Doutorado em Ciências Florestais
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Nível: Doutorado
Ano de início: 2013
Conceito atual na CAPES: 4
Ato normativo:Ofício N. 39-12/2007/CTC/CCA/CAPES de 31/07/2007
Periodicidade de seleção: Semestral
Área(s) de concentração:Ciências Florestais
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- ItemAlgoritmo genético aplicado ao planejamento do uso do solo com vistas à qualidade ambiental e retorno econômico(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-08-28) Dambroz, Carlos Silva; Zanetti, Sidney Sara; Cecílio, Roberto Avelino; Xavier, Alexandre Candido; Mendes, Helder de Amorim; Oliveira, João Paulo BesteteLand use planning is a complex activity that considers both environmental and socioeconomic factors. In a degradation scenario, strategies should be developed that allow the best use of natural resources and avoid its overexploitation. This work aimed to develop a method to be applied in catchments land use planning at a pixel level. The environmental variables, soil loss and water surplus, and the economic variable, gross income, were considered in an optimization process. The optimization was implemented through Genetic Algorithm in association with the use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process method. The method was applied in four different regions using different scenarios for evaluation. The developed method is an efficient tool to support decision making in environmental planning. The technique presents flexibility to be adopted in regions with very distinct physical characteristics and to achieve the local decision makers demand.
- ItemALTIMETRIA E AVALIAÇÃO DE IMPACTOS AMBIENTAIS NA LAGOA MÃE-BÁ, ESPÍRITO SANTO - BRASIL(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-03-24) Filho, Claudio Barberini Camargo; Santos, Alexandre Rosa dos;;;;; Dias, Henrique Machado;;; Preto, Bruno de Lima;;; Burak, Diego Lang;;; Ferrari, Jeferson Luiz;; avaliação de impactos ambientais em recursos hídricos é um tema multidisciplinar, pois demanda de conhecimentos diversos. Entre esses, pode-se citar, geoprocessamento, química da água, ciclagem de nutrientes, legislação, ecologia, toxicologia entre outros. As características morfométricas de uma lagoa são essenciais para entender seu funcionamento, pois podem influenciar a qualidade da água. Tais características podem ser aferidas por meio de estudos batimétricos, a partir de eco sondas ou de imagens derivadas de satélites. Neste caso, utiliza-se interpoladores (modelos matemáticos) construindo espaços tridimensionais. Por meio destes modelos tridimensionais, é possível determinar as características batimetricas do recurso hídrico. O estudo da conformação do recurso hídrico é o primeiro passo para avaliação de impactos ambientais. As características batimétricas influenciarão na composição física e química da água, que por sua vez influencia na composição de comunidades de zooplâncton e fitoplâncton, afetando todo o ecossistema. É sabido que lagoas com baixa profundidade são sistemas muito mais sensíveis, pois o próprio turbilhamento da água aumenta a possibilidade da suspensão do sedimento, modificando caraterísticas física e químicas da água (devido a revolvimento da matéria orgânica), podendo aumentar o estado trófico do ambiente. Além disso, o turbilhamento pode suspender substâncias tóxicas, como por exemplo elementostraços depositados no sedimento. Estes acontecimentos podem aumentar a toxicidade deste ambiente para a ictiofauna local, que a longo prazo pode causar danos irreversíveis ao ecossistema. Os testes de genotoxicidade, como o teste do micronúcleo ou ensaio cometa, podem auxiliar um diagnostico ambiental seguro. Nosso objetivo foi utilizar imagens do Landsat 8 juntamente modelos de inteligência artificial como o Random Forest para obter a potencialidade de imagens de sensoriamento para predição da batimetria em uma lagoa e avaliar a qualidade ambiental por meio de testes de genotoxicidade de uma lagoa costeira. Para isso utilizamos dois tipos de batimetria, a primeira foi realizada por meio de receptores geodésicos de GNSS, de dupla frequência, em tempo real (RTK) acoplado a um ecobatímetro e na segunda foi utilizada imagens derivadas de satélites (Landsat 8) com o processamento dos dados utilizando o pacote Random Forest do programa R. Realizamos também a análise da água e a quantificação de elementos-traços no sedimento da lagoa. Por fim, foram realizados testes de genotoxicidade através do teste do micronúcleo e o ensaio cometa. A utilização de técnicas batimétricas utilizando imagens derivadas do sensor OLI do satélite Landsat 8 é uma boa alternativa em lagoas, desde que não apresentem estágios de eutrofização avançados. Foi detectada uma concentração elevada de Ni e Cr no sedimento, mas apesar dos testes de genotoxicidade derem positivo, não é possível identificar a causa desta genotoxicidade. Não é possível apontar a mineradora como a principal fonte de Ni e Cr na lagoa, pois análises realizadas em uma lagoa testemunha apresentou níveis de Ni e Cr elevados. Sendo assim concluímos que a lagoa Mãe-Bá vem sofrendo uma forte pressão antrópica e que pode estar sendo potencializada pela sua morfometria e características ambientais do local.
