computer software TabWin32 and Microsoft Excel 2007; (S2), Content Analysis; (S3), software program SPAD-T, through which factorial correspondence analysis and cluster formation were achieved; and (S4), software program ALCESTE, which provided Descendant Hierarchical Classification and Correspondence Factorial Analysis. The results found showed that subjects seek to break through negative stereotypes addressing the rural person and to highlight the values and positive coherence of the rural identity. Rural labor is central and constitutes an important identity element because it provides farmers with positive values and affect, even in face of the hard reality to which they are subject. Analyses also point out that the young farmer seeks social change by attributing new meaning to stereotypes about rural life and by claiming for the necessary improvement in the countryside. In conclusion, the rural setting has shown constant structural and demographical changes in the past 30 years, which have been strongly influenced by the labor and gender relations established.
- ItemO bem-estar de homossexuais: associações com o apoio social familiar, resiliência, valores e religiosidade(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-04-27) Campos, Lais Sudré; Guerra, Valeschka Martins; 1º membro da bancaThis dissertation aims at investigating the associations between the homosexuals’ wellbeing and the familiar social support, resilience process, evaluative priorities and religiosity level. To reach this goals, we conducted two studies. The first study aims at empirically investigating the association between the familiar social support and the homosexuals’ well-being, as well as other relevant constructs for the higher or lower level of social support, such as family religiosity and prejudice. The subjects of this study were 20 male and female homosexuals, 10 each, living at Vitória/ES, which ages varied between 19 e 27 years old (M=22,70; DP=2,47). The subjects responded to an individual semi-structured interview that was analyzed based on the content analysis technique. The principal result was the evidences of a familiar adjustment model to the homosexual members, from the coming out until the possible family acceptance, including the consequences of the lack of support on homosexuals’ well-being and the media and religion as complicating factors of this process. The second study aims to assess the religiosity, social support, resilience and values constructs and to investigate if they can be considered risk or protection factors to the homosexuals’ well-being. Furthermore, the study aims at presenting the correlations between these constructs, as well as evidences of validity adaptation of the Brief Resilience Scale and the Perceived Parental Support Scale – Lesbian/Gay to the Brazilian context. To reach this goals, we analyzed the answers of 229 Brazilian homosexuals, mostly women (58,5%), with aging varying from 18 to 61 years old (M=24,02; DP=5,98), to a questionnaire containing sociodemographic questions and the scales: Escala de Bem-estar Subjetivo (Subjective Well-Being Scale), Escala de Resiliência Breve (Brief Resilience Scale), Questionário dos Valores Básicos (Basic Values Questionnaire), Escala de Apoio Social Familiar Percebido – Lésbica/Gay (Perceived Parental Support Scale – Lesbian/Gay), Inventário de Percepção de Suporte Familiar (Family Support Perception’s Inventory) and WHOQOL-SRPB. The main results point to the scales’ validation evidences; the correlation between familiar social support, resilience and some values as religiosity; and the majority presence of familiar social support, resilience, religiosity and interactional values among the homosexuals’ well-being predictors; and family inadequacy, realization values and the religiosity factor “admiration” among the homosexuals’ well-being risky factors. As a dissertation’s general result, we point to the importance of social support in the fight against prejudice, the resilience needed to overcome these difficulties, the values associated with the way homosexuals face these situations and the religiosity acting toward a source of peace and hope to overcome the difficulties, confirming the associations between all the investigated constructs with the homosexuals’ well-being.
- ItemO Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Infanto-Juvenil (CAPSij) de Vitória : dez anos de funcionamento(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-12-18) Leitão, Iagor Brum; Co-orientador1;;; Co-orientador2;;; Co-orientador3;;; Co-orientador4; ID do co-orientador4; Lattes do co-orientador4; Orientador1;;; Orientador2;;;;; 1º membro da banca;;; 2º membro da banca;;; 3º membro da banca;;; 4º membro da banca;; 5º membro da banca;;; 6º membro da banca;;; 7º membro da banca;;ível
- ItemRelações entre atenção e maturidade para a escolha profissional de estudantes do ensino técnico profissionalizante(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-09-21) Oliveira, Izabel Cristina de; Co-orientador1;;; Co-orientador2;;; Co-orientador3;;; Co-orientador4; ID do co-orientador4; Lattes do co-orientador4; Orientador1;;; Orientador2;;;;; 1º membro da banca;;; 2º membro da banca;;; 3º membro da banca;;; 4º membro da banca;; 5º membro da banca;;; 6º membro da banca;;; 7º membro da banca;; alterations may occur due to several factors and in several clinical conditions. However, when these alterations persist and cause damage in different life contexts of an individual throughout his and her development, we are faced with attentional difficulties. As some studies have shown, there are evidences that adolescents with attentional difficulties might have a harder time choosing a career, as well as entering the labor market in comparison to their asymptomatic peers. In the face of such evidences, this study had as an aim to investigate if the presence of attentional difficulties´ signs could influence the maturity level for professional choices made by vocational schools students. One hundred and forty three students (16 to 21 years old), enrolled in three vocational courses integrated into the high school program of a Vocational and Higher Education Federal Institution of the state of Espírito Santo participated in the study. All the participants answered the Psychological Battery for Attention Assessment (BPA), the Adult Self Report Scale (ASRS) and the Maturity Scale for Professional Choices. Among all those that participated in the study, fourteen were selected for an interview using a semi-structured guideline. All interviews were conducted based on the Piaget´s Clinical Method. After having corrected and tabulated the data from the tests and scales, an analysis was carried out using descriptive and inferential statistics tests. The interviews´ data were analyzed qualitatively, having as a result a category analysis. As a whole, the correlation analysis´ results between the attention general measure and the maturity total measure has shown that there is not sufficient evidence to affirm that there is a relation among both variables. The presence of attentional difficulties does not seem to influence the maturity level concerning the professional choices made by these students. On the other hand, during the interviews, the students explained their perceptions about the possible relations between attention and professional choices. Concluding, from the point of view of the statistical analysis applied there are not enough elements to affirm how influential the presence of attentional difficulties can be regarding the maturity level for the professional choices made by the students. However, the qualitative analysis demonstrated that according to the perceptions of some interviewees the presence of such condition may reflect upon the planning, organization and professional choices made by the students experiencing such difficulties