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Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito Processual
Centro: CCJE
Telefone: (27) 4009 7723
URL do programa: http://www.direito.ufes.br/pt-br/pos-graduacao/PPGDIR
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- ItemTensões entre discursividade e eficácia no processo civil : aplicação da contraposição habermasiana entre razão instrumental e razão comunicativa ao direito(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-06-20) Durço, Karol Araújo; Luchi, José Pedro; Rodrigues, Marcelo Abelha; Pinho, Humberto Dalla Bernardina de
- ItemPoderes instrutórios do juiz no processo de conhecimento(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-07-01) Xavier, Trícia Navarro; Jorge, Flávio Cheim; Schneider, Edgar; Pinho, Humberto Dalla Bernardina deEvidence law constitutes a procedural institute of great relevance, since it is designated to demonstrate the judge about the procedural truth which will serve as a basis for his sureness. Considering that the contemporary procedural law has been developing in order to give process the task of not only applying the material rights, but also applying the constitutional axiological load, the role of the judge in this intent has been very important, since it has been given to him – the judge – powers until then non-existent on procedural law – since this procedural law was always destined to solve private relations –, to give an answer to what doctrine has been calling “procedural publicization”. The probational field has been through great impact because of this paradigm change, and the judge, when it concerns to gather the proofs, started to have an active role when confronted to the eventual obstacles in the search of the truth. It is this probative initiative that will be subject to analysis, in its main meanings, with a different view of the contemporary position of the Brazilian doctrine. The main goal is to make jurists start to understand the judge’s finding of facts power in another way, in order to heat up the debates over the subject. The methodology applied, as a scientific method, was the deductive-dialectic one and, as an approach method, the descriptive historicexploratory of a quantum-qualitative bibliographical-documental method (context analysis). The research was developed basically by means of theoretical and literary revision argumentation, of national and foreign written works, since, as it was already mentioned, in the Brazilian judiciary system, when it concerns to the evidence field, it is constituted by the junction of the civil and common law systems. The results gathered were, by means of a critical analysis of the doctrine about the subject, the establishment of new solutions to the most intriguing questions. The conclusion of the studies was to demystify the limits imposed nowadays to the judge’s active role and to demonstrate that his finding of facts powers are very wide and many times decisive to an adequate jurisdictional use, in the new constitutional forms.
- ItemCompetência da justiça do trabalho para o julgamento de lides de natureza jurídica penal trabalhista(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-07-04) Colnago, Lorena de Mello Rezende; Zaganelli, Margareth Vetis; Rabelo, Manoel Alves; Feliciano, Guilherme Guimarães
- ItemControle judicial do ato administrativo praticado com base em dispositivo legal contendo conceito jurídico indeterminado(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-08-08) Silva, Thais Prata da; Guimarães, Jader Ferreira; Rabelo, Manoel Alves; Cammarosano, MárcioThe objective of this work is to study the judicial control of administrative action practiced on the basis of indeterminate legal concepts. First, it seeks to develop the fundamental concepts of administrative activity, such as the administrative action and its elements, as well as defining the real meaning of the bonded and discretionary acts, important clarifications to enter within the jurisdictional control of administrative law. Secondly, it seeks to defend the framework of the referred concepts based on foreign law, particularly German, Spanish, Portuguese, and Brazilian law both in the field of bonded and discretionary acts. The juridical administrative principles serve to guide the resolution of the issue emphasizing the principles of legality, reasonability, proportionality, and morality. Furthermore the work aims to demonstrate the powers and the limits of judicial power to achieve control of the administrative action introducing the legislative techniques used in achieving justice such as the use of vague concepts, genre of indeterminate legal concept types, and general clauses. Lastly follows an analysis of judicial control of administrative action practiced on the basis of indeterminate legal concepts, differentiating the discretionary act from indeterminate legal concepts. Accordingly, we conclude that the indeterminate concepts require an interpretation that, once verified in the concrete case, are susceptible to control by the judiciary by understanding that the vagueness contained in the norm does not withdraw the bonding power, unlike what happens in the discretionary actions which the majority of the time are not control susceptible.