- ItemAnálise de registro de incêndios em florestas de produção(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-07-05) Canzian, Weslen Pintor; Fiedler, Nilton Cesar;;;;; Pereira, Reginaldo Sergio;;; Pezzopane, Jose Eduardo Macedo;;; Juvanhol, Ronie Silva; ;; Silva, Elaine Cristina Gomes daIn the area of forest protection, forest fires are among the worst events that forests are susceptible to, and in the private sector, concern about fires intensifies through economic losses social and environmental impacts. The aim of this study was to propose a methodology for analysis of fire occurrences in production forests through a new classification for mean burned area and mobilization and displacement times. Specifically aimed to: identify the causes of fires, analyze the correlation between meteorological elements and the number of occurrences, distribution of occurrences throughout the year and day, average distance traveled by combat teams, and analysis of mobilization times , displacement and combat. The study was subsidized by the 10-year historical series of records of the occurrence of fires and meteorological variables from 26 meteorological stations of a eucalyptus pulp producer in the north of Espírito Santo and southern Bahia, from 2008 to 2017. According to the results, 91.4% of the 33,075 occurrences over the 10 years were originated by arsonists. Relative humidity is the meteorological element that most influenced the possibility of fires in the study area. On average, the Pearson correlation applied between the months of the year and the meteorological elements showed a moderate negative correlation of -0.52 for the relative humidity in Posto da Mata and a low negative correlation for the other regions. In addition, the correlation averages of all four regions showed negligible correlation for temperature and precipitation. In the average of the four regional ones, January, September and October were the only months to concentrate more than 10% of the occurrences between the months of the year, respectively 12,14; 11.33 and 14.76% of occurrences, totaling 38.24%. The highest concentration of fires was from 1:00 pm to 4:59:59 '' with at least 51.31% of occurrences. The mobilization and displacement times were satisfactory, with averages of at least 75.15 and 60%, respectively, concentrated to class II, represented respectively by the maximum limits of 5 and 50 minutes. The average displacement and combat times presented a strong positive correlation with the average burned area size. This demonstrates the importance and necessity of an agile and efficient firefighting strategy. Despite an average of 9.06 daily fire outbreaks in 220,000 ha of planted forests, the average burned area over the years was 2.39 ha. The classes of mobilization, displacement and average burned areas proposed by this study enable forest fire managers in production forests to analyze how the structure and fire fighting model have behaved, so that the higher the concentration of forest fires. occurrences in the larger classes, the greater the possibilities of adjustments in the combat system.
- ItemAnálise de risco de incêndios em florestas plantadas(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-06-02) Eugenio, Fernando Coelho; Pezzopane, José Eduardo Macedo; Pedra, Beatriz Duguy; Santos, Alexandre Rosa dos; Fiedler, Nilton Cesar; Ferrari, Jéferson LuizIn cases where prevention is not sufficient to prevent a forest fire, a rapid detection of it is a decisive factor to minimize the damage caused by fire, as well as the reduction of costs associated with its combat. Within this context, with this research we aimed to developed a Database-based risk model and to evaluate, along with other methodologies of forest fire risk, the onde that best represent the forest fires in areas of planted forests on the central coast of Espírito Santo state and Bahia south coast. A) Determination of areas with a homogeneous climate; B) Statistics on forest fires; C) Calculation and spatialization of forest fire risk indexes: Fire Weather Index (FWI); Monte Alegre Alterated Formula (FMA +) and Fire Risk of the National Institute of Space Research (RF); D) to develop a model for calculating the risk of forest fires based on the Database (RIF-Database); and, f) Selection of risk models from the forest inventories cataloged by FIBRIA Celulose S. A. The methodology adopted proved to be efficient for the grouping of meteorological stations in three homogeneous climatic subzones for a study area. There are two phases of forest fires in the studied area, being the first fase, subarea 1, from december to march, for subarea 2 from january to march and for subarea 3 in the months of january and february. The second season, for all subzones, is placed between the months of august to october. The FWI model presented the best results for a subarea 1. The RIF-Database model presented excellent results, being the model used for subareas 2 and 3. The FWI model is seen as a prosperous model for the study area since it discovered higher values for a subarea, faced to a model developed through the study area database, however, a study is needed to calibrate its parameters.
- ItemAnálise ergonômica com ênfase na termografia em um sistema de exploração e processamento da madeira de floresta tropical(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-02-19) Soranso, Denise Ransolin; Amaury Paulo de, Amaury; Marçal, Márcio Alves; Minette, Luciano José; Oliveira, Michel Picanço; Bermudes, , Wanderson LyrioIn the commercialization of the wood from the forest management areas, the consumer center has demanded that the raw material sold be forest certified as a guarantee that the product is from an area that meets the legal requirements of exploration, among them, those related to health and safety of workers are met. For the improvement of the working conditions, it is essential to apply the ergonomic analysis, in order to identify situations that can cause damages to the health and physical integrity of the workers, among the methods that can be applied to achieve this purpose in an ergonomic analysis, it is mentioned the thermography. In view of the above, the objective of this research was to perform the ergonomic analysis, with emphasis on the use of thermography, in a system for the exploration and processing of tropical forest wood in the North of the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. To reach the proposed objectives, this study was divided into two chapters. The first chapter refers to the application of an ergonomic analysis in the activities of logging and the wood processing industry. The profile of the workers was initially characterized with the application of questionnaires. Subsequently the evaluation of the occupational exposure of the workers to the heat, followed by the analysis of the physical risks, noise and vibration. Finally, the biomechanical conditions, the risk of repetitive strain injury, and musculoskeletal disorders related to work and physical workload were evaluated. In the ergonomic analysis of the work it was verified that the workers have a degree of education, are not submitted to training and that the working conditions are a favorable scenario for the occurrence of accidents. The assessment of occupational exposure to heat and the qualitative analysis of noise and vibration demonstrated the need for the donation of control measures. With regard to the job position, the activities provided a high physical workload, high risk for the development of work-related musculoskeletal disorders and spinal injuries, indicating the need for the adoption of immediate ergonomic measures at work. The second chapter aimed to evaluate the conditions of the posterior region of the trunk of workers in the wood processing industry in tropical forest regions in the North of the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. The evaluation of the use of thermography was conducted with the evaluation of nine workers from the wood processing industry and eight subjects belonging to a group called "control", composed of subjects who did not develop physically heavy activities. With the group of workers, the evaluations were carried out before the beginning of the working day on Monday and Friday, to verify if the accumulation of days worked would provide a differentiation in the obtained images. And in the control group, this evaluation was performed only on Monday, in order to obtain a "normal" temperature pattern of the body regions evaluated. The results showed that the mean values of the workers evaluated in situation I differed significantly in relation to the control group. In the evaluation of the accumulation of days worked and less time for recovery in relation to the period of longer rest time there were no significant differences in the thermal patterns obtained. The qualitative analysis evidenced a greater range of occupancy of thermal patterns with high temperature in the body region of interest of the workers in both evaluated situations. In general, the results indicate the need for an accurate examination in order to verify if the development of wood processing operations contribute to the appearance of musculoskeletal dysfunctions in workers.
