Doutorado em Ciências Florestais
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Nível: Doutorado
Ano de início: 2013
Conceito atual na CAPES: 4
Ato normativo:Ofício N. 39-12/2007/CTC/CCA/CAPES de 31/07/2007
Periodicidade de seleção: Semestral
Área(s) de concentração:Ciências Florestais
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- ItemModelagem para prognose do crescimento e produção de eucalipto em diferentes níveis de abordagem(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-02-04) Fraga Filho, Clayton Vieira; Mendonça, Adriano Ribeiro de; Silva, Gilson Fernandes da; Leite, Hélio Garcia; Soares, Carlos Pedro Boechat; Binoti, Daniel Henrique BredaGrowth and yield models are efficient and reliable to describe forests dynamics and perform the prediction of long-term production. There are different approach levels for these models, such as whole-stand models, diameter distribution, and individualtree. This work aimed to compare different levels for the modeling of the growth and production in terms of the accuracy and bias level of the production estimates in eucalyptus stands, with fixed and mixed models. Two criteria were used for dividing the data. In criterion 1, the data were splited into two groups: the first for fitting plots with future age between 24 and 60 months, and the second for projection, having plots with future age between 72 and 96 months. In the second criterion, 70% of the plots were used to models fitting and 30% for the validation of these models. Alternatives at the whole-stand level were proposed, being two of them fixed model alternatives to criterion 1, and two for criterion 2. In addition, three mixed modeling alternatives were proposed for criterion 1 and seven alternatives for criterion 2. According to analyzes for fixed models, the Logistics model was more accurate and less biased. Mixed modeling projection presented superior results compared to fixed effects modeling. Furthermore, an evaluation was performed with fixed and mixed modeling alternatives for diameter distribution level. A fixed model was evaluated for both criteria: an alternative using mixed modeling was proposed for criterion 1 and three alternatives for criterion 2. The conclusion was that alternatives adjusted and validated with criterion 2 data proved better, and the diameters distribution with mixed model was more accurate and less biased compared with approaches with fixed effects models. From these results, fixed and mixed alternatives were evaluated at the individual-tree level. Two fixed models were analyzed for criterion 1 and one fixed model for criterion 2. Five mixed models were proposed for criterion 1 and six models for criterion 2. Among the fixed models, the linear model (criterion 1) was better; however, it was outperformed by mixed modeling in both fit and validation (criteria 1 and 2). Finally, the most accurate and less biased models previously obtained were compared. For performing the projection (criterion 1) using fixed modeling, the Logistic model is more accurate and less biased. The linear mixed model of individual-tree proposed in this work was better than Logistic model. For criterion 2, the Clutter’s adapted mixed model was better. Thus, it was concluded in this work that modeling at individual-tree level produced similar results as the wholestand level, being both more accurate than the results found for the diameter distribution models. It was also concluded that the mixed modeling at these three levels provided gains in accuracy and lack of bias in prognosis of growth and yield modeling for eucalyptus stands.
- ItemBalanço da emissão de gases carbônicos nas operações florestais e sequestro de carbono em florestas plantadas no Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-11-25) Carmo, Flávio Cipriano de Assis do; Pinheiro, Christiano Jorge Gomes; Souza, Amaury Paulo de; Fiedler, Nilton César; Lousada, José Luis Penetra Cerveira; Pinheiro, Christiano Jorge Gomes; Schettino, Stanley; Minette, Luciano JoséWith the emergence of the Clean Development Mechanism, various forestry companies are being encouraged to develop projects with production techniques that reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, aiming at an increase of income through marketing carbon credits. So aim with this research to quantify the concentration of gases that are emitted during operation of machines and vehicles in forest production activities to achieve a carbon sequestration swing through the forest and the emission during the production process. In this study, both the quantification of gases as opacity. 85 diesel engine machines used in the forestry sector were assessed, responsible for the implementation of forestry activities, forest harvesting, forest transport, administration, protection, construction and maintenance of roads. According to the results obtained in the study, one can conclude that the activity that emits higher quantity of carbon to the atmosphere was forest transport approximately 335 kgC.ha-1 (about 56% of total emission of forestry activities) followed by forest harvesting with 197.91 kgC.ha-1 (32.98% of the total issued), to forestry 53.26 kgC.ha-1 (8.88% of the total issued), construction and maintenance of roads 11.18% (1.86% of the total issued) and activity management and protection had lower emissions per hectare (2.86 kgC.ha-1 - about 0.5% of the total emitido-). For the carbon sheet, it was found that sequesters planted forests around 42 tons per hectare of carbon, and for their development, procurement and transportation of timber 600 is delivered kgC.ha-1 (1.43% of Total kidnapped by the forest). Regarding the issue of opacity, it was found that only 4.71% of the analyzed machines met outside the limits allowed by law (CONAMA 418/09).
- ItemMetodologia para calibração do modelo hidrológico DHSVM(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-12-19) Mendes, Helder de Amorim; Zanetti, Sidney Sara; Cecílio, Roberto Avelino; Oliveira, João Paulo Bestete de; Andrade, Larice Nogueira de; Mauri, Geraldo RegisIn this work the Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model was studied in order to propose an automatic calibration tool for the same. The basic principle of the implemented calibrator is the use of Clustering Search meta-heuristic (CS) that has the feature to produce a set of sub-optimal solutions, resulting from the calibration process. This solutions are used for verification of the possibility to improve the calibration of a given sub-basin by applying the solutions obtained for a number of other sub-basins. The tool and methodology of the proposed combination were applied to the calibration of a basin in southeastern Brazil formed by a set of sub-basins whose drains are monitored. The results show that both the tool and the methodology of combination proposed are effective, leading to a considerable improvement in the modeling resutaldos for the basin.