- ItemObstáculos a efetividade do laudo arbitral final do CIRCI - Centro Internacional para a Resolução de Controvérsias sobre Investimentos do Banco Mundial : as imunidades estatais(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-08-11) Soares, Mario Cezar Pedrosa; Moschen, Valesca Raizer Borges; Rodrigues, Marcelo Abelha; Menezes, WagnerThe study about the effectiveness of the final award uttered in the ambit ICSID – International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes of the World Bank is current because a great flow of private foreign investment exists in activities that used to be monopolies of States. On the one hand, by means of privatizations, the public entity granted the private sector a chance to exploit and invest in areas that were exclusive of the State. On the other hand, the State plays an important role, acting as a regulator in this process. Usually, there is a long-term relationship between the recipient State and the foreign investor because the investors, at the outset, need to disburse a great amount of resources; and most often, the expected profits will not come in so fast. Many times the contracts between the State and the foreign investor are easily modifiable in favor of the States, either by political or market reasons. Governments still breach what they previously accorded, using its sovereignty and eminent domain power to expropriate private property, or to cancel concessions without just compensation. Nevertheless, it is necessary the implementation of reliable mechanisms for the pacification of such relationships representing the legitimate interests of both the State and the foreign investor. Additionally, in order to achieve a better result, it is mandatory that any regulatory institute be independent, impartial, not subject to outside influence, fast, and effective. Therefore, the present work will study the following topics: 1) the evolution of the foreign investments, analyzing the protection and promotion treaties; 2) the Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) of and the respective contractual issues; 3) the parties involved in this process; and 4) the procedures of the ICSID In sum, the major objective here is to assess how effective is the decision rendered in arbitration against sovereign states coupled with their governmental immunity system and the mechanisms adopted by the ICSID.
- ItemGarantia judicial de crédito tributário definitivo : o direito à expedição de certidão positiva de débito tributário com efeitos de negativa como produto processual de análise constitucional do artigo 206 do código tributário nacional(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-08-15) Mansur, Augusto de Andrade; Moussallem, Tárek Moysés; Rodrigues, Marcelo Abelha; Conrado, Paulo CésarQuesto studio analizza il articolo 206 del CTN secondo il dovere di debito processo legale e la isonomia destinati ai tribunati. Per entrambi, prendere in considerazione dello carattere costitutivo della linguaggio circa il dati transformati per la ragione per mettere a fuoco il diritto positivo come manifestazione linguista con compozicione di unite normative, stato, nesse senso, esposta le informazione di carattere formale necessarie per affrontar la questione relativa allo titolo della dissertacione. Nella sequenza, tali premesse usate per descrivere i pertinenti fenomeni giuridico di ordine tributaria e processale. Con base nelle conclusioni parziali raggiungita in ogni momento specífico, il problema-oggetto saró afrontado, stato indicata sua rizolucione giuridica per i tribunati.
- ItemA função social do processo no estado democrático de direito à luz da teoria dos princípios de Ronald Dworkin e da teoria do discurso de Jürgen Habermas(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-08-15) Malaquias, Roberto Antônio Darós; Luchi, José Pedro; Zaganelli, Margareth Vetis; Pinho, Humberto Dalla Bernardina deThe social role of a legal process is a very important issue to society, but it is little discussed concerning practical results inserted in the population’s daily lives. This is where authorities of constituted powers have treated indifferently the disappointing verification that the result of procedural activity has been insufficient towards the social effect goal. This suppresses the reason of being of this instrument, that is, its unique social relevance concerning pacification of the community. This study presents a theme that encourages the reader to “dive” into a discussion addressing the understanding of the actual role of legal processes in the Democratic State of Law in light of the Theory of Principles by Ronald Dworkin and the Discourse Theory by Jürgen Habermas. The study does not aim at comparing these theories or analyzing specific procedural institutions, but demonstrating the contributions achieved and their potentials through the reading of these two philosophical currents, focusing on the procedural effectiveness. It makes a parallel analysis of individuals’ rights to access justice, searching for harmony in the community they live and perform their activities. Ronald Dworkin presents the Theory of Principles, which approaches several central aspects of problems in constant analyses by specialists in contemporary law. These include the elaboration of the concept of law, its application processes and validity, basing its thesis on a juridical system known as “common law”. Jürgen Habermas presents the Discourse Theory, which aims at clarifying which conditions are necessary for a democratic legitimation of the law. His theory has normative pretensions. It tries to transcend the negative aspect of modernity to implement a democratic project in the extent of law, that is, its critics to Luhmann, Dworkin and Alexy’s theories, including the role of law, of the public sphere and of the political system, are reconstructed in the milestone of Discursive Theory. It is concluded that we need to search for a new profile of speed trial in procedural law in order to respond to social needs without messy, precipitate procedures or summary trials, respecting constitutional warranties and presenting the two philosophical currents analyzed in this study.