- ItemAplicação da resistografia na estimativa da densidade e umidade da madeira em árvores jovens de eucalipto(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-02-28) Silva, João Gabriel Missia da; Oliveira, José Tarcísio da Silva; Vidaurre, Graziela Baptista; Nutto, Leif; Segundinho, Pedro Gutemberg de Alcântara; Alves, Rejane CostaThe drilling resistance technique have great potential operational to predict the wood properties of eucalyptus young trees, however, there are some factors that need to be better understood to increase their use. The aim of this study was to evaluate the parameters influencing the drilling resistance (DR) of the resistograph and the estimation of specific gravity and moisture content of the wood of eucalyptus clones at young age. DR readings were made with the resistograph (R650-SC) in the DBH (1.30 m from the ground) of 80 trees of two clones of Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla (76 months of age), planted in Aracruz, Espírito Santo State, Brazil. DR was related to tree growth and wood formation characteristics, moisture content, apparent density profiles by X-ray densitometry and different drilling depths, and was also used as a predictive variable of natural moisture (M%) and specific gravity (SG) of wood. The relationship between DR and SG of wood with growth variables of trees was specific for genetic material. The diameter and wet mass of the trees, the lowest heartwood ratio and the highest sapwood thickness increased DR. In the first 24 months of growth and along the heartwood diameter, there was a rapid increase in SG and DR and the reduction of M%. The variability of these properties increased in sapwood formed in recent ages. The DR measured in standing trees corresponded to the densitometry profiles, and accurately estimated SG and M% of the wood. The 1.5 cm drilling depth from the bark was more accurate in SG estimation than the radial and diametric drilling of the clones’ trees. Between bands above the fibers saturation point and in equilibrium hygroscopic, the increase in the moisture content of the wood resulted in a higher DR. The use of DR as a response variable of wood quality and not only as a predictor of SG and M%, will contribute to its continuous monitoring, during the growth of the trees.
- ItemAplicação de redes neurais artificiais para a modelagem hidrológica de bacias hidrográficas(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-08-30) Cesconetto, Laisi Bellon; Zanetti, Sidney Sara;;;;; Cecilio, Roberto Avelino;;; Moreira, Michel Castro;;; Sousa, Elias Fernandes de;;; Caiado, Marco Aurelio Costa;; is an essential natural resource for the maintenance of life. It is an essential element for the development of agriculture, ecosystem maintenance, forest development, among others. Population growth and, consequently, the increase in water demand, has promoted the development of studies on techniques that positively contribute to the management of water resources. Currently there are many hydrological models, but some models model a large amount of variables. However, computational advances, coupled with artificial intelligence, have provided better models for estimating hydrological variables. Artificiais neurais networks (ANN's) are efficient, multivariate and nonlinear tools, and that use the multilayer perceptron method (MLP) has been the most used in the modeling of water resources. Thus, the objective of this work was to develop a method of simulation of total flows through the use of ANN and to evaluate an applicability to estimate reference flows. Synthetic flow data series were generated from source data and other variables tested (area and month). The model choice process was based on statistical indices. The RNA's used in this work were of the MLP type containing three layers. Initially, a general model was proposed for the entire region applied in the case study (Espírito Santo state, Southeast region of Brazil) and the training of networks occurred simultaneously for an entire database, but always leaving out the data of a fluviometric station, representing a test sample. In addition, models were also tested in clusters and in pairs of stations. For the general model, considering the input variables proposed by Vilanova, Zanetti and Cecílio (2019), it was observed that the values of NSE and NSElog were higher than 0.30, with the exception of the tests carried out in the hydrographic basins of the São Mateus, Jucu and Santa Joana Rivers, where the results were worse. It found that the inclusion of accumulated rainfall from previous days, the number of the month and the drainage area, simultaneously, resulted in a more expressive improvement in the results. As for the models in clusters, there was no improvement only for cluster 1. For the model applied to pairs of stations, in general, there was no improvement in the results. Regarding the reference flows, there was a tendency to overestimate the q7,10 evaluated by general models, by grouping and by pairs and in relation to q7,10 estimated with the recorded data. However, for q90 there was a significant improvement in the results obtained when the model was applied in group 2. As for the average flows, it was observed that there is a tendency to overestimate the qmld of the recorded data; however, the average percentage errors of the average flow simulated by the models in the Metropolitan region were lower than those estimated by the traditional method of regionalization of flows. Thus, it can be considered that the proposed ANN model is viable in the estimation of flows and the choice of the spatial amplitude of the method application will depend on the availability of recorded data and the objective of the work.