- ItemLógica fuzzy na determinação de fragmentos florestais para coleta de sementes(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-02-17) Peluzio, Telma Machado de Oliveira; Fiedler, Nilton César; Kunz, Sustanis Horn; Santos, Alexandre Rosa dos; Ferrari, Jéferson Luíz; Abreu, Karla Maria Pedra deThe Brazilian rain forest is fragmented due to the great exploitation in the process of colonization of the country. For the maintenance and protection of the different ecosystems, a series of legal instruments were adopted, which, when associated to the technological and mathematical tools, especially the Fuzzy logic, allow the adoption of criteria closer to human thought. In the present work, the objective was to select potential forest fragments with a higher degree of conservation for the collection of seeds that meet legal requirements, through the use and association of landscape ecology with Fuzzy logic. The study was carried out in the Itapemirim river basin in the state of Espírito Santo, through the following steps: obtaining the Landsat 8 satellite image; photointerpretation and classification of forest fragments by size class in which: A less than 5 ha, B between 5.1 and 50 ha, C between 50.1 and 300 ha, and D greater than 300 ha; evaluation of the dynamics of the metrics indexes of the area landscape, density and size, shape, border, central area and proximity; application of the Fuzzy logic and their respective Small and Large membership functions, and the Gamma overlay function; selection of potential forest fragments with higher degree of conservation of the seeds for collection; Shannon Wiener diversity, Pielou equability, Bray-Curtis dissimilarity, quality and stem health according to the Brazilian Forestry Society standard, and the Payandeh index to evaluate the pattern of spatial distribution among forest fragments classified as high and low potential for seed collection. 7,515 forest fragments were determined, occupying 19.21% of the study area. Size class A has a smaller territorial area, greater number of fragments and extinction risk due to increased edge. Class D has lower number of fragments, larger area and better condition for seed collection, even with increased edge. Two fragments classified as high (Fragment 1) and low (Fragment 2) were selected, respectively, for the collection of forest seeds. In fragment 1; 1,670 individuals were sampled, corresponding to 172 species, 103 genera and 40 botanical families. In fragment 2; 1,526 individuals, 135 species, 92 genera and 40 botanical families were sampled. Fragment 1 presented lower values for the diversity indexes of Shannon-Wiener, Pielou and Jackknife; Higher basal area and number of individuals per hectare, better quality and stem health among tree individuals and better spatial distribution than fragment 2. Field data analysis allows to confirm that Fuzzy logic was effective in determining potential fragments for collection of forest seeds with higher degree of conservation, based on the determination of the richness of the fragments. Fragment 1 has greater richness, higher basal area, lower diversity, better quality and health of the stem, and better spatial distribution than fragment 2. The methodology can be adapted to other zones and different biomes of the planet.
- ItemResistência natural da madeira de sete espécies de Eucalyptus a agentes xilófagos(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-02-17) Medeiros Neto, Pedro Nicó de; Oliveira, José Tarcísio da Silva; Paes, Juarez Benigno; Baraúna, Edy Eime Pereira; Martinéz López, Yonny; Gonçalves, Fabricio GomesThis study aimed to evaluate the natural wood resistance of seven Eucalyptus wood species in laboratory and field xylophagous tests and to correlate their durability with physical-chemical and anatomical characteristics. Two trees with 12 years old were randomly sampled by species and from each set of discs at 0, DBH, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the commercial height, to determine anatomical characteristics and specific gravity. One log of 2.20m obtained from the first section of each tree were used to the chemical analysis and biological tests. For these tests, samples were taken in two positions in the radial direction of the trunk in the pith-bark direction (intermediate heartwood and transition region; containing heartwood and sapwood) and relationship were made among natural resistance and physical-chemical and anatomical characteristics. In the analysis and evaluation of the tests, the Scott - Knott test (p = 0.05) was used. The relationships among the variables studied were evaluated through simple linear regression. The Corymbia citriodora wood exhibited the largest specific gravity and Eucalyptus grandis the smaller. The E. camaldulensis wood had a higher extractive content and lower holocellulose content and C. citriodora wood had higher ash content. E. camaldulensis presented the lowest value of holocellulose. For the other species, holocellulose and lignin contents were close, and similar in the positions evaluated. In choice feeding tests, the E. robusta, E. grandis and E. uroplylla wood were the most consumed by termites, and C. citriodora wood was the least susceptible to attack by dry wood termite and no-choice feeding tests. The fungus Trametes versicolor degraded less the wood from the intermediate heartwood. To Postia placenta and Gloeophyllum trabeum fungi, in most species the intermediate heartwood was less resistant. The intermediate heartwood exhibiting minor color variation for all species attacked by Trametes versicolor and for the Postia placenta and Gloeophyllum trabeum the region transition was more vulnerable to color change. For the soil bed and field decay tests, the transition region exhibited the greatest mass losses. Regarding the relationships, the chemical characteristics were more relevant to the tests with termites, mainly to the dry wood termite. The anatomical variables were better correlated with the fungal attack on the wood. Overall, when evaluating the natural resistence indexes of woods to xylophagous fungal attack, the species with more durability were E. camaldulensis and C. citriodora and E. grandis the less resistent.