- ItemA boa-fé objetiva no processo civil : a teoria dos modelos de Miguel Reale aplicada à jurisprudência brasileira contemporânea(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-08-15) Santos, Leide Maria Gonçalves; Lima Neto, Francisco Vieira; Zaneti Júnior, Hermes; Vincenzi, Brunela Vieira deLo scopo principale di questo lavoro è quello di presentare la buona fede oggettiva come paradigma reggente dei rapporti intersoggettivi nel campo del Diritto Processuale Civile dimostrando il superamento dell’ applicazione rigorosa delle tecniche processuali dall’influso dei valori sociali, politici e culturali. La nuova sfumatura impressa dalla buona fede oggettiva nel campo del Diritto Processuale Civile stabilisce un modello oggettivo di condotta sociale segnato dalla lealtà e dalla probità che impera come standard giuridico per tutti coloro che partecipano del rapporto giuridico processuale. Le garanzie costituzionali processuali, espressione dello Stato Democratico di Diritto, sono ottimizzate attraverso le regole stabilite dalla buona fede oggettiva come norme che regolano la dialetticità del contraddittorio segnato dalla cooperazione leale e proba. La buona fede oggettiva, come causola generale effettivata nell’art. 14, inciso II del Codice di procedura civile, irradisce il suo costrutto in tutti gli espettri del Processo civile attraverso i modelli giuridici costruiti dalla giurisprudenza con l’uso della Topica, portando un nuovo raggio di luce per il raggiungimento dell’effettività della prestazione della tutela giurisdizionale.
- ItemO custo do exame de DNA como obstáculo ao acesso à justiça nas ações de investigação de paternidade(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-08-25) Paixão, Antonio Côrtes da; Herkenhoff, João Baptista; Zaganelli, Margareth Vetis; Zaneti Júnior, Hermes; Leite, Eduardo de Oliveira
- ItemAs razões de flexibilização dos efeitos da decisão de Inconstitucionalidade(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-08-28) Cabral, Michelle Freire; Castellanos, Angel Rafael Mariño; Rodrigues, Marcelo Abelha; Jeveaux, Geovany CardosoThe study deals with the matter of the Supreme Court judicial review decision-making and its time effects modulation. It starts, in chapter one, an approach towards Constitutionalism and Constitution, emphasizing, between its characteristics, normative immortality and political unavailability. Later on, in chapter two, it introduces considerations towards Constitutional Jurisdiction and some models of judicial review in alien Law. It exposes all judicial review evolution and, mainly judicial review in Brazil, since the Empire’s Constitution to the end of the military period. It explains the actual 1988 Republican Constitution model. In chapter tree, it addresses some characteristics of the Constitutional Process, its parties, tools and premises, the effects of judicial review decision-making and, mainly, its time efficacy and the development in foreign Law of judicial review decision-making techniques and its justifications. It punctuates, in chapter four, the Supreme Court function as the guardian of the Constitution, under the vigilance of the Law # 9.868/99 and fixates the motives of judicial review decision-making gelatinization and time efficacy modulation in the National Judicial System. Various methods were used to develop such work. They are: the historical; the juridical-comparative; the dogmatic and the argumentative. It concludes that the invalidity of an unconstitutional law is a Constitutional Principle, but may be rejected when in confrontation with some other superior constitutional principle.
- ItemReclamação : instrumento de efetividade da jurisdição constitucional do STF(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-08-29) Limonge, Aroldo; Rabelo, Manoel Alves; Rodrigues, Marcelo Abelha; Paixão Junior, Manoel Galdino daThis dissertation is about the importance of how the Reclamation is an way of the effectiveness affirmation of the Supreme Federal Court decisions.Intents to emphasize the contribution of the constitutional remedy to the radius act extension of the Constitutional Brasilian Court in a mission to make prevalent, in the hierarchy plan, the respect of their pronouncement. Point the utilization of their continental platform to the Supreme Court to actuate and make prosper the vinculant effect and detach the aplication of the fungibility principle in a way of the afirmative actuation of the constitutional jurisdictional function.