- ItemAprendizado de máquina na modelagem de incêndios florestais no Estado do Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-12-19) Juvanhol, Ronie Silva; Santos, Alexandre Rosa dos; Fiedler, Nilton César; Silva, Wellington Betencurte; Peluzio, Telma Machado de Oliveira; Pinheiro, Christiano Jorge GomesThe main problem encountered when applying geographic information systems and remote sensing techniques for the prediction of forest fires is the necessity to integrate different data sources. The methods applied are usually based on regression techniques or on coefficients that depend on expert knowledge. The objective of this study was to test the capacity of the classification and regression tree (CART) to assess the regional fire risk. The CART analysis is a non-parametric statistical technique that generates decision rules in the form of a binary tree, for a classification or regression process. The MCD45A1 product of burn area, relative to 16-year (2000- 2015) was used to obtain a fire occurrence map, from the center points of the grid cell, using a kernel density approach. The resulting map was then used as input response variable for the CART analysis with fire influence variables used as predictors. A total of 12 predictors were determined from several databases, covering environmental physical and socioeconomic aspects. The rules induced by the regression process allowed the definition of different risk levels, expressed in 35 management units, used to produce a fire prediction map. According to the results, the Northeast Region, sweet river and Southeast represent the major risk areas in the state (South Coast). The results of the regression process (r = 0.94 and r² = 0.88), the capability of the CART algorithm analysis to highlight the hierarchical relationships between the predictor variables and the easy interpretability of the decision rules represent a possible tool to better approaching the problem of assessing and representing forest fires.
- ItemAspectos biológicos de Freziera atlantica Zorzanelli & Amori (Pentaphylacaceae)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-02-28) Zorzanelli, João Paulo Fernandes; Carrijo, Tatiana Tavares; Kunz, Sustanis Horn; Couto, Dayvid Rodrigues; Fraga, Claudio Nicoletti de; Miranda, Fábio Demolinari deFreziera is a predominantly Andean genus belonging to the family Pentaphylacaceae. Freziera atlantica, described in 2015, is the only known species of the genus for the Atlantic Forest, poorly known to few populations distributed exclusively in the states of Espírito Santo and Bahia. Because the species has been recently described, the aspects related to its biology and ecology is unknown, making it difficult to establish adequate conservation strategies for its populations. Thus, the goals of this work are: a) to expand the biological knowledge of the species and to complement its description; and b) to measure the population genetic diversity based on molecular markers (ISSR). To achieve these goals we obtained biological materials from the known populations of the species, intended for: 1) the study of morphology, taxonomy and geometric morphometry by means of images; and 2) the extraction, quantification and amplification of DNA fragments used in the photodocumentation and counting of bands, providing the estimation of diversity, similarity and genetic structuration. As main results, we classified the species as gynodioecious and we complement the description using information from bisexual morphotypes. Finally, we consider high genetic diversity based on results found for species well related to F. atlantica, while similarity and structure show low genetic heterogeneity. Our results have made it possible to fill important gaps in the biological knowledge of F. atlantica and provide opportunities for conservation and advances in ecological-functional and biological studies of the species.
- ItemAvaliação da aptidão da madeira de seis clones de híbridos de eucalyptus para o processamento mecânico(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-03-01) Silva, Luciana Ferreira da; Batista, Djeison Cesar; Paes, Juarez Benigno; Carvalho, Alexandre Monteiro de; López, Yonny Martinez; Oliveira, José Tarcísio da SilvaThe objective of this work was to evaluate the wood characteristics of six Eucalyptus hybrid clones of 14 years old in order to select those with the best dendrometric characteristics, chemical, physical and mechanical properties and biological resistance suitable for the production of sawn wood. The characteristics of 18 trees (three of each clone), such as taper, relation heartwood: sapwood, pith eccentricity, and grain diversion were evaluated. The evolutions of the base cracks and top of logs shortly after cutting the trees were determined. The physical properties (basic density and dimensional stability of the wood), mechanical properties (parallel compression to fibers, static flexion and Janka hardness), chemical characteristics (holocellulose, lignin, total extractives and ash) and the biological resistance of wood (accelerated decay (brown and white rot) and xylophagous (underground and dry wood) termites] were evaluated. The effect of the treatments was verified by applying the analysis of variance and F test (p < 0.05) and, when significant, the Scott Knott test (p < 0.05) was applied to discriminate the means. For tree density, clone C, followed by E, produced denser wood, and A, B and F of lower densities. There was no difference between the cracks developed at the base of the logs of the evaluated clones. At the top of clones C, D and E, the highest crack index occurred, and the lowest at A, B and F. When evaluating the wood in a wet and dry state, clone A cracked less. For the evaluated conditions 100 days were sufficient for the wood to enter in equilibrium with the environment. In general, for wood density, clone C presented values higher than the others and A produced wood of lower density and greater dimensional stability. For the mechanical tests, the clones C and F were the most resistant. The position in the wood that had the highest content of extractives and lignin was the external core. The highest amount of ash and holocellulose was observed in the inner core. The clone C was generally the most resistant to xylophagous organisms.