- ItemAnálise de risco de incêndios em florestas plantadas(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-06-02) Eugenio, Fernando Coelho; Pezzopane, José Eduardo Macedo; Pedra, Beatriz Duguy; Santos, Alexandre Rosa dos; Fiedler, Nilton Cesar; Ferrari, Jéferson LuizIn cases where prevention is not sufficient to prevent a forest fire, a rapid detection of it is a decisive factor to minimize the damage caused by fire, as well as the reduction of costs associated with its combat. Within this context, with this research we aimed to developed a Database-based risk model and to evaluate, along with other methodologies of forest fire risk, the onde that best represent the forest fires in areas of planted forests on the central coast of Espírito Santo state and Bahia south coast. A) Determination of areas with a homogeneous climate; B) Statistics on forest fires; C) Calculation and spatialization of forest fire risk indexes: Fire Weather Index (FWI); Monte Alegre Alterated Formula (FMA +) and Fire Risk of the National Institute of Space Research (RF); D) to develop a model for calculating the risk of forest fires based on the Database (RIF-Database); and, f) Selection of risk models from the forest inventories cataloged by FIBRIA Celulose S. A. The methodology adopted proved to be efficient for the grouping of meteorological stations in three homogeneous climatic subzones for a study area. There are two phases of forest fires in the studied area, being the first fase, subarea 1, from december to march, for subarea 2 from january to march and for subarea 3 in the months of january and february. The second season, for all subzones, is placed between the months of august to october. The FWI model presented the best results for a subarea 1. The RIF-Database model presented excellent results, being the model used for subareas 2 and 3. The FWI model is seen as a prosperous model for the study area since it discovered higher values for a subarea, faced to a model developed through the study area database, however, a study is needed to calibrate its parameters.
- ItemDinâmica da serapilheira em fragmento de Floresta Atlântica, ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-07-26) Gomes Júnior, Diêgo; Mendonça, Eduardo de Sá; Kunz, Sustanis Horn; Caldeira, Marcos Vinicius Winckler; Barroso, Deborah Guerra; Burak, Diego Lang; Godinho, Tiago de Oliveira; Paula, Ranieri Ribeiro; Klippel, Valéria HollanderThe dynamics of litter is one of the fundamental processes for the growth and maintenance of native forest fragments, being considered the main route of the cycling of nutrients in forests. Thus, works that report the production, accumulation and litter decomposition, provide subsidies that supply a better understanding of nutrient dynamics. The aim of this work was to know the litter and nutrients dynamics, by litter deposition, accumulation and decomposition, in a fragment of Atlantic Forest in the south of the state of Espírito Santo. In order to do so, the soil study was carried out by opening three representative soil profiles previously established, observing the relief and pedological characteristics. The profiles were opened in the lowland, in the middle third of hillside and at the top of the hill, being morphologically described with subsequent analysis of the physical and chemical properties. The litter sampling was carried out monthly in 12 permanent plots, from April/2014 to March/2015 (year 1) and from April/2015 to March/2016 (year 2). The litterfall was collected using five fixed traps and the litter of the forest floor was collected by eight random samplings. The litterfall was sorted into leaves and branches + miscellaneous fractions, and the biomass and nutrients were quantified, this procedure also was performed for accumulated litter. The decomposition rate of the accumulated litter was obtained by the relation between production and accumulation of litter. The foliar decomposition rate was obtained using the litterbags method, by the distribution of 72 litterbags in the 12 plots (6/plot), one litterbag/plot was collected at 0, 30, 60, 90, 150, 210 and 270 days. The evaluated profiles have soils texture varying from sandy to very clayey, with pH values in water varying from 3.33 to 6.07. The cation exchange values varied from 1.23 to 13.99 cmolc dm-3, with predominance of Ca2+ in the lowland and slope soils, and H+ in the top of hill soil. Lowland and slope soils are eutrophic, while the top of hill soil is dystrophic. The N-total and Corg stocks were higher top of hill soil (22.05 and 173.05 Mg ha-1), followed by slope soil (18.24 and 112.27 Mg ha-1) and lowland soil (16.87 and 85.61 Mg ha-1). By observing characteristics, the soil profiles were classified as Planossolo in the lowland, Cambissolo in the hillside and Latossolo in the top of hill. The litterfall showed a seasonal pattern in the two years studied, producing 7826.6 and 5741.4 kg ha-1 year- 1, in years 1 and 2, respectively. The accumulated litter did not show seasonality, accumulating 5458.6 and 5079.4 kg ha-1 year-1 for year 1 and 2, respectively. The order of the nutrients content of the litterfall was Ca > N > K > Mg > S > P, for the two years of study. The decomposition constant of the accumulated litter was 1.43 and 1.13 for year 1 and 2, respectively. The leaf litter decomposition rate was 0.90, decomposing 58.28% of the litter at the end of the evaluated period. The leaf litter liberated 48% of N, 66% of P, 90% of K, 37% of Ca, 66% of Mg, 51% of S and 80% of Corg of the total contained. The precipitation was the climatic element that had the greatest correlation with the litter production, accumulation and decomposition, demonstrating that the litter dynamics is conditioned by the variation of rainfall indices.