- ItemA tutela executiva pecuniária no direito ambiental : um enfoque sobre a responsabilidade patrimonial e a solvabilidade do poluidor.(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-10-03) Amigo, Bianca Neves; Rodrigues, Marcelo Abelha; Jorge, Flávio Cheim; Watanabe, KazuoThis work intent to study about the best ways to give effectively to the environment execution. Beginning with the relation man-nature, looks to establish a historical analyze about the relationship between men and the environment from antiquity till today. Verify that man has been wrongly appropriated of the natural elements and caused an environmental damages. Asseverate that the environmental is a fundamental right that belongs to all the present and the future citizens, and that’s why all kinds of nature subtractions must be repaired. Certify that the best way to protect the environmental is prevent damages, but if these have been occurred and the environmental couldn’t be repaired in natura, the quantity execution must be used. In front of the obstacles in achieve an efficient execution, study ways that might brings an effectiveness environmental damages reparation.
- ItemA extensão do efeito devolutivo da apelação cível(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-10-03) Silveira, Bernardo Bastos; Jorge, Flávio Cheim; Rodrigues, Marcelo Abelha; Watanabe, KazuoThis work analyse the civil appelation´s devolutive effect in the extension view. With this, intent to demonstrate the objective limits that are imposed to the ad quem court, that, in determination of the dispositive principle, links the impugnation formulated by the appellant. Therefore, a brief study about sentence chapters and their relation with the extension of the devolutive effect delineated by the loser are exposed, showing the consequences of the partial appel action, observed in the process and, mainly, in the appelation field.
- ItemProcesso tributário coletivo : uma tentativa de sitematização da tutela dos 'direitos individuais homogênios' no âmbito fiscal(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2009-04-24) Ferreira Neto, Osly da Silva; Moussallem, Tárek Moysés; Zaneti Junior, Hermes; Conrado, Paulo Cesar
- ItemSubstituição processual conglobante : novas observações sobre a substituição processual nos processos coletivos e a necessidade de controle judicial da legitimação adequada e da adequada representação(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2009-05-12) Guerra, Márcia Vitor de Magalhães e; Zaneti Júnior, Hermes; Mendes, Aluisio Gonçalves de Castro; Mitidiero, Daniel; Rodrigues, Marcelo AbelhaPresents a new perspective of the institute of the replacement procedure in collective processes, from the dynamic reality of the so-called civil procedure constitutional, sensitive to the influences of the tradition of common Law in its structure, and the formalism-value, understood as a new phase of the methodological process. In this context, organizes a new profile of procedural legitimacy, correlated with the content of our hybrid civil procedure and its consequences in the design of ontological institute. This new profile includes the adequate legitimacy and adequate representation as appropriate ways to overcome what, at first, was considered as a major revolution in procedural collective Brazilian procedural legitimacy, the legitimacy legal, ope legis. That is, initially set up a model in which the legitimate entities enjoy the presumption of adequate representation, based on a pre-established value of the legislature, with the characteristic of being a model of mixed public legitimacy (model state) and organizations (organizational model). The results show that this model is no longer maintains because of the new prospects, indicating that the model proposes in this research is more appropriate to scope of civil collective. Apply the control of the adequacy of representation, of course, implies other problems that are visualized from the moment that draws the profile of action of the main entities legitimized. The legitimacy on collective action is the subject that has evolved in a collective process and in the Brazilian law, in particular, but still needs to mature to the appropriate setting of its contours. There is grace in relation to legislative establishment of objective criteria to enable judge, from the constitutional order, bring the legitimacy (the first step, as an abstract control of the law), for then, from the analysis of the case to exercise control of the adequate representation of the individual or entity legitimized.