- ItemAvaliação experimental, teórica e numérica em vigas de madeira lamelada colada de eucalipto(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-02-16) Mastela, Leonor da Cunha; Segundinho, Pedro Gutemberg de Alcantara;;;;; Oliveira, Jose Tarcisio da Silva;;; Paes, Juarez Benigno;;; Christoforo, André Luis;;; Soriano, JulioThe objective of this study was to carry out an analytical, experimental and numerical evaluation of the structural behavior of glulam beams produced from the wood of a clone of Eucalyptus urophylla × Eucalyptus grandis when subjected to static loads. or the manufacture of the beams, the physical, chemical and mechanical characterization of the wood was carried out.. Twelve beams were produced with six lamellae glued with melamine-urea-formaldehyde (MUF), resorcinol-formaldehyde (RF) and polyurethane (PUR) adhesives, four beams per adhesive. After the production of the beams, the characterization of the mechanical properties was carried out through nondestructive and destructive tests in order to evaluate the experimental behavior of the beams. Finally, the glulam beams were tested in four-point bending. A numerical model was developed in the SAP 2000 software, using the finite element method to simulate the mechanical performance of the beams, for later comparison with the experimental data. The transformed section method was employed for the theoretical evaluation of strength and stiffness of glulam beams. The results showed that the studied species associated with MUF, RF and PUR adhesives has potential for application as a structural element in glulam. The analysis of the compressive and tensile stresses obtained by bending tests allowed us to state that the determined theoretical and numerical stresses presented results close to the experimental, validating the adopted hypotheses and the numerical modeling. It was concluded that numerical modeling based on the finite element method provided satisfactory results that allow simulating the experimental test and are in line with the theoretical model.
- ItemBalanço da emissão de gases carbônicos nas operações florestais e sequestro de carbono em florestas plantadas no Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-11-25) Carmo, Flávio Cipriano de Assis do; Pinheiro, Christiano Jorge Gomes; Souza, Amaury Paulo de; Fiedler, Nilton César; Lousada, José Luis Penetra Cerveira; Pinheiro, Christiano Jorge Gomes; Schettino, Stanley; Minette, Luciano JoséWith the emergence of the Clean Development Mechanism, various forestry companies are being encouraged to develop projects with production techniques that reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, aiming at an increase of income through marketing carbon credits. So aim with this research to quantify the concentration of gases that are emitted during operation of machines and vehicles in forest production activities to achieve a carbon sequestration swing through the forest and the emission during the production process. In this study, both the quantification of gases as opacity. 85 diesel engine machines used in the forestry sector were assessed, responsible for the implementation of forestry activities, forest harvesting, forest transport, administration, protection, construction and maintenance of roads. According to the results obtained in the study, one can conclude that the activity that emits higher quantity of carbon to the atmosphere was forest transport approximately 335 kgC.ha-1 (about 56% of total emission of forestry activities) followed by forest harvesting with 197.91 kgC.ha-1 (32.98% of the total issued), to forestry 53.26 kgC.ha-1 (8.88% of the total issued), construction and maintenance of roads 11.18% (1.86% of the total issued) and activity management and protection had lower emissions per hectare (2.86 kgC.ha-1 - about 0.5% of the total emitido-). For the carbon sheet, it was found that sequesters planted forests around 42 tons per hectare of carbon, and for their development, procurement and transportation of timber 600 is delivered kgC.ha-1 (1.43% of Total kidnapped by the forest). Regarding the issue of opacity, it was found that only 4.71% of the analyzed machines met outside the limits allowed by law (CONAMA 418/09).
- ItemBioactive potential of Citrus sinensis bio-oil for the development of antimicrobial and antiviral agents(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-12-20) Ucella Filho, João Gilberto Meza; Dias Júnior, Ananias Francisco;;;;; Ignacchiti, Mariana Drummond Costa; Souza, Natalia Dias de; Kitagawa, Rodrigo Rezende;;; Sotomayor, Rafael Luque Alvarez deThe resistance of microorganisms, such as bacteria and viruses, to antimicrobials and antivirals poses a significant challenge in global public health. In this scenario, the search for bioactive compounds for the development of new drugs becomes increasingly necessary. The application of thermochemical processing to plant biomass emerges as a promising approach for generating products with bioactive characteristics suitable for drug formulation, with a particular focus on bio-oil (BO). Accordingly, this study aimed to investigate the action of BO, obtained through the pyrolysis of residual biomass from Citrus sinensis, as an antimicrobial and antiviral agent. The goal is to serve as a foundation for the creation of new bioactive products for the treatment of bovine mastitis and COVID-19. Residual wood from C. sinensis underwent physical and chemical analyses for characterization. Subsequently, the material was pyrolyzed at different heating rates (1, 3, 5, and 7°C min-1) to obtain the BOs. The BOs were purified, and their physical characteristics and chemical composition were determined. Bioactive properties were assessed through tests aimed at investigating antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity against Staphylococcus aureus, anti-Sars-CoV-2 activity, and hemolytic potential. It was observed that lower heating rates resulted in less acidic BOs. Acetic acid, furfural, and o-guaicol stood out as major chemical constituents in the BOs. Concentrations of 2.5% of BO demonstrated antimicrobial and antibiofilm effects. The BO obtained with a heating rate of 5°C min-1 exhibited superior anti-Sars-CoV-2 action and showed no hemolytic effects at a concentration of 1%. These results indicate that BOs from residual biomass of C. sinensis exhibit promising bioactive properties for the development of drugs, cleaning products, and sanitation of hospital environments, among other applications. Furthermore, these findings contribute significantly to scientific and technological advancements in the fields of agricultural and health sciences.