- ItemMicroclima em diferentes fitofisionomias de floresta de altitude na Mata Atlântica(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-07-28) Salim Neto, Salim Calil; Silva, Gilson Fernandes da; Pezzopane, José Eduardo Macedo; Dias, Henrique Machado; Toledo, João Vitor; Cecílio, Roberto AvelinoThe Atlantic Forest Biome is recognized for its high biodiversity and for harboring species endemic to its associated ecosystems. Over altitudinal gradient is observed the formation of altitude ecosystems that differ markedly in their phytophysiognomic structures. The present study aimed to study the influence of the phytophysiognomy on the definitionof the microclimate near the ground. The study area is located in the Forno Grande State Park, Castelo, ES, Brazil (lat. 20°31’13”S; long. 41°06’21”W) and consists of a slope facing east with 1.1 ha, at 1,450m altitude. Over a year, threemicroclimatic studies were carried out. In the first one the aim was to characterize the net radiation (Rn), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), air temperature, vapor pressure deficit (VPD) at one meter in height, besides the surface temperature and temperature of the soil in four depths, through automatic meteorological stations installed in an altitude forest that has two areas with different phytophysiognomies. In a second study, an analysis of the spatial distribution of RFA in the study area was performed to verify the relationship of LAI and basal área (BA) in the transmissivity of the RFA. In the third study, in two seasons of the year, 10 days (5 days in the summer and 5 days in the winter) were selected to verify the regime of sunflecks within the study area. According to the results, the phytophysiognomic differences condition a differentiated microclimate inside the altitude forest, being possible to observe remarkable seasonality and influence of the cloudiness in the microclimatic differences.The area composed of a more closed canopy phytophysiology with a higher index of leaf area attenuates the effects of solar radiation during the day and plays an important role in maintaining energy at night, making the microclimatic variation more stable in comparison with the area that presents a more open canopy phytophysiognomy. In the more open area, higher values of air temperature and maximum VPD were observed, in addition to higher soil temperature. As for the spatial variability of PAR, it was possible to establish an attenuation model in function of the LAI and BA. As for the spatial variability of RFA, it was possible to establish an attenuation model based on LAI and AB. The difference in the phytophysiognomy makes the regime of sunflecks within each area unequal, being in the closed canopy of less intensity and duration compared to the more open phytophysiognomy. The difference in microclimate observed between the two environments probably controls the composition and distribution of the species in the studied forest, thus requiring new studies that investigate the phytosociology and the ecophysiology of the speciesthat compose it.
- ItemEfeito de ambientes contrastantes na produção florestal e nas propriedades da madeira de clones de Eucalyptus(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-08-30) Rodrigues, Brunela Pollastrelli; Vidaurre, Graziela Baptista; Oliveira, José Tarcísio da Silva; Lima, José Luis; Wang, Xiping; Batista, Djeison CesarThe genus Eucalyptus has different species known by its plasticity, species that can adapt to diverse edaphoclimatic conditions. Nevertheless, this fact does not guarantee that species planted with the different condition will present the same anatomical, physical and chemical proprieties and thereafter it will produce wood on an equal amount and desired quality to a specific purpose. The changes that occurred during the wood formation, caused by adverse growth condition creates a huge difficult to predict the productive behavior and technological of the wood. Despite the many research with the eucalyptus’ wood proprieties, a little is known about the influence of contrasting growth environments on the formation and properties of wood from Eucalyptus clones. Based on this, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of contrasting environments on the productivity and proprieties of eucalyptus wood clones. The trees used in this study were collected at Montezuma, a city located in the north of Minas Gerais State (938m altitude and 570mm rainfall) and in Nova Almeida, Serra, located on the coast of the Espirito Santo State (90m altitude and 1267mm as average rainfall). Five trees from each clone were sampled at each study site, totaling 200 trees 100 of each locality). From them was obtained the following measures: diameter, Diameter at Breast Height – DBH (1,30m from the soil), height and volume, the Mean Annual Increment – MAI was calculated and was the bark percentage. From each tree, were collected three discs at the DAP height to the propriety studies. The basic density, wood anatomy and the wood chemistry.The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design (CRD). A T- Student test was performed to verify the difference of the variables means values between the two studied localities. To verify the existence of an interaction event between the clones and local on the studied variables, an ANOVA was performed using the F Test (p = 0,05). To the variables that were verified the interaction, the stability and adaptability of clones were performed using the Selegen software. There was significant interaction between genotypes and environments at 5% significance for all study variables.There was a significant interaction between genotypes and environments at 5% significance for all variables of this study. The wood produced in Nova Almeida - ES, the place with the highest rainfall and the lowest thermal amplitude, presented the highest production in wood and the most desirable anatomical and chemical properties for the production of cellulosic pulp. The wood produced in Montezuma – MG, site with higher temperature range and annual water deficit, showed higher values for density, extractives, lignin, vessel diameter, vessel frequency and thickness of fiber wall. About the stability and adaptability analysis, it was possible to select some clones with adaptability and stability simultaneously in the two studied sites, indicating that the possible selection of stable clones.This study allowed a better understanding of the production and properties of wood in response to contrasting growth sites, assisting in the targeting and selection of groups of clones better adapted and with greater plasticity for different environmental conditions.