- ItemA prova no processo coletivo : teoria dos modelos da prova aplicada ao processo coletivo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2009-05-12) Gomes, Camilla de Magalhães; Zaneti Júnior, Hermes; Mitidiero, Daniel Francisco; Mendes, Aluisio Gonçalves de CastroThe essay has the purpose of presenting the model of proof and proof proceeding adapted to Brazilian procedure, more precisely to collective litigation procedure. It is developed from some basic premises, which are the constitutional interpretation of process, the “formalismovalorativo” and the procedural principiology. On the first part, starting from the acknowledgment of the historical and cultural character of Law, it aims to expose the subject of the systems and models of proof. The study of the models of proof shows, in contrast, the classic and modern models of proof and the adequacy of that first to the new methodology of Civil Procedure. The building of the new argumentative-cooperative model demands the recognition of process as a fundamental right and as the center of Civil Procedure science, along with the necessary change of the paradigms of Civil Procedure. From this new model, a new interpretation is searched for the principles and rules of Civil Procedure and, particularly, collective litigation procedure. Therefore, it matters to analyze some of the principles that are characteristic of the class actions micro-system, proving the direct influence of this new outline of thought on the collective litigation procedure. The purpose is to situate the collective actions on this new methodologic phase and to open the way for the following analysis, the one of the rules of proof. With a critic view are analyzed and reformulated the following fundamental issues: a) the organization of procedure and the preliminary hearing as moments of defining and delimitation of the “problem”; b) the alter of the paradigms that involve the petition and its basis; c) the burden of proof, its inversion, distribution and the moment of the decision for both with the corresponding opportunity to produce the evidence; d) the interpretation of the rule of collateral sttopel secundum eventum probationis faced with the methodology and rationality of the micro-system; e) the evaluation of the proof taken on civil investigation and f) possible solutions and innovations brought by the proposals of legislative alter on the issue. Only with the due identification of the Brazilian model of proof and a regime of proof procedure of its own it is be possible to give the correct guidance to the existing legislation and to those ones which intention is to introduce in the system.
- ItemDireito, processo e justiça : o processo como mediador adequado entre o direito e a justiça(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2009-05-13) Madureira, Claudio Penedo; Lima Neto, Francisco Vieira; Zaneti Júnior, Hermes; Luchi, José Pedro; Mitidiero, Daniel FranciscoThe objective of this search is investigate if (and how) the justice can accomplish in the action at law. We leave of the premise that the concretion of this singular theoretical aspiration cannot only be reached and from the mitigation of the procedural formalism for the accomplishment of the substantial right deduced in Judgment, given the understanding that the activity of the jurist, mainly that one exerted in procedural environment, it exceeds to the application mechanics of a preexisting right material. Therefore we consider that justice even so show like resulted of transcendents rational valuations to the positive law, conceived in the context of the reconstruction of the positive law for the interpreters in the scope of its application. And that similar intellective activity, to legitimize itself democratically in the action at law (or that it is accepted for the contenders as something just), it demands of the judge considers and values of the proposals presented for all interested parties in the formation of the judgment. Similar theoretical configuration characterizes the process as surrounding democratic and dialogic, and it (process) confers the quality of privileged forum for the reconnect between the Law and the justice.
- ItemAção revocatória falimentar(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2009-06-17) Fazolo, Gisele; Berger, Dora; Jorge, Flavio Cheim; Marques, Luciano MarchesiThe Bankruptancy Revocatory Action inserts itself in the context of the bankruptancy process and it depends on the decretory bankruptcy judicial decision to have pertinence, for that, the present study begins with bankruptancy law notion and, soon afterwards, applicable principles to the bankruptancy process. The Action, object of this study, is to turn ineffective acts in relation to the bankrupted object and it possesses two possible modalities: Revocatory Action for Inefficacy of the Act and Revocatory Action for Repeal of Acts, foreseen in the articles 129 and 130 of the Law 11.101/2005, respectively. Besides the common dispositions to the two modalities of actions, the differences among them are approached, and, finally, it is made a comparison between the Bankruptancy Repeal Action and the Civil Revocatory Action (Pauliana Action), as well as the possibility or non of changeble and cumulativity among the Bankruptancy Revocatory Action and the Civil Revocatory Action in the Bankruptcy Court.
- ItemTutela antecipada em face do poder público sob o enfoque dos direitos fundamentais(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2009-06-19) Bernardo, Jefferson Antônio Rodrigues; Rabelo, Manoel Alves; Zaneti Junior, Hermes; Jeveaux, Geovany Cardoso
- ItemAção popular e processo : a efetivação dos direitos fundamentais(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2009-06-25) Morais, Leandro Barbosa; Castellanos, Angel Rafael Mariño; Rodrigues, Marcelo Abelha; Jeveaux, Geovany Cardoso