- ItemBiomassa e carbono em plantios de Schizolobium parahyba var. amazonicum sob diferentes espaçamentos em área de pastagem(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-02-22) Delarmelina, William Macedo; Mendonça, Adriano Ribeiro de; Gonçalves, Elzimar de Oliveira; Caldeira, Marcos Vinicius Winckler; Gomes Junior, Diego; Sanquetta, Carlos Roberto; Paula, Ranieri RibeiroCarbon in forest plantations is extremely relevant in environmental and silvicultural issues. The conversion of pastures to forest plantations is among the main strategies to reduce soil carbon losses. Under the hypothesis that higher planting densities influence soil organic carbon, an experiment with Schizolobium parayba var. amazonicum plant in an established pasture area was studied in order to quantify the biomass and carbon stock under different spacing, as well as to evaluate the effect of the trees on the organic carbon of the soil. The experiment is located in IFES-Campus Alegre - ES. Five planting spacings were studied: 3 m x 2 m, 3 m x 3 m, 4 m x 3 m, 4 m x 4 m and 5 m x 5 m, in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The forest inventory of the stand was taken to obtain the dendrometric variables. The biomass and the carbon content were obtained by means of the direct method, contemplating all the compartments of the tree above the ground and root. The organic carbon was determined in the soil, considering the depths 0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, 10-20 cm and 0-20 cm. The C contents and the stable isotope values of carbon (d13C) were obtained by means of the mass spectrometer. Soil density was determined by the volumetric ring method. Values of d13C in soil and senescent leaves of grasses and S. parayba var. amazonicum were used to calculate the proportion of soil carbon derived from grass. It was verified that in the larger spacings (4 m x 4 m and 5 m x 5 m), the plants had the highest average diameters, being 14.29 cm and 14.19 cm, respectively. The inverse was found for height, where the spacing 3 m x 2 m provided the highest mean (13.35 m). The highest levels of carbon in the biomass were found in the bark, branches and leaves, and the lowest content in the stem. The different planting spacings did not influence the carbon content in the wood, however due to the higher planting density, the smaller spacings were responsible for the higher values of biomass and carbon stock above and below the soil for settlement. The study highlights the rapid change in soil carbon origin after the conversion of pasture established for forest plantations with part of the COS originating from the plantations of S. parayba var. amazonicum.
- ItemBiomassa e estoque de carbono em povoamento de Anadenanthera peregrina (L.) Speg sob diferentes espaçamentos(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-01-25) Souza, Paulo Henrique de; Rangel, Otacilio José Passos; Gonçalves, Elzimar de Oliveira; Caldeira, Marcos Vinicius Winckler; Sanquetta, Carlos Roberto; Paula, Ranieri Ribeiro; Klippel, Valéria Hollunder; Mendonça, Adriano Ribeiro deIssues related to climate change and rising temperatures of the Earth's atmosphere have been increasingly discussed all over the planet. In this scenario, the potential of forests to stock carbon in their biomass have been gaining prominence. The objective of this work was to verify the effect of planting spacing on biomass (BIO) and carbon stock (EC) in Anadenanthera peregrina (L.) Speg stands established in pasture area. The research was developed in the experimental area of Ifes Campus de Alegre, in Rive, Alegre, ES, Brazil. The stands were planted in June of 2011 with different spacings (3 x 2, 3 x 3, 4 x 3, 4 x 4 and 5 x 5 m), distributed in three blocks. The forest inventory was carried out to obtain the diameter at 1.30 m from the ground (DAP) and the total height of the trees (Ht) and in the sequence was sampled the BIO above the ground with the selection and felling of 45 trees. From this total, 15 trees had their root system sampled. The necromass of branches on the forest floor was sampled in 15 plots (30 x 50 m) in the area and also the soil at depths 0-5, 5-10 and 10-20 cm in all plots, obtaining the carbon content (TC) and isotopic carbon. From the individual values, regression models were fitted to estimate the population BIO for each tree compartment. The EC was calculated by multiplying BIO by the respective TC of the sample. For soil, the EC was estimated using soil and TC density in the sample. The EC obtained by BIO equations multiplied by the TC determined in the sample was more accurate in relation to the other methods tested. The mean of BIO and total EC above the ground were, respectively, 16.42 and 7.21 Mg ha-1 . The relative participation of the fractions in this total was: branches (44.99%), stem (40.77%), leaves (13.99%) and bark (4.90%). For roots and necromass, the mean of BIO was, respectively, 6.68 and 1.71 Mg ha-1 and, for EC, the means were, respectively, 0.76 and 2.95 Mg ha-1 . The carbon mean contents varied from 43.97% in the leaves to 44.31% in the bark, with a general arithmetic mean of 44.20%. Converting the total value of EC (EC soil + EC BIO + EC necromass) into equivalent carbon dioxide (CO2eq.) is estimated that 1161.12 Mg of CO2 were sequestered from the atmosphere. There was no effect of planting spacing on soil EC and on necromass. After 68 months of implementation of the forest stand, total soil EC was reduced by 22.72%. However, at this age, 20.99% of the soil carbon was originated from A. peregrina trees, replacing the carbon originated from the pasture. There was a tendency of higher amount of BIO and carbon in the trees in the smaller spacings, with reduction of the values in the larger spacings. The soil was the compartment that had the highest percentage of the carbon stocked (70%), followed by aerial biomass (21%), roots (6%) and necromass (3%).
- ItemCARACTERIZAÇÃO DA MADEIRA E DA CASCA DE ÁRVORES DE Khaya grandifoliola C. DC. PARA USOS MÚLTIPLOS(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-08-30) Brito, Alice Soares; Gonçalves, Fabricio Gomes;;;;; Lelis, Roberto Carlos Costa;;; Segundinho, Pedro Gutemberg de Alcântara;;; Lopes, Dercilio Junior Verly;;; Lopez, Yonny Martinez;; objective of the study was to characterize the physical-mechanical properties of Khaya grandifoliola wood, coming from thinning in commercial plantation at 10 years of age, as well as to evaluate the strength of glued joints of this wood in different glued faces, using four adhesives. The objective was also to produce and physically and mechanically qualify particleboard, homogeneous and mixed, associated with pine wood particles and, finally, to quantify the yield of condensed tannins obtained from the bark of trees, with the addition of two salts, in different concentrations. Five trees were sampled, and discs were removed from them at 1,3 m from the ground (DBH) and at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the commercial height of each tree to carry out the physical characterization of the wood. Of the 5 trees, the first short piece (base-DBH) was used for mechanical characterization, the third piece (25%-50%) for bonding the joints and the last piece (75-100%) for the production of particleboards. From the disc peels, tannins were extracted. The results showed that the wood of K. grandifoliola studied is of low density, being moderately dimensionally stable and, sometimes, of low mechanical strength. The species showed potential for making glued products, especially on the tangential/radial sides and using the melamine-urea-formaldehyde adhesive. The wood, from thinning, still has promising potential for the production of particleboards, being perceived that the inclusion of african mahogany particles resulted, in general, in panels with greater dimensional stability and better mechanical properties. As for the tannin extraction, the addition of 3% sodium sulfite to the extract provided the best average of condensed tannins, which was equal to 10,07%.