- ItemModelagem do problema de roteamento no planejamento do inventário florestal(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-09-11) Barros Júnior, Antônio Almeida; Mauri, Geraldo Regis; Silva, Gilson Fernandes da; Soares, Carlos Pedro Boechat; Leite, Helio Garcia; Mendonça, Adriano Ribeiro deAmong the various activities related to timber production, the forest inventory activity stands out for promoting the collection of data for analysis and decision making. In forest projects with large planting areas, the number of installed plots becomes very large, requiring prior planning and inventory activities programming. The planning consists of defining which plots will be inventoried in what period of time. In this context, this thesis presents a new approach to represent and obtain solutions for the Vehicle Routing Problem in the planning of forest inventories (PRV-IF). An adapted model of the Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (PRPVJT) was proposed for the problem. The exact brach-and-cut method using the CPLEX solver and the Iterated Local Search (ILS) and Simulated Annealing (SA) metaheuristics were used as solution methods. The performance of the applied methods was analyzed by creating instances for the PRV-IF with different sizes. The results show that the methods were satisfactory in solving the problem, especially for the larger instances. The Simulated Annealing metaheuristic obtained the best results when compared to the other methods.
- ItemModelagem matemática da produtividade do corte florestal mecanizado(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-09-27) Gonçalves, Saulo Boldrini; Silva, Mayra Luiza Marques da; Fiedler, Nilton César; Lopes, Domingos Manuel Mendes; Pereira, Daniel Pena; Minette, Luciano José; Silva, Gilson Fernandes daThe The productivity of the wood harvesting operations is one of the main viability variables of the forest enterprise, being directly influenced by the characteristics of the land, the stand and the operational planning. The variables that can affect the productivity of harvesting machines are, for the most part, indirectly identifiable, difficult to measure, and present complex relationships, making it difficult to predict the productivity of operations. The objective of this study was to generate a model through artificial neural networks (RNA) and linear regression to estimate harvester productivity as a function of terrain, settling and operational planning variables. For this purpose, a database was used, from a forest company, containing information on mechanized forestry cutting operations with harvester. RNA input variables for modeling harvester productivity were (individual mean volume of trees, timber volume, cutting age, spacing, operator experience and management regime). Data were randomly divided to be used the network training (70%) and generalization (30%) were used. The networks training was also performed with combinations of the input variables, in order to verify the influence of each variable on harvester productivity. Using only the variables that showed a significant linear correlation with the productivity, according to Pearson correlation coefficient matrix, by the test ta 5% and 1% of probability. Both modeling techniques were evaluated by means of statistics and graphical analysis of the residues. The artificial neural networks selected in the training and validation for estimating harvester productivity presented correlation coefficient values above 0.89 and less than 11.91, indicating strong correlation and high accuracy between the estimates and the observed values. The combination of the input variables of the network that presented the best result was the one that used all six variables evaluated in the study. The multiple linear regression with all variables of significant correlation was the one that had the best fit for harvester productivity, correlation coefficient 0.83 and RMSE% 14.5. Among the variables evaluated in the model, the one that explains the productivity estimated by the linear regression is the individual mean volume. Both modeling techniques were efficient in predicting harvester productivity in mechanized xii forest cutting, but RNA presented more accurate estimates and could be indicated instead of the traditional multiple linear regression model.
- ItemAprendizado de máquina na modelagem de incêndios florestais no Estado do Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-12-19) Juvanhol, Ronie Silva; Santos, Alexandre Rosa dos; Fiedler, Nilton César; Silva, Wellington Betencurte; Peluzio, Telma Machado de Oliveira; Pinheiro, Christiano Jorge GomesThe main problem encountered when applying geographic information systems and remote sensing techniques for the prediction of forest fires is the necessity to integrate different data sources. The methods applied are usually based on regression techniques or on coefficients that depend on expert knowledge. The objective of this study was to test the capacity of the classification and regression tree (CART) to assess the regional fire risk. The CART analysis is a non-parametric statistical technique that generates decision rules in the form of a binary tree, for a classification or regression process. The MCD45A1 product of burn area, relative to 16-year (2000- 2015) was used to obtain a fire occurrence map, from the center points of the grid cell, using a kernel density approach. The resulting map was then used as input response variable for the CART analysis with fire influence variables used as predictors. A total of 12 predictors were determined from several databases, covering environmental physical and socioeconomic aspects. The rules induced by the regression process allowed the definition of different risk levels, expressed in 35 management units, used to produce a fire prediction map. According to the results, the Northeast Region, sweet river and Southeast represent the major risk areas in the state (South Coast). The results of the regression process (r = 0.94 and r² = 0.88), the capability of the CART algorithm analysis to highlight the hierarchical relationships between the predictor variables and the easy interpretability of the decision rules represent a possible tool to better approaching the problem of assessing and representing forest fires.
- ItemMetodologia para quantificação de gastos públicos no combate a incêndios florestais em unidades de conservação(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-12-21) Silva, Elaine Cristina Gomes da; Andrade, Wendel Sandro de Paula; Fiedler, Nilton Cesar; Oliveira, Carlos Henrique Rodrigues de; Peluzio, Telma Machado de Oliveira; Andrade. Magda Aparecida NogueiraForest fires have increased considerably in recent years and are considered one of the main environmental issues faced by the management units of Conservation Units nowadays. Although fire is part of the natural process of managing some ecosystems, its frequency and intensity, as it has been occurring due to climate change, causes several damages to nature. In addition to these factors, the lack of public resources, records and effective criteria established for the execution of forest fire prevention and control activities has been a major challenge in the management of public expenditures for the preservation of forests. Thus, the premise of this work is based on the proposal of a tool whose objective is to estimate the expenditures incurred by the public sector on the use of resources in forest firefighting. In order to do so, this study, characterized as exploratory, through ex post facto and documentary case studies, used multidisciplinary vires in order to obtain the different expenditures with resources used to combat forest fires, elaborating a method of quantification. The method was elaborated based on the legislation related to the accounting of public expenditures, with the guidance of the Multiple Criteria Decision Making method, to define the criteria for quantification of resources. Descriptive statistics, ANOVA and means test were used with Software R. The proposed method showed consistency in the results obtained between the two case studies, thus achieving the average expenditure of resources per hectare burned, both quantity and value. At the end, it was concluded that the total amount spent with state resources was at least 20% higher than the federal and municipal expenditures for the two case studies and that the highest expenditures per hectare were attributed to the workforce and maintenance of vehicles and aircraft (about 30 to 40% for both) and with fuel (15%). In general, the greatest perceived demands were specialized manpower and specific firefighting equipment.
- ItemBiomassa e estoque de carbono em povoamento de Anadenanthera peregrina (L.) Speg sob diferentes espaçamentos(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-01-25) Souza, Paulo Henrique de; Rangel, Otacilio José Passos; Gonçalves, Elzimar de Oliveira; Caldeira, Marcos Vinicius Winckler; Sanquetta, Carlos Roberto; Paula, Ranieri Ribeiro; Klippel, Valéria Hollunder; Mendonça, Adriano Ribeiro deIssues related to climate change and rising temperatures of the Earth's atmosphere have been increasingly discussed all over the planet. In this scenario, the potential of forests to stock carbon in their biomass have been gaining prominence. The objective of this work was to verify the effect of planting spacing on biomass (BIO) and carbon stock (EC) in Anadenanthera peregrina (L.) Speg stands established in pasture area. The research was developed in the experimental area of Ifes Campus de Alegre, in Rive, Alegre, ES, Brazil. The stands were planted in June of 2011 with different spacings (3 x 2, 3 x 3, 4 x 3, 4 x 4 and 5 x 5 m), distributed in three blocks. The forest inventory was carried out to obtain the diameter at 1.30 m from the ground (DAP) and the total height of the trees (Ht) and in the sequence was sampled the BIO above the ground with the selection and felling of 45 trees. From this total, 15 trees had their root system sampled. The necromass of branches on the forest floor was sampled in 15 plots (30 x 50 m) in the area and also the soil at depths 0-5, 5-10 and 10-20 cm in all plots, obtaining the carbon content (TC) and isotopic carbon. From the individual values, regression models were fitted to estimate the population BIO for each tree compartment. The EC was calculated by multiplying BIO by the respective TC of the sample. For soil, the EC was estimated using soil and TC density in the sample. The EC obtained by BIO equations multiplied by the TC determined in the sample was more accurate in relation to the other methods tested. The mean of BIO and total EC above the ground were, respectively, 16.42 and 7.21 Mg ha-1 . The relative participation of the fractions in this total was: branches (44.99%), stem (40.77%), leaves (13.99%) and bark (4.90%). For roots and necromass, the mean of BIO was, respectively, 6.68 and 1.71 Mg ha-1 and, for EC, the means were, respectively, 0.76 and 2.95 Mg ha-1 . The carbon mean contents varied from 43.97% in the leaves to 44.31% in the bark, with a general arithmetic mean of 44.20%. Converting the total value of EC (EC soil + EC BIO + EC necromass) into equivalent carbon dioxide (CO2eq.) is estimated that 1161.12 Mg of CO2 were sequestered from the atmosphere. There was no effect of planting spacing on soil EC and on necromass. After 68 months of implementation of the forest stand, total soil EC was reduced by 22.72%. However, at this age, 20.99% of the soil carbon was originated from A. peregrina trees, replacing the carbon originated from the pasture. There was a tendency of higher amount of BIO and carbon in the trees in the smaller spacings, with reduction of the values in the larger spacings. The soil was the compartment that had the highest percentage of the carbon stocked (70%), followed by aerial biomass (21%), roots (6%) and necromass (3%).
- ItemAvaliação da aptidão da madeira de seis clones de híbridos de eucalyptus para o processamento mecânico(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-03-01) Silva, Luciana Ferreira da; Batista, Djeison Cesar; Paes, Juarez Benigno; Carvalho, Alexandre Monteiro de; López, Yonny Martinez; Oliveira, José Tarcísio da SilvaThe objective of this work was to evaluate the wood characteristics of six Eucalyptus hybrid clones of 14 years old in order to select those with the best dendrometric characteristics, chemical, physical and mechanical properties and biological resistance suitable for the production of sawn wood. The characteristics of 18 trees (three of each clone), such as taper, relation heartwood: sapwood, pith eccentricity, and grain diversion were evaluated. The evolutions of the base cracks and top of logs shortly after cutting the trees were determined. The physical properties (basic density and dimensional stability of the wood), mechanical properties (parallel compression to fibers, static flexion and Janka hardness), chemical characteristics (holocellulose, lignin, total extractives and ash) and the biological resistance of wood (accelerated decay (brown and white rot) and xylophagous (underground and dry wood) termites] were evaluated. The effect of the treatments was verified by applying the analysis of variance and F test (p < 0.05) and, when significant, the Scott Knott test (p < 0.05) was applied to discriminate the means. For tree density, clone C, followed by E, produced denser wood, and A, B and F of lower densities. There was no difference between the cracks developed at the base of the logs of the evaluated clones. At the top of clones C, D and E, the highest crack index occurred, and the lowest at A, B and F. When evaluating the wood in a wet and dry state, clone A cracked less. For the evaluated conditions 100 days were sufficient for the wood to enter in equilibrium with the environment. In general, for wood density, clone C presented values higher than the others and A produced wood of lower density and greater dimensional stability. For the mechanical tests, the clones C and F were the most resistant. The position in the wood that had the highest content of extractives and lignin was the external core. The highest amount of ash and holocellulose was observed in the inner core. The clone C was generally the most resistant to xylophagous organisms.