- ItemCiclagem de nutrientes em diferentes condições edafoclimáticas em trecho de Floresta Ombrófila Densa(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-08-22) Castro, Kallil Chaves; Mendonça, Eduardo de Sá; Pezzopane, José Eduardo Macedo; Caldeira, Marcos Vinicius Winckler; Dias, Henrique Machado; Burak, Diego Lang; Pereira, Marcos Gervasio; Godinho, Tiago de OliveiraIn general, the soil receives several influences during the processes of weathering: climate, organisms, landscape and material of origin, that over the time are important factors in it formation. Their interaction with vegetation and climate, and how these factors contribute to the nutrients cycling, give scope for even more elucidative research. In this way, this study aimed to investigate soil formation, nutrient cycling dynamics and the relation in the plant-soil system through microbial activity. The study was carried out in a section of Tropical Montane Rain Forest located in the Caparaó National Park, where seven plots were implanted. For the classification of soils, trenches were opened in seven plots implanted in the study area, and morphological, physical and chemical analyzes were performed for each profile and later classified according to the Brazilian Soil Classification System. Microbiological activity in the surface layer of soils was also studied by enzymatic activity (Urease, ßGlucosity and Phosphatase), microbial biomass, and soil carbon and nitrogen. The study of nutrient cycling was carried out with litterfall and leaf decomposition. The collection and litter were carried out monthly during January 2013 and December 2016. The deposited litter was separated into fraction: Leaves and Other Materials. The deposited litter fractions and the accumulated litter were taken to the laboratory and the chemical analyzes of macronutrients, lignin, cellulose and total polyphenols were performed by season. The litter and the constant and decomposition were correlated with the environmental data. Six different types of soils were classified, distributed in three distinct classes: Latosols, Cambisols and Organosols. The soils were mostly shallow, low fertility and high organic matter content. The production of litter showed to be like the one of the four years of studies, however, the accumulation of litter reduced to the second year. There was a reduction in the contribution of the fractions during autumn and winter, and there was no seasonal difference for the accumulation of biomass. In relation to the contents of C, N, and P, they did not present a marked seasonality for the leaves fraction and the Other 9 Materials Fraction. Higher P contents were observed for the Other Materials Fraction. The content of C varied in accumulated litter, mainly in winter. The total polyphenols content was mainly in the leaves fraction and the C:N, Polyphenols:N, Lignin:N and Lignin + Cellulose:N ratio were positively correlated with the altitudinal gradient. Microbiological activity in the soils was seasonal and influenced by the altitudinal alteration, correlating strongly with carbon and nitrogen in the summer and winter of the superficial layer of the soils. Both the microbiological activity when the carbon and nitrogen contents were correlated mainly with the chemical characteristics of the plant material deposited and accumulated in the study area, indicating a strong relationship between the vegetation and the microbiological community.
- ItemConservação Ex Situ E Tolerância À Dessecação Em Sementes De Lecythis Pisonis Cambess(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-02-23) Araujo, Caroline Palacio de; Alexandre, Rodrigo Sobreira;;;;; Santos, Heloisa Oliveira dos;;; Lopes, José Carlos;;; Pereira, Wilson Vicente Souza ;;; Maciel, Khétrin Silva ;; species Lecythis pisonis Cambess. is a chestnut tree belonging to the Lecythidaceae family, commonly found in the Atlantic Forest and Amazon biomes. Studies related to its propagation and ex situ conservation are important, contributing to the protection of its genetic resources over time. This research answers important questions related to the propagation of the seminiferous species L. pisonis, whose objectives were a) Chapter I – to study fixed temperatures and thermal shocks at different exposure times on the physiology of seeds and initial growth of L. pisonis seedlings; b) chapter II – analyze the influence of seed size and shading on seedling emergence and the phenotypic and photosynthetic plasticity of L. pisonis seedlings; c) chapter III – analyze tolerance to desiccation and maintenance of seed viability of the chestnut tree L. pisonis; and d) chapter IV – analyze the physiological quality of L. pisonis seeds during ex situ storage under different temperature conditions and time variations. Chapter I was divided into experiment 1 (fixed temperatures 30; 35; 40; 45 and 50 °C and thermal shocks at temperatures 30-35; 30-40; 30-45; 30-50; 35-40; 35-45; 35-50; 40-45; 40-50 and 45-50 °C at exposure times of 20 h/4 h and 21 h/3 h) and experiment 2 (fixed temperatures 30 and 45 °C and thermal shock 30-45 °C at exposure times 23.5 h/0.5 h; 23 h/1 h; 22 h/2 h; 21 h/3 h; 19 h/5 h; 18 h/6 h and 17 h/7 h ). Both were conducted in a completely randomized design, with four replications of 25 seeds each, totaling 100 seeds/treatment. In Chapter II, the treatments were arranged in a randomized block design and split-plot system, analyzing seed mass (small: 4 to 5.9 g; medium: 6 to 7.9 g and large: 8 to 9.9 g) x reduction in light capacity (0; 30; 50; 70 and 80%), using four repetitions of 25 seeds each, totaling 100 seeds/treatment. In Chapter III, the treatments were arranged in a randomized block design, consisting of