- ItemModelagem matemática do transporte de máquinas em florestas de produção(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-05-29) Vieira, Giovanni Correia; Mauri, Geraldo Regis; Silva, Gilson Fernandes da; Lopes, Eduardo da Silva Lopes; Mendonça, Adriano Ribeiro de; Fiedler, Nilton César; Mauri, Geraldo Regis; Silva, Gilson Fernandes daHarvesting and forest transport account for most of the costs of pulpwood in the pulp industry's yard. Efficient planning can reduce the production costs of companies in this segment. In this sense, operational research has the potential to be used in the optimal solution of a recurring problem in forestry companies, which is the need for efficiency in the transportation logistics of forestry machines, in order to avoid as much as possible the waiting time for transport. Therefore, the objective of this work is to propose a model of programming and routing of the transport of forest machines using operational research techniques. It is a multiobjective problem that seeks to determine the shortest distance route, the minimum possible delay and the ideal number of vehicles for the transport of forest machines. The problem also presents constraints to be met, such as a specific time for the transportation of each machine, a heterogeneous fleet to meet the machines that have different dimensions. The modeling methodology was based on the problem of routing vehicles with collection and delivery, time windows and heterogeneous fleet - PRVCEJTFH with modifications to meet the objectives of this study. As a method of solution, the exact method using the Branch and Bound algorithm was used. The model of optimization of the transport of forest machines made it possible to find an optimal solution to determine the transport route with the lowest distance weighted by the quality of the road and minimized the number of vehicles used to transport the machines. These solutions are directly related to the costs associated with the transportation of forest machines. In situations of high demand the company minimized the delay. In these circumstances the manager can decide to reduce the delays regardless of the number of vehicles needed to transport the machines. This decision should be made considering economic and technical aspects. The proposed model shows effectiveness and efficiency, making it possible to obtain the best possible solution in each situation and in an acceptable time.
- ItemMetodologia de avaliação de risco de acidentes na colheita florestal(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-06-25) Bermudes, Wanderson Lyrio; Souza, Amaury Paulo de; Minette, Luciano José; Oliveira, Michel Picanço; Marçal, Marcio Alves; Schettino, Stanley; Fiedler, Nilton CesarIn the forest harvest, regardless of the degree of mechanization, human labor will always be present, which requires adequate planning to reduce the rates of occupational accidents and diseases that have accumulated in Brazil. In the period from 2007 to 2016, there were a total of 18,934 records in planted forest activities in the country. Despite a variety of risk assessment techniques available in the literature, the forest sector, especially the forest harvest, lacks a proper process that can carry out this planning and is easy to understand and apply. This work aims to develop a Forest Harvest Risk Assessment Process (PARCF) in order to provide and facilitate adequate management of the risks present in the development of forest activities, and also indicates the establishment of indicators to measure and monitor the safety and health at work. The PARCF was based on NBR ISO 31000: 2018 and other assessment techniques described in NBR ISO 31010: 2012, based on the identification, analysis and evaluation of the risks of accidents and occupational diseases in two empirical studies characterized as action research, in addition to including employee participation through a specific questionnaire applied to a pilot sample. It included the analysis of meteorological, forest, human and social factors, organizational, operational and economic of the forest harvest, legal aspects derived from the Regulatory Norms of the Ministry of Labor in Brazil, and employs a matrix as a support tool to assess the level of risk . PARCF has been established for its application to pre-interpret the influencing factors of the forest harvest, the stages of the task, its risks, sources, causes, consequences, applicable legislation and level of risk, in order to adopt measures to ensure job. The PARCF can be applied in the planning prior to the forest harvesting activity or used in the work fronts as a guideline for the organizations, to implement more appropriate control actions, as presented in the case studies applied in a forestry development company with semimechanized activity and in a pulp industry in mechanized harvesting activities, which used a process of own risk assessment that when compared to PARCF demonstrated inefficiency in the identification of management controls. Reactive and proactive indicators were also established to measure and monitor health and safety performance in the forest harvest. The creation and application of a process of risk assessment in the forest harvest favor the worker and the organization in the reduction of accidents and, associated to methods of measurement and monitoring of the health and safety performance of the work, can contribute to the improvement of the method management of this important segment.