treatments with different water contents in the seeds (30%, 15%, 10%, and 4%). Then, part of the seeds with a water content of 4% was stored in aluminum containers for three months at freezer (-20) and ultrafreezer (-86 °C) temperatures. Each treatment consisted of 100 seeds, organized in four replications of 25 seeds each. Chapter IV was divided into two storage experiments, with L. pisonis seeds placed in Kraft Nat® paper bags (jute bags) measuring 23.5 x 10 x 31.5 cm and stored in germination chambers of the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) type, at temperature and relative humidity of 25 °C (RH = 63%); 6 °C (RH = 49%); 2 °C (RH = 31%) and -6 °C (RH = 10%), with the emergence of experiment 1 conducted in BOD and that of experiment 2 in a greenhouse. In Chapter, I, experiment 1 presented efficient results when exposing L. pisonis seeds to thermal shock 30-45 °C (20 h/4 h) and in experiment 2, when subjecting the seeds to thermal shock 30-45 °C (21h/3h). In both cases, there was high seedling emergence, high vigor, and an efficient antioxidant system, with increased activity of the enzymes SOD, CAT, and APX. In Chapter II, it was observed that large seeds showed the highest seedling emergence (83.9%) when exposed to shading of 49.32% (~50%). In Chapter III, seedling emergence decreased depending on the water content in the seeds (30>15>10>4%), varying between 88 and 64% emergence, respectively, which were classified as intermediate seeds. In Chapter IV, experiment 1 obtained greater germination (95%) and seedling emergence (65%) in seeds stored at 2 °C for 11 months. For experiment 2, seeds stored at a temperature of 6 °C achieved seedling emergence rates greater than 70% for most months of storage. It is concluded in Chapter I that the thermal shock of 30-45 °C at exposure times of 20 h/4 h and 21 h/3 h are optimal for the emergence of L. pisonis seedlings. In Chapter II, the use of large seeds (8 to 9.9 g) and 50% shading is recommended for the emergence of L. pisonis seedlings. In Chapter III, it is concluded that L. pisonis seeds have intermediate characteristics. In Chapter IV, it is concluded that it is possible to preserve L. pisonis seeds for one year in storage at a temperature of 6 °C, which are classified as intermediate seeds. Keywords: seeds, germination, oilseed plants, seed storage, seed physiology.
- ItemCrescimento, transpiração e vulnerabilidade à restrição hídrica em plantas jovens de clones de Eucalyptus(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-02-23) Santos, Aline Ramalho dos; Pezzopane, Jose Eduardo Macedo;;;;; Cairo, Paulo Araquém Ramos;;; Xavier, Talita Miranda Teixeira;;; Pezzopane, José Ricardo Macedo;;; Bucci, Sandra JanetThe availability of soil water is one of the main drivers of forest productivity. However, recent projections indicate that climatic extremes, such as severe droughts, are predicted for future decades, associated with global climate change, potentially affecting the development and permanence of tree species in natural environments. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the growth, transpiration and vulnerability to water restriction of three Eucalyptus clones. The thesis was structured in two chapters. Chapter 1 quantified the growth and actual transpiration rate of Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus grandis clones. The results indicated that the growth curves follow a model with a sigmoidal trend. Eucalyptus clones show differences in CO2 assimilation efficiency, where clone A211 reached the highest net photosynthetic rates. For the apparent quantum yield the best averages were observed for I144 and CO1407. Biomass production and partitioning were higher for clone I144 and A211. These differences stem from the efficiency with which plants can convert and assimilate light through photosynthesis. Regarding water use efficiency, clones A211 and CO1407 showed higher biomass yield per gram of transpired water. A gradual increase in water consumption of Eucalyptus clones was observed, where the maximum values were reached in the period in which the plants reached high leaf area values. The volume of water consumed at the end of 1689 accumulated degree-days was higher for clone I144. It was also verified that the expansion of the leaf area boosted transpiration and greater efficiency in the use of the balance of energy in the process of water loss from the plants. Chapter 2 aimed to characterize the hydraulic architecture and vulnerability of young Eucalyptus plants to drought, in order to predict responses to fluctuations in water availability. The results indicated that the evaluated Eucalyptus genetic materials are highly vulnerable to cavitation. The water transport capacity of the plants was significantly reduced, due to the systemic failure of the vascular system. It was also observed that the hydraulic compromise restricted the photosynthetic performance, the stomatal conductance and the transpiration of the plants during episodes of severe drought. In addition, it limited the heat dissipation and evaporative cooling processes of the leaves.
- ItemDESENVOLVIMENTO, MATURAÇÃO E GERMINAÇÃO IN VITRO DE SEMENTES, E EMBRIOGÊNISE SOMÁTICA DE Euterpe edulis MARTIUS(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-02-28) Mello, Tamyris de; Alexandre, Rodrigo Sobreira;;;;; Otoni, Wagner Campos;;; Santos, Heloisa Oliveira dos;;; Carvalho, Virginia Silva;;; Schmildt, Edilson Romais; species Euterpe edulis Martius, is a palm belonging to the Arecaceae family, popularly known as juçara, it is widely distributed in the Atlantic Forest. In recent decades this palm tree has been exploited for its palm heart, and the fact that it grows