- ItemCiclagem de nutrientes em diferentes condições edafoclimáticas em trecho de Floresta Ombrófila Densa(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-08-22) Castro, Kallil Chaves; Mendonça, Eduardo de Sá; Pezzopane, José Eduardo Macedo; Caldeira, Marcos Vinicius Winckler; Dias, Henrique Machado; Burak, Diego Lang; Pereira, Marcos Gervasio; Godinho, Tiago de OliveiraIn general, the soil receives several influences during the processes of weathering: climate, organisms, landscape and material of origin, that over the time are important factors in it formation. Their interaction with vegetation and climate, and how these factors contribute to the nutrients cycling, give scope for even more elucidative research. In this way, this study aimed to investigate soil formation, nutrient cycling dynamics and the relation in the plant-soil system through microbial activity. The study was carried out in a section of Tropical Montane Rain Forest located in the Caparaó National Park, where seven plots were implanted. For the classification of soils, trenches were opened in seven plots implanted in the study area, and morphological, physical and chemical analyzes were performed for each profile and later classified according to the Brazilian Soil Classification System. Microbiological activity in the surface layer of soils was also studied by enzymatic activity (Urease, ßGlucosity and Phosphatase), microbial biomass, and soil carbon and nitrogen. The study of nutrient cycling was carried out with litterfall and leaf decomposition. The collection and litter were carried out monthly during January 2013 and December 2016. The deposited litter was separated into fraction: Leaves and Other Materials. The deposited litter fractions and the accumulated litter were taken to the laboratory and the chemical analyzes of macronutrients, lignin, cellulose and total polyphenols were performed by season. The litter and the constant and decomposition were correlated with the environmental data. Six different types of soils were classified, distributed in three distinct classes: Latosols, Cambisols and Organosols. The soils were mostly shallow, low fertility and high organic matter content. The production of litter showed to be like the one of the four years of studies, however, the accumulation of litter reduced to the second year. There was a reduction in the contribution of the fractions during autumn and winter, and there was no seasonal difference for the accumulation of biomass. In relation to the contents of C, N, and P, they did not present a marked seasonality for the leaves fraction and the Other 9 Materials Fraction. Higher P contents were observed for the Other Materials Fraction. The content of C varied in accumulated litter, mainly in winter. The total polyphenols content was mainly in the leaves fraction and the C:N, Polyphenols:N, Lignin:N and Lignin + Cellulose:N ratio were positively correlated with the altitudinal gradient. Microbiological activity in the soils was seasonal and influenced by the altitudinal alteration, correlating strongly with carbon and nitrogen in the summer and winter of the superficial layer of the soils. Both the microbiological activity when the carbon and nitrogen contents were correlated mainly with the chemical characteristics of the plant material deposited and accumulated in the study area, indicating a strong relationship between the vegetation and the microbiological community.
- ItemAlgoritmo genético aplicado ao planejamento do uso do solo com vistas à qualidade ambiental e retorno econômico(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-08-28) Dambroz, Carlos Silva; Zanetti, Sidney Sara; Cecílio, Roberto Avelino; Xavier, Alexandre Candido; Mendes, Helder de Amorim; Oliveira, João Paulo BesteteLand use planning is a complex activity that considers both environmental and socioeconomic factors. In a degradation scenario, strategies should be developed that allow the best use of natural resources and avoid its overexploitation. This work aimed to develop a method to be applied in catchments land use planning at a pixel level. The environmental variables, soil loss and water surplus, and the economic variable, gross income, were considered in an optimization process. The optimization was implemented through Genetic Algorithm in association with the use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process method. The method was applied in four different regions using different scenarios for evaluation. The developed method is an efficient tool to support decision making in environmental planning. The technique presents flexibility to be adopted in regions with very distinct physical characteristics and to achieve the local decision makers demand.
- ItemMétodo para identificar áreas prioritárias à recomposição florestal visando aumentar a disponibilidade hídrica(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-08-29) Oliveira, Lais Thomazini; Zanetti, Sidney Sara; Cecílio, Roberto Avelino; Mendes, Helder de Amorim; Sossai, Marcos franklin; Xavier, Alexandre CândidoForest restoration has multiple functions in the landscape, among those, recover ecological processes, storing carbon and protect water resources. Native forests play a fundamental role in the maintenance and stability of water resources and have a great influence on the creation of good conditions for the infiltration of water into the soil. Despite the recognition of higher evapotranspiration rates in forests, the probability that this may affect streamflow flows has not always been recognized. When it is intended to increase the water production of a river basin it may be referred to the increase of the annual flow or of the base flow. Therefore, the objective of the study was to evaluate the changes in water availability caused by the position of areas with forest cover, and locate areas with potential for water production. Potential sites were identified using a method developed from the integration of the Multi-Criteria Assessment (MCE) associated with GIS (MCE-GIS) with subsequent hydrological modeling. Two steps were taken to identify these sites: screening areas with different levels of priority and checking those priorities in a case study. The method was applied to the Itapemirim River Watershed using the hydrological model DHSVM. The priority map was obtained by the Weighted Linear Combination (WLC) and classified in eight priority levels. The results indicated that in the study area there is influence of the position of the forest cover in the increase of the water availability, showing the suitability of the method developed for the spatial analysis of the effect of the forest location. The result for BHPAIN was a scenario that prioritizes higher areas, especially those occupied by pasture. The data suggest that for the BHPAIN the expansion of the forest cover is done in up to 25% in the priority areas indicated to increase the services of regulating the flow